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1 Introduction:
Management techniques & approaches are the heart of an organization. If an organization does not follow these accurately then it can not acquire its goal. In our academic course Fundamentals of Business & Management we have learnt about the organizational process, functions and various activities. But the practical practice is very much needed to mentioned course. So according to our honorable course teacher Mrs. Samia Sultana Tanis authorization for preparing term paper on How does organization follow different management approaches & techniques in real life; we choose Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) ltd. which is familiar to us by its brand name AKTEL. AKTEL is gradually developing & very popular mobile telecommunication company, launched in 1996. It is providing its service in 61 districts in Bangladesh and gradually increasing its network as well as its business. From its establishment it provides many value added services rather then its mobile communication. As it is very renowned company, we chose it for our report.

1.2 Origin of the report:

Mr. NAZMUL ALAM, the course instructor of ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, assigned us this topic because in the class room we were being taught only the conceptual and formal descriptive aspects of Fundamentals organizational behavior. But better perception & clear understanding about this course we need to acquire practical knowledge about practices in the field level. The practical orientation & classroom discussion certainly will substantiate our knowledge very in depth. you asked us the term paper which will be published as a formal report on The organizational culture, Empowerment, Motivation. The submission date of the report is May 30, 2009.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

1.3 Scope of the report:

The report will make us inform, how Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) ltd. follow different organizational approaches & techniques in motivaton & empoerment. We can learn about practical idea on this topic as well as our academic course. We hope our report will be able to give a transparent view of the topic on the basis of Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) ltd.

1.5 Sources & Methodology:

As a multinational & private limited company, AKTEL do not publish annual report & very careful about exposing any confidential information. We have gathered the information mainly from Mr. Tanmoy Saha; Executive, Procurement; Supply Chain Management Department. Moreover we collected information through internet service from the official website of AKTEL.

When we authorized to prepare a report on How does organization follow different management approaches & techniques in real life by our honorable courser instructor Mrs. Samia Sultana Tani; we firstly chose the company on which we will accomplish comparative analysis. Then we prepared a question set which is relevant to our report by which we will get necessary information to prepare the report. We contacted to Mr. Tanmoy Saha; Executive, Procurement; Supply Chain Management Department. After collecting data from him and searching official web site of AKTEL we made comparative analysis of the information. We took necessary part & curtailed the irrelevant portion & prepared the report.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

2.1 About AKTEL:

AKTEL is an expansive, end to end countrywide GSM mobile communication solution of TM International (Bangladesh) ltd. It is a joint venture company between Telecom Malaysia Berhad (TM) and A. K. Khan & Co. Ltd. established in 1996.

Vision: To be a leader as a Telecommunication Service Provider in


Mission: AKTEL aims to achieve its vision through being number one
not only in terms of market share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to-date knowledge and products geared to address the ever changing needs of our budding nation.

Theme: AKTEL always strives to uphold the dictum Customer First. Service: Aside from competitive products, AKTEL is determined to be
highly accessible by all its customers to address their concerns related to product packages, billing, SIM replacements etc. through most convenient ways. While the call center is accessible from any phone (PSTN or cellular) nationwide, AKTEL is in the process of setting up full service online Customer Care in all major cities.

AKTEL Today: AKTELs GSM service is based on a robust network,

architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN); which provides peace of peace of mind solution in terms of voice clarity wider nationwide network coverage, numerous international roaming global partners, popular value added services (VAS), quality easy access customer care, round the clock call center operations, ironclad digital network security, competitive tariff rates and precise billing.

The Future of AKTEL: AKTELs forward monumental is immense the

GSM community into a spectacular world of technology with its wide spectrum of revolutionary products and services. AKTEL has geared itself to serve as an exhibition for all, to witness with the pace at which the world around us is changing to. Our welcome remains to all to experience the revolution.
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

Milestones of AKTEL
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

Managerial process followed by AKTEL

2.2 Planning:
In our practical analysis we explored that its financial plan is wealth maximization. For this management department initially set up goals then they accomplish decision making process.

a) Decision making process:

Before making any decision AKTEL accomplishes different functions. These are surveying on the field, division of the country in various zone, driving TOM. After all formalities AKTEL takes decisions. Without these types of functions it is very much difficult to make any decision in AKTEL.
Survey on field: AKTEL survey to make its market in field

level each of the zones. It is known as sampling method in which the sample or the survey results represent the total countrywide survey. There are also some another policy to survey the market. These are made for knowing about the tariff plan of the companies, network facilities etc. The success rate of it is 69.4%.
Zone wise Division: In decision making process, AKTEL

firstly choose some zone of the country to survey. The zones are divided then under such a way i.e. diplomatic, nondiplomatic, industrially developed, financially developed, least developed, populous zone etc. that it can result accurately.
Drive top of mind (TOM) method: This is a special type of

survey method which is accomplished by the survey process of AKTEL. By this, AKTEL survey what is the top of mind of general people about their idea or demand to the telecom service provider company. This survey method results 95% accurate, according to AKTEL.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

Taking decision: After all these process AKTEL get lots of

information from general people. Then they gather the information to analyze. By this the decision makers of AKTEL able to take decision about call rate, marketing policy, financial decision, networking policy, customer service strategy etc.

b) Traditional goal setting:

AKTEL maintains traditional goal for their goal setting approach. AKTELs organizational members are oriented toward helping their work limits and helping the organization achieve its goals. The top level managers of AKTEL tell the divisional and departmental managers about their work strategy like that; what they are expected about distribution of SIM card & increase in what amount of customer care centers. These strategies then are passed down to the next organizational level and written to reflect the work responsibilities of the level, passed down to next level and so forth. One of the problems with this traditional approach for AKTEL is that top managers define the organizational strategies in broad terms such as achieving maximum profit and increasing market leadership in terms of increasing well network facilities and minimum call charge.

c) Formal & Flexible Planning:

AKTEL mainly prepare formal planning. The formal planning is specific. It provides direction to managers and non-managers alike. The formal planning is written and focuses on long term. The planning becomes visible and tangible evidence at the importance of working toward something. The formal planning of AKTEL mainly covers three years or less. One of the main features of AKTELs formal planning is flexibility. AKTEL prepares plan that can cope up with uncertain environment and which can be changed at any time.

d) Internal analysis:
The internal analysis of AKTEL provides important information about its specific resources and capabilities. This is their core competencies. The core
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

competencies of AKTEL are providing best networking, best customer service and cheep call rate. For these reasons AKTEL is clearly ahead than any other mobile companies in Bangladesh.

e) Core Competencies:
There are three core competencies of AKTEL which are mentioned below:
Best networking: AKTEL provide best networking service at any

remote area of Bangladesh.

Best Customer service: AKTEL emphasizes best customer

service. It provides customers what they want, communicate with its customers effectively and also providing its employees best customer service training. For this reason it established many touch points in different areas of Bangladesh.

Cheaper call rate: AKTEL provide cheaper call rate at pick and off pick hour than any other companies in Bangladesh.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

f) Break-Even Analysis:
AKTEL is a pioneer mobile service provider company. It launches its programs on 1996. It reached its break-even point at 2007 where their total revenue was sufficient to satisfy total cost. After 2007, their profit is gradually increasing and they are trying to maximize it.

Like other companies, AKTEL maintains its financial goal or

objective that is to maximize wealth. Its also related to the financial performance for the organization for more diversified revenue base. Formal planning is used most of the organization and AKTEL also uses formal planning because it clearly define the path they want to make to get the organization and various work units from where they are to where they them to be.

a well-established and well-managed organization, AKTEL maintain strategic plan for long term basis under the standing plans. To become the pioneer market leader, AKTEL firstly plan and then apply entire organization.

AKTEL apply traditional goal setting for their organization that

is backdated. Actions of planning, defining how objectives are to be achieved; are specified and agreed upon by managers and employees; that is most commonly called MBO. AKTEL does not maintain MBO (Management by Objective) for their goal setting approach. As mobile companies of our country are growing network and new facilities, AKTEL has to take necessary effective planning in dynamic environment.
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

AKTEL has also lack of contingency factors that is affected for the various levels of organization, degree of environmental uncertainty and length of future commitments.

2.3 Organizing:
In our practical analysis, it is found that AKTEL follows generally departmentalization process in organizing, maintains chain of command very strictly in organizational activities.

a) Departmentalization:
Departmentalization is the process for grouping jobs together. Departmentalization can be functional base, product base, geographical, process and customer base. AKTEL follows the functional departmentalization. On the functional basis AKTEL has several departments. Such as:
Finance Department: Financing is related to raising fund and

uses of fund for day to day business activities. AKTEL has a financing department to finance in various department and raising funds for technical and other improvements. For this purpose they use FPP (Financial Plan and Procedures). Call Center Department: AKTEL also provide call centers for customers. By establishing call centers it offers solution for various customers need. Customer can get any information such as any new service or advantage offered by AKTEL. More over, these call centers help to solve customers problem about the network service and any problem related to using ALTEL.
Sales Department: AKTEL has a sales department. It operates

selling of SIM and other sales related to offered packages to the customer. It also includes ATP which is a franchise system.
Marketing Department:

The main function of marketing department is to advertise newly offered packages provided by

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

AKTEL and to attract customers to the packages offered by AKTEL. Marketing Department also concerns about others and promoting advertising to compete with others. Its functions are also related to corporate social responsibilities (CSR).

Service Centre in Biswa Estema by AKTEL Corporate Strategy Department: This department

reflects direction in which the company is going and the roles that each department in the AKTEL will play in pursuing that direction. AKTEL is very well defined. It is concerned about how the company and each unit within it operate to reach the established goals. Administration department follows the process of Standard Operating Process (SOP).

Administration Department: The administrative department of

Human Resource Management Department (HRM): The

Human Resource Management Department of AKTEL is responsible for recruitment, decruitment, orientation, training, performance management, compensation and benefits of the personnels working in AKTEL.
Technical Department: Technical Department of AKTEL is

concerned about technical improvement of network. They are responsible for any network failure faced by customer and with the help of finance department they establish tower in order to provide 24-hours network facility.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


Supply Chain Management: The Supply Chain Management of

AKTEL is concerned about the supply of different instrument for improving technology. It has several divisions such as:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Procurement ; Inventory Management ; Logistics ; Warehouse ; Flip Management ; Internal Space Management ;

b) Chain of command:
Chain of command is the continuous line of authority that extends from upper organizational levels to the lowest level and clarifies who reports to whom. AKTEL follow the following Chain of command: Board of Directors

Managing Director

Chief Financial Officer (C.F.O) GMS (Department wise) AGMs

Chief Technical Officer (C.T.O) GMS (Department wise) AGMs

Executive Officers
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL

Executive Officers

c) Centralization:
Centralization is degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization. AKTEL follows centralization that means their top level management orders mid and lower levels of management for accomplishing goals.

d) Organizational Design:
AKTEL is a mechanistic organization which is a type of organizational design that is rigid and tightly controlled.

e) HRM Process:
AKTEL follow the human resource management process that is given below:Recruitment Human Resource Planning


Performance Mgt.



Compensation & benefits

Career Development

HRP: By HRP, AKTEL ensure that they have right number and

kinds of people in the right places and at right time.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


Recruitment: By recruitment process AKTEL locate, identify and

attract capable applicants.

Selection: For selecting employees AKTEL has some selection

device. These are: 1. Written examination 2. Psychological examination 3. Specific viva 4. Final viva
Orientation: AKTEL follows two types of orientation. Such as : 1. Work Unit Orientation: This involves formalize the

employees with the goals of the work unit.

2. Organization Orientation: This informs the new employee

about the organizational objectives, physiology, procedures and rules followed by AKTEL.
Training: In AKTEL, 10% of performed time can be used by an

employee for training purposes of the total working hour.

Compensation and Benefits: AKTEL provides different types of

rewards and benefits to its officials. Such as 1. Base wages and salaries 2. Wages and salary-add-ones 3. Incentive payments 4. Other benefits and services

Career Development
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


AKTEL maintains chain of command very strictly that extends

from upper organizational levels to the lower levels and clarifies who reports to whom. AKTEL also maintains work specialization that divides work to be done into specific jobs and department.

AKTEL does not maintain span of control formally as a

organizational design that is, they are not strict to include the skill and abilities managers and employees for efforts to reduce costs, speed up decision making and get closer to customers. AKTEL does not maintain decentralization although it becomes more flexible and responsive. Lower-level managers are not clear to the action for the organization.

2.4 Leading:
In leading process there are not much dissimilarity between AKTEL and our text. The mentioned procedures in our text are similar to the procedures mentioned by AKTEL. The motivating tools and techniques, the strategies to satisfy customers are much same to our text.

a) Behavioral relationship:
Generally, behavioral relationship is informal among the employees of AKTEL. In informal communication i.e. they call each other as boss or brother. But in formal communication such as meeting or conference, they maintain formal behavior.
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


b) Motivating system:
AKTEL uses different motivating tools and techniques for the refreshment of their employees. The motivating techniques that AKTEL follows are mentioned below: 01. Internal process: Festival bonus Outside tour

Profit bonus Transport facilities Congrats from MD while crossing each milestone AKTEL Executive Club (AEC)

02. External process: Strengthen the distribution channel Empowerment of marketing process

2.5 Controlling:
Actually the controlling process does not vary from organization to organization. The controlling process followed by AKTEL is almost similar to our referred book. In this section AKTEL does the controlling process
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


according to the standard maintained worldwide. So, there is almost no dissimilarity between AKTELs controlling and process and our text. The controlling process of AKTEL:

Zonal wise measurement

Division wise measurement

Central measurement

Comparison with target

Zone wise Measurement: In AKTEL, most of the plans are

determined in the control. There is no scope to make plan in the lower level. After planning are introduced the control then flow to the other level of the organization. No matter how effectively an organization has planned its strategies, it cant success if the plans are not implemented properly. When the plan is implemented then it measures in zonal wise.
Division wise Measurement: When the evaluation result goes to

the divisional level of AKTEL then it measures in division wise. If anything is needed in evaluation period then divisional level gives information to zonal level.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


Central Measurement: The last step of measurement of AKTEL

is central measurement. When the divisional level gives information to the central, the central committee makes an evaluation about the implementation of plan.
Comparison with the target: When plan are implemented then it

evaluated to the target plan which means goal. If any significant deviation are found or correction is needed then AKTEL take necessary steps.

3.1 Decisions and Findings:

From above discussion; we mainly focused on the similarities and dissimilarities between the managerial approaches and techniques followed by AKTEL and the managerial approaches and techniques mentioned in our course. The four main managerial are considered here. In planning, AKTEL uses a huge number of techniques to be a market pioneer which also be mentioned in our referred book. AKTEL has a welldesigned plan to reach their estimated target. Organizing structure is maintained systematically in AKTEL. The learned topics from our book and observed workings in AKTEL are almost similar. But some techniques used by AKTEL are not similar to our book. AKTEL has strong chain of command, departmentalization and other organizing components. The human resource management process is as like as the written statements in our book. AKTEL has some special managerial techniques which make it one of the pioneers in our market. It applies these techniques in market survey, customer satisfaction, employee motivation and some other sectors. For example, AKTEL uses different kinds of facilities in motivating its employees. These approaches vary from our book and real life. The controlling process of AKTEL is similar to our text. So, there is not much dissimilarity with our text in accordance with AKTEL. AKTEL follows its own plans, tools and techniques in managing the organization.
Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


3.2 Overall Observation:

In our analysis of whole report, we have verified the managerial approaches and techniques used by AKTEL. AKTEL use different types of formulae and techniques to implement their plans. According to the plan, AKTEL try to operate their whole organization. AKTEL always try to be a market leader by using the techniques to the entire organization. But AKTEL has also some limitations and lacking. If AKTEL can through out these faults and lacking; it can be the best user of managerial approaches and techniques.

3.3 Recommendation:
AKTEL is facing some problems due to some lacking in managerial process. If AKTEL follow the approaches mentioned below, we think, it can overcome these problems:

To develop the planning method ; To decentralize organizational structure ; To increase the number of customer care centers ; To enrich the training technology ; To extend the number of call centers ; To increase the number of core competencies ; To set up effective actions while facing problems.

If AKTEL follow these recommendations, it will be a leading company in market and face the problems it has already met. We are also grateful to Mr Tanmoy Saha, Executive, Procurement, Supply Chain Management Department of AKTEL who helped us in collecting information from their institution.

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


3.4 Glossary:
AKTEL TMIB SIM IN GSM VAS TOM MBO FPP CSR SOP HRM HRP AEC AK Telecom Telecom Malaysia International (Bangladesh) limited Subscriber Identification Module Intelligent Network Global System of Mobile communication Value Added Services Top of Mind Management by Objective Financial Plan and Procedures Corporate Social Responsibilities Standard Operating Process Human Resource Management Human Resource Process AKTEL Executive Club

3.5 Bibliography:
AKTEL www.actel.com Text Book : Management By:- Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter Text Book : Introduction to Business By:- Joseph T. Straub & Raymond F. Attner

Organizational Culture, Motivation Empowerment Followed by AKTEL


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