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Eastern Visayas State University

College of Civil Engineering

Department of Engineering
Ormoc City

CE 225
Fundamental of Surveying
Name: Apostol, Eldie Junior P. Date Conducted: February 17, 2023
BS Civil Engineering Date Submitted: February 25, 2023
Submitted to: Engr. Antonio E. Naboya, Jr.

Laboratory Exercise no. 1

I. Introduction

Pacing is one of the fundamental concepts that every surveyor or civil

engineer must understand, even more so than his phone number. If there is no
available measuring instrument, or if the pacing is the method to use if an
engineer only wants to get a glimpse of his next project’s area of work without
catching everyone else’s attention. It also saves time and energy because you
only need to walk normally on the length that needs to be measured while
mentally counting. Pace can be measured from a heel to heel of from toe to toe
where it some of the errors that might cause of high percent through the

The distance is determined by multiplying the numbers of step taken

between two points by one’s pace factor. Through its main objective it focuses
on individual pace factor and unknown distance to view by individual pacing.
Knowing your own pace means it will help you to ensure the accuracy and
precision of pacing the distance.

II. Objectives.

a) To measure the distance of the field by means of pacing.

b) To determine the individual’s pace factor
c) To understand the importance of individual’s pace factor

III. Instruments and Materials

Range- poles, Steel Tape, Markers (hubs, paint, chalk, or crayons)

IV. Procedure

1. Determining the Pace Factor

a) We must choose a level, straight path, and set markings at least 75.37 meters apart
on both ends of the path. A and B should then be designated to these endpoints.
b) Once the distance has been calculated, walk along the straight path at your own
pace while counting the number of “paces” it takes to get from point A to point B.
c) Record the number of paces you take each time you walk from point A to point B
and return till the number of paces can complete seven trial.

Table 1. Determining Pace Factor

TRIAL LINE (m) No. of Paces OF Paces (m/pace)
1 AB 110
2 BA 111
3 AB 113
75.37 111.67 0.67
4 BA 111
5 AB 111
6 BA 114

2. Measuring Distance by Pacing

a) Establish the endpoints of a different level of course, the length or distance of which
will be determined by pacing. These two endpoints should be labeled as C and D.
b) In the first trial, go over endpoints C and D at a “pace” that feels natural to you while
keeping track of how many paces you cover. Once more count the paces taken as you
move away from D and C. Continue this process until all paces are able to finish five
c) To get the precise measurements, measure or tape the real path CD once the field data
has been gathered.

Table 2. Measuring distance by Pacing

No. of PACE
1 CD 61
2 DC 63
3 CD 62 62.2 41.67
4 DC 62
5 CD 63


1. Computing Pace Factor(PF)

No. of Paces = 110,111,113,111,111,114
Taped Distance = 75.37m
Pace Factor (PF)
Mean No. of Paces = Sum of No. of Paces

110+ 111+ 113+ 111+ 111+114



¿ 111.67

taped distance
Pace Factor=
mean no . of paces


PF=¿ 0.67 m/paces

2. Computing Paced Distance (PD)

No. of Paces = 61, 63, 62, 62, 63

Pace Distance

Mean No. of paces = sum of no. of paces

61+ 63+62+62+63
= 5

¿ 62.2 paces

Paces Distance = Average of No. of Paces × Pace Factor

¿ 62.2 paces ×0.67 m/ paces

PD=41.67 m
3. Computing Relative Precision


A) Determining my pace fact

Based on the results from the data that has been gathered the
measurements from the line AB which is 75.37 m long (the known distance) I got
these no. of paces with the corresponding line segment, 110 (AB), 111 (BA), 113
(AB), 111 (BA), 111 (AB), 114 (BA). With these following data I can already
compute my pace factor by the known distance divided by the mean no. of paces.
And then my pace factor is 0.67 m/p.

B) Determining distance by pacing

Next, from the line CD which is m long ( the known distance) I also got these
no. of paces with its corresponding line segment, 62 (CD), 63 (DC), 62 (CD), 62 (DC),
63 (CD). At this time I can already compute my pace distance by multiplying my pace
factor (0.67 m/p) and the mean no. of paces in line CD. My pace distance is 41.67 m.


This fieldwork that been through has been succeeded to show that each pace
accommodate to individual’s pace. This stated performance is the source of error that
could be a problem by preventing it is simply concentrate with the field work, having a
backup in counting and recording the data and having guide to prevent irregularities. So
therefore, I conclude that this application let to know one’s pace factor of each individual
and practice it could be a real way of doing in the field work.

Therefore, the formula in computing individual pace factor is PF= KD/ mean no.
paces, where PF is the pace factor, KD is the known distance. And my pace factor is 0.67

And also I concluded that the formula in computing the pace distance is PD= PF
(mean no. of paces), and my pace distance is 41.67 m.

VIII. Recommendation

As one of the engineering student, I recommend this lab experiment as a bases

that can be taken an idea about the pacing method and its uses. An engineering student
should give an importance of knowing their own pace factor which is one of the constant
valuable object that can be learn in surveying. With a common practice in pacing on an
obstacle is encountered to an offset where it sometimes paced around the obstacle but it is
not always an option. Continuous practice can accomplish to have a good pacing. This is
a part to the course where it is a big help to determine one’s pace factor. Pace factor
would be a great advantage on gaining a knowledge in measuring without any tools or
equipment. These pace factor also basic way in doing a survey on the field and a quick
overview on the measurement.
IX. References.



 www.


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