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IADC/SPE 74459

How the Bit Profile and Gages Affect the Well Trajectory
S. Menand, SPE, and H. Sellami, SPE, Armines/Ecole des Mines de Paris; C. Simon, DrillScan ; A. Besson, TotalFinaElf ;
N. Da Silva, Security DBS

Copyright 2002, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas,
Texas, 26–28 February 2002
The oil and gas industry relies greatly on directional drilling to
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
develop petroleum reserves in environmentally sensitive areas
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling or in restricted surface areas through an increasing number of
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or multilateral, horizontal and extended reach wells. To drill and
SPE, their officers, or members. Papers presented at the IADC/SPE meetings are subject to control the deviation of these becoming more complex wells,
publication review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE. Electronic reproduction,
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written many directional systems can be used. Depending on the well
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is
restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The characteristics, one can select a rotary Bottom Hole Assembly,
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax
a steerable mud motor or more recently a Rotary Steerable
01-972-952-9435. System. Whatever the system used, the drill bit has an
influence on the directional behaviour of the drilling system.
Abstract This paper enables to define the contribution of the different
parts of the PDC bit on its directional behavior (steerability
The importance of wellbore deviation is well recognized by and walking tendency) and their impact on the well trajectory.
the drilling industry. An analysis of the directional behaviour
of a drilling system must include the directional characteristics Background
of the drilling bit. A comprehensive analysis of the directional
behaviour of PDC bits is presented in this paper, including the Theory
effect of bit profile, gage cutters and gage length. Numerical
simulations as well as laboratory tests have been carried out in The directional behaviour of PDC bits is generally
order to better understand the mechanisms of PDC bits characterized by its walk tendency and steerability. The
deviation and to evaluate the most important parameters walk tendency or bit turn is a concept well known by the
affecting the directional behaviour of PDC Bits. drillers and a natural phenomenon existing in any rotating
cutting drilling heads. From this walk tendency, Ho1
The analysis of the directional behaviour of PDC bits introduced for PDC bits the walk angle, which is the angle
presented in this paper shows that each part of the PDC bit (bit measured in a plane perpendicular to the bit axis, between the
profile, active and passive gages) plays a major role on the direction of the side force applied to the bit and the direction
walking tendency and steerability of the bit. A quantitative of the lateral displacement of the bit (figure 1). The walk angle
evaluation of the contribution of these factors on the well quantifies the intrinsic azimuthal behaviour of the PDC bit.
trajectory (inclination and azimuth) is given. When the lateral displacement of the bit is on the left of the
side force, the bit has a left tendency. If the lateral
A full-scale directional drilling bench was built to measure, for displacement is on the right of the side force, the bit has a right
the first time, the walking tendency and the steerability of tendency. A neutral bit means that the lateral displacement is
PDC bits. The results obtained demonstrate that the bit profile, in the same direction than the side force. Considering this
the gage cutters and the gage length have a significant effect definition, according now to the surface position, when we are
on the walking tendency and on the steerability of the PDC in a building phase, if the bit goes to the left, then its tendency
bits. A 3D theoretical rock-bit interaction model was is left; if it goes to the right, then its tendency is right. Now, if
developed to reproduce the drilling tests results. the bit is going to the left while dropping, its tendency is right;
if it goes to the right, then it has a left tendency. At last, it is

worth noting that an intrinsic neutral bit does not give various gage aggressiveness were tested in laboratory in
necessarily a zero turn rate because this turn rate depends not Carthage marble. In varying WOB and side force applied on
only on the bit characteristics behaviour but also on the BHA the bit, the authors observed a BS in the range of 0.04 to 0.4.
behaviour and the formation characteristics, mainly its The lateral drillability of the PDC bit with aggressive gage
anisotropy. was almost 10 times higher than the one with unaggressive
gage. However, some irregularities and ledges on the borehole
The bit steerability (BS) corresponds to the ability of the bit, were observed with the PDC bit having the most aggressive
submitted to lateral and axial forces, to initiate a lateral gage. Furthermore, the roller cone bit showed a lower side
deviation. The bit steerability can be defined as the ratio of the cutting ability than the two PDC bits. At last, in analyzing
lateral drillability over the axial drillability : field data, the authors noticed a good correlation between the
PDC bit side cutting ability evaluated in laboratory and the
build/drop rate measured in the field.
BS = Dlat (1)
Dax Walking tendency

The lateral drillability (Dlat) is defined as the lateral Based on field observations, it is generally accepted that the
displacement per bit revolution over the side force. The axial roller cone bits have nearly always a right tendency and most
drillability (Dax) is the axial penetration per bit revolution over PDC bits have a left tendency. Kerr7 noticed that PDC bits
the weight on bit (WOB). The BS (equivalent to the bit have generally a left tendency but emphasized that the
anisotropic index1,2) is generally in the range of 0.001 to 0.1 azimuthal behaviour of the drilling system is influenced by
for most PDC bits, depending on the cutting profile, gage formation characteristics, bit profile, bit size, formation dip,
cutters and gage pad characteristics, as evaluated in the present WOB, BHA, and other factors. In analyzing some well
paper. A bit with a high steerability means a strong propensity trajectories in the Gulf of Thailand, Perry3 concluded that the
for lateral deviation, enabling to obtain a maximum potential bit profile could affect the azimuthal behaviour of the BHA.
build or drop rate. In the field, assuming that the BHA applies Indeed, a BHA with a flat PDC bit profile showed a right
a non-zero side force on the bit without bit tilt angle, the bit tendency. Perry3 also supposed that the gage cutters and the
steerability can be linked to the build or drop rate of well gage length did not influence the turn rate. In studying the
trajectories. azimuthal behaviour of BHA in Alwyn North field,
Bannerman8 confirmed the observations made by Perry3 : the
Field and laboratory observations right turn measured in the field is supposedly attributed to the
flat profile of PDC bit, although the parabolic profiles
Steerability exhibited a left tendency.

Many studies have been carried out in laboratory or in situ in Synthesis

order to estimate the effect of PDC bits on the build and drop
rate of well trajectories. In analyzing the data of Gulf of It emerges from these laboratory or in situ studies that a
Thailand wells, Perry3 reported that the profile and the gage comprehensive analysis of the directional behaviour of PDC
length of PDC bits could affect the build and drop tendencies bits has never been conducted to quantify the intrinsic
of BHAs. Pastusek et al 4 conducted some directional tests in azimuthal behaviour of the PDC bit. Moreover, the directional
laboratory in order to study the behaviour of anti-whirl PDC behaviour of a whole drilling system cannot be explained only
bits. The authors noticed that the anti-whirl PDC bits had a by the directional behaviour of the bit. A bit with a high side
lower side cutting ability than the conventional PDC designs. cutting ability does not produce necessarily a high rate of
Pastusek et al 4 attributed this difference to the smooth gage inclination on the well trajectory. This rate depends on the side
pads used for the anti-whirl bits and concluded that the build force and weight applied on the bit, on the bit tilt angle and
rate of anti-whirl bits on steerable systems was lower than it is also on the rock formation. Likewise, the azimuthal behaviour
with conventional PDC designs. of a drilling system must not be attributed only to the walk
tendency of the bit. Some friction phenomenon along the BHA
O’Bryan and Huston5 studied the effects of gage length on the (mainly at stabilizers levels) can greatly influence the
build and drop tendencies of PDC bits. In testing two different azimuthal tendency of the drilling system. At last, the
gage lengths (3.5” and 6”), the authors reported that the formation effect (rock anisotropy) may be decisive in both the
highest build/drop rate was obtained with the longest gage. build/drop and azimuth rate of the trajectory9.
O’Bryan and Huston5 explained this phenomenon by a higher
WOB on the PDC bit with the longest gage, generating a Rock-Bit Interaction Model
higher side force on the PDC bit. More recently, Norris et al 6
carried out a study in laboratory and in situ to evaluate the bit Over the past thirty years, Ecole des Mines de Paris has
side cutting ability. One roller cone bit and two PDC bits with developed a methodology for designing and selection of

cutting and drilling systems. Drilling efficiency10, wear prescribing a bit motion, the rock-bit model calculates the
reduction, vibrations control and efficient cleaning have been forces on all cutting element and integrates the single forces
carefully studied. A 3D rock-bit interaction model9,11 has been over the bit surface to produce global forces and moments
developed in order to calculate the directional behaviour of averaged over one bit revolution.
PDC bits in isotropic and heterogeneous formations. The bit
model takes into account the 3 parts of the bit which interact Results
with the formation (figure 2) : the cutting structure, the
active gage (trimmers or gage cutters) and the passive gage The 3D rock-bit model enables to calculate WOB and lateral
(gage pad). force on the bit required for an axial and lateral motion,
imbalance force, efficiency index and wear evolution. It
Cutting structure computes also the steerability and the walk angle of each part
(cutting structure, active gage and passive gage) of the bit. It’s
The rock-bit model includes an elementary PDC-interaction important to note that the bit steerability calculated from the
model taking into account the PDC geometry characteristics rock-bit model is mainly a function of the WOB, the lateral
(cutter size and geometry, back rake angle, chamfer, wear and force and the rock strength and anisotropy.
friction) and the rock characteristics (cohesion, angle of
internal friction, uniaxial compressive strength, pore pressure, Assuming all the PDC cutters have an identical back rake
dip angle). From the cutting structure, a cutting profile is angle along the bit profile, Menand11 has found that the walk
defined geometrically and can be divided into 2 parts angle is then a function of the inner cone deep C and the outer
according to the IADC Classification12: the inner cone (height structure height G, and can be calculated simply by :
C) and the outer structure (height G). The cutting structure is
defined through the rock-bit model by its cutting profile
2(C −G)
(geometric parameters) and its cutters position and orientation. α = arctan (2)
tan(ωc +θ f ) (C +G)
Active gage
C and G are respectively inner cone and outer structure heights
The active gage corresponds to the PDCs that are truncated
according to the IADC classification12, ωc is the back rake
(trimmers or gage cutters) to the bit diameter, corresponding to
angle and θf is the friction angle between PDC and rock.
the transition between cutting structure and passive gage.
From single cutter laboratory experiments, a trimmer-rock
interaction model was developed and integrated in the rock-bit Directional laboratory tests
model. The active gage is then defined by its length LAG, its
trimmers number, its trimmer back rake angle and its rock- Directional drilling bench
friction surface depending on the trimmer truncation.
In order to be able to measure bit steerability and walking
Passive gage tendency, the drilling bench of Ecole des Mines de Paris,
enabling to test drill bit under simulated downhole conditions
The passive gage (or gage pad), which plays a great role in the (figure 3), was modified. The new system enables to test the
stabilization of the PDC bit, can have many design features. side cutting ability and the walk tendency of bit up to 12”1/4
The main passive gage characteristics are the length, the diameter. The directional tests can be performed with a
circumferential coverage (depending on the blades spiral maximum 15 tons WOB and a lateral force up to 1.5 tons. The
angle), and the surface roughness (smooth gage pads such as directional test principle (figure 4) is as follows : during the
the low-friction gage pads14,15 or aggressive gage pads axial penetration of the bit, a lateral force Fx is applied on the
depending on the carbide or diamond insert type for rock sample, which is free to move in the direction of the
protection). According to these features, the passive gage is applied force, generating a lateral displacement of the rock
characterized in the rock-bit model by its length LPG, and its sample. Two sets of strain gages are mounted on the drilling
blades characteristics (number, spiraled or straight, diamond shaft to measure the bending moments (magnitude and
or carbide inserts type) defining a friction surface with the orientation). The total resulting lateral force Flat at the bit is
borehole. computed through the bending moments readings, and the
difference of orientation between the lateral displacement and
Kinematics the resulting lateral force Flat at the bit gives the bit walk angle
(figure 4).
The bit is assumed to continuously rotate around its axis, and The lateral drillability Dlat of the bit is calculated from the
is given a prescribed axial and lateral motion. The motion of lateral displacement of the rock sample measured by the
the bit is described through 5 variables : 3 for a translation LVDT sensor and the resulting lateral force Flat; the axial
movement and 2 for a rotation movement. Then, after drillability Dax is measured from the rate of penetration (ROP),
the rotation speed and WOB.

Test procedure shortest one. Nevertheless, one can also notice that the highest
steerability for the bit configuration #5 (test with the cutting
All the tests have been carried out in the Vosges sandstone structure alone) was observed for the Bit B, although the Bit C
(homogeneous, porous, medium hard sandstone, uniaxial exhibited the lowest steerability (figure 8). This result can be
compressive strength = 40 MPa). A 1 150 kg/m3 water-based analyzed by examining the bit profiles. Indeed, the highest
mud (bentonitic) was used with a mud flow fixed to 600 l/mn. steerability is obtained for the Bit B (IADC bit profile code 9)
During the tests, the rotation speed was held constant at 60 having a flat profile, although the lowest steerability measured
rpm while WOB and lateral force were varied in order to corresponds to the Bit C (IADC bit profile code 5) having a
evaluate their possible effect on steerability and walking medium taper and cone.
Some tests performed with various lateral forces demonstrated
Off-bottom tests were also performed in order to test the that the bit steerability of a PDC bit depends on the intensity
lateral drillability of active and passive gage. During the off- of the side force. For example, the Bit C steerability with a 2”
bottom test, the bit is maintained above the bottom of the hole passive gage (configuration #2) is increased by 30% with a
and a lateral force is applied, enabling to test only the gage 25% increase in lateral force. The off-bottom tests confirmed
interaction with the borehole formation. that the lateral drillability of the active and passive gage
depends on the lateral force applied. Indeed, the off-bottom
Characteristics of the PDC bits selected lateral drillability of the Bit B in configuration #3 is almost
multiplied by 3 as the lateral force increases from 268 daN to
Three PDC bits having different profiles have been tested on 710 daN (figure 9). At last, WOB seems to have no effect on
the directional drilling bench (figure 5) : Bit A, Bit B and Bit the lateral drillability of the three bits tested.
C. The back rake distribution is identical along these 3
profiles, ranging from 15° inside the cone to 30° in the outer Walk tendency
structure. The common characteristics of the bits are : 8 ½”
diameter, 8 highly spiraled blades with 13.3 mm PDC cutters For the various bits tested with an active or passive gage, one
and 4 nozzles. The 3 bits have different active gage lengths can clearly notice that the PDC bits have a left tendency
ranging from 15 mm for the Bit A to 30 mm for the Bit C. The whatever the passive gage length is (figure 10). Even the tests
3 bits have passive gages with different type of inserts to carried out with the cutting structure and the active gage have
protect the gage. In order to evaluate the effect of the three demonstrated that the bits have a left tendency. At last, when
different parts of the bit (cutting structure, active gage and the cutting structures alone were tested, the Bit A
passive gage), each bit was tested with 5 different demonstrated a right tendency, the Bit C a left tendency and
configurations (figure 6). Firstly, each bit was tested with a the Bit B a neutral tendency. These walk tendencies measured
passive gage length LPG = 4”, 2” and 1”. Then, the bits were on the directional drilling bench correlated well with the
tested without passive gage, only with their active gage and values computed from the rock-bit model (table 1).
cutting structure. Lastly each bit was tested with only the
cutting structure, that is without any active or passive gages. The Bit B showed a tendency to spiral in the hole since the
walking tendency was successively neutral, left, right, neutral
Results etc… (figure 11). Nevertheless, the mean walk angle measured
was close to 0°. These spiraling problems observed only for
Steerability the Bit B can be generalized to bits having flat profile.

For the various bits tested, one can notice that the bit
steerability highly increases with the reduction of the passive Bit-BHA coupled computer model
gage length (figure 7). All the tests plotted on this figure have
been carried out with the same WOB and lateral force. The In coupling the 3D rock-bit model with a 3D mechanical
highest steerability is measured for the Bit A. These results are model of BHA, Ecole des Mines de Paris has developed a
mainly explained by the different active gage lengths and the software that enables to predict the inclination and azimuth of
bit profiles, and are confirmed by the 3D rock-bit model well trajectories. Based on finite element method, the 3D
calculation (table 1). mechanical model enables to know the deformed shape of the
Tests carried out without passive gage (that is with only the structure, forces exerted on the system and contact forces
active gage and cutting structure corresponding to the bit between any part of the drill string and the wall of the
configurations #4 and #5) have revealed that the highest borehole. In integrating the directional behaviour of both
steerability for the bit configuration #4 was obtained for the BHA and bit, the software calculates the theoretical 3D
Bit A and the lowest steerability for the Bit C (figure 8). This equilibrium curvature of the drilling system.
result can be mainly attributed to the active gage length, since
the Bit C has the longest active gage and the Bit A has the

Case study due to the side force applied on the bit but also due to the bit
tilt angle. It is interesting to note that in both cases, the bit
PDC bits characteristics steerability has such an influence that it can turn the drilling
system from building to dropping angle. Such a result is due to
In order to evaluate the influence of the walk tendency and the fact that the bit tilt and lateral force act in opposite
steerability of the bit on the well trajectory, some PDC bits directions. These results confirm the impact of the bit
with assumed BS and walk angle were selected for the steerability on the well trajectory and a strong necessity to
analysis. For each bit (Bit X, Bit Y and Bit Z) having various calculate an accurate bit steerability in order to predict
bit steerability (table 2), the walk angle was varied between correctly the inclination of well trajectories. The simulations
–20° (bit intrinsic left tendency) and +20° (bit intrinsic right have shown that the walk angle has no influence on the
tendency). predicted build/drop rate whatever the bit steerability.

Well and BHA characteristics Concerning the azimuth predictions, one can clearly observe
that the bit walk angle and the bit steerability have an
In order to observe an influence of the bit directional influence on the predicted turn rate (figure 13 and 14). For the
behaviour on the well trajectory, two assemblies producing a well #1, with an intrinsic left tendency bit, the simulations
significant side force on the bit were selected : a dropping and give a left turn up to –0.06°/30 m, although with an intrinsic
a building assembly (figure 12). The data used come from two right tendency bit, the predicted turn is right. This result is
wells in phase 9”7/8 drilled by TotalFinaElf with the same accentuated for the well #2 since the predicted turn rate is in
PDC bit (Bit W). The run of the well #1 has been performed the range of -0.7°/30 m to 0.7°/30 m, depending on the
with the building assembly from 1380 m to 2534 m MD, intrinsic bit walk angle. It is also interesting to note that for a
producing a measured build rate of 0.29°/30 m and turn rate of given bit walk angle, the predicted turn rate depends on the bit
-0.11°/30 m. The run of the well #2 has been performed with steerability. The influence is more important as the bit
the dropping assembly from 2405 m to 3881 m MD, steerability increases. This tendency can be attributed to the bit
producing a measured drop rate of -0.55°/30 m and turn rate of side cutting ability that makes the bit walks on the wall of the
0.30°/30 m. Table 3 gives the parameters used for BHA borehole. Comparison between prediction and actual turn rate
simulations. As previously discussed, the bit steerability for the well #2 shows that the theoretical bit steerability
depends on the side force applied. In the two cases studied, (BS=0.04) and walk angle (α = -12°) enables to produce a turn
two theoretical bit steerability have been calculated since the rate very close to the measured value (0.3°/30 m).
side force generated by the dropping assembly is greater than
the one generated by the building assembly. The theoretical bit Synthesis
steerability of the Bit W is 0.03 for the well #1 (building
assembly) and 0.04 for the well #2 (dropping assembly). The Even though the directional behaviour of a drilling system can
intrinsic theoretical walk angle is –12° (left tendency). not only be attributed to the bit directional behaviour
(formation effect, curvature of the borehole, hole enlargement,
Results friction phenomenon, etc…), these simulations have shown
that the bit steerability and the walk angle have a strong
The Bit-BHA model was used to compute the build/drop and influence on the well trajectory.
turn rates for the two wells. In the calculations performed, all
the stabilizers are full gage which prevent to evaluate any walk Conclusion
rate due to BHA walking tendency. Concerning the well #1
(figure 13), one can clearly notice that the bit steerability has The analysis of the directional behaviour of PDC bits
an influence on the predicted build/drop rate of the drilling presented in this paper leads to the following conclusions :
system since it varies from –0.12°/30 m with the Bit Z to
0.34°/30 m with the Bit X. The theoretical bit steerability • The walk angle of a PDC bit depends not only on the
calculated for the Bit W (BS=0.03) used to drill the well #1 bit profile but also mainly on the active and passive
enables to produce a predicted build rate very close to the gages. The directional lab tests have demonstrated
measured build rate (0.29°/30 m). For the well #2 (figure 14), that the various bits tested with a passive gage had a
the predicted build/drop rate varies from –0.42°/30 m with the left tendency whatever their bit profiles and PDC set-
Bit X to 0.38°/30 m with the Bit Z. The theoretical bit up.
steerability of the Bit W for this well is not high enough to • The walk angle of a PDC cutting structure is
give a predicted drop rate close to the measured value (- calculated using a simple equation linking the inner
0.55°/30 m), but qualitatively the increase in bit steerability cone and outer structure heights and the PDC back
due to the higher side force is consistent with the higher drop rake angle.
rate observed on the field. Moreover, as previously discussed, • The active and passive gages affect dramatically the
one have to keep in mind that the build/drop rate is not only walk angle of PDC bits.

• The directional tests enable to observe spiraling References

problems and define minimum requirements to avoid
such phenomenon. 1. Ho, H.S.: “Method and System of Trajectory Prediction and
• The steerability of a PDC cutting structure depends Control using PDC Bits”, United State Patent 5,456,141, Oct.
10, 1995.
greatly on the bit profile : the flatter the profile is, the
2. Barton, S.: “Development of Stable PDC Bits for Specific Use
more steerable the bit is. on Rotary Steerable Systems”, paper SPE 62779 presented at the
• The bit steerability is a non-linear function of the 2000 IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology, Kuala
active and gage length, and decreases as the active Lumpur, Sept. 11-13.
and passive gage lengths increase. 3. Perry, C.J.: ”Directional Drilling With PDC Bits in the Gulf of
• The bit steerability depends on the side force applied Thailand”, paper SPE 15616 presented at the 1986 Annual
on the bit. Technical Conference, New Orleans, Oct.
4. Pastusek, P.E., Cooley, C., Sinor, L.A. and Anderson, M.:
”Directional and stability characteristics of anti-whirl bits with
The Bit-BHA simulations and comparisons with field results
non-axisymmetric loading”, paper SPE 24614 presented at the
have shown that : 1992 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Washington, Oct. 4-7.
• The bit walk angle has no influence on the build/drop 5. O’Bryan, P.L. and Huston C.W.: “A study of the effects of bit
rate of well trajectories. gauge length and stabilizer placement on the build and drop
• There is a strong correlation between bit steerability tendencies of PDC bits”, paper SPE 20411 presented at the 1990
and build/drop rate. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans,
Sept. 23-26.
• An accurate calculation of bit steerability is necessary
6. Norris, J.A., Dykstra, N.W., Beuershausen, C.C., Fincher
to make a good trajectory prediction. R.W.and Ohanian, M.P.: “Development and successful
• The bit steerability and the bit walk angle have an application of unique steerable PDC bits”, paper SPE 39308
influence on the predicted turn rate. presented at the 1998 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas,
March 3-6.
7. Kerr, C.: “PDC drill bit design and field application evolution”,
Nomenclature Journal of Petroleum Technology, March 1988.
8. Bannerman, J.S.: “Walk rate prediction on Alwyn North field by
PDC - Polycrystalline Diamond Compact means of data analysis and 3D computer model”, paper SPE
20933 presented at Europec 90, the Hague, Netherlands, Oct.
BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly 22-24.
BS - Bit Steerability 9. Simon, C.: ”Modelisation of PDC bit directional behaviour in
IADC - International Association of Drilling Contractors anisotropic formation”, (in French) PhD thesis of Ecole des
Dlat - Lateral drillability Mines de Paris, 1996
Dax - Axial drillability 10. Gerbaud, L., Sellami, H., Lamine, E., Sagot, A.: “New PDC bit
WOB - Weight On Bit design increased Penetration rate in slim wells”, Energy Week,
Flat - Resulting lateral force paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference and Exhibition of
Fx - Lateral force applied by the jack ASME, 1997
ROP - Rate Of Penetration 11. Menand, S.: “Analysis and validation of a PDC drilling bit
directional behaviour model”, PhD thesis (confidential) of Ecole
MD - Measured Depth des Mines de Paris, 2001
θf - Friction angle between PDC and rock 12. Winters, W.J., Doiron H.H.: “The 1987 IADC Fixed Cutter Bit
ωc - Back rake angle Classification System”, paper SPE 16142 presented at the 1987
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 15-18.
14. Warren, T.M., Brett, J.F. and Sinor, L.A.: “Development of a
Whirl-Resistant Bit”, SPE Drilling Engineering, December 1990
Acknowledgment 15. Sinor, L.A., Brett, J.F., Warren, T.M. and Behr, S.M.: “Field
testing of low-friction gage PDC bits”, paper SPE 20416
presented at the 65th Annual Technical Conference and
Part of this work was carried out within the EEC Thermie Exhibition, Sept. 23-26
PAB-BIT project conducted by Ecole des Mines de
Paris/Armines, TotalFinaElf and Security DBS. The authors
would like to thank the European Commission for its financial
support enabling to carry out a part of the work presented in
this paper. Thanks are also addressed to DrillScan company
for performing well trajectory calculations.

Figure 1 : Definition of the walk angle according to Ho1

Figure 2 : Description of the PDC bit structure


Figure 3 : Drilling Bench and Directional drilling bench in Pau, France

Figure 4 : Principle of the directional test


Figure 5 : The three bit profiles of tested PDC bits

Figure 6 : Description of the 5 bit configurations tested


Figure 7 : Bit steerability measured on the directional drilling bench

Figure 8 : Bit steerability measured on the directional drilling bench

Figure 9 : Off-Bottom lateral drillability versus lateral force for the Bit B (configuration #3)

Bit A Bit B Bit C

Steerability Walk angle Steerability Walk angle Steerability Walk angle
Configuration #1 (CS+AG+PG 4”) 0.032 -11° 0.016 -10° 0.012 -11°
Configuration #2 (CS+AG+PG 2”) 0.080 -11° 0.033 -11° 0.038 -12°
Configuration #3 (CS+AG+PG 1”) 0.110 -12° 0.118 -11° 0.093 -12°
Configuration #4 (CS+AG) 1.6 -12° 1.1 -12° 0.5 -12°
Configuration #5 (CS) 5.4 +23° 9.2 +7° 3.5 -30°
CS : Cutting structure AG : Active Gage PG : Passive Gage

Table 1 : Bit steerability and walk angle computed from the 3D rock-bit model

Figure 10: Bit walk angle measured on the directional drilling bench

Figure 11 : Spiraling tendency of the Bit B (configuration #5)


Figure 12 : Description of the BHAs

Bit X Bit Y Bit Z

Bit steerability 0.1 0.01 0.001
Bit walk angle -20° < α < +20° -20° < α < +20° -20° < α < +20°

Table 2 : Bit steerability of the Bit X, Bit Y and Bit Z used for simulations

Hole diameter 9”7/8 9”7/8
Stabilizer diameter 9”7/8 9”7/8
Inclination at the bit 52° 13°
Mud weight 1150 kg/m3 1150 kg/m3
WOB 7.1 tons 5.7 tons
ROP 108 m/h 22 m/h
RPM 155 137
Bit type PDC PDC
Friction coefficient 0.17 0.17
Collar Outside Diameter 6”1/2 6”1/2
Collar Inside Diameter 2”7/8 2”7/8
Table 3 : Parameters used for BHA simulations

Figure 14 : Effect of the bit steerability and walk angle on the predicted build/drop rate and turn rate (well #1)

Figure 13 : Effect of the bit steerability and walk angle on the predicted build/drop rate and turn rate (well #2)

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