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1. Area to protect machinery from weather, theft, vandalism and to allow easy maintenance and adjustment
of machines. MACHINERY SHED
2. Building for fabrication, repair and maintenance of tools, implements, equipment and parts of structures
and provides a place where tools, supplies and spare parts are stored.
3. The building shall be situated at least _____from other buildings to reduce fire hazard, to allow for future
expansion, and maneuvering and parking of machinery.
4. The minimum storage area for machinery shed shall be calculated by multiplying the width plus
______by length plus _______ for each machine.
5. For the approach aprons, the slope shall be _________ away from the building.
6. When the roof span is 3 m or less, a ______ shall be used. For larger spans or very heavy loads a
________ shall be required.
7. The minimum clear height from floor to truss shall be at least ______. For machines higher than 3 m, the
height shall be the sum of the machine height plus _____.
8. Minimum dimension of a doorway shall be ____ high and _____ m wide. For bigger equipment, a
clearance of 0.6 m on both sides shall be added.
9. The door height shall be provided with a clearance of at least _____ above the tallest machinery.
10. Work benches shall be ________ high.
11. The bench width shall be ________ and _______ long.
12. For a welding area, a welding hood with a fan that will move air about _________ to ________ shall be
13. If vehicle are to be operated in the shop for a period of time, the fan shall be capable of moving air about
______ per vehicle.
14. A 120-volt or 240-volt outlet shall preferably be installed every ________ along workbenches and every
______ along walls.


1. Building used for storing paddy or rice and other grains in bags. WAREHOUSE
2. Storing of paddy or corn kernels in bags usually made of jute (gunny) or polyethylene and normally
accommodates 44-50 kilos. ___________________________
3. Process of using chemicals to control insects in grains in a form of fumes. FUMIGATION
4. Wooden frames used on concrete floors for stacking bags to prevent direct contact between the grains and
the floor. DUNNAGE
5. Moving of air through stored grains at low airflow rates (generally between 0.07 – 0.28 cubic meter per
minute per ton) for purposes other than drying, to maintain or improve its quality. AERATION
6. The standard pallet size should be __________________________.
7. Bags of grain in each lot should be stacked in basic patterns of cluster formation so that bags can be easily
counted, and quality maintained. _______________________
8. In this type, six blocks are formed to make standard stack of 9.14m x 6m size. Each block is of the size
6m x 1.5m. In the block, one layer is put lengthwise and other breath-wise.
9. Bagged grains with 14% moisture content or lower could be piled in Chinese method. Sacks are piled side
by side and one on top of the other over malathion sprayed wooden pallets.
10. Bagged grains with moisture content of more than 14% are piled in this method. This system of stacking
provides ventilation space between bags and allows circulation of convective air currents that provide a
medium for heat dissipation. ___________________________________
11. In this type bags are laid in complete length-wise or breath-wise tiers in alternate layers systematically.
The first layer will have 11 bags in 9.14m direction with 11 such rows. The second layer of bags would
be laid width-wise with 16 bags in 9.14m direction of stack with 7 such rows.
12. The height of stacks shall not exceed the height of the walls and a space of at least ________ shall be
allowed between the tops of the stacks and roof frames.
13. Sacks made of woven polypropylene have a tendency to slide on each other, and therefore shall not be
stacked more than _______ high.
14. Jute sacks bind together better, and maybe stacked up to ________ above the floor.
15. Dimensions for maximum piling should be _____________________.
16. Space between piles shall be _________wide.
17. A minimum of 0.5meter space between the edge of the pile and the wall shall be provided.
18. The height of the interior between the beam and floor is _________(minimum) for normal temperature
19. The minimum requirement for illumination is _______________.
20. If loading and unloading of trucks will be permitted inside the warehouse the floor shall be ______ above
the ground.
21. A concrete strip about ________wide shall be laid around the warehouse to prevent rain from eroding the
base of the walls below the damp course.
22. A standard roof truss of ______ span (or larger) should be used.
23. The size of the entrance is _________wide and ________ high for normal temperature warehouse.

Optimum Recommended Stack Height

Type of Grain Stack Height in Layers Stack Height in Meters

Wheat, barley, maize

Recommended Dimensions of Warehouse Based on Capacity

Number of Cavans Dimensions

10 000
50 000
100 000
500 000


1. Product handling which include steps to make a harvested commodity more suitable for manufacturers or
2. Process of classifying into groups according to a set of recognized criteria of quality and size, each group
bearing an accepted name and size grouping. _________________________________
3. Process of classifying into sizes according to criteria that may or may not be recognized or accepted by
the industry. ________________________________
4. Process of classifying into groups designated by the person classifying the produce either according to a
set of criteria or whatever criteria he may set. _________________________________
5. Ratio of the volume of air that enters a room to the volume of air of the empty room.
6. Process of determining whether the grade standards have been interpreted or enforced properly by
inspecting random samples usually of predetermined amount large enough to give an indication of the
correctness of the grading procedure. _______________________________
7. Process to ensure adequate protection and safe delivery of a product from the producer to the ultimate
consumer. ___________________________________
8. An area of _____ square meter per ton of commodity shall be provided.
9. The storage area of a processing plant shall have a capacity for temporary storage of raw materials for
________ processing days.
10. Ceilings shall be at least _______ from the finished floor line.
11. All wall tops and ledges shall slope at _____.
12. It shall be coved to the floor-wall and at wall-to-wall junctions with a minimum radius of
13. All windows shall be properly installed with _______screen.
14. Window ledges shall be sloped about ______ to prevent the accumulation of dirt, water, or debris.
15. Windowsill shall be at least ________from the finish floor line.
16. Doors shall have a minimum width of _______.
17. Intersection with the wall shall be coved with ______________.
18. The floor shall slope _________ towards the drainage.
19. The height of sorting and grading surface shall be about __________________below the bottom of the
elbow in the normal working position (sitting or standing).
20. Edges of the sorting table should be lined with thin layer of foam to protect the commodity from bruising
during sorting, and should slope from the center toward the sorter by ________.
21. The storeroom for finished product shall have an appropriate temperature and humidity levels of less than
______ degrees and ______ of relative humidity.


1. Storage in an artificial atmosphere in which the proportion of carbon dioxide and/or oxygen is precisely
2. Produce is piled in room-sized bins, which exerts forces that must be resisted by the building
3. Produce is placed in boxes or pallet bins which in turn are stacked in storage
4. Storage structure with continuously wetted walls. ____________________________
5. Coarse cloth made of jute, flax or hemp. ________________________________
6. Materials used to prevent migration of moisture into a storage area.
7. Individual divisions in a carton formed by fiberboard dividers, each cell to contain one fruit.
8. Cartons in which the cover is separate and fits snugly over the bottom part.
9. Ceilings shall be at least _____ from the finished floor line for manual handling and ______ for
mechanical handling.
10. All wall tops and ledges shall slope at _____.
11. The width of the door shall be at least _______.
12. Access doors shall be ______ to ________.
13. The intersection of the floor with the wall shall be coved with ____ to ____ radius.
14. The floor slope should be ___________ towards the drain.
15. Stack should be about ______away from outer walls and _____________away from the wall that is
exposed to the sun.
16. Space between the ceiling and the stack shall be ________.
17. Within a stack, a minimum of _________vertical air path shall be provided between each box.
18. Space between stack and sides and floor shall be _______ to ________.
19. Stacking height shall be up to ________for the cell pack and _______high for telescopic tray pack

Bulk Density and Pile Depth for Bulk Storage of Some Vegetables

Produce Average Bulk Density kg/m3 Maximum Pile Depth

Pumpkins and Squash


1. Growth of protoplasts, cells, tissues, shoot tips, roots, anthers, embryos, flowers and meristems in a
laboratory medium. _________________________________
2. Any nutrient material prepared for the growth and cultivation plant tissue.
3. Ceilings shall be at least ________ from the finished floor line.
4. The floor slope should be _____ to _____ towards the drain.
5. In media preparation and sterilization area, the tables should be up to _____ wide if it is to be accessed on
both sides and not exceeding _____ if it is accessible only from one side.
6. In growth rooms, the width of the shelves should be ______ if accessible only from one side and shall be
_____ if accessible from both sides.
7. The distance between each layer of the shelves shall be ______.


1. Structure that provide a reliable enclosure within which an environment favorable to plant growth can be
attained. GREENHOUSE
2. Method of greenhouse construction where modular roof units are connected at the eave by a common
gutter. ______________________________________
3. Removal of heat from the interior of the greenhouse. _____________________________________
4. Addition of heat to the interior of the greenhouse from any energy source including the sun.
5. Prevents excess solar radiation in the greenhouse. ____________________________________
6. Process of exchanging air inside the greenhouse with outside air to control temperature, humidity, oxygen
or carbon dioxide levels. _______________________________________
7. Benches should be up to 1.8m wide if they are to be access from both sides, and should not exceed
_______ if they are accessible only from one side.
8. An air circulation space of approximately _______ shall be allowed between the sidewalls and the
9. For fixed benches the usable space should be ___________of the floor area while ______ for rolling
10. If the walkway will be used only as a place to stand while servicing the benches, a minimum of
______aisle shall be used for determinate crops and a minimum of _____aisle for indeterminate crops.
11. Larger greenhouses often have _____ to _____ secondary aisle and _____ to ______primary aisle. If a
worker is in a wheelchair, 1.2 m wide aisle shall be used and ramps shall be provided for easy access.
12. The length of the greenhouse should not exceed ______.
13. The eave height for a gable roof greenhouse shall be at least ______ with a minimum gable height of
14. Gutter heights of _____ to ____are recommended for multi span houses to allow machines to move
15. The height of the house in the walk areas shall not be less than ______.
16. For tall crops _______shall be the minimum height at the eaves and _____ as minimum desirable height.
17. Framing shall adequately support the covering and any equipment and/or hanging baskets suspended from
the framing. It shall be able to carry trellising loads up to _______.
18. Framing shall be able to withstand maximum wind gusts of _________.
19. Roof pitch for a glass greenhouse should be ______to prevent inside condensation from dripping on
20. Plastic covered greenhouses require a steeper pitch of ___________ to prevent drip.


1. Wastes resulting from the production and processing of crops and animals or agricultural products,
including manures with at least 20% solids, pruning and crop residues wherever produced.
2. Any item used to improve the compost structure and to increase porosity to allow internal air movement.
3. Weight ratio of carbon to nitrogen. 15:1
4. Mixture of an organic waste with amendment(s) or bulking agent(s) in the proper proportions to promote
aerobic microbial activity and growth and to achieve optimum temperatures.
5. Controlled decomposition of organic matter by micro-organisms, mainly bacteria and fungi, into a
humus-like product. _____________________________________________
6. Any item added to the compost mixture that alters the moisture content, C:N ratio, or pH.
7. Process where fungi digest the carbons not degraded during composting and further stabilize the nutrients.
8. Site where solid waste is finally discharged and deposited.
9. Solid waste or combination of solid waste which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical,
chemical or infectious characteristics may: cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or
an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness.
10. Shall refer to the liquid produced when waste undergo decomposition, and when water percolate through
solid waste undergoing decomposition; contaminated liquid that contains dissolved and suspended
materials. ___________________________________
11. Interim containment of solid waste after generation and prior to collection for ultimate recovery or
disposal. _______________________________________
12. Involves the arrangement of compost mix in long, narrow piles or windrows that are periodically turned
to maintain aerobic conditions. ________________________________________
13. RA 9003. ________________________________________________________________
14. PD 1152. _________________________________________________________________
15. The site should be located in soils with at least _______clay.
16. Floor shall be concreted and shall have a slope of _____ to one or both sides with openings on the low
side to a gutter or surface drain.
17. Ramp slope should be _____ to _____.
18. The C:N ratio of the compost mix should be maintained for most compost operations between _______ to
19. The recommended pH in the compost mixture should be _____ to ______.
20. The composting mass shall be provided with adequate ventilation. At least _____oxygen shall be
21. If waste is composted inside a fully enclosed vessel, the waste shall be maintained at a minimum
temperature of ______on at least three different days.
22. Moisture content should be maintained _____ to ____ to nourish the composting bacteria.
23. Particle size shall be _____ to _____.
24. Windrows should be ________high and ________ wide at the base
25. The compost mixture height generally ranges from ____ to ____and the width should be twice the depth.
26. The pile shall not be disturbed for ____ to ____ months.

Typical Composting Time

Material Composting Time

Aerated Static Pile


1. The liquid waste facility shall be constructed on soils with at least _____ clay content.
2. Scrape alley shall be ___m to ___m wide for dairy and beef cattle and ___m to ___m wide for swine and
3. Flush alley shall be ___m to ___m depending on animal type.
4. The initial flow depth should be ___ mm for underslat alley and ___ mm – ___ mm for open alleys.
5. Type of gutter recommended for swine buildings._____________________________________
6. ____________________________ is recommended for collecting cattle manure.
7. ____________________________ is recommended for confined stall barns.
8. For gravity drain gutters, the minimum depth shall be ___ mm and the width shall be ___ mm.
9. For step-dam gutters, the height of the dam should be ___mm and gutters should be ___ mm wide.
10. Scrape gutters shall be ____ m - ____ m wide; ____ m - ___ m deep and generally does not have a
bottom slope.
11. Grit chamber should be designed to remove particles equivalent to fine sand (____ mm– ____ mm
diameter with a specific gravity of ____).
12. Rectangular sedimentation tanks should have a length to width ratio of ______________.
13. Side slopes of the settling channel should be ____ or less and the bottom slopes should be ____ - ____ to
maintain low velocities and rapid settling.
14. Storage gutters should have a minimum depth of ____ mm and width of ____ mm with a bottom slope of
15. The storage pond shall have a free board of ____m.
16. The minimum acceptable depth for anaerobic lagoon shall be _____.
17. Minimum lagoon volume requirement shall be the sum of ____________________________ and
_______________________________ for the treatment period.
18. The minimum operating depth and maximum level of aerobic lagoon shall be
19. The top width of the lagoon embankment should be at least ____m to allow access for tractors and
20. The inside slopes should be between ____ and ____ while outside slope should be ____ to allow easy
access with the pumping equipment and for maintenance.
21. Pipes or open channels should be used with a minimum dimension of ____ mm.
22. Outlet devices should be installed in a manner that allows effluent to be taken at a level ____ mm – ____
mm below the surface.
23. Adequate water should be available to establish and maintain the minimum operating level of the lagoon
at ____ of the design depth.
24. The bank of the holding pond should not be steeper than ____.
25. The width to length ratios for filter bed should be ____ to ____.
26. Sludge drying lagoon should have a sludge depth of ____ m – ____ m.
27. Storage lagoon should have a depth of ____ m – ____ m and should be provided with mechanical aerator.
28. Covers for storage tank opening should be non-floating and weigh at least _____.

Sludge Accumulation Ratio

Animals SAR


1. For continuous-fed biogas plat, the size of the tank for collecting and separating manure from heavy and
non-biodegradable materials should not exceed to the total slurry volume for _____days.
2. The slurry volume is the volume occupied by the manure and water at a ratio of
3. The minimum diameter of the inlet pipe shall be 0.2m
4. The digester volume is ____ of the total digester volume is occupied by the slurry.
5. For fixed type and balloon type, about _____ of the total digester volume is occupied by the gas generated
6. The minimum diameter of the outlet pipe shall be 0.2m
7. For floating and balloon type, the minimum of volume of the outlet tank shall be _______ to the daily
slurry input of the digester.
8. For fixed type, the volume of the outlet tank shall be ______of digester volume occupied by the slurry.
9. Concrete channels shall be provided from the source of substrate to the collecting tank with a minimum
slope of _____.
10. The floor of the mixing tank should be inclined from ____- ____ toward the inlet pipe and it should be
elevated at least _____ from the filling line.
11. Concrete pipe (prefabricated RC pipe) should be used and it should be inclined _____ with digester wall.
12. For balloon type digester, the floor shall have a slope of about ______ from the inlet to the outlet.
13. The plastic tube shall be at least ________________.
14. In case groundwater is in great quantity, deep wells should be constructed ____m away from the
excavated pit, with a depth _____ – ____ m lower than the pit, then pump water away from wells.

Retention Time for Animal Manure for Mesophilic Temperature Range

Substrates Retention Time (days)

Liquid pig manure
Liquid cow or carabao manure
Liquid chicken manure
Animal manure mixed with plant material


1. The minimum floor slope shall be _______and it shall slope uniformly from walls to the drain to avoid
puddles or depressions.
2. Intersection with the walls shall be rounded with ____ mm - ____ mm radius.
3. At least _____ m of the wall above the floor level shall be tiled or covered with other impervious
4. All wall tops and ledges shall slope at _____.
5. The wall shall be coved to the floor-wall and at wall-to-wall junctions with a radius of ____ mm -
6. Ceilings shall be at least _____ m from the floor.
7. Window ledges shall be sloped about 45 degrees to prevent the accumulation of dirt, water, or debris.
8. Windowsill shall be at least _____ m from the finish floor line.
9. External doors shall be fitted with screens, air flaps or provided with air curtain. The width shall be at
least _____m.
10. The internal doors shall be _____m wide.
11. Cold storage facilities shall have adequate capacity to maintain a temperature of ______or less.
12. Table height for working tables shall be _____.
13. Convenience outlet shall be waterproof type and it shall be installed ____ m - ____ m high.
14. One 150 mm - 200 mm drainage inlet shall be provided for each _____ m2 of floor space.

Minimum lighting intensity for dressing plant

Area Lighting intensity (lux)

Holding area
Operating area
a. General
b. Working table


1. Slaughterhouse with required facilities and operational procedures to serve local markets in the
2. Slaughterhouse with required facilities and operational procedures to serve local markets within the
3. Slaughterhouse with required facilities and operational procedures to serve any market. AAA
4. If located near a river, stream, or lake, the slaughterhouse shall be at least ______ meters away from the

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