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Comparison of damage assessment methodologies for different natural


Conference Paper · September 2010


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7 authors, including:

Tiziana Rossetto Andreas Kappos

University of London Khalifa University


Leonidas Alexandros Kouris Maurizio Indirli

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ENEA


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Comparison of damage assessment methodologies for different natural
T. Rossetto
Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, University College London, U.K.
A.J. Kappos & L.A. Kouris
Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
M. Indirli
ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
R.P. Borg
Department of Building & Civil Engineering, University of Malta, Malta
T.O. Lloyd & V. Sword-Daniels
Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, University College London, U.K.
ABSTRACT: Following a natural disaster engineers undertake structural assessments for many different pur-
poses; for example for the assessment of structural safety, quantification of the severity of the event effects or
for insurance loss calculation. These purposes are common irrespective of the hazard that may have caused
the structural damage. This paper presents a critical review and comparison of existing methods for the post-
event damage assessment of structures under different natural hazards. It aims to discover whether it may be
possible in the future to develop a common assessment methodology that is hazard-independent, or if funda-
mental differences exist in the effects of the hazards that preclude a common approach. The natural hazards
investigated are earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The investigation is complicated by the fact
that these hazards have different levels of development in terms of structural assessment methods and univer-
sal acceptance of these methods.

1 INTRODUCTION and efficient procedure, and the need for detailed

data collection for future studies.
Structural damage assessments are an integral and This paper looks at published guidance and past
essential part of the recovery process from a natural studies on structural assessment methods post-
disaster, and occur independently of the nature of disaster for earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic erup-
the hazard causing the disaster. Immediately after tions. This review is followed by a discussion that
the event engineers must assess all buildings within looks to identify whether a standard damage assess-
the affected area to assess damage, safety, and us- ment methodology may be developed in the future
ability, to identify buildings requiring emergency that is hazard type independent.
strengthening (e.g. to avoid collapse during after-
shocks or further volcanic ash fall), to provide reli-
able data to the authorities, and to plan further relief 2 EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT
and rehabilitation measures. A systematic collection
of damage data reduces the time required to com- Several methods for post-earthquake inspection
plete the work, ensures that no valuable information and rapid assessment of buildings have been devel-
is lost, and leads to a realistic assessment of building oped in a number of countries. Among these, proce-
capacity. This first stage of structural assessment is dures used in Japan (JBDPA’90-91), USA (ATC
often carried out through rapid screening. In the next 20, ATC20-2), New Zealand (NZNSEE ’98), the
phase, structures deemed unsafe are assessed in Balkans (UNDP/UNIDO, Greece) and Italy (Pro-
more detail to determine the extent of required repair tezione Civile 2010a,b,c, MEDEA, 2005,
or need for demolition. GNDT_INGV, 2010a,b) deserve particular attention
In addition to their use for recovery, structural (Kappos 2003).
damage assessments often provide data for future re-
search studies on the revision of existing urban plans
2.1 Japanese method (JBDPA’90-91)
by mapping the spatial distribution of earthquake ef-
fects, the re-evaluation of existing codes and prac-
tices, and the development of vulnerability models 2.1.1 Overview of the method
for pre-earthquake assessments. The methodology to Emergency inspectors check the following: (i)
be adopted for the structural assessment must there- outline (description) of the building, (ii) maximum
fore strike a balance between the need for a rapid settlement and maximum inclination of the building,
(iii) damage to structural members, and (iv) risk of
overturning or falling objects. There is a standard
form for data collection and each item inspected is
ranked (according to damage degree) as “A” (low),
“B” (moderate) or “C” (high).

2.1.2 Evaluation of ‘risk level’

In the Japanese method there is a classification of
three levels of risk: The “DANGER” level includes
buildings with ≥2 “C”-items, or ≥3 “B”-items result-
ing in settlement, leaning, or member damage. The
“CAUTION” level contains buildings with ≥2 “B”-
items (resulting in settlement, leaning, or member
damage), and the “SAFETY” level includes all other
There is also an identical classification (Danger,
Caution and Safety) for the risk of falling or over-
turning objects (i.e. “DANGER” level: building with
≥2 “C”-items, or ≥3 “B”-items, and so on).

2.1.3 Emergency treatment

Entrance to buildings is restricted according to the
level of risk. The entrance to buildings ranked
DANGER (damage, inclination etc.) is prohibited.
The entrance to buildings ranked DANGER - falling
objects is prohibited, if objects are placed around the
entrance. The entrance to buildings ranked CAU-
TION (re. damage, inclination etc.) is allowed ‘with
care’. The entrance to buildings ranked SAFETY
(re. damage, inclination etc.) is unrestricted. Emer-
gency repairs shall be carried out according to the Figure 1. ATC-20 flowchart for normal building safety evalua-
pertinent “Guidelines for Restoration Techniques”. tion and posting.
Entrance conditions can be changed following an
emergency repair or restoration. The classification based on the settlement (s) de-
tects small (s < 0.2m), moderate (0.2 < s <1.0m) and
2.1.4 Damage Classification and Design of Inter- severe (s > 1.0m) damage. The classification accord-
ventions ing to the inclination angle (θ) is ‘small’ (θ < 0.01
There is an independent guideline, referring to a rad), ‘moderate’ (0.01 < θ < 0.03), ‘severe’ (0.03 < θ
procedure applied a few days after the earthquake < 0.06), or ‘overturned’ (θ > 0.06 rad). The classifi-
when inspectors check the maximum settlement of cation based on the degree of damage to structural
the building, the maximum tilt of the building and members (global damage ratio D) divides buildings
the degree of damage to structural members. There with slight (D < 5), small (5 < D < 10), moderate (10
is a standard form for data collection. The investiga- < D <50), or severe (D > 50) damage or collapse (D5
tion may be confined to the most damaged story but = 50). The global damage ratio is defined as the sum
objects tending to fall must be checked. of the structural member damage ratios i.e. D = Σ Di
, where i=1 to 5, refers to the degree of damage. In
Table 1. Criteria for assigning degree of damage (DD). this equation D1=10n1/N ≤5, D2=26n1/N ≤13, …,
DD Damage state of structural member D5=1000n5/7N ≤50 ; ni is equal to the number of
visible but narrow cracks on surface of concrete
columns (or total length of walls) with degree of
(crack width w<0.2mm)
damage I (as determined from Table 1), and N is the
total number of columns (or total length of walls).
visible cracks on surface of concrete (0.2mm
II This check may be confined to the most damaged
storey. The final classification may be based on the
local spalling of cover concrete, major cracks
III most critical result between settlement, leaning, and
damage of members.
full spalling and crushing of concrete, exposed rein- The design of interventions (demolition, repair or
forcing bars strengthening) depends on the seismic intensity and
buckling of bars, crushing of concrete core, visible the damage state.
vertical deformation of column/wall
2.2 U.S. method (ATC 20, ATC20-2) 2.3 New Zealand method (NZNSEE ’98)
This method is generally similar to the ATC-20, the
2.2.1 Overview of the method forms being practically the same. The model for
In ATC-20 there are three different procedures (Fig. Building Safety Evaluation Response Plan is in-
1): the rapid evaluation, the detailed evaluation and cluded in the Guidelines. Key roles are foreseen for
the engineering evaluation. Rapid Evaluation lasts a Building Evaluation Manager (BEM), Building
10-20min per building and is the 1st level of evalua- Evaluation Officers, an Administration Officer
tion focused on quickly identifying apparently safe (AO), and three Inspectors (2 ‘technical’ + 1 ‘with
and obviously unsafe buildings. The Detailed communication skills’).
Evaluation has a duration of 1 to 4 hours per struc-
ture, is the 2nd level of evaluation and requires thor-
2.4 Methods used in the Balkans (UNIDO, Greece)
ough visual examination of both building (interior
and exterior) and site. These two methods result in
the rating of buildings as safe, potentially dangerous, 2.4.1 Overview of the method
and unsafe. The Engineering Evaluation (1-7 days) This method focuses on emergency inspection, but
is carried out by a consultant hired by the owner uses a rather detailed form (which is meant to be
(and/or the insurance company). partly filled before the earthquake). Clear instruc-
tions (to be provided during intensive short semi-
2.2.2 Evaluation of risk level nars) must be given to inspectors, for them to suc-
The Rapid Evaluation method is performed by as- cessfully apply the method.
sessing 6 screening criteria: The classification of buildings by posting (tag-
i. building (partially) collapsed; moved off foun- ging) is performed with three colours, mainly based
dation. on the integrity of the structural system:
ii. building or storey significantly leaning. A green tag is associated with buildings that show
iii. obvious severe damage to primary members; no indication of reduction in their structural capacity
severe racking of walls, or similar signs of dis- (against vertical and lateral loads).
tress. A yellow tag is assigned to buildings that have a
iv. parapet, chimney, etc. falling hazard present. moderately reduced lateral load capacity, but show
v. ground failure (large movement, or fissures, no reduction vertical load capacity.
etc.). Finally, buildings are posted with red tags when
vi. other hazards (toxic spill, broken glass, fallen both vertical and lateral load capacity are seriously
power). reduced.
For item (iv) and possibly (vi) ‘AREA UNSAFE’
(rather than ‘UNSAFE’) is recommended. If the Table 2. Damage and usability classification according to
situation is doubtful, inspectors are suggested to post UNIDO/UNDP.
‘LIMITED ENTRY’ and request a Detailed Evalua- tag usability damage state damage description
tion. Inspectors are generally prompted to look for colour classification
readily observable, gross kinds of structural distress Green usable 1=no damage negligible structural
and hazardous geotechnical conditions. 2=slight damage and light non-
The Detailed Evaluation method is primarily used structural damage; hair-
to determine the safety of buildings posted “Limited line cracks in structural
Entry” during Rapid Evaluation, and is intended to members.
provide reasonable assurance that a building, albeit Yellow temporarily 3=moderate small to large cracks in
damaged, is safe enough for use. It is also used for unusable 4=significant R/C members; spalling
essential facilities, when they have been damaged of cover concrete; de-
during the earthquake. The procedure includes six tachment and partial
steps, the first being the survey of the building from collapse of partition
the outside. Next, the site is examined for geotechni- walls ….
cal hazards and then the structural system is exam- Red unusable 5=severe large number of
ined internally. In the fourth step the assessment fo- 6=partial or crushed structural
cuses on non-structural hazards and on other hazards total collapse members and connec-
(spills, leaks etc.). In the last step the inspector com- tions; buckling of rein-
pletes a checklist and assigns the building to a dam- forcement; dislocations
age category. Specific instructions are given to iden- of members and the
tify damage in each building type. building etc.
2.4.2 Evaluation of risk level and emergency treat- 3 TSUNAMI DAMAGE ASSESSMENT
The evaluation of risk, the emergency treatment and In the case of tsunami, very few guidance docu-
the damage state are classified according to the tag ments have been developed for use in post-event
of the building, as summarised in Table 2. The dam- damage assessments. The Intergovernmental Ocea-
age inspection form adopted by UNIDO/ UNDP nographic Commission, IOC (of UNESCO, 1998)
(1985) is detailed and comprehensive, but since it is has published a post tsunami field guide developed
rather demanding and difficult to use in an emer- from existing earthquake and tsunami field guides
gency situation, simplified versions of this form and more recent tsunami surveys (Farreras, 2000).
have been used in Greece and other Balkan countries While concentrating on collecting scientific data
over the last two decades. It is worth noting that in such as tidal levels, run-up elevations and bathymet-
these countries two levels of inspection and assess- ric data, it indicates that structural damage should be
ment have been used in recent years, the second one collected where possible, noting the possible cause
being more detailed than the first, but focussing only of the damage and distinguishing tsunami damage
on buildings with significant damage. from earthquake damage in a near source event. The
guidance for building damage assessment is brief
and recommends rough (non-specialized) classifica-
2.5 Italian methods (methods by Protezione Civile,
tion of damage, estimating the nature and category
of the damage and its apparent cause.
In Italy the evaluation of earthquake damage in
ordinary buildings is carried out by public officers Table 3. Tsunami damage scale descriptions for masonry
with a specific investigation form (Protezione Civile structures typical of Sri Lanka proposed by EEFIT (2006).
2010a). The evaluation is carried out using a matrix Damage
Damage description for structure
which assigns a level of risk (from high risk to low State
risk) according to damage observed in structural None No visible structural damage to the structure ob-
elements, non-structural elements and foundations (DM0) served
and to the danger posed by neighbouring structures.
The outcome is expressed on a scale from A to F, Damage limited to chipping of plaster on walls, mi-
where: A means “fit for use”, B “fit for use with Light nor cracking visible. Damage to windows, doors.
prompt interventions”, C “partially fit for use”, D (DM1) Damage is minor and repairable. Immediate occu-
“not fit for use, necessity of a deeper analysis”, E pancy
“not fit for use” and F “not fit for use, due to risk Out-of-plane failure or collapse of parts of or whole
from neighbouring structures”. An alternative me- sections of masonry wall panels without compro-
thod for damage evaluation is presented by the ME- mising structural integrity. Masonry wall can be re-
DEA method (MEDEA 2005; Borg et al. 2010a; paired or rebuilt to restore integrity. Most parts of
Kouris et al. 2010), which can be used for ordinary the structure intact with some parts suffering heavy
reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. Other Moderate damage. Scouring at corners of the structures leav-
commonly used important tools are the forms to (DM2) ing foundations partly exposed but repairable by
evaluate the seismic structural vulnerability of rein- backfilling. Cracks caused by undermined founda-
forced concrete and masonry buildings proposed by tions are clearly visible on walls but not critical.
the Gruppo Nazionale Difesa Terremoti (GNDT), Unsuitable for immediate occupancy but suitable af-
(GNDT-INGV 2010a and 2010b). ter repair
Cultural heritage buildings (Linee Guida 2006)
can be studied by decomposing the entire structure Out-of-plane failure or collapse of masonry wall
into architectural portions (named “macro- panels beyond repair, structural integrity compro-
elements”) characterized by an autonomous struc- mised. Most parts of the structure suffered collapse.
Heavy Excessive foundation settlement and tilting beyond
tural behaviour with respect to the construction as a
(DM3) repair. Collapse of wall sections due to scouring and
whole. In fact, in historic complexes, effective con-
nections between vertical walls and floors are often damage non-repairable. Structure requires demoli-
scarce or absent, driving to specific mechanisms (lo- tion since unsuitable for occupancy
cal damage and/or partial collapse) caused by loss of Complete structural damage or collapse, founda-
equilibrium of masonry portions under out-of-plane
Collapse tions and floor slabs visible and exposed, collapse
actions. The earthquake damage and structural vul- of large sections of foundations and structures due
nerability of churches is checked by filling a specific to heavy scouring
survey form (Protezione Civile 2010b), in which lo-
cal failure/collapse mechanisms are identified. A
similar approach is used for monumental buildings Several approaches exist for identifying tsunami
(“palazzi”, see Protezione Civile 2010c). intensity (e.g. Ambraseys 1962 and Papadopoulos
and Imamura 2001). However, these methods do not
provide techniques for identifying structural dam- plying earthquake engineering principles and survey
age. Most of the literature presenting rapid field in- techniques. Spence et al. (1996) developed a 6-point
vestigations largely bases their damage assessments damage scale for use in assessing the damage from
on earthquake assessment methodologies directly. Mount Pinatubo, to summarise the damage and to
Rigorous, multi-stage building assessments using provide damage distribution data. Blong (2003) car-
forms such as those of ATC-20 have not been car- ried out a damage assessment for Rabaul, Papua
ried out, or at least have not been published. Instead, New Guinea, and used the same damage scale to
the damage scales in EMS-98 are the most com- quantify the impacts. The study noted that additional
monly used (e.g. in Miura et al. 2006). A few studies volcanic hazards should be included in such assess-
have attempted to modify earthquake damage as- ments, including: mudfills, lahars and the secondary
sessment methods and scales to take into account impact of corrosion. Spence et al. (2005) again used
damage relating to fast-flowing water, such as foun- the 6-point damage scale to classify the damage
dation failure due to scour or floating debris impact from volcanic ashfall. The study generated vulner-
damage. A modified version of the EMS-98 damage ability curves for European buildings based on em-
scales for use in tsunami damage assessment in pirical and analytical data. The data was gathered
Thailand and Sri Lanka following the Indian Ocean from the area around Vesuvius and from other areas
Tsunami was proposed by Rossetto et al. (2007) and in Europe.
EEFIT (2006). In these studies damage attributed to As for the case of tsunami damage assessment us-
different building types was also adopted to assign ing EMS-98, these surveys provide little information
Intensity values to the surveyed locations, using a on the building characteristics, type, age and condi-
modified version of the Tsunami Intensity scale of tion, and many surveys do not provide adequate de-
Papadopoulos and Imamura (2001). An example of tail for the purpose of understanding building vul-
the damage scale descriptions for masonry buildings nerability to volcanic ashfall or indeed other
proposed by EEFIT (2006) is shown in Table 3. volcanic hazards.
Taking into account damage to different struc- The EU Network Project COST Action C26 “Ur-
tural types allows the intensity values to be com- ban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic
pared in countries with different building stocks, to Events” (COST 2006) undertook an assessment of
obtain a comparative intensity for tsunami impact buildings in Naples, in order to classify the building
assessment. The results of these surveys do not pro- typology and to predict the possible modes of failure
vide sufficient information however to improve when impacted by volcanic hazards. The C26 pre-
knowledge on the structural response of buildings liminary activity is reported in several publications
under tsunami loading and therefore are not useful (Dobran, 2007, Florio et al. 2009, Mazzolani et al.
for the re-evaluation of codes of practice, assessment 2009a and 2009b).
of existing structures etc. The complete results of the Vesuvius field inves-
tigation are reported in Borg et al. (2010b-c), Alterio
et al. (2010), Zuccaro et al. (2010), and Mazzolani et
4 VOLCANIC DAMAGE ASSESSMENT al. (2010). The latter study involved two field sur-
veys undertaken during 2009 and 2010, to identify
The assessment of volcanic risk, in particular in structural typologies in the area around Vesuvius,
densely populated regions, is certainly a huge topic and record their characteristics. The surveys and
quite studied among the scientific community. In subsequent vulnerability analyses were carried out
addition to geology/vulcanology studies and the de- as a collaboration between various universities and
velopment of mathematical models and simulation institutes across Europe. The surveys were carried
codes, Geographic Information System (GIS) and out for different building types in the historic centre
Remote Sensing (RS) are also widely used to com- of Torre del Greco, the residential area of Torre del
bine volcanic hazard maps with inventory databases Greco, the Schools, and the Vesuvian Golden Mile
(asset maps) to determine hazard, vulnerability, ex- Villas.
posure and risk. An example is given by the EU The detailed surveys recorded information in-
EXPLORIS project, devoted to the needs related to cluding: regularity of building in plan and height,
volcanic risk assessment and mitigation (EXPLORIS the number and height of storeys, number and size
2006). of openings, frescos, mouldings, number of statues
Despite a large international effort, few studies and pieces of original furniture. Data was also col-
can be found where structural damage assessments lected on construction materials, construction meth-
are reported, and there is no official guidance as to ods, building age, existing strengthening or im-
how to perform rapid damage assessments. provement, general state of repair, site morphology
Spence et al. (1996), Blong (2003) and Spence et and the existence of cornices, lintels, stringcourses,
al. (2005) have carried out damage assessments on tie-beams, connection of walls to roof and of floors
buildings, using a damage scale based on the MSK to walls (where seen).
earthquake intensity scale for buildings and by ap-
In addition, the failure mechanisms were classi- 6 REFERENCES
fied using the MEDEA form (MEDEA 2005) and
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earthquake, pyroclastic flow and ash fall. D., Di Feo, P., Faggiano, B., Florio, G., Formisano, A.,
The results showed the prevalence of buildings Indirli, M., Kouris, L., Mazzolani, F., Sword-Daniels, V.,
designed to resist ordinary vertical loads, which Zuccaro, G. 2010. The Vesuvius case study in the survey
activity for the seismic and volcanic vulnerability assess-
showed insufficient safety against the volcanic ac- ment in the Vesuvian area: the Golden Mile Villas. Pro-
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mised for others to use successfully and unambigu- ence on Urban habitat construction under catastrophic
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ed to the collective database. sea waves in the eastern Mediterranean. Bull. Seism. Soc. of
This will improve understanding of vulnerability Am. 52, 895–913.
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Many procedures and guidelines have been pub- April 6th, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake: overview on the pro-
lished in the case of earthquake damage assessment, cedures for the seismic damage assessment of structures.
whilst little or no guidance exists for the other two Proceedings of COST Action C26 Final International Con-
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cases is modified to account for particular structural COST 2006. COST, European COoperation in the field of Sci-
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the engineers involved in the damage assessments
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earthquake engineering backgrounds and have Florio, G., Formisano, A., Gerasimidis, S., Indirli, M.,
adopted these procedure in the absence of any alter- Mazzolani, F.M., Pennone, C., Terracciano, G., Zuccaro, G.
native. The latter seems to stem from a general lack 2010b. The Vesuvius case study in the survey activity for the
of study of the impacts of these hazards from an en- seismic and volcanic vulnerability assessment in the Vesu-
gineering perspective (e.g. see Rossetto et al. 2010). vian area: the historical centre and a residential area of Torre
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catastrophic events, Naples, 16-18 September 2010.
sess structural safety for all three natural hazards
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remains unresolved from the analysis of the litera- De Luca, G., De Lucia, T., Faggiano, B., Fiorentino, G.,
ture. Florio, G., Formisano, A., Gerasimidis, S., Indirli, M.,
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(with little modification) have been deemed ade- G. 2010c. The Vesuvius case study in the survey activity
quate for assessing impact intensity is encouraging. for the seismic and volcanic vulnerability assessment in the
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