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General steps for Odoo ERP customization process

1. Gathering Information on Business Requirements : Gathering information on business
requirements with the technical team is the foremost step of Odoo customization procedure.
You can buy Odoo studio for customization in case your business making use of Odoo Online.
This allows you to build your own customized application. Usually businesses will arrange
meetings with their clients and technical team to gather information.
2. Evaluating GAP & ROI : You need to perform a thorough analysis of the expectations, scenarios
and gaps. The evaluation of gap between the available features of Odoo and the customer
needs will help you to find out the best possible Odoo customization as there are different
customized applications available at the Odoo marketplace. Businesses can also change delivery
notes, order confirmations and invoices that are created by Odoo ERP.
3. Feasibility Analysis and Modifications : The practicality of a modification in Odoo should be
assessed and factors like project timeline, cost of materials, and overall service provided should
be evaluated for businesses. There should not be any compromise on the performance and
default functionality of the platform. The changes can be made depending on the incorporation
of complex logic in reporting or basic layout.
4. Altering User Interface and Functionality Extensions : Depending on the preferences of the
users, businesses can adapt the design of screen and dialogues to customize the UI of Odoo.
Also to meet their specific requirements, Businesses may require some functionality extensions.
Customizing Odoo helps you to improve synergies and transparency within the organization.
5. Customer Approval and Development : After providing the time and cost estimations you
should wait for the favourable response from client side. After the approval from client side,
platform can be developed as per the requirements and standards. Businesses use advanced
coding for this development process.
6. Testing and delivery : Odoo customization testing helps you to ensure that the delivering
module satisfies the agreed standards and specifications. After the testing phase the system is
ready to go live. Complete delivery of the tested modules to the client is the final phase of Odoo
customization process. enables you to deploy your own cloud platform with an email


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