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1/5 Loterte Nino T.

Public Administration 31

According to purpose it has three different of kind of research are predictive directive

and illuminative.

-First is predictive , according to the book predictive research or prognostic research is

to determine the variables of operation in the future and to direct control it to better.

This kind of research is give results to specific practice of education way and establish

connection between student’s characteristics and outcome education. For example to

predict if the students is success in the school, we collect the school data of the

students such the grade and achievements of it.

-Second is directive research is to determine of what has been done or finished

according on the findings of research. For example the ABC company sell shoe than

another shoe maker. Because in this research selling of shoes at the lowest price

because of the direct competitor.

-Next illuminative research is concern of the interaction of the components of the

variables of research that investigated. Example of this is the interaction of

components of company abc of company system and aims to show the connections of

employee characteristic and organizational patterns and policies of that.

According to goal this research classify as basic and pure research also known applied

research. Basic or pure research is the development of theories and principles. Its
2/5 Loterte Nino T. Public Administration 31

conduct of intellectual pleasure learning this research is has done according to Manuel

and Medel , p. 18 in psychology and sociology. Example of this is how did human

generation begin? What are the parts of cell of man and plants ?. Applied research is

application of the results of pure research according of this book. This is the test of

theories and principles if is efficient. To know if the test is true will conduct experiment

in which there’s two class. For example, of this is improve the skills and production.

Cure the covid-19.

According to the levels of investigation, this is categorizing of research according to the

levels of investigation such as the exploratory, descriptive, and experimental research.

Exploratory research is the studies of the researchers of specific situation. Example of

this is I am the owner of tapa’s queen and the best seller is the tapasilog and because

of the competition they conduct exploratory research for investigate of expanding of

sell of tapsilog. Next descriptive research is relationship between variables studies of

the researchers. Example of this is what are the main distinctive traits of organizational

culture of Jolibee corp?. Last is experimental research the effects of the variables of

researchers of theirs studies. Example of this is the MA Investigatory Projects.

Experimental research seeks to determine a relationship of two variables.

According to the type of analysis there’s two type of research first is analytic research

and holistic research. First is analytic is to identify and isolate the components of the

research according to the situation and attempts of the researcher. Example of this is
3/5 Loterte Nino T. Public Administration 31

the using of an appropriate process to solve the problem down into the elements. Next

is holistic research this is the total solution and focus attention on the system in the first

and its internal relationship of researchers. Example of this is grasp the whole without

consideration of the parts.

According to scope this is under of action research, it is type of research very limit

scope to the particular problem. Action research is involving the application of the

steps in the scientific method by particular problem. Example of this is researcher

studying how to change the order of his room to facilitate better and discuss better in

the classroom and how these changes impact the listener.

According to choice of answer to problem. According to ackoff he divides research that

the concern is to find the answers to problem. It has two types of research the

evaluation and developmental research. Evaluation research all of possible action are

specified and identified and to try to find the most advantageous of researcher.

Example of this is how satisfied are you with our product? Did the program produce

intended outcomes? What were the unintended outcomes?. Next is developmental

research is focus on developing a more suitable instrument than been available.

Example of this is a study focused on the progressive changes of an organism

develops. According to statiscal content. It has two types of research the Quantitative

and non-quantitative research Quantitative research also known staristical research

which is inferential statistic that utilized results of the study. Example of this is

regarding to soda( soda addiction among high schoolers and toddlers : how soda has
4/5 Loterte Nino T. Public Administration 31

effected to human health: drinking pattern and reasons for drinking.) Non- Quantitative

Research (Qualitative) is the research use of the quantity or practically not utilize.

Example of this is What are human right?

According to time element it has three major research methods first is historical

research, descriptive research and experimental research. Historical research is

describing what was. Example of this is the historical documents and archives. Next is

Descriptive research describing what is. Example of this what are the main distinctive

traits of organizational value and culture of mang inasal? Last is experimental research

its describe what will be. Example of this is Example MA Investigatory Projects.

Experimental research seeks to determine a relationship of two variables.

The Elements of a Research Problem

According to the book, the research has term that implies the problem of investigation.

Will conduct a study for the problem that investigate. There are elements that the

problem must be possess before the research are ready. These are the element that

we know. First is aim of the problem for the investigation. This element that answers

Why? The example of the this why is to be investigate or why the results of the study

are this? Next is the subject matters that be investigate this answers the question

what? The example of this what is to be investigate and what is the purpose of this

studies? Next the place of the will conducts of research. This answers the question
5/5 Loterte Nino T. Public Administration 31

where? Where the study conduct? Next is the period of time of the study which data

gathered. This answers question when?. The example of this is When the data came

from? Or when is the studies to be carried out?. Lastly is the population from whom the

data are to be collected. Because the survey will gather is to the people or the

population. This answers the Question Who? Example of this is who are the

respondents or from whom are the data gathered?

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