Ableism: Lived Experiences of Selected Physically Disabled People in Santo Tomas Batangas

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Proposed Title: 

“Ableism: Lived Experiences of Selected Physically Disabled People in

Santo Tomas Batangas”

A Research Paper 

Presented to Practical Research 1 Teacher

Chan, Sean Kyan 

Chavez, Cheska 

Hernandez, Alnie 

Himan, Genrik 

Mantes, Jess 

Perez, Catherine 
A.Y 2023 - 2024 
Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

Background of the Study

Disability is part of being human. Almost everyone will temporarily or permanently

experience disability at some point in their life. An estimated 1.3 billion people – about 16%

of the global population currently experience significant disability. This number is increasing

due in part to population ageing and an increase in the prevalence of noncommunicable


Disability results from the interaction between individuals with a health condition,

such as cerebral palsy, down syndrome and depression, with personal and environmental

factors including negative attitudes, inaccessible transportation and public buildings, and

limited social support.

A person’s environment has a huge effect on the experience and extent of disability.

Inaccessible environments create barriers that often hinder the full and effective participation

of persons with disabilities in society on an equal basis with others. Progress on improving

social participation can be made by addressing these barriers and facilitating persons with

disabilities in their day to day lives (WHO, 2020).

The number of people with disabilities is continuously growing over the past few

decades. The figure is expected to increase due to population aging, with a resultant increase

in chronic health conditions. The health of people with disabilities is a relatively neglected
and ignored area. Further, the disabled face poor access to healthcare and frequently

encounter discrimination or stigmatization. These situations make them more vulnerable to

many comorbidities in their health, making severe compromises in their quality of life.

Therefore, people with disabilities need special healthcare than people without disabilities.

There is a need for sensitization of all health-care providers to ensure quality, affordable, and

accessible health-care services for people with disabilities (Senjam & Singh, 2020).

There is a significant gap in employment between people with and without

disabilities, despite the importance of work in achieving their independence, autonomy, and

integration into society. There are several reasons that cause this gap to exist, such as: people

with disabilities feel less prepared, there is a stigma or discrimination to hire people with

disabilities and the incompatibility of schedules due to medical issues, among others. That is

why entrepreneurship emerges as a good option for the integration of people with disabilities

in our society, improves their confidence and promotes some of the Sustainable Development

Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda. According to existing literature, people with disabilities

have certain virtues such as resilience and motivation that favor entrepreneurship (Macías,

Fernández & Vieites, 2022).

The Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled (PSED), a dataset consisting of a

nationally representative sample of individuals with disabilities in South Korea was used. The

researchers found that discrimination had a negative effect on the life satisfaction of people

with disabilities. The researchers also found that discrimination had a negative influence on
disability acceptance. And finally, this study found a partially mediating effect of disability

acceptance between discrimination and the life satisfaction of people with disabilities.

Implications for practice and policy are discussed (Kim, 2021).

Individuals with disabilities reported significantly higher levels of violence than those

without. Specifically, individuals reporting a mental disability reported higher levels of

violence and discrimination. Significant gender differences were found with regard to type of

violence: while men with disabilities were more likely to report physical violence, women

with disabilities were more likely to report major sexual violence, humiliation and

discrimination. Neither severity nor visibility of disability was found to be a significant factor

for risk of violence (Dammeyer & Chapman, 2018).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the lived experiences of the chosen physically disabled
individuals in Santo Tomas Batangas.

 More specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions: 

1. To determine the nature of ableism.

2. To find out the challenges faced of the chosen physically disabled people. 

3. To know the issues with discrimination towards persons with disabilities. 

Research Gap

Numerous amounts of studies regarding about the topic ableism are published up to

this date. Still, most of the studies are only focused on other countries since, most of the

authors, whose nationality are from other countries, tend to focus on their countries itself.
Only a few have produced studies about ableism in the Philippines providing no specific data

and result from our country itself (V. Beasly, 2020). Furthermore, there are no studies about

ableism in Batangas. Therefore, through this study, we aim to address these gaps in research

in order to provide a deeper understand and knowledge about ableism and the lived

experiences of the physically disabled people in Santo Tomas Batangas.

A recent study regarding the addressing the health needs of people with disabilities in

India poor to provide the lived experiences of the people with disabilities and the study

conducted tend to show only the gaps of the study which is the health needs of the people and

disabilities and do not interview the people with physical disabilities to know the experiences

(Senjam, & Singh,2020)

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to know the lived experiences of the physically disabled

people in Santo Tomas Batangas. This study about ableism can be used as an approach to

emphasize its impact on the being of a person with mental condition. It is rarely talked about

but is often being used by other people without being unaware. It has been a growing issue

and has been moving in an insidious way. The goal of this study is to enlighten the

beneficiaries of the study about what is ableism and to help the people with health conditions

to raise awareness about their struggles.

The researchers also wish that the findings and result of the study will help and

be applied to the given beneficiaries of the study since the study is about ableism and the
lived experiences of the disabled people and it can serve as a reference on what actions to do

in the future.

More specifically, this study would be a great contribution to the following:

PEOPLE WITH HEALTH CONDITIONS. They are the main targets of this study. By the

use of this study, it will help them raise and make their voices be known to others. This study

will be beneficial for them because they are the ones being talked about, and through this

study, it can raise awareness about their lived experiences, and get the attention they needed.

STUDENTS. The result of the study will be beneficial to the students as this study will help

them strengthen and expand their knowledge regarding the lived experiences of the

physically disabled people and the findings of the study will benefit the students to educate

students about the people with congenital disease. This will enlighten students about the

effects of discrimination and challenges to the people with inborn physical disabilities.

PROFESSORS. This study will be helpful to the teachers in informing them the issues

regarding the experiences of people with congenital disability as they are also the ones who

has the right to discipline and educate the students around the people with physical

disabilities. It can also be beneficial to the teachers, as it can be their reference if they

encountered a student with a congenital disability.

PARENTS. This study is beneficial for parents as this study will give awareness to the

parents regarding the experiences of people with inborn physical disabilities. With enough

knowledge, parents can think of how they can educate their children whenever they are

around with people who has physical disabilities. Also, this study can be helpful for the
parents whose children have disabilities. By this study, they can understand more about what

ableism is and the lived experienced of their child.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study will be a helpful reference for students who will

intend to conduct related research precisely Ableism: Lived Experiences of Selected

Physically Disabled People and it will be helpful for future searchers who plan to expand

more regarding the lived experiences of the physically disabled people. This study can also

be their foundation to provide and improve to find more discoveries and results of this topic

or topics related to ableism.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The general aim of this study is to determine the lived experiences of people with

congenital disabilities regarding the issues of discrimination and challenges face in Santo

Tomas Batangas. This study excludes the people who are acquired disabled. The participants

of the study are the people with congenital disabilities or so-called birth defect.

The study’s duration will be between the end of the second semester in March to May

of 2023. The chosen participants will be determined by answering the interview

questionnaire. Each of the respondents is given the same questionnaire to answer.

Furthermore, this study focuses only on people with physical disabilities.

This study will be conducted within a limited timeframe and limits its respondents to

the people with congenital disabilities in Santo Tomas Batangas. Additionally, it only focuses
on lived experiences and struggles of these respondents. In conclusion, this study may benefit

students and those who are involved in the study.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the consolidated studies and literature that are related to and will

support the study regarding the research title “Ableism: Lived Experiences of Selected

Physically Disabled People in Santo Tomas Batangas”. Further, it also has the theoretical and

the conceptual framework.


A study conducted by A.Cieza, (2016), says that disability as a health outcome

deserves greater attention than it has received thus far. With individuals living longer lives

and the epidemiological change from infectious to noncommunicable diseases as the primary

source of health burden, it also emphasized that they must prioritize disability over causes of

mortality. With the first Global Burden of illness research, WHO (World Health

Organization) provided a metric for comparing illness impact, based on a disability model

that focused on health decrements. This paradigm is currently developed in the International

Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as either an individual trait or the result

of the interaction of the individual's health condition and environmental factors. Disability is

a universal human experience; disability is not solely determined by the underlying health

condition or predicated solely on the presence of specific health conditions; and, finally,

disability exists on a spectrum ranging from no disability to total disability.


According to K. Bogart and D. Dunn (2019), ableism is a strong discrimination

against and towards people with disabilities. They described ableism like stereotyping

disabled people, and having prejudiced these people just because they are disabled. They also

defined ableism as a social oppression in which people with disabilities are being taken

advantage of and being bullied unjustly. People with disabilities are defined and interpreted

by the society and public as the ones who have conditions for physical sensory (sensory

impairment), this is where a person has a one or more less sense or ability of one’s body. An

example for this is the blind, deaf and other disabilities that affect the five senses. Another is

the intellectual disabilities this includes people with autism and down syndrome. Included

also in the perceived disabilities and conditions are the invisible disabilities or the disabilities

that cannot be seen in hindsight by people. An example for this is the people with dyslexia,

ADHD, personality disorders, mental health conditions and more. Another perceived

disability is the chronic health conditions, an example for this is the people with asthma,

epilepsy, diabetes, and even cancer. In addition, a perceived disability also is the psychiatric

conditions, this includes anxiety disorders, eating disorders, psychotic and personality

disorders and dementia-related disorders. There are more other conditions that are

customarily believed and commonly perceived by people that circulates among the disabled

According to Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its

Optional Protocol (2017), defines persons with disabilities to "include those who have long-

term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various

barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with


Moreover, persons with disabilities have the same rights and fundamental

requirements as others in forced displacement and face the same challenges. They do,

however, confront various extra challenges. They encounter unique protection concerns, such

as an increased risk of assault, exploitation, and abuse and high levels of stigma. They face

barriers to humanitarian help, education, employment, health care, and other services. Some

legal rights may be denied to them, and they are frequently excluded from decision-making

processes and leadership chances.

Persons with disabilities are not a homogenous group. They face multiple and

compounding forms of discrimination based on disability and other grounds, which may lead

to situations of exclusion. According to a world report on disability by the World Health

Organization (2023), Today, an estimated 1.3 billion people, or 16% of the global population,

have a significant disability. In forced displacement, the incidence of disability is usually

higher because many people have injuries, lack access to medical services, and face barriers

in their environment.

Work Environment
According to S. Lindsay and K. Fuentes (2022), faculty and staff with disabilities

are heavily underrepresented within the academic realm. They experience high volume and

high rates of discrimination, social exclusion, and disparagement or marginalization. The

researchers conducted a study and a systematic review about faculty and staff experiences

regarding ableism in academia. They gathered 33 studies with 1996 respondents over 6

countries in a 25-year period. Out of the 33 studies, twenty-one studies indicated the impact

of ableism in academic realm. The study shows the negative impact of ableism on the

physical and mental health, and the career development of the said respondents, the faculty

and the staff. Coping mechanisms, strategies and solutions for ableism was also indicated in

the said study. The experiences of the faculty and staffs mentioned in the studies are being

disclosed, negative attitudes and the lack of accommodation.

A study from the University of the Immaculate Conception Bonifacio St. Davao

City (2020), shows a reduction in the employment rate among the disabled relative to the

non-disabled population of America. According to Census data, 51% of disabled Americans

worked in the 1990s, but that figure has now dropped to 41%. Part of the drop can be

attributed to the aging population, as older workers are more likely to develop physical

problems. The employment rate of impaired Americans fell faster than that of non-disabled

Americans. 9 According to research by the Center for Independence of the Disabled, the best

employment for non-disabled persons is teaching. Janitorial jobs are assigned to the disabled.

Regarding annual wages, disabled Americans earn an average of $23,532 compared to non-

disabled Americans, who earn an average of $32,688. The gap between earnings since 1990
has widened, and according to Census data on median incomes, disabled workers earn about

$9,000 less a year than non-disabled workers.

Women with Disabilities

A study from (Chowdhury, Lund, Carey, & Li, 2022), women with disabilities are

typically expected to work in underpaid positions and earn much less when compared with

men with disabilities or women without disabilities. In-depth semi structured qualitative

interviews adopting a phenomenological framework were conducted with 37 women with

disabilities who hold advanced degrees and work in higher-paying professions. Despite their

success in placement, women with disabilities in the United States still experience numerous

barriers in professional sectors. It is imperative to better understand the implications of

intersectionality and how discrimination and marginalization can also impact those with

successful employment. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).

Disabilities and Leprosy

Persons affected by leprosy or by disabilities face forms of stigma that have an impact

on their lives. Accounts of experiences of the impact of stigma were obtained using in-depth

interviews and focus group discussion with people affected by leprosy and by disabilities not

related to leprosy. The analysis shows that there are a lot of similarities in impact of stigma in

terms of emotions, thoughts, behaviour, and relationships between the two groups. The main

difference is that those affected by leprosy tended to frame their situation in medical terms,
while those living with disabilities described their situation from a more social perspective

(Lusli, et al., 2015).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

Conceptual Framework of the Study

As shown in the figure, under input are the variables that causes the phenomenon

which are the nature of ableism, pertinent issues concerning disability discrimination, and the

challenges faced by the physically disabled people. Identifying these factors will lead to the

formulation of process which will examine and gather data for peer- reviewed medical study

on ableism, collect peer-journal about the discrimination shown toward a disabled person,

analysis of data through a questionnaire, and informal interviews, and lastly, the gathering of

data through interview on the challenges faced of the participants. As shown in the figure, the

outcomes of these variables are to know the experiences of physically disabled persons and

know their issues or discrimination shown toward a disabled person and know the struggles

of a physically disabled person.

Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers used qualitative method as their research design in gathering data.

According to Frost, J. 2022, qualitative research aims to understand ideas, experiences, and

opinions using non-numeric data, such as text, audio, and visual recordings. Also, according

to (Pathak, Jena, & Kalra, 2013) qualitative method is used to understand people's beliefs,

experiences, attitudes, behavior, and interactions. It generates non-numerical data. The

integration of qualitative research into intervention studies is a research strategy that is

gaining increased attention across disciplines. Using qualitative research, it helps the

researchers to provide an in-depth analysis on the lived experiences of the disabled people in

Santo Tomas Batangas. The researchers made created and prepared a questionnaire wherein
they included a whole set of open-ended questions. This is to specifically seek an answer and

gather the opinion of the said respondents.

The researchers used phenomenology as the type of research design. It is the type of

research design that the researchers used as it was the most appropriate to use as a research

design as this study aims to know and inform about the lived experiences of the disabled

people. Using this research design, the researchers will be able to identify the effects of those

experiences to the people who are with disability in Santo Tomas Batangas.

Sampling Technique

The researchers used a non-probability research sampling technique with the type of

research sampling which is the purposive also known as purposeful research sampling or

selected sampling. According to (Moran, 2021), purposive sampling is a sampling technique

that qualitative researchers use to recruit participants who can provide in-depth and detailed

information about the phenomenon under investigation. In purposive sampling, the

researchers will have a purpose in conducting this study through purposive sampling and to

set and make a criterion that the participants must meet in order to qualify for the study. The

criterion for the respondents is (1) must be physically disabled, and (2) the disability was

inborn. The researchers aim to have five (5) participants throughout the study. Through this,

the researchers will use their prior knowledge and the purpose of the study to be able to

gather and choose accurately the selected participants which are the people with disabilities

to be able to attain the needs and goal of this research which is to know the lived experiences

of these chosen participants in Santo Tomas Batangas.

Data Gathering Tool and Procedure

Data Gathering Tool

The researchers used interview questionnaires, a mobile phone as a voice recorder,

and a pen and paper for documenting. The researchers used this data gathering tools as their

main instruments in gathering and collecting primary data. The researchers made and

prepared interview questionnaires for the respondents. It is consisted of open-ended

questions, questions that revolves around the main topic, the lived experiences of the disabled

people. The researchers also prepared a gadget (mobile phone) as a voice recorder in order to

record the answers of the respondents and to also record the whole interview session. Lastly,

the researchers prepared a pen and paper for taking down notes and key takeaways on the

said interview.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will use the data gathering method of interview. The researchers

chose this to gain an in-depth understanding on the experiences and opinions of the disabled

people on ableism. The researchers will have one (1) respondent at a time and to gather data,

the researchers first task is to make an interview questionnaire. They brainstormed and

cogitated questions that have a connection to the topic. The said questions were then passed

to the subject teacher for clarification and approval purposes. As the interview questionnaire

was approved, the researchers started to conduct interview each at a time. The researchers

chose 5 disabled people to be the respondents of the interview. Subsequently, after the
researchers conducted the interview, they gathered and compiled each information possible

from the said interview sessions.

Data Analysis

The researchers used thematic analysis in analysing the given data. Thematic analysis

is used to determine the patterns and themes in the answers of the respondents. The

researchers will be listening to the audio recording of the said interview. It will be transcribed

through typing on a word document file and writing on a paper. Through thematic analysis,

the researchers can be able to identify the common answers and the similarities in the

answers of the chosen respondents. The researchers used this type of approach in analysing

data because they want to determine and analyse the repeated patterns on the answers of the

respondents to our research/interview questionnaire.

Ethical Consideration

According to (Australian Law Reform Commission, 2010), ethical consideration an

accumulation of values and principles that address questions of what is good or bad in human

affairs. Ethics searches for reasons for acting or refraining from acting; for approving or not

approving conduct; for believing or denying something about virtuous or vicious conduct or

good or evil rules. The chosen participants will be asked first if the respondents are free or

not in the process of interview and the chosen participants will be given an informed consent

wherein before participating, participants are informed about the study's goals, advantages,

and dangers. The entire process will consider the principles of ethics and will take key
consideration in the respondents during the duration of the entire research. Throughout

conducting the study, the researchers promise to keep all the information hidden gathered and

have it in anonymous status in the interview about their lived experiences of the selected

participants during this investigation and will be only use for educational purposes only. This

will safeguard their privacy and give them a sense of security. For instance, the researchers

will substitute and anonymous for the chosen respondent’s name such as “Respondent 1”.

According to (Tobin, 2021), keeping confidential data and sensitive information safe is

paramount. If items like financial data, healthcare information, and other personal consumer

or user data get into the wrong hands, it can create a dangerous situation. Individuals may be

at risk for fraud and identity theft due to a lack of access control over personal information. A

government data may also threaten the security of entire nation. This is why the researchers

of the study needed to follow the data privacy for safety purposes.

Appendix A

Research Instrument

The research instrument that will be applied for this study is a mobile phone as a voice

recorder, and a pen and paper for documenting and the use of face-to-face interviews,

specifically semi-structured interviews to allow elaboration and deeper understanding on the

answers of the respondents (Physically disabled people in Santo Tomas Batangas) The

respondents will be asked regarding their experiences regarding to being a physically

disabled people.

Specifically, the following questions would be asked to the participants of the study:
1. Are you willing to be part of our research study? If yes, what are you experiences

as a person with physical conditions?

2. How did these experiences affect your personal life?

3. What are the challenges you face in everyday life?

4. If these challenges and experiences affects your personal life, how did you cope

up in everyday life?

5. Regarding on Ableism, what are your opinions and thoughts about it?

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