Profession English

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1. Hello, teacher and classmates.

Today I will tell you about the this profession ...

2. Doctors.

3. In the history of humanity there have been different types of doctors as well as in all
cultures, this has helped us to discover together with chemists and scientists from various
disciplines, how to heal ourselves, know our body and how to live longer.

4. Over the years, medicine has become a formal study which takes several years of
preparation and practice to be able to treat people who need help with a disease.

5. Currently doctors have become a fundamental part of the direction of society and health
with everything related to the pandemic.

6. Why is their work valued more now if they have always done the same?

7. Because they put their life and that of their family at risk by being in direct contact with
the virus and they could be easily infected.
Because they must spend long working hours.
They must have special equipment every day. This equipment is uncomfortable, it causes a
lot of heat, dehydration, stress, skin diseases, it is difficult to breathe.
They have to wear special pants and shirts, a surgical gown, boots, a hat, special masks,
protective glasses, and gloves.
They must not take off their equipment for a second.
They don't have to wear watches, rings, necklaces.
They must not eat or drink water.
Sometimes they can't go to the bathroom either.
Many of them have to get away from their families.
Some have to live away from home.
They must not leave their work area for any reason.

8. They have also had advantages:

They have to be vaccinated before everyone else to avoid contagion.
Some doctors have been paid better.

9. With the pandemic, we have realized how important doctors are and the value of their
work, which is why it is thought that in the future ...
They will be respected.
They will be valued.
They will not be victims of violence.
That they will have more opportunities to continue studying and they will have more
opportunities in the investigation.
That more money will be designated to the health area.
They will receive a fair payment for their services, for the years of study.

10. Because after all the pandemic might continue for a long time and they will have to
continue to be at risk.
There might be many pandemics in the future and they will have to do their job no matter
how difficult it is.

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