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 The electricity energy value chain includes all activities necessary for the production,
distribution & consumption of electricity of electricity energy.
 The electricity energy chain comprises all function required to generate, & consume.
 There are five segment of energy value chain:
1. Fuel procurement
2. Electrical generation
3. Transmission
4. Distribution
5. End-market or service location
 Nuclear energy is made in power plant by splitting the nuclei of heavy atoms, such as
 This splitting of nuclei ( nuclear fission) release a very large amount of energy.
 Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy generated during a nuclear reaction, by change
in the nucleus of an atom. The source of nuclear energy is the mass of the nucleus and energy
generated during a nuclear reaction is due to conversion of mass into energy ( Einstein`s
Theory) .
 Nuclear fission
 Nuclear fusion

 Nuclear fission reaction, the nucleus of a heavy radioactive element like uranium, plutonium
or thorium splits up into smaller nuclei when bombarded by low energy neutrons. A huge
amount of heat is generated in this process, which is used in nuclear power plants to
generated electricity.


 Nuclear fusion reaction involves the combination or fusion of two light elements to form a
heavier element and release uncontrolled energy. Thus it cannot be used to generate
electricity, unlike fission, reaction. The heat and light that we get from Sun, is all due to the
continuous reactions going on inside it. We can now imagine how much energy would be
released in the nuclear fusion reaction, that it is the source of sun`s energy.

 Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity.
Nuclear power plants provide about 5.7% of the world’s energy and 13% of the world’s
 There were 439 nuclear power reactors in operation in the world, operating in 31 countries.
 Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy contend that nuclear power is a sustainable energy
source that reduce carbon emission.
 The heat is removed from the reactor core by the cooling system that uses the heat to
generate steam, which drive a steam turbine connected to a generator producing electricity.

 Almost 0 emissions ( very low greenhouse gas emissions).
 They can be sited almost never experience problems if not from human error, which almost
never happens anyway because the plant only needs like 10 people to operate it.
 A small amount of matter creates a large amount of energy.
 A lot of energy is generated from a single power plant. Current nuclear waste in the US
 As the core gets hotter the reaction gets slower, hence a run-away reaction leading to melt-
down is not possible.

 Nuclear plants are more expensive to build and maintain.
 Waste products are dangerous and need to be carefully stored for long periods of time. The
spent fuel Is highly radioactive and has to be carefully stored for many years what decades
after use. This adds to the cost.
 There is presently no adequate safe long-term storage for radioactive and chemical waste.
 Nuclear power plants can be dangerous to its surroundings and employees it would cost a lot
to clean in case of spillages.
 Nuclear plants can reduce hundreds of square miles of land and inhabitable for any use for
years, decades or longer, and kill off entire river system.

 Currently, all 442 nuclear power reactors worldwide are in operation.

 They continue to provide 10% of the Electricity and around one-third Off its low-carbon
 Nuclear power plants can continue operation because of their county agency plants, which
include what to do during a global pandemic, such as COVID-19.
 These plants explain how a plant can be run safely with just the most essential staff while
social distancing minimizes the spread of the disease.
 A reliable supply of electricity is particularly important right now to keep hospitals and key
industries running and enable millions to work from home.
 In a time of international lockdown, like the one we are living in, energy is even more critical
and important.
 Everybody is working, making sure that nuclear energy essay as always, The highest safety
 If there is a concern that enough staff our fit for duty, nuclear reactors could be pre-emptively
Shut down and maintained in a stable condition.
 Nuclear safety and security our national responsibilities, and the IAEA Supports countries
with training, assessments and emergency preparedness.
 The IAEA Also issue guidance for member states to help protect the people and the

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