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Why should engineers hold paramount health , safety

&welfare of the public in the performance of their

professional duties?

Engineers can be regarded as a crucial group of people for the growth of any nation's economy. as a
nation that is still developing. To further the nation's economic development, Sri Lanka should aim to
enlist the help of as many engineers as possible. Numerous engineers with an inventive mindset
operate their businesses in Sri Lanka and across the globe, significantly advancing the nation's
technological advancement and economic growth. Professional engineers have founded and
operated a number of lucrative billion-dollar technology companies. For instance, Mr. Larry Page of
Google, Mr. Elon Musk of Tesla and Space X, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Mr. Jeff Bezos of
Amazon and Blue Origin, Mr. Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Ltd., Mr. Jan Koum of WhatsApp, and Mr.
Brian Acton, CEO of Google Mr. Sundar Pichai. Twitter by Mr. Jack Dorsey and Mr. Evan Williams and
Mr. Noah and Mr. Biz Stone.

Since they work with cutting-edge technologies, society always expects ethical behaviour from
techno-entrepreneurial engineers. There are many academic definitions of entrepreneurship, which
is a widely studied research area worldwide. Many of the behavioural traits that entrepreneurs
exhibit is particular to them. Engineers are those who exhibit technical and technological expertise;
they frequently take advantage of business chances that are heavily reliant on technology.
Numerous international professional engineering organizations have established codes of conduct
for their member engineers, including the American Society of Professional Engineers (ASPE), the
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), and the Institution of Electrical & Electronics
Engineers (IEEE). Engineers who are members of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) must
abide by the code of ethics that IESL created to hone their moral character. A code of ethics for Sri
Lankan engineers has recently been introduced by the newly founded Engineering Council of Sri
Lanka (ECSL). Similar rules can be found in most engineering codes of ethics. Entrepreneurial
engineers present themselves to their clients and the general public as professional engineers even
if they are the proprietors of their technical business companies. Therefore, entrepreneurial
engineers also should adhere to Engineering Ethics in the techno-entrepreneurial business
environments to uphold the professionalism of engineers.
Entrepreneurs exhibit a variety of behavioural traits as they progress in their business.
Major behavioural traits of entrepreneurs around the world include taking risks, needing to
achieve, having an internal locus of control, being passionate, needing recognition, needing
to give back to society, and looking for opportunities. In this world Engineers are the most
successful entrepreneurs . They decide the future of the world Because they are the
creators of the world.

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