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Report No.

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RABI 2020-21

1. Weather conditions ( Rainfall), 2. Water levels in major reservoirs

3. District wise Rainfall, 4. Agricultural operations and crop condition
5. Inputs Availability (Fertizers & Seeds),
6. Crop wise Calendar, 7. Crop sowings 7.1 Crop wise Area sown
7.2. District wise area sown 7.3. District /crop wise area sown

(Statistics section)
(RABI 2020-21 SEASON)

1.1. South-West Monsoon-2020: Major Agriculture in A.P depends on South-West Monsoon. The South-West monsoon
hit Kerala on 1st June, 2020 as per IMD report. The South West monsoon entered Andhra Pradesh on 7th June in some parts
of Rayalaseema and covered entire state by 12.06.2020. The SW Monsoon has been withdrawn from Andhra Pradesh by
27.10.2020 and from entire country by 28.10.2020.
(Rainfall in mm)
Normal % deviation
Season Actual Rainfall (mm)
As on to Normal as
Season Normal Status
date on date
2018 2019 2020
South-West Monsoon
556.0 556.0 456.6 532.8 704.8 26.8 Excess
(from June to September,2020)
North-East Monsoon
296.0 296.0 124.1 245.8 370.3 25.1 Excess
(from October to December,2020)
Winter Period
15.7 15.7 10.2 21.0 20.6 31.2 Excess
(January and February,2021)
Hot Weather Period
98.3 2.8 3.7 6.0 0.0 -100 No Rain
(from 01.03.2021 to 09.03.2021)

NORTH EAST MONSOON: North East Monsoon has commenced over parts of extreme Southern peninsula by 28.10.2020. The average
rainfall received from 1.10.2020 to 31.12.2020 is recorded as 370.3 mm as against the Normal as on date 296.0 mm showing Excess 25.1
per cent. North east Monsoon rain have ceased over Coastal AP and Rayalaseema as on 19.01.2021. Rainfall occurred at isolated places
over Rayalaseema and dry weather prevailed over Coastal AP.

Overall, the average rainfall received in Andhra Pradesh from 01.06.2020 to 09.03.2021 is recorded as 1095.7 mm as against the Normal as
on date of 870.6 mm showing by Excess 25.9 percent.

1.2. District wise Rainfall:

The district wise rainfall from 1.6.2020 to 09.03.2021 is presented in Annexure-I.
Status and deviation of Rainfall during the period from 1.6.2020 to 09.03.2021 is presented below:

S.No Districts Status & deviation
East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, SPSR Nellore 9 Excess
Chittoor, YSR Kadapa, Anantapuram, Kurnool (20% & above)
2 Vizianagaram,Visakhapatnam, Prakasam. 3
(+19% to -19%)
3 Srikakulam 1
(-20% to -59%)
4 -----------------Nil------------------------ 0
(-60% to -99%)
5 ------------------Nil------------------------ 0 No rain (-100%)


All the Major reservoirs are holding 464.63 tmc as on 09-03-2021, by this time last year, the level had stood at
409.19 tmc. The water levels in all major reservoirs as on 09-03-2021 are furnished hereunder.

Reservoir level (in feet) Storage in TMC Flow(in cusecs)

Full level Average Average
Reservoir Last This
(in feet) Last year This year Inflows of Outflows of last
year year
last 24 hrs 24 hrs
Tungabhadra 1633.00 1602.77 1603.36 23.30 24.14 0 5894
Srisailam 885.00 838.80 852.70 60.10 86.11 0 17576
Nagarjuna Sagar 590.00 555.00 548.10 220.93 205.61 16857 24451
Pulichintala 175.00 151.18 159.51 16.53 25.00 0 5000
Veligodu Balancing
868.50 845.01 837.63 6.95 4.75 0 300
Somasila 330.00 315.87 324.65 49.82 66.21 1087 3645
Kandaleru 278.89 248.60 268.06 31.56 52.81 136 1990
Source: Irrigation Department, A.P. Guntur.
THE YEAR FROM 01.06.2020 TO 09.03.2021


(October to December) to February)


District Actual % % Actual
No. % From From Normal % deviation
Season rainfall Season Deviation Season Deviation From From % from
Deviation 1.10.20 1.1.21 to as to Normal Status
Normal (01.06.20 Normal to normal Normal to normal Season Normal 1.3.19 1.3.20 From
Deviation 1.6.20 to
to normal to 31.12.20 28.2.21 As on 1.3.21 to Status on date as on date
to 30.09.20 as on date as on date Normal to to to normal 09.03.21
date 09.3.21
09.3.19 09.3.20 as on date

1 SRIKAKULAM 705.7 512.3 -27.4 276.0 263.7 -4.5 25.9 10.8 -58.3 154.0 5.5 4.5 9.9 0.0 -100 No Rain 1013.1 786.8 -22.3 Deficit

2 VIZIANAGARAM 692.7 581.8 -16.0 245.9 278.7 13.3 25.4 3.3 -87.0 166.6 6.2 14.8 11.4 0.0 -100 No Rain 970.2 863.8 -11.0 Normal

3 VISAKHAPATNAM 712.5 710.4 -0.3 297.2 398.6 34.1 22.3 3.0 -86.5 170.2 5.2 20.7 5.1 0.1 -98 Scanty 1037.2 1112.1 7.2 Normal

4 EAST GODAVARI 768.1 975.8 27.0 305.4 503.4 64.8 19.7 3.3 -83.2 124.6 4.4 6.2 1.6 0.0 -100 No Rain 1097.6 1482.5 35.1 Excess

5 WEST GODAVARI 792.0 1023.3 29.2 239.3 421.8 76.3 17.8 1.1 -93.8 104.0 4.7 1.7 1.0 0.0 -100 No Rain 1053.8 1446.2 37.2 Excess
NORTH-COASTAL 734.2 760.7 3.6 272.8 373.2 36.8 22.2 4.3 -80.6 143.9 5.2 9.6 5.8 0.0 -100 Scanty 1034.4 1138.3 10.0 Normal

6 KRISHNA 685.1 831.8 21.4 249.4 355.7 42.6 15.8 4.3 -72.8 83.2 3.6 3.4 5.9 0.0 -100 No Rain 953.9 1191.8 24.9 Excess

7 GUNTUR 525.8 697.8 32.7 228.9 255.6 11.7 18.4 3.1 -83.2 80.0 2.5 2.0 8.8 0.0 -100 No Rain 775.6 956.5 23.3 Excess

8 PRAKASAM 388.3 548.3 41.2 393.7 357.7 -9.1 16.3 19.0 16.6 73.2 1.7 2.7 13.4 0.0 -100 No Rain 800.0 925.0 15.6 Normal

9 NELLORE 331.4 489.0 47.6 661.4 730.5 10.4 19.9 85.5 329.6 67.8 0.5 0.3 4.1 0.0 -100 No Rain 1013.2 1305.0 28.8 Excess
SOUTH-COASTAL 482.7 641.7 33.0 383.4 424.9 10.8 17.6 28.0 58.9 76.1 2.1 2.1 8.0 0.0 -100 No Rain 885.7 1094.6 23.6 Excess

COASTAL A.P 622.4 707.8 13.7 321.9 396.2 23.1 20.2 14.8 -26.5 113.7 3.8 6.3 6.8 0.0 -100 Scanty 968.3 1118.9 15.5 Normal

13 CHITTOOR 439.4 672.6 53.1 395.4 484.0 22.4 12.2 42.8 250.8 87.0 1.1 0.1 4.7 0.0 -100 No Rain 848.1 1199.4 41.4 Excess

12 KADAPA 393.5 691.6 75.8 251.0 408.1 62.6 3.4 40.3 1085.3 51.7 0.5 0.1 6.2 0.0 -100 No Rain 648.4 1140.0 75.8 Excess

11 ANANTAPUR 338.4 567.0 67.6 155.3 180.5 16.2 2.9 26.6 817.2 55.7 0.5 0.0 2.2 0.0 -100 No Rain 497.1 774.1 55.7 Excess

10 KURNOOL 455.1 757.9 66.5 149.5 164.3 9.9 4.6 17.1 271.7 61.1 0.3 0.0 7.3 0.0 -100 No Rain 609.5 939.3 54.1 Excess

RAYALASEEMA 406.6 672.3 65.3 237.8 309.2 30.0 5.8 31.7 448.9 63.9 0.6 0.1 5.1 0.0 -100 No Rain 650.8 1013.2 55.7 Excess
ANDHRA PRADESH 556.0 704.8 26.8 296.0 370.3 25.1 15.7 20.6 31.2 98.3 2.8 3.7 6.0 0.0 -100 No Rain 870.6 1095.7 25.9 Excess
Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics,AP:Vijayaw ada
Data is provisional & Lim its for deviation from Norm al
Excess = (+20% & above). Normal=(+19% to -19%),Deficit=(-20% to -59%),Scanty==(-60% to -99%), No rain=(-100%)
Rabi 2020-21: Paddy is at maximum tillering to panicle initiation and milky stage. Bengalgram is at pod
development to maturity and harvesting stage. Blackgram, Greengram and Horsegram are at flowering to pod
development and harvesting stage. Maize is at vegetative to cob formation and maturity stage. Jowar, Bajra and
Ragi are at vegetative to grain setting stage. Groundnut, Sesamum and Sunflower crops are at vegetative to
flowering stage. Rajma and Niger crops are harvested. Chillies are at vegetative stage.
Due to “Nivar” Cyclone, Kharif standing and Rabi cropped area damaged more than 33% under different
crops is 4.59 Lakh ha with production loss of 8.57 LMTs worth of 1948.08 Crores monetory loss. Seed was
distributed at 80% subsidy through D Krishi App in “Nivar” cyclone affected districts for resowing. The Input
subsidy amount of Rs. 601 Crores were disbursed to “Nivar” cyclone affected farmers in the state.
The pests & diseases on Rabi crops have been reported below.
Intensity of Pest / Area
Area Treated
Crop Diseases Major Districts Affected Affected
incidence (Acres)
Leaf borer, Stem Chittoor, SPSR Nellore, Kurnool
Paddy borer, BPH,Sheath Ananthapuram, YSR Kadapa, West 70689
blight, Blast Godavari and Vizianagaram 71805
Jowar FAW, Stem borer Kurnool, YSR Kadapa 618 543
Chittoor, Kurnool, Krishna, West Godavari
Maize FAW
and Vizianagaram 23406 17784
Ragi Blast Vizianagaram 82 82
Wet root rot,
Bengalgram collar rot, pod YSRKadapa, Kurnool, Ananthapuram
borer 22405 15020
SPSR Nellore, West Godavari,Krishna,
Blackgram Kurnool, YSR Kadapa, Chittoor and
sucking pests
Vizianagaram 27849 23443
Green gram Maruca leaf folder YSR Kadapa, Vizianagaram 2134 1430
Maruca, powdery
Horse gram YSR Kadapa
mildew, YMV 1003 835
Collar rot, Thrips,
Leaf eating
Chitttoor, YSR Kadapa, Ananthapuram,
Groundnut caterpillar,Sucking
West Godavari and Kurnool
pest, Spodoptera,
Leaf spots. 4140 3841
Helicoverpa &
Sunflower YSR Kadapa
Spodoptera 371 296
Chillies Sucking pest Kurnool, Krishna and Vizianagaram 556 430
Tobacco Damping off West Godavari 692 630
PP section of Commissionerate of Agriculture, AP: Guntur.

5. Inputs Availability
5.1 Fertilizer Report as on 09.03.2021
(Lakh MTs)
Opening Balance
Product Group Availability
as on Receipts Sales
Name 2+3-4
1 2 3 4 5
Urea 2.17 8.36 7.40 3.13
DAP 0.86 1.27 1.83 0.30
MoP 0.87 1.24 1.42 0.69
NPKs 2.90 8.69 9.32 2.26
SSP 0.64 0.70 0.74 0.60
Compost 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.05
Total 7.50 20.29 20.76 7.03
Fertilizer section of Commissionerate of Agriculture, AP: Guntur.
As on 09-03-2021
(Qty in Qtls & Subsidy in Rs Lakhs)
Registration at
Distributed at RBK Level
DISTRICT Seed plan subsidy
Qty in No of Qty in No of
amount in
qtls farmers Qtls farmers
Rs Lakhs
1 SRIKAKULAM 17554 8392 22113 7650 19500 203
2 VIZIANAGARAM 12400 2927 10470 2210 8064 42

3 VISAKHAPATNAM 5053 2289 10837 2175 10086 53

4 EAST GODAVARI 11403 2177 4118 2004 3644 19

5 WEST GODAVARI 4254 743 1485 604 1009 3

6 KRISHNA 8573 2692 3335 2639 3255 52

7 GUNTUR 10296 1092 1720 949 1491 21
8 PRAKASAM 49588 41505 50042 38377 46052 870
PRAKASAM inam 92 137 5
9 NELLORE 41466 16221 21749 15527 20633 192
10 CUDDAPAH 61299 41642 43190 40548 41972 919
11 KURNOOL 46980 35293 38770 33422 36679 753
12 ANANTAPUR 32940 22789 22991 20962 21097 472
13 CHITTOOR 18182 1547 5502 1333 4333 29
TOTAL 319987 179309 236322 168492 217952 3633

Registration at RBK Distributed at RBK Level

Seed subsidy
O. CROP Qty in No of Qty in No of
plan amount in
qtls farmers Qtls farmers
Rs Lakhs

1 BENGALGRAM 183448 149592 163042 141491 153602 3190.30

Bengalgram inam 92 137 5
2 GROUNDNUT 46222 8754 14968 7901 13600 243.35
3 PADDY 58718 16666 27088 15348 24602 96.80
4 BLACKGRAM 18283 2067 18062 1799 15456 52.15
5 REDGRAM 4 0 0 0 0 0.00
6 GREENGRAM 7729 727 7427 556 5854 17.77
7 KORRA 7 0.48 10 0 8 0
8 RAGI 559 41 858 37.00 754 1.18
9 SAMALU 1 0 0 0 0 0.0
10 SUNHEMP 17 0 0 0 0 0.0
11 HORSEGRAM 5000 1463 4867 1267 3939 26.6
TOTAL 319987 179309 236322 168492 217952 3633
Seed section of Commissionerate of Agriculture, AP: Guntur.
As on 09.03.2021

Registration at
Distributed at RBKs
DISTRICT Indent subsidy
Qty in No of Qtyin No of
amount in
qtls farmers Qtls farmers
Rs Lakhs
1 VIZIANAGARAM 15 0 0 0 0 0.00
2 VISAKHAPATNAM 116 28 429 25 409 1.98
3 EAST GODAVARI 3650 1236 2229 1224 2201 32.38
4 WEST GODAVARI 3841 1726 2740 1716 2720 45.42
5 KRISHNA 5490 4046 6841 4020 6789 113.66
6 GUNTUR 6062 21 45 21 45 1.11
7 PRAKASAM 11549 5178 7013 5184 7020 277.40
8 SPSR NELLORE 15840 8395 11686 8248 11475 217.17
9 YSR KADAPA 54585 38605 52831 38502 52666 2109.96
10 KURNOOL 150 0 0 0 0 0.00
11 ANANTAPURAMU 157 0 0 0 0 0.00
12 CHITTOOR 1674 740 1459 735 1450 18.93
TOTAL 103129 59975 85273 59675 84775 2818.02

Registration at
Distributed at RBKs
S.NO. subsidy
CROP Indent
Qty in No of Qty in No of amount
qtls farmers Qtls farmers in Rs
1 PADDY 32069 16228 24804 16029 24491 419.31
2 BENGALGRAM 55280 33705 44717 33663 44659 1780.88
3 GROUNDNUT 10196 9862 14602 9808 14503 604.15
4 BLACKGRAM 3975 172.04 1044.00 168.76 1025.00 13.04
5 GREENGRAM 1609 8.52 106.00 7.48 97.00 0.64
TOTAL 103129 59975 85273 59675 84775 2818.02

Seed section of Commissionerate of Agriculture, AP: Guntur.

6. Crop wise calendar with Expected AYP & Market Arrivals of major crops and MSP during Kharif 2020.

Kharif 2020
loss due to
Area “Nivar”
S. Name of the Sown Yield Production Harvesting Period (FN MSP fixed Cyclone (in
Market Arrivals (FN Wise)
No Crop (in (Kg/acre) (in MTs) Wise) (Rs. per Quintal) MTs) as per
Acres) final crop
From To From To
Common: 1868
1 Paddy Aug 1st FN Feb 2nd FN Aug 2nd FN March 2nd FN 750819
3954677 2204 8716109 Fine var: 1888
Hybrid: 2620
2 Jowar 5210 Oct 1st FN Jan 2nd FN Oct 2nd FN Feb 1st FN 700
10611 491 Maldandi :2640
3 Bajra 67525 923 62325 Sept 1st FN Nov 2nd FN Sept 2nd FN Dec 1st FN 2150 2
4 Maize 284028 1880 533972 Sept 2nd FN Dec 2nd FN Oct 1st FN Jan 1st FN 1850 3325
5 Ragi 62686 526 32973 Oct 2nd FN Dec 2nd FN Nov 1st FN Dec 2nd FN 3295 104
6 Korra 37744 521 19665 Sept 1st FN Dec 2nd FN Sept 2nd FN Jan 1st FN 3
March 2nd
7 Redgram 114877 Dec 2nd FN Dec 2nd FN May 2nd FN 6000 1687
547033 210 FN
8 Greengram 27891 253 7056 Aug 1st FN Dec 1st FN Sept 1st FN Dec 2nd FN 7196 1043
9 Blackgram 79035 351 27741 Aug 2nd FN Dec 1st FN Sept 2nd FN Jan 1st FN 6000 13749
10 Horsegram 4829 247 1193 Dec 1st FN Feb 1st FN Dec 2nd FN Feb 2nd FN 22
NOV 2nd
11 Groundnut 776100 Aug 1st FN Aug 1st FN Dec 1st FN 5275 1640
1843467 421 FN
12 Sesamum 34353 140 4809 July 1st FN Dec 1st FN July 2nd FN Dec 2nd FN 6855 166
13 Sunflower 4542 503 2285 Sept 1st FN Nov 1st FN Sept 1st FN Nov 2nd FN 5885 680
14 Soyabean 3954 788 3116 Oct 2nd FN Nov 2nd FN Oct 2nd FN Dec 2nd FN 3880 -
April 2nd
15 Cotton Aug 2nd FN Feb 2nd FN Sept 1st FN staple:5515 4530
1492379 775 1156594 Long staple : 5825
16 Sugarcane 131281 31613 4150170 Dec 1st FN May 2nd FN Dec 1st FN May 2nd FN 285 963
Source: District Joint Directors of Agriculture

Kharif 2020
The total area sown in the State is 90.86 lakh acres. (98%) as against the normal area of 92.42 lakh acres.

Rabi 2020-21
The total area sown in the State is 58.65 lakh acres (104%) as against the normal area of 56.19 lakh acres.
7.1 CROP WISE AREA SOWN DURING RABI 2020-21 AS ON 09.03.2021
(Area in lakh Acres)
During corresponding
period Current year %sown
SL NO CROP as on to Season
area As on As on As on
Season 09.03.21 Normal
date 09.03.19 09.03.20

1 PADDY 19.79 17.60 17.60 15.59 19.93 21.64 123%

2 WHEAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45%

3 JOWAR 3.48 2.87 2.87 3.48 2.69 2.64 92%

4 BAJRA 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.023 0.12 0.075 88%

5 MAIZE 5.01 4.54 4.54 3.97 4.63 4.22 93%

6 RAGI 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.18 0.16 97%

7 MINOR MILLETS 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.14 142%

COARSE GRAINS 8.91 7.77 7.77 7.75 7.71 7.24 93%

8 REDGRAM 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.19 0.25 197%

9 BENGALGRAM 9.95 11.49 11.49 11.81 11.24 11.43 100%

10 GREENGRAM 3.16 2.86 2.86 2.45 2.16 2.27 79%

11 BLACKGRAM 9.55 8.85 8.85 7.14 6.89 8.80 99%

12 HORSEGRAM 0.69 0.73 0.73 2.65 0.88 0.54 74%

13 OTHER PULSES 0.60 0.46 0.46 0.61 0.45 0.35 77%

TOTAL PULSES 24.06 24.52 24.52 24.77 21.80 23.64 96%

TOTAL FOODGRAINS 52.76 49.88 49.88 48.11 49.44 52.53 105%

14 GROUNDNUT 2.28 2.04 2.04 1.51 2.30 2.77 136%

15 SESAMUM 0.82 0.72 0.72 0.66 0.62 0.34 47%

16 SUNFLOWER 0.34 0.27 0.27 0.24 0.15 0.23 83%

17 SAFFLOWER 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 269%

18 NIGER SEED 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.09 65%

19 RAPE & MUSTARD 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.03 0.0160 20%

20 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.011 36%
(Castor, Soyabean, etc.,)

TOTAL OILSEEDS 3.73 3.29 3.29 2.72 3.26 3.47 106%

21 TOBACCO 1.69 2.02 2.02 2.09 1.98 1.43 70%

22 CHILLIES 0.50 0.56 0.56 0.36 0.47 1.00 178%

23 COTTON 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.057 56%

24 CORIANDER 0.04 0.18 0.18 0.05 0.07 0.01 7%

25 ONION 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.14 0.16 103%

TOTAL CROPPED AREA 58.92 56.19 56.19 53.49 55.43 58.65 104%
Source: District Joint Directors of Agriculture
Data is provisional
(Area in Acres)
Normal During
Sl Targetted %sown
DISTRICT Current year to Season
No area As on Corres. Period Corres. Period
Season as on Normal
date as on 09.03.19 as on 09.03.20

1. Srikakulam 296323 279446 279446 272145 263514 236287 85%

2. Vizianagaram 173364 169691 169691 111108 148327 149731 88%

3. Visakhapatnam 99472 88648 88648 77099 89009 71631 81%

4. East Godavari 548370 540932 540932 488163 490127 459945 85%

5. West Godavari 685600 670289 670289 623193 601044 606212 90%

6. Krishna 566766 499461 499461 508978 533324 552995 111%

7 Guntur 540382 481962 481962 479227 463241 532743 111%

8. Prakasam 633234 600202 600202 637255 585385 719313 120%

9. SPSR Nellore 640649 589438 589438 430892 651442 645956 110%

10 Chittoor 203958 199673 199673 343935 243543 253335 127%

11 YSR Kadapa 413925 413043 413043 401123 383308 420243 102%

12 Anantapuram 303205 302611 302611 300893 383535 422657 140%

13 Kurnool 786991 783302 783302 675313 707308 793901 101%

ANDHRA PRADESH 5892239 5618699 5618699 5349323 5543105 5864949 104%

(Area in Acre)
1. PADDY 2. Wheat 3. Jowar
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 11824 11824 19257 24557 208% 0 0 0 0 0% 2 2 0 42 1700%

2. Vizianagaram 10898 10898 16006 14759 135% 0 0 0 0 0% 5 5 0 68 1377%
3. Visakhapatnam 11142 11142 16621 11174 100% 0 0 0 0 0% 7 7 0 2 27%
4. East Godavari 399231 399231 407448 407098 102% 0 0 0 0 0% 3774 3774 3656 1875 50%
5. West Godavari 419611 419611 417044 442964 106% 0 0 0 0 0% 37 37 20 125 337%
6. Krishna 72860 72860 150870 174202 239% 0 0 0 0 0% 1341 1341 578 2169 162%
7 Guntur 44608 44608 64098 91168 204% 0 0 0 0 0% 66727 66727 88819 117760 176%
8. Prakasam 78432 78432 115666 142754 182% 0 0 0 0 0% 31191 31191 20395 13294 43%
9. SPSR Nellore 468277 468277 534003 526016 112% 0 0 0 0 0% 3152 3152 2312 3258 103%
10 Chittoor 109962 109962 117730 172932 157% 0 0 0 0 0% 17 17 798 223 1290%
11 YSR Kadapa 33493 33493 20612 47459 142% 10 10 12 10 100% 31522 31522 34410 14217 45%
12 Anantapuram 29892 29892 25152 27469 92% 17 17 32 62 357% 11723 11723 12197 16685 142%
13 Kurnool 69644 69644 88294 81925 118% 156 156 69 10 6% 137991 137991 105410 93959 68%
ANDHRA PRADESH 1759875 1759875 1992801 2164476 123% 183 183 114 82 45% 287491 287491 268593 263676 92%
(Area in Acre)
4. Bajra 5. Maize 6. Ragi
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 0 0 0 0 0% 36442 36442 45821 30396 83% 6017 6017 7479 5809 97%
2. Vizianagaram 0 0 0 0 0% 44576 44576 46145 47140 106% 1685 1685 1198 857 51%
3. Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0 0% 2369 2369 1475 1732 73% 697 697 687 428 61%
4. East Godavari 2 2 0 0 0% 24159 24159 20093 14175 59% 0 0 0 0 0%
5. West Godavari 0 0 0 0 0% 128581 128581 109616 102253 80% 2 2 0 0 0%
6. Krishna 0 0 0 0 0% 46589 46589 49627 44225 95% 0 0 10 0 0%
7 Guntur 44 44 44 60 135% 102878 102878 117861 96708 94% 1635 1635 2897 4576 280%
8. Prakasam 1166 1166 768 758 65% 22531 22531 22692 30156 134% 1838 1838 1381 811 44%
9. SPSR Nellore 96 96 173 640 664% 1645 1645 1030 1047 64% 128 128 79 25 19%
10 Chittoor 2 2 12 13 526% 2191 2191 4083 2452 112% 1986 1986 1983 946 48%
11 YSR Kadapa 6407 6407 8571 3224 50% 5842 5842 4866 2605 45% 282 282 151 137 49%
12 Anantapuram 59 59 52 162 273% 12454 12454 12698 21823 175% 2319 2319 2240 2462 106%
13 Kurnool 771 771 2141 2678 348% 23542 23542 26654 27508 117% 0 0 0 0 0%
ANDHRA PRADESH 8549 8549 11762 7535 88% 453798 453798 462661 422221 93% 16589 16589 18105 16051 97%
(Area in Acre)
7. Minor Millets I. COARSE GRAINS 8. Redgram
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 0 0 12 0 0% 42462 42462 53312 36247 85% 32 32 0 0 0%

2. Vizianagaram 0 0 0 0 0% 46266 46266 47342 48065 104% 5 5 5 0 0%
3. Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0 0% 3073 3073 2161 2162 70% 5 5 15 0 0%
4. East Godavari 0 0 0 0 0% 27936 27936 23749 16050 57% 254 254 136 56 22%
5. West Godavari 0 0 0 0 0% 128620 128620 109636 102378 80% 390 390 42 0 0%
6. Krishna 0 0 5 0 0% 47930 47930 50220 46394 97% 82 82 222 791 970%
7 Guntur 168 168 153 2072 1234% 171453 171453 209775 221176 129% 4342 4342 5108 5845 135%
8. Prakasam 7580 7580 6158 7225 95% 64306 64306 51393 52244 81% 1378 1378 1144 3513 255%
9. SPSR Nellore 32 32 131 0 0% 5054 5054 3725 4970 98% 351 351 324 734 209%
10 Chittoor 5 5 119 64 1300% 4201 4201 6995 3698 88% 0 0 0 0 0%
11 YSR Kadapa 1087 1087 504 284 26% 45139 45139 48501 20467 45% 249 249 1877 1533 615%
12 Anantapuram 84 84 146 580 691% 26639 26639 27333 41712 157% 22 22 59 672 3022%
13 Kurnool 1149 1149 3013 4105 357% 163452 163452 137218 128250 78% 5602 5602 9697 11891 212%
ANDHRA PRADESH 10105 10105 10241 14331 142% 776531 776531 771361 723814 93% 12713 12713 18629 25034 197%
(Area in Acre)
9. Bengalgram 10. Greengram 11. Blackgram
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 0 0 216 14 0% 77032 77032 61505 56173 73% 111330 111330 99907 93539 84%
2. Vizianagaram 269 269 220 193 72% 35467 35467 30752 29195 82% 51062 51062 44848 45726 90%
3. Visakhapatnam 240 240 207 7 3% 7716 7716 6491 7161 93% 15027 15027 17053 16635 111%
4. East Godavari 3895 3895 4854 3578 92% 36880 36880 15433 8349 23% 54552 54552 20069 14509 27%
5. West Godavari 52 52 20 6 12% 27580 27580 18372 11839 43% 32918 32918 7059 8158 25%
6. Krishna 5906 5906 8713 10136 172% 11866 11866 9722 11332 96% 349848 349848 306483 301827 86%
7 Guntur 55148 55148 38780 40856 74% 64368 64368 52191 74787 116% 120336 120336 77168 73917 61%
8. Prakasam 236018 236018 212063 225003 95% 1971 1971 1447 2069 105% 47414 47414 28511 134303 283%
9. SPSR Nellore 25728 25728 27417 26157 102% 10623 10623 11698 3824 36% 39513 39513 41649 61458 156%
10 Chittoor 2 2 107 30 1215% 857 857 435 667 78% 8111 8111 8111 7072 87%
11 YSR Kadapa 222587 222587 227152 257059 115% 8376 8376 5735 15908 190% 16603 16603 5896 28393 171%
12 Anantapuram 169847 169847 228387 213328 126% 1198 1198 326 2481 207% 143 143 109 889 621%
13 Kurnool 428871 428871 376230 367076 86% 2351 2351 1591 3691 157% 38609 38609 31670 93085 241%
ANDHRA PRADESH 1148562 1148562 1124366 1143443 100% 286285 286285 215698 227475 79% 885468 885468 688532 879511 99%
(Area in Acre)
12. Horsegram 13. Other Pulses (Cowgram etc.) II. TOTAL PULSES
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 6583 6583 4562 2882 44% 0 0 0 0 0% 194977 194977 166190 152608 78%
2. Vizianagaram 8250 8250 4742 4258 52% 0 0 0 0 0% 95053 95053 80567 79372 84%
3. Visakhapatnam 2028 2028 1465 739 36% 25199 25199 26750 18844 75% 50215 50215 51981 43385 86%
4. East Godavari 86 86 430 0 0% 240 240 37 32 13% 95908 95908 40958 26524 28%
5. West Godavari 146 146 99 27 19% 198 198 136 35 18% 61283 61283 25728 20065 33%
6. Krishna 2011 2011 509 153 8% 7 7 0 2 33% 369719 369719 325649 324242 88%
7 Guntur 25 25 12 5 20% 10 10 0 0 0% 244229 244229 173259 195410 80%
8. Prakasam 1796 1796 2633 630 35% 16974 16974 13881 13988 82% 305551 305551 259680 379505 124%
9. SPSR Nellore 906 906 1205 437 48% 249 249 519 148 59% 77370 77370 82812 92758 120%
10 Chittoor 34864 34864 60626 37712 108% 435 435 2591 902 207% 44270 44270 71870 46382 105%
11 YSR Kadapa 8591 8591 9075 3379 39% 1677 1677 687 578 34% 258083 258083 250422 306850 119%
12 Anantapuram 7203 7203 2188 3154 44% 694 694 242 536 77% 179107 179107 231311 221060 123%
13 Kurnool 410 410 57 227 55% 17 17 17 0 0% 475860 475860 419262 475970 100%
ANDHRA PRADESH 72897 72897 87603 53604 74% 45700 45700 44860 35064 77% 2451626 2451626 2179688 2364132 96%
(Area in Acre)
III. TOTAL FOODGRAINS 14. Groundnut 15. Sesamum (gingelly)
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 249263 249263 238760 213413 86% 10673 10673 8870 13096 123% 15181 15181 13639 8388 55%
2. Vizianagaram 152216 152216 143915 142196 93% 2789 2789 1218 1709 61% 12567 12567 2109 5071 40%
3. Visakhapatnam 64430 64430 70763 56721 88% 1391 1391 1267 1478 106% 7385 7385 5538 3895 53%
4. East Godavari 523074 523074 472155 449672 86% 516 516 356 451 87% 5466 5466 4555 2381 44%
5. West Godavari 609514 609514 552408 565407 93% 4841 4841 2524 2837 59% 1005 1005 422 372 37%
6. Krishna 490510 490510 526739 544838 111% 1667 1667 1092 1704 102% 889 889 990 1923 216%
7 Guntur 460289 460289 447132 507754 110% 6780 6780 7165 8596 127% 561 561 279 692 123%
8. Prakasam 448290 448290 426739 574503 128% 4624 4624 3562 2887 62% 7089 7089 9845 4409 62%
9. SPSR Nellore 550701 550701 620539 623743 113% 9312 9312 8109 6956 75% 5822 5822 4046 1092 19%
10 Chittoor 158433 158433 196595 223012 141% 31636 31636 35111 23469 74% 1956 1956 3023 1082 55%
11 YSR Kadapa 336725 336725 319547 374785 111% 39048 39048 31349 25171 64% 12385 12385 16490 3560 29%
12 Anantapuram 235655 235655 283829 290303 123% 56104 56104 91308 115877 207% 10 10 27 59 600%
13 Kurnool 709112 709112 644844 686155 97% 34654 34654 37635 72902 210% 1638 1638 1487 1060 65%
ANDHRA PRADESH 4988214 4988214 4943964 5252504 105% 204034 204034 229567 277133 136% 71954 71954 62451 33983 47%
(Area in Acre)
16. Sunflower 17. Saflower 18. Rape & Mustard
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 1361 1361 459 514 38% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0%

2. Vizianagaram 10 10 5 32 325% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0%
3. Visakhapatnam 242 242 173 148 61% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0%
4. East Godavari 338 338 445 190 56% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0%
5. West Godavari 274 274 119 22 8% 0 0 0 0 0% 30 30 30 0 0%
6. Krishna 32 32 0 35 108% 0 0 0 0 0% 1193 1193 432 141 12%
7 Guntur 35 35 0 42 121% 0 0 0 0 0% 193 193 0 114 59%
8. Prakasam 2584 2584 1015 966 37% 2 2 10 0 0% 72 72 15 2 3%
9. SPSR Nellore 650 650 82 183 28% 0 0 0 0 0% 37 37 0 5 13%
10 Chittoor 1647 1647 1195 1334 81% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0%
11 YSR Kadapa 13948 13948 9092 10848 78% 190 190 398 467 245% 0 0 0 0 0%
12 Anantapuram 2902 2902 2065 6538 225% 368 368 926 1477 401% 0 0 0 0 0%
13 Kurnool 3293 3293 442 1754 53% 185 185 311 59 32% 6306 6306 2438 1339 21%
ANDHRA PRADESH 27316 27316 15092 22605 83% 746 746 1645 2003 269% 7830 7830 2915 1601 20%
(Area in Acre)
19. Other Oil seeds (Castor, Soyabean etc.) 20.Nigerseed IV. TOTAL OIL SEEDS
Normal Normal Normal
Sl % sown to % sown to % sown to
No As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season As on Last year Current Year Season
Season Season Season
date normal date normal date normal

1. Srikakulam 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 27214 27214 22969 21998 81%

2. Vizianagaram 0 0 0 0 0% 27 27 0 0 0% 15393 15393 3332 6812 44%
3. Visakhapatnam 2 2 0 0 0% 13859 13859 10512 8969 65% 22880 22880 17490 14490 63%
4. East Godavari 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 6321 6321 5355 3022 48%
5. West Godavari 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 6150 6150 3095 3231 53%
6. Krishna 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 3782 3782 2514 3803 101%
7 Guntur 420 420 138 57 14% 0 0 0 0 0% 7988 7988 7583 9500 119%
8. Prakasam 2048 2048 1808 603 29% 2 2 0 0 0% 16421 16421 16255 8867 54%
9. SPSR Nellore 5 5 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 15825 15825 12236 8235 52%
10 Chittoor 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 35239 35239 39330 25885 73%
11 YSR Kadapa 77 77 706 77 100% 0 0 0 0 0% 65648 65648 58035 40123 61%
12 Anantapuram 170 170 410 274 161% 0 0 0 0 0% 59554 59554 94737 124226 209%
13 Kurnool 380 380 516 101 27% 0 0 0 0 0% 46456 46456 42830 77215 166%
ANDHRA PRADESH 3102 3102 3579 1112 36% 13889 13889 10512 8969 65% 328871 328871 325761 347406 106%
(Area in Acre)
21. Tobacco 22. Chillies 23. Cotton

Sl Normal % sown to Normal % sown to Normal % sown to

No Last year Current Year Season Last year Current Year Season Last year Current Year Season
As on As on As on
Season normal Season normal Season normal
date date date

1. Srikakulam 0 0 0 0 0% 2371 2371 1366 785 33% 0 0 0 66 0%

2. Vizianagaram 279 279 126 82 29% 1519 1519 790 494 33% 0 0 0 48 0%
3. Visakhapatnam 109 109 52 0 0% 1008 1008 580 373 37% 0 0 0 0 0%
4. East Godavari 5024 5024 5296 2191 44% 6380 6380 7321 5017 79% 0 0 0 36 0%
5. West Godavari 50810 50810 44334 35474 70% 3814 3814 1208 2008 53% 0 0 0 91 0%
6. Krishna 3552 3552 3174 2705 76% 1618 1618 867 1596 99% 0 0 0 54 0%
7 Guntur 6560 6560 6034 4804 73% 6795 6795 2443 10552 155% 57 57 0 102 180%
8. Prakasam 109500 109500 118523 81473 74% 22838 22838 21506 52673 231% 1853 1853 2238 1311 71%
9. SPSR Nellore 13615 13615 14971 9107 67% 3725 3725 2216 4071 109% 5283 5283 1460 785 15%
10 Chittoor 0 0 2 0 0% 4616 4616 5278 4100 89% 647 647 32 165 25%
11 YSR Kadapa 52 52 0 188 362% 311 311 1070 709 228% 1719 1719 2149 1840 107%
12 Anantapuram 136 136 0 12 9% 482 482 1015 5449 1131% 546 546 430 582 107%
13 Kurnool 12708 12708 5022 6513 51% 724 724 1568 12039 1663% 2 2 771 614 24858%
ANDHRA PRADESH 202345 202345 197533 142549 70% 56200 56200 47229 99865 178% 10107 10107 7079 5694 56%
(Area in Acre)
24. Coriander 25. Onion

Sl Normal % sown to Normal % sown to

No Last year Current Year Season Last year Current Year Season
As on normal As on normal
Season Season
date date
1. Srikakulam 0 0 0 0 0% 598 598 420 25 4%
2. Vizianagaram 0 0 0 0 0% 284 284 163 99 35%
3. Visakhapatnam 7 7 0 0 0% 215 215 124 47 22%
4. East Godavari 116 116 0 0 0% 17 17 0 7 43%
5. West Godavari 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0%
6. Krishna 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 30 0 0%
7 Guntur 3 3 0 0 0% 269 269 49 32 12%
8. Prakasam 1244 1244 64 410 33% 57 57 59 77 135%
9. SPSR Nellore 279 279 20 0 0% 10 10 0 15 150%
10 Chittoor 124 124 1603 7 6% 613 613 701 165 27%
11 YSR Kadapa 5152 5152 437 170 3% 3436 3436 2070 2428 71%
12 Anantapuram 4907 4907 2428 378 8% 1331 1331 1097 1707 128%
13 Kurnool 5912 5912 2519 274 5% 8388 8388 9754 11090 132%
ANDHRA PRADESH 17744 17744 7072 1240 7% 15218 15218 14467 15692 103%

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