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I decided to tell the story of my father, because I think it is a great life story.

He had 6 brothers. His parents were a humble family. While my grandparents worked, my father
and his brothers studied and helped in the family business.

He went to school from 1961 to 1970. After that, he left school and went to work to help his family
with money. After a few years, he learned the carpentry trade. During the years that he worked as
a carpenter, he helped his younger brother so that he could continue studying.

Meanwhile his other brothers also worked and together they managed to build a house. He
worked as a carpenter for more than 10 years. Later he decided to go back to school and decided
to be a doctor. During the first years of the university, he continued working as a carpenter to be
able to pay his studies.

My parents met while my dad was working in a hospital and my mom had an accident. When he
first saw her, my dad fell in love with her and while they were dating my mom got pregnant and
they decided to get married. By the time they got married, they had already managed to buy a
house. Meanwhile, my uncles continued to have money problems and my father helped his
nephews to continue studying.

I think my dad's story is good and I'm proud of him.

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