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NIM : 1907042013




Number: 1, Year: 2016, Author: Santi Chairani Djonhar, Link:
FOUR-YEAR OLD CHILDREN (Volume:9, Number:3, Year: 2017, Author: Imam
Surbakti & Khairani Hayat Situmorang, Link:






This study is to examine about the children language acquisition for the Indonesian
Children. This research is conducted by providing the exposure to the children through the
children`s best English Movie from the TV Chanel such as Disney Chanel and Nickelodeon.
The technique for collecting data used in this research is by observing the development of the
children syntactic construction in 18 months. The finding of the study showed that the
children has a good language construction development. The English language learning
process is almost similar to English learner where in this treatment is given an adequate
exposure to learn about the language.

The development of National-Plus School in Jakarta being grow well. This school
emphasize the use of English language in daily school activity in both inside and outside of
the classroom so that’s why the students has a lot of exposure toward English language.
Narendra and Rayesa are the students in National-Plus School in Jakarta both of them get
similar level of English at the school where they use English inside and out-side of the
classroom in the level of 70% English and 30% for Indonesian Language. But Rayesa only
has a low exposure at his house complex because his neighbor even his friend is Indonesia so
in the daily communication at his house will use Indonesian as a communicative language. He
only practice to use English with his family. He often to communicate with his mother and
brother in English, while he use Indonesian when speak to his father.

Rayesa is very active students to use English not only in the classroom environment but
also outside of the classroom. He supposed to use English in order to improve his language
skill. He has a good interest in reading historical book in English and enjoying his favorite
English TV Program.


According to (Dardjowidjojo, 2000) Language acquisition is the most interesting

phenomena where some language experts are very curious to conduct the research related to
the process of the children to learn the language. (Brown, 2001) explain that children will
have a good improvement in English as long as they can have a good exposure toward
English. There are some exposures activities that can be used to develop the children language
learning including reading the English Books, watching English movies, using English
actively through the daily communications and their environments.

Children word acquisition certainly begins in the three stage, according to (Traute
Taeschner, 1984) explain that the first stage is that the children commands a single lexical
system composed of words from both languages. Then the second stage is they are acquire
gradually in fundamental importance in the word choice and use. And the last stage is that the
children start possessing slightly larger lexicon than the monolingual. While (Maria Teresa
Guasti, 2002) explain that Acquiring the meaning of words is a complex task involving
various factors, among them the child's conceptual system. In accomplishing this task,
children probably rely on different kinds of information. Children innately know that words
refer and that others use them with a referential purpose. They can use nonverbal cues to
establish word meaning; for example, they can note where a speaker's attention is focused
when the speaker utters a word. (Traute Taeschner, 1984) explain that the sentence structure
acquisition of the children begins in three stages, the first is that the children start to use
nuclear sentence structure, the second stage is that the children develop their sentence
structure to other form of structure, then the third stage is they use the connective which
marks the interphrasal relationship.


The objective of this research is to analyze whether the language learning process of
children acquisition is adopted from the universal principles of language acquisition as they
are applied to English or not. While the second objective is how this child develops his
complex sentences, i.e. infinitival and sentential complements, relative clauses, passives, and
conjoined-clause constructions.

This research focuses on language acquisition of the Indonesian children. The children
language acquisition process which being observed in 18 months for one of the children in the
age of 61 to 7,7 years old. The recording process is conducted at home and the other spots
available such as the outside spots including playing ground, swimming pool, and the other
The researcher conduct the recording process during the weekend where the subject of
the research conduct the daily communication with his brother, mother, and the researcher. As
a presence during the recording process, the researcher also provides some notes to find out
the supporting data of the research that might be needed for data analysis purpose. The
transcribing was done right after the recording was made to have an accurate data possible.
During the period of 18 months, each sentence construction under this study was analyzed to
see how the child developed the complex sentence constructions.

In the earlier phase, Nara has be able to produce to infinitive sentence. The use of this
sentence structure may occur on his utterance for his daily communication such as I wanna
play, you hafta request. While Rayesa can be able to produce the complex sentence further
more involving wh infinitival and sentential complements at the same time for example I
know what to do, I teach myself how to make boomerang.
Then for the next phase, Ray can be able to produce the more complex sentence structure
on his utterance. Later, Ray could produce complex sentences involving other matrix verbs
think, guess, mean, wish, hope, say, and see. For example guess, I lose, I mean baby pokemon
not grow up, I wish I know, I wish you were reptile. For the end of this research study, Rayesa
can be able to produce a complement that involves matrix promise, like I promise you to
speak English and you can record me.
The development of the beginning children language acquisition will have some
difficulties related to the relative clause as stated on (Tomasello, 2003). The earliest relative
clauses that Ray produced were not center-embedded clauses like in I want. According to
(Tomasello, 2003)also explain that the earliest relative clauses produced by children were a
presentational relative constructions such as That, This, There, and It. Nara also produced
such kind of relative clauses in his speech like in This is professor Oak who give Pokeball.
Ray produced a number of embedded clause constructions like in Everyone who has ticket
will meet Crabby. Even Ray can be able to produce relative phrase using present or past
participles in his speech and utterance.


The research finding showed that the English Language Acquistion of Rayesa is similar
although it is not the same as that of English children. Ray is a native Indonesian who learns
English in a foreign setting, yet the process of English development follows the same path as
that of English children. This is because there are liable universal principles apparently
underlying this condition: innate capacity in a child’s brain to learn any language in his
environment, a child’s prime time in learning language, sufficient exposure to and
opportunities to the use language; and this is apparently applicable to the learning of






This research is to describe about acquisition planning and language acquisition of four
years children. This research is conducted to know about four year children characteristic of
language characteristics when he study at the kindergarten school and who do not one, and
acquisition planning implemented in kindergarten school. The research method implemented
is using qualitative research. The research subject is one study at kindergarten school and who
do not one. Techniques for collecting data used in this research is by using content analyzing.
The researcher analyze the data based on language acquisition theory and also conducting
interview to find the data about the implementation of acquisition planning in Kindergarten
School. The result shows that children studies at kindergarten school be able to produce
utterance better than the children who stays at home as the effect of acquisition planning used
in kindergarten.


Parents encourage their children to study at kindergarten school by the age of five, while
the other take their children to kindergarten school in the age of four. The government
institution applied some acquisition planning in the kindergarten school to facilitate the
students in the early age to study language well. Acquisition is related to the process of
organizing effort to promote language learning. As explained on (Hoff, 2003) individual
differences of acquiring language can be determined by some factors one of them is the global
effect of differences in family functioning and home environment. Children language
acquisition are also affected by surrounding. While Acquisition Planning is related about
teaching and learning strategy for managing language acquisition of the children.
The objective of this research is to find out the characteristic of four years old children to
produce the utterance. The researcher divides the students into two groups, four-years
students who is studying at kindergarten school and four years old students who do not study
at kindergarten. This research is conducted to find out the differences of language acquisition
characters on producing utterance between two groups. This research is also make a clear
description related about acquisition planning implemented in kindergarten school where this
child studied.


Children Language Acquisition

The term of language acquisition is the natural process of acquiring the language and it
can be defined as the unconscious process of learning language. As explains in (Krashen,
1983) language acquisition unconscious process that occurs when language is used in real
conversation. According to (Goodluck,1991) explains that it is easy way for the children to
have language acquisition in fact pronunciation is the only area where they hear around them.

Children first interaction for having exposures toward the language acquisition is from his
family. They begins to learn about any kinds of speech, and utterance on their environmental
interaction. The environment influence of their language acquisition precisely. According to
(Hart, 1979) the children imitate what they hear. Children’s daily lives are complex, unique
and inherently spatial. At the age of four, children are in the process of mastering their first
language completely and have been literate in it.

According to (Brown, 1973) explain that children use the language begins from the
simple one such as mama, da-da, bye, etc. The language develop from the simple one to the
complex as they grow. As they grow older, new meanings and new association are created
and vocabulary increases as more words are learned during their language development.

Acquisition Planning

According to (Cooper, 1990) Acquisition Planning is related to the process of planning of

organizing effort to promote the language learning. While another description from (Cooper,
1990) explains that the acquisition planning goals are :
 To decide what language should be taught within the curriculum
 To determine the amount and quality of teacher training
 To involve local communities
 To determine what material will be used and how they will be incorporated into the
 To establish a local and state assessment system to monitor progress
 To determine financial costs


This research is using qualitative research where the data of this research is taken from
the utterance produced by the children observed in different group. The first group is the four
year child studying in kindergarten school while the second group is four years child who
don’t study at kindergarten school. The another data is taken from the interview result with
the school teacher related to the acquisition planning implemented in TK Brigjend Katamso I

The instruments of the research are using the tape recorder, transcription and interview.
The use of tape recorder is to record the children utterance. While the use of interview
guideline is to gain the data from the school teacher related to implementation of Acquisition
Planning in that school.


The result of the research can be describe in the form of comparison data between the
children studying at kindergarten school and the students who is not studying at kindergarten.
The detail description can be seen as follow.

1. Based on the data analysis done by the researcher it showed that children who study
at kindergarten school can produce the utterance better than children who are not
study in the kindergarten.
2. It can be shown that the children who study at kindergarten school can be able to
produce full sentence including noun phrase more appropriately than children who
don’t study at kindergarten school
While the implementation of acquisition planning in the kindergarten school need to be
considered in order to enhance the student`s language acquisition and the learning outcome.
The implementation of acquisition planning in that school can be described as follows:

1. Curriculum Policy
It is related about the discussion of teaching and learning language objectives. In
Brigjen Katamso Kindergarten Medan, they follow a standard curriculum, licensed by
the Department of Education and Culture, which prepares children for entry into the
Indonesian school system.
2. Personel Policies
This kinds of area will be related to the basic requirement of the teacher guide the
children for having a good language acquisition during the learning process. In
recruiting the teacher, this school applied strict requirement to find the qualified
teachers. The educational background is considered as important things in teacher
3. Methodology and Materials Policies
In Brigjen Katamso Kindergarten, the material and method are arranged following a
standard curriculum, licensed by the Department of Education and Culture which is
stated in Permendikbud 146 tahun 2014. The school program developed in this school
should be well construct, where the most useful learning activities and teaching
method must provide an interesting environment and its atmosphere.
4. Community Policy
This kinds of area will related to the school relationship toward the students and their
parents. This relationship should be maintain well because the role of the parents is
very important, therefore the school conduct regular meeting with the parents to
discuss about the development of their children during the learning process.
5. Evaluation Policy
The school conduct some evaluations which is done to evaluate the school program
and planning has already well implemented or not. The evaluation is conducted for
both the teacher and the students. For the students, the evaluation is called resembly.
The students will be gathered and given question related to the material they had
learned. While for the teacher the evaluation is done evry month. The teachers will be
gathered and they will be asked to perform the mikro teaching.


From the research above, the data analysis showed that the four yea children studying
kindergarten school has a good vocabulary mastery and have more language proficiency than
the other children who doesn’t study at kindergarten school as the result of the
implementation of acquisition planning in that school. Language acquisition of the children is
affected by their surrounding especially from the family and community around the children.
Input is also important factor to the successful language acquisition of the children.

The four-year old children who stayed at home had some differences in the characteristics
of their utterances compared to the children who studied in the kindergarten. The acquisition
planning applied in the kindergarten which covered the plans which are implemented by the
teacher in teaching learning process affect the language exposed by the children.

Both research is concern about some factors that influence the children language
acquisition. We have considered that acquisition is the process of the children to learn and
acquire the language through the natural environment. The process of acquiring the language
will affected by some factors including exposure, environments and the acquisition planning.
From the first research we can see that the exposure of language acquisition has a good
impact toward the development of the children language. The children has a good
development of language when they are given some exposures such as English book and
English TV Chanel program. When the children has got much exposure in their daily life,
they will have a good progress on sentence structure and language proficiency. While on the
second research we can found that the exposure of the language in the children community
also has a great role to the children language development, as we see that in the second
research the children who get exposure of language through their community in the school
help him to achieve the language acquisition.
The second factor is the role of the community surrounding is very important to help the
children acquire the language. It can be proven by considering the result in both research
where the children got the exposure as well as supportive condition in their communities,
because the children will have a good opportunity to use the language in the school
environment and also outside of the school where the children interact with his family
The third factor is the language acquisition planning implemented on the kindergarten
school can have a good contribution helping the children developing their language
acquisition. In the second research we can find that the acquisition planning implemented in
TK Brigjend Katamso I Medan has been maintained well to enhance the student`s language
proficiency therefore the result is students can be able to produce complete sentence
construction in daily communication with the children communities.


From the description above we can conclude that exposure, community surrounding, and
school acquisition planning are taking a great role to help the children have a good language
acquisition. This kind of condition is available for the children who live in urban area, or for
those who study at the modern school. While the other hand if we looked at the suburban area
the children will have the lower opportunity to acquire English language. As explained on
(Hoff, 2003) individual differences of acquiring language can be determined by some factors
one of them is the global effect of differences in family functioning and home environment.
Our concern is about how to improve the exposure of English for the children live in suburban
area. They may have some exposure at the school only, while at their daily interaction with
community surrounding, they never use English. So we need to improve and develop these
researches to help the children live in suburban area, while we can focus on how can we
provides exposures through the children daily interaction with their family in suburban area.

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