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Pursuant to Executive Order No. 193, otherwise known as “Expanding the Coverage of the
National Greening Program (NGP)” it is the policy of the state to sustainably manage, protect and
conserve the country’s forest resources and thus the promulgation of its Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations.

The general objectives of the RIRR are to enhance and extend the period of implementation of
the NGP specifically aiming to accelerate the rehabilitation and reforestation of unproductive,
denuded and degraded areas and encourage the participation of the private sector, local
government units, organized upland communities and other relevant stakeholders. With the
implementation of the RIRR, private companies are enticed with a view towards enabling them to
achieve carbon neutrality among others and the provision of appropriate management
arrangements including issuance of tenure and provision of incentives to participants to ensure
sustainability of the program.


The private sector is encouraged to participate and invest in the Program as part of their
Corporate Social Responsibility and/or to enhance their greenhouse gas sink and reservoir as part of
their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at no cost to the government in developing
such area.

Qualified private sector may engage in the following activities:

1. Establishment of new NGP plantations – Private Sector can develop and invest in areas,
either tenured or untenured for the establishment of new NGP plantations. For areas
covered with tenure (i.e. CBFMA), Establishment of new NGP plantations the private sector
may enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the tenure holder to develop the area. For
untenured areas, private sector may develop the area under the NGP through a
Memorandum of Agreement with the DENR.
2. Maintenance and protection of existing NGP plantations- For long term development, the
private sector may invest in maintenance and protection of existing NGP plantations
through appropriate management arrangements.
3. Protection of existing second growth forest – with appropriate technical assistance from
the DENR, the private sector may invest in protecting existing second growth forest through
a Memorandum of Agreement with DENR.


Establishment of new plantations shall be within areas covered by any tenure

instrument/management arrangement through Comprehensive Site Development (CSD) which shall
have the following components:

1. Mapping and Site Assessment

2. Planning and value chain analysis to match species with site and markets
3. Site and Soil Preparation
4. Species Selection and Spacing
5. Nursery Establishment and Seedling Production
6. Plantation Establishment
7. Maintenance and Protection
8. Monitoring and Evaluation

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