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Name: Pham Bao Viet I.D. 22003118

Class: EAP5-1222-11

Assignment: Lit. Review

Assignment Question: (write out in full) Globalization benefits developed nations at the expense of
developing nations. Do you agree ?
Due date: 2/9/2023 Date submitted: 2/6/2023

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Pham Bao Viet
Critical Literature Review

Hirst, P. & Thompson (1996), G., Globalisation: Ten Frecquently Asked Questions and Some
Surprising Answers, in „Soundings” vol. 4/1996, p. 48,
Lule, J. (2012). Globalization and media: global village of Babel. Globalization (p. xi, 175 p.).
Rowman & Littlefiel

One of the most prominent and frequently asked topics in recent decades has been how
wealthy countries benefit from globalization at the expense of disadvantaged
countries.The first approach that springs to mind when discussing globalization as
internationalization or globalization by Paul Thirst, according to a number of research
on the issue. According to this point of view, "global" refers to state relations, whereas
"globalization" refers to an increase in interdependence and international connections..
Meanwhile, Lule's work reinforces the importance of the media in comprehending
globalization (Lule, 2012). They offered us an overview of some of the benefits and
drawbacks of this, as well as ways for dealing with the transformation problem,
changing them, and expressing what we should think about. Despite certain
shortcomings, it provides us with crucial knowledge that might encourage us in
Globalization, according to Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson, is defined by "wide
and ever-increasing flows of business and capital investment throughout the world."
Clearly, such "globalization" can be seen in large movements between nations, as well
as in people, communications, and ideas. Consequently, globalization refers to the
increased connections and interdependence of individuals from other
countries.Globalization, according to Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson, is defined by
"wide and ever-increasing flows of business and capital investment throughout the
world." Clearly, such "globalization" can be seen in large movements between nations,
as well as in people, communications, and ideas. Thus, globalization refers to the
increasing connections and interdependence of individuals from other nations. The
second theoretical approach associates globalization with modernity or occultation,
particularly in its "Americanized" version, as illustrated by McDonald's. Following this
logic, globalization is dynamic, evolving far quicker than humans. The third method
associates globalization with universalization.

On the other hand, Jack Lule clearly claims that globalization could not have occurred
without the media. People have utilized the environment to explore, solve, and
globalize the planet from ancient times. The media has made the world increasingly
"smaller" as nations and cultures come into touch. Marshall McLuhan predicted that
media technology will transform the globe into a "global community" ten years ago.
Globalization became the "buzzword" of the 1990s in intellectual, political, and
corporate circles, implying an increasing range of associated linkages, meanings, and
In a different way, Paul's research is incredibly relevant since he uses a range of
sources and examples to corroborate and clarify his views. However, the author's
absence of particular examples makes it look as if the study is difficult to visualize.
Furthermore, his research paper lacks a proper conclusion to tie up his topic. Readers
may be unable to draw inferences from the research or the findings as a result. Overall,
Paul's essay would benefit from more concrete examples to help readers grasp his
research and conclusion, as well as gain a sense of the work as a whole.

In conclusion, despite significant limitations, both research demonstrated the benefits

and drawbacks of globalization. The writings of Lule and Paul are appropriate for people
interested in well-organized research since they can readily comprehend the important
themes through specific examples and the author's encyclopedia. Meanwhile, Paul will
be simpler to grasp for people who understand what globalization means.

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