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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

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Meteorological conditions associated with the onset of flash drought in the MARK
Eastern United States

Trent W. Forda, , Christopher F. Labosierb
Department of Geography and Environmental Resources Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, United States
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Longwood University, Farmville, VA 23909, United States


Keywords: Rapid onset droughts, termed “flash droughts”, present a series of unique challenges for drought monitoring,
Flash drought forecasting, and mitigation. Due to the rapid onset and lack of early warning systems, stakeholders can be caught
Soil moisture deficit off-guard by flash droughts and suffer disproportionate impacts. Despite these impacts, little is known about the
Mid-level ridging physical drivers of flash droughts. The purpose of this study is to determine antecedent meteorological condi-
tions prior to the onset of flash drought in the Eastern United States. Emphasizing the agricultural impacts, flash
droughts were defined as periods when the pentad-average 0–40 cm volumetric water content declines from at
least the 40th percentile to below the 20th percentile in 4 pentads or less. Meteorological variables from 125
stations in the Eastern U.S. from March − October 1979 − 2010 were analyzed for their relationships with flash
drought onset. Consistent with previous findings, flash drought was associated with decreased precipitation and
humidity, increased solar radiation, and elevated temperatures. However logistic regression results suggest
variables that accounted for surface moisture balance and/or atmospheric evaporative demand were more
closely linked with the likelihood of flash drought than temperature and/or precipitation. Associated surface
conditions are likely driven by ridging in the mid to upper level troposphere, which is shown to be more per-
sistent leading up the flash droughts in the northern half of the study region. Our results elucidate the me-
teorological conditions immediately prior to the onset of one type or “flavor” of flash drought, defined by
characteristic rapid intensification. Arguably, one could define flash drought with soil moisture thresholds
varying from those used in this study and/or different time scales of soil moisture depletion. Therefore, we
additionally argue that absences of both a standard flash drought definition and consistent precedent for
identifying flash drought complicates monitoring and predicting these events.

1. Introduction from observations, satellite remote sensing, and models to generate a

product that can be effective for a wide variety of end-users. However,
Drought is one of the most damaging and costly natural hazards in despite the utility of comprehensive drought monitoring tools such as
the United States because of the dependence on agriculture and the the USDM, they often have difficulty capturing rapidly evolving
impact that drought has on water resources and ecosystems. For ex- drought events commonly referred to as “flash droughts” (Svoboda
ample, the 2011 drought caused an estimated $7.62 billion of agri- et al., 2002; Senay et al., 2008; Otkin et al., 2013), first coined by
cultural losses and nearly $800 million in timber resources in Texas Svoboda et al. (2002) .The rapid onset of flash droughts significantly
alone (Hoerling et al., 2013). Because of the risk drought poses, stra- reduces time available for impact mitigation, potentially resulting in
tegies have been developed worldwide, with particular foci on effective greater adverse agricultural and societal effects than a slowly evolving
drought monitoring and communication (Hayes et al., 2011). One of drought event (Otkin et al., 2015). Concurrently, the physical drivers of
the most comprehensive drought monitoring systems is the United flash droughts, common to regions of the United States east of the
States Drought Monitor (USDM), which was developed to track and Rocky Mountains (hereafter regarded as the Eastern United States), are
communicate the severity and extent of drought across the United not well understood (Mo and Lettenmaier 2016). This is in contrast to
States (Svoboda et al., 2002). The USDM and other state-of-the-art conventional droughts such as the 2011 Texas event and drought events
drought monitoring systems assimilate information related to water of the 1930s and 1950s, as the causes of these droughts are known to be
resource availability, ecosystem health, and meteorological conditions remote factors such as sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: twford@siu.edu (T.W. Ford).

Received 12 April 2017; Received in revised form 16 August 2017; Accepted 25 August 2017
Available online 06 October 2017
0168-1923/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

augmented by land-atmosphere interactions and soil moisture de- 1979 and 2010 were obtained from 125 “first order” weather stations
siccation (Schubert et al., 2004; Fernando et al., 2016). The primary across the Eastern United States (Fig. 1), defined as all states east of the
consequence of the knowledge gap of the drivers of and meteorological Rocky Mountains or approximately 105°W longitude. The stations were
conditions that lead to flash drought is a lack of effective monitoring selected as a compromise between 1) spanning the geographic entirety
and forecasting infrastructure. Indeed, the 2012 Great Plains flash of the Eastern United States, 2) working with nearly serially-complete,
drought arrived without early warning from seasonal climate forecast high quality observations, and 3) inclusion in the National Solar Ra-
models and operational drought monitoring systems (Hoerling et al., diation Database program (see below). Hourly observations were as-
2014; Kam et al., 2014). The economic losses directly attributed to the signed to the nearest rounded hour and partitioned into the traditional
2012 drought in the United States exceeded $12 billion (Hoerling et al., eight 3-h time blocks (0000–0300 LST, 0300–0600 LST, etc.). Daily
2014). maximum temperature (TMAX, °C), mean 2-m wind speed (Wspd, ms−1),
The frequency with which flash droughts occur in the Eastern mean relative humidity (RH, %), total solar radiation (Srad, Wm−2),
United States (Mo and Lettenmaier 2015) combined with the significant and total precipitation (Precip, mm) were computed from the 3-h
lack of knowledge and capability to predict and monitor flash drought average or total values; however, they were only considered if at least
underscore the need for investigation of the meteorological conditions one valid hourly observation was included in each 3-h block. If one of
that lead to flash drought onset. One consistent theme amid the studies the 3-h blocks was missing for a variable, the variable was not com-
examining flash droughts in the United States is the importance of soil puted for that day. In this situation, all other variables were computed
moisture observations and evapotranspiration for flash drought mon- for that particular day, given all 8, 3-h blocks were valid. TMAX was
itoring and forecasting (Otkin et al., 2014; Ford et al., 2015). Ad- included for each 3-h block as the maximum hourly temperature re-
ditionally it is known that inception of flash drought in the Eastern corded in that block. Therefore, daily TMAX represents the actual max-
United States occurs with rapid declines in soil moisture availability, imum hourly temperature value for that day. A station was considered
attributed to decreased precipitation and amplified by increased air for the analysis if less than 10% of daily observations were missing.
temperature and elevated evaporative demand (Otkin et al., 2013; Mo Additionally, we computed daily average vapor pressure deficit (VPD,
and Lettenmaier 2015). With this in mind the purpose of this project is mb) as the difference between the saturation vapor pressure at the daily
to determine both the antecedent meteorological conditions most maximum and minimum air temperatures (es) and the actual vapor
strongly associated with flash drought occurrence and the time-scale at pressure (ea). The former is calculated such that:
which these connections occur. The scope of this analysis is climato-
eTmax + eTmin
logical, such that we do not focus on one or two particular flash drought es =
events, but identify flash droughts over a 32-year time period and de-
scribe the atmospheric conditions associated with a station’s flash where
drought climatology.
eT = 0.6108e ( 17.67T T+237.3 ),
2. Material and methods
and the latter is computed using the empirical relationship of Bolton
2.1. Meteorological observations (1980) from daily average dew point temperature (Td, °C):

17.67Td ⎞
Hourly observations of temperature, dew point temperature, station ea = 6.112exp ⎛ ⎜ . ⎟

pressure, relative humidity, precipitation, and wind speed between ⎝ Td + 243.5 ⎠

Fig. 1. Map of first-order weather stations,

from which meteorological conditions are
composited. The stations are colored based
on their respective cluster (clusters based on
National Centers for Environmental
Information (NCEI) climatic regions, as in
Karl and Koss (1984)).

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

2.2. Evaporative demand NARR is a moderate resolution (32 km) atmospheric and land surface
reanalysis product that covers all of North America and spans the time
Recent studies have elaborated on the importance of evapo- period 1979–2016. We composite 500- and 300-hPa geopotential
transpiration (ET) and atmospheric evaporative demand, otherwise heights to describe the synoptic- and larger-scale circulation features
referred to as potential evapotranspiration (PET), for the rapid deple- associated with the surface weather and soil moisture conditions that
tion of soil moisture in flash drought conditions (Otkin et al., 2016; characterize flash drought.
McEvoy et al., 2016). Indeed physically-based methods of estimating
PET, such as the Penman-Monteith method (Monteith 1965) which 2.4. Soil moisture
incorporates radiation and aerodynamic components, are preferred
over those methods only incorporating temperature. The primary lim- Despite its relatively short evolution, flash drought frequently re-
itation of the Penman-Monteith method is its need for data resources, sults in significant damage to natural and agricultural systems (Svoboda
including components that are often not available or of poor quality, et al., 2002; Hunt et al., 2014; Anderson et al., 2016). Therefore soil
such as net radiation (Rn). We use daily Rn observations from the same moisture, in particular the rapid depletion of soil moisture, is an im-
125 first-order weather stations to fulfill the Penman-Monteith ne- portant indicator of flash drought occurrence. Several considerations
cessity of good quality net radiation data. These observations are part of must be made when selecting sources of soil moisture information for
the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB, Maxwell et al., 1995; this type of analysis, including 1) the historical record length and
Wilcox 2007), which comprises hourly Rn measurements from hundreds temporal resolution, 2) data quality, and 3) representativeness of re-
of National Weather Service stations. Most stations archive measured levant soil moisture conditions. The first consideration precludes ana-
Rn from 1961 until 2010, although because of the lack of robust soil lysis of in situ soil moisture observations, as very few stations have been
moisture datasets prior to 1979, we only obtain Rn from the period monitoring soil moisture for 20+ years, and the majority of these
1979–2010. Unfortunately, NSRDB data after 2010 is derived using the longer-term monitoring stations are concentrated in one or two regions.
Physical Solar Model and is therefore less compatible with direct ob- Satellite remote sensing soil moisture datasets exist over a longer time
servations in the early part of the record. Daily Rn is obtained from period and are advantageous, relative to in situ observations, in their
totaling hourly observations of horizontal irradiance (direct + diffuse, spatial continuity. However, most microwave, visible, and thermal-
Wm−2). Days in which any hourly observation was missing or erro- band soil moisture products only provide information on the most
neous were considered missing. Daily PET was computed using ob- surficial soil layer (i.e., < 10 cm). Although observations of surficial
servations from the 125 weather stations, based on the Food and soil moisture are important for drought monitoring, particularly in
Agricultural Organization (FAO) Penman-Monteith method (Allen sparsely-vegetated regions, ideally analysis of flash drought in the
et al., 1998): Eastern United States should be grounded in root zone soil moisture
(Hunt et al., 2009). Accounting for these considerations, we used soil
0.408Δ(Rn − G ) + γ T + 273 U2 (es − ea) moisture from the Noah land surface model, as part of the North
PET = ,
Δ + γ (1 + 0.34U2) American Land Data Assimilation System phase 2 (NLDAS-2, Xia et al.,
2012a,b). The NLDAS-2 soil moisture products have been evaluated and
where G is soil heat flux, U2 is wind speed, Δ is the saturated vapor validated with a wide-variety of in situ observations and are able to
pressure slope, and γ is the psychrometric constant. Daily observations capture the broader features of soil moisture variability in the Eastern
from the weather stations were used for U2, Δ, Rn, and T, and G was United States (Xia et al., 2014,2015). With that being said, the soil
considered null for daily estimates (e.g., Allen et al., 1998; Cai et al., moisture dataset used in this study is still a modeled dataset and
2007; Yuan and Quiring, 2014). The FAO Penman-Monteith method therefore is less accurate than actual in situ observed soil moisture. The
widely used for estimating PET because it is physically based, in- results, with respect to soil moisture, should be viewed with this caveat
corporates equations for estimating bulk surface resistance and aero- in mind.
dynamic resistance (Allen et al., 1998), and can be calculated from As part of NLDAS-2, the Noah model supplies daily soil moisture
readily available meteorological observations (Sentelhas et al., 2010). fields in three layers; 0–10 cm, 10–40 cm, and 40–100 cm, at a 1/8°
The coefficients used in the FAO-PM method can introduce uncertainty resolution. Daily NLDAS-2 0–10 cm and 10–40 soil moisture fields (in
in PET estimates as they are not applicable to all landscapes. However, units of mm) were combined into one 0–40 cm soil moisture dataset
the FAO-PM method has been widely validated in diverse surface and subsequently converted to volumetric water content (cm−3 cm−3).
conditions and climates, demonstrating its robust applicability for es- The 0–40 cm depth interval was chosen to generally represent the “root
timating PET from meteorological applications (McMahon et al., 2013; zone” over the seasonal time period assessed. It should be noted, though
Peel and McMahon, 2014). A simple surface moisture balance was that depending on the geographic location this interval may extend too
subsequently calculated as the difference of daily precipitation and PET deep in the spring and potentially too shallow in the mid-to-late
(P − PET, mm). summer. The soil moisture was then standardized using percentiles of
Daily anomalies of Tmax, Wspd, RH, Srad, PET, Precip, P − PET, and volumetric water content, and the percentiles were then averaged to the
VPD were derived using the climatological (1979–2010) mean and pentad-scale, to match the resolution of the meteorological data. Each
standard deviation of that calendar day. The daily anomalies were then of the 125 weather stations was matched to the soil moisture time series
averaged to pentad-scale; we use pentads in order to both 1) minimize of the NLDAS-2 grid cell in which the station resided. All analyses of
daily variability in noisy variables such as Precip and Wspd and 2) meteorological conditions and soil moisture was done using the pentad-
capture the rapid onset of flash drought events. Pentad and weekly time scale data.
scales have been employed previously in flash drought investigations
(Ford et al., 2015; Mo and Lettenmaier 2016). 2.5. Flash drought

2.3. Synoptic-Scale conditions The surge in flash drought research over the last 10–15 years has,
curiously, not been accompanied by a widely-accepted or standard
Along with surface meteorological conditions, we composite sy- definition of flash drought. The lack of precedent and resulting ambi-
noptic-scale mid-level and upper-level atmospheric circulation features guity has forced researchers to either specify a flash drought definition
associated with flash drought onset. The North American Regional for their own purpose (e.g., Mo and Lettenmaier 2015; Ford et al.,
Reanalysis (NARR, Mesinger et al., 2006) dataset is used to characterize 2015) or identify flash drought case studies using a posteriori knowledge
atmospheric conditions immediately prior to flash drought events. (e.g., Otkin et al., 2013; Anderson et al., 2013; Hunt et al., 2014). We

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

argue that flash drought determination should first and foremost be pattern is somewhat counterintuitive given the prevalence of notable
based on soil moisture. With that being said, other environmental in- Great Plains flash droughts in the recent past (Senay et al., 2008; Otkin
formation such as remote sensing of vegetation health and ET are et al., 2015, 2016). However, more frequent flash droughts in the
better-suited for near-real time flash drought monitoring and prediction Southeast is strongly (R2 = 0.53) related to shorter soil moisture
than is soil moisture. An additional consideration is the short time scale “memory” (Supplementary Fig. 1), defined here as the number of
over which flash drought can establish and intensify. For this reason, pentads it takes the lagged 0–40 cm soil moisture autocorrelation to
flash drought identification should include a built-in intensification- drop to 1 e (e.g., Dirmeyer et al., 2016). Fewer flash droughts identified
time component that is appropriate for effective flash drought detec- in the Great Plains region, therefore is a direct result of longer soil
tion. For this project we identify a flash drought if the pentad-average moisture memory, making it less likely that volumetric water content in
0–40 cm soil moisture percentile at a station declines from at or above the Great Plains will degrade from the 40th to the 20th within the
the 40th percentile to at or below the 20th percentile in 4 pentads or imposed 4-pentad maximum time period. However, longer soil
less. These thresholds were subjectively determined, based both on moisture memory also dictates that dry soil anomalies will persist
previous work with soil moisture-identified flash droughts (e.g., Ford longer, perhaps at least partly explaining the distinction of Great Plains
et al., 2015) and significant experience working with in situ soil flash droughts (Svoboda et al., 2002; Hunt et al., 2008; Ford et al.,
moisture data (e.g., Ford and Quiring, 2014; Quiring et al., 2016). The 2015; Otkin et al., 2016). Differences in soil moisture memory between
20th percentile of soil moisture was selected as it represents the onset of stations seem to be somewhat driven by differences in soil texture
moderate drought, according to the USDM. The 40th percentile of soil (Supplementary Fig. 2), such that stations in the Southeast U.S. exhibit
moisture was selected as the upper threshold because it represents drier lower soil porosity than those farther west in the Great Plains. Physi-
than normal soils, but not drought. This allowed us to evaluate me- cally, this makes sense as the sandier soils of the Southeast U.S. will
teorological conditions leading to the onset of flash drought separately permit faster infiltration and, more relevant here, desiccation
from situations where pre-existing drought rapidly intensifies into a throughout the 0–40 cm soil column than the higher clay-content soils
larger magnitude event. We contend that both of these conditions (i.e., of the Great Plains and the loamy soils of the Midwest.
rapid onset and rapid intensification) should be considered flash Although there is a notable geographic variation in the climatolo-
drought, but the former is the phenomenon of interest here. The four gical flash drought occurrence between 1979 and 2010, the absolute
pentad intensification period sits squarely in the subseasonal-to-sea- frequencies of occurrence are less than that reported in Mo and
sonal timescale on which flash drought operates. Additionally, we Lettenmaier (2015, 2016). This could partially be attributed to the
tested a range of soil moisture percentile thresholds (50th to 30th difference in study period length, with the latter study identifying flash
percentile for top threshold, 30th to 10th percentile for bottom droughts over a nearly–100 year timeframe. However, we argue the
threshold) and drought-intensification thresholds (3 pentads to 8 pen- primary difference is the method of identifying flash droughts, as Mo
tads). The meteorological composites were mostly independent of the and Lettenmaier (2015, 2016) require soils drier than the 40th per-
thresholds selected. Therefore we determined these thresholds to be centile (20th percentile in this study) and mandate thresholds of tem-
appropriate to accomplish the objectives of this particular investigation. perature and ET anomalies. We also find a considerable geographic
Flash droughts between March and October are identified at each of the distribution in the time of the (March − October) season in which flash
125 stations over the period 1979–2010. drought occurs, with stations in the Great Plains and Upper Midwest
occurring later than those stations farther east (Fig. 2b). Flash drought
2.6. Logistic regression seasonality patterns in Fig. 2b are somewhat reversed from frequency
patterns in Fig. 2a, suggesting soil moisture memory could be partly
We use composite analysis to determine the meteorological condi- attributable for differences in the seasonal timing of flash drought onset
tions associated with the onset of flash drought in the Eastern United across the study region. Stations with sandier, lower porosity soils are
States. Additionally, we employ logistic regression, as described by able to dry faster in the presence of the right meteorological forcings
Peng et al. (2002) to examine the statistical, predictive relationship (discussed below), and therefore flash droughts are able to occur earlier
between meteorological conditions and the probability of antecedent in the March − October season (Fig. 2b).
flash drought. Logistic regression is advantageous when exploring the
relationship between ratio, ordinal, and binary independent and de- 3.2. Meteorological conditions
pendent variables. In this case, logistic regression measures the logit
transformation of the odds ratio of flash drought onset given a change Pentad-scale surface meteorological conditions between 1 and 4
in various meteorological variables. The logistic regression model takes pentads prior to flash drought onset were composited for each of the
the form of: 125 stations. The magnitude of the anomalies, as well as the time scale
ρ or lead at which these anomalies occur prior to flash drought imply the
ln = α + βX , strength of the statistical association between that particular variable
and the subsequent onset of flash drought. The relative lead times of
where is the odds ratio of flash drought occurrence. The logistic significant anomalies are particularly important, as the meteorological
regression results provide evidence of what meteorological variables variables composited here often co-vary. For example, prolonged pre-
are most strongly associated with flash drought onset, and at what time cipitation deficits for several pentads could not only lead to the onset of
lags the association peaks. flash drought but also contribute to significantly elevated Tmax
anomalies in the pentads leading up to the drought onset.
3. Results Composites of Tmax, PET, Srad, and Wspd anomalies are shown at 4,
3, 2, and 1 pentad(s) prior to flash drought occurrence at each station
3.1. Flash drought climatology (Fig. 3). Unsurprisingly, the anomalies of the former 3 variables are
dominantly positive (i.e., increased temperatures, evaporative demand,
Flash drought at stations across the Eastern United States, as iden- solar radiation) leading up to flash drought onset; however noticeable
tified from pentad-average soil moisture, occurred in between 0.1% and geographic disparities exist in the lead time at which this pattern first
1.5% of all March − October pentads (Fig. 2a), corresponding with appears. Positive, albeit weaker anomalies of PET are found throughout
flash drought return intervals between 1.5 and 10 years. Stations in the the Southern Great Plains out to a 4-pentad lead, and across the
Southeast region tended to have a higher overall flash drought occur- southern half of the region at a 3-pentad lead. Composites of RH, Precip,
rence, particularly compared to stations in the Great Plains region. This P − PET, and VPD show similar patterns, with positive anomalies of

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

Fig. 2. Left panel: frequency of flash drought occurrence (% of March-October pentads) from 1979 to 2010. Right panel: median flash drought onset day of the year.

VPD and negative anomalies of RH, Precip, and P − PET out to a 2- transition from near-to-above normal soil moisture conditions to flash
pentad lead (Fig. 4). Similar persistence of positive evaporative demand drought in a matter of 1–2 pentads. This is contrasted by the western
anomalies in the Southern Great Plains have been previously connected extent of the region, particularly the Southern Great Plains, where soil
with flash drought onset (Otkin et al., 2013). This suggests that flash moisture and atmospheric moisture deficit conditions appear in the
droughts in the Southern Great Plains region are associated with rela- form of negative (positive) P − PET (VPD) anomalies 3–4 pentads prior
tively short (< two weeks) periods of very dry conditions (i.e., negative to the official flash drought onset. These timescale differences could
RH and Precip anomalies), but with longer precedent time periods of potentially be related to the sensitivity of soil water storage to relatively
elevated evaporative demand. Interestingly, P − PET exhibits a rapid quick changes in atmospheric water supply and demand, such that only
transition from positive anomalies (soil moisture surplus) across the 5- to 10-day periods of negative P − PET anomalies are necessary to
Eastern half of the study region to negative anomalies (soil moisture instill drought conditions in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast
deficit) in a period of 2–3 pentads. In the same part of the study region regions of the U.S. Such information is useful to determine the time-
RH, Srad, and PET show similar patterns at a 4 pentad lead, demon- scales necessary to monitor and forecast potential flash drought con-
strating the quick evolution of flash drought conditions in this area. ditions.
These results suggest a difference in the timescales of flash drought
development between the eastern and western halves of the study re-
gion. Much of the area east of the Mississippi River exhibits a rapid

Fig. 3. Pentad anomalies of Tmax, PET, Srad,

and Wspd prior to flash drought onset. From
left to right the panels show anomaly com-
posites 1, 2, 3, and 4 pentads prior to flash
drought onset.

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

Fig. 4. Pentad anomalies of RH, Precip,

P − PET, and VPD prior to flash drought
onset. From left to right the panels show
anomaly composites 1, 2, 3, and 4 pentads
prior to flash drought onset.

3.3. Synoptic conditions then average daily 500 hPa heights within these areas over randomly-
selected 30, 20, 10, and 5 day periods. Within each time period, we
Surface meteorological conditions immediately prior to flash denote the number of days in which the area-average 500 hPa height
droughts in the Eastern United States are consistent with increased anomaly exceeds its climatological 75th percentile. We then bootstrap
evaporative demand, decreased precipitation and humidity, and de- this procedure over 10,000 iterations to obtain a distribution of “rid-
velopment of soil moisture deficits. These conditions are, unsurpris- ging days” within randomly-selected 30, 20, 10, and 5 day periods.
ingly, related to the establishment of intense ridging in the mid-to- These distributions are then compared to the average number of “rid-
upper-level troposphere (Fig. 5). The 125 weather stations were clus- ging days” in 30, 20, and 10 day periods immediately prior to flash
tered into 5 regions (Fig. 1), based on the National Centers for En- droughts in each region (Fig. 6). Statistical significance of ridging day
vironmental Information (NCEI) climate regions (Karl and Koss, 1984). occurrence preceding flash drought is noted if the actual frequency of
For our purposes, we include all stations in Nebraska, South Dakota, ridging days is above the 95th percentile of the distribution of randomly
and North Dakota in the Upper Midwest cluster. Additionally, the only selected sets. Up to 30 days prior to flash drought onset, the Upper
station in Mississippi, Meridian, was included in the Southeast cluster Midwest, Ohio Valley, and Northeast regions experience ridging days at
because it was geographically and climatologically closer to other sta- significantly elevated rates. The frequency of ridging days both up to
tions in the Southeast region. Anomalies of pentad-averaged 500 hPa 20 days and 10 days prior to flash drought onset is also significantly
geopotential heights are composited for all stations within each of the higher than expected. The Southeast region exhibits an above-average,
five regions, demonstrating the consistency with which flash droughts although not significant, frequency of ridging days preceding flash
can be attributed to strong mid-level ridging to the west-to-northwest of drought at 30, 20, and 10 days prior to the events. The South region
the study area. In each sub-region, the ridge axis is located immediately exhibits a well-below normal frequency of ridging days out to 30-days
to the west/northwest of the region’s geographic center, corresponding prior to flash drought; however out to 10-days prior to the events, the
with weak northerly-to-northeasterly wind patterns (not shown). The frequency of ridging days becomes slightly above normal. This is con-
synoptic-scale atmospheric patterns leading up to flash drought in the sistent with the lack of persistent ridging in the South region beyond a
South region differ somewhat from those in other regions, such that the 10-day lead to flash drought onset (Fig. 5), and could potentially be
ridge is weaker even for the 5-day composite, and the axis of the ridge attributed to differences in warm season moisture availability in these
shifts to the east as the flash drought onset approaches (Fig. 5). The regions. For example, the P − PET moisture balance in the South region
South region’s 500 hPa height anomaly pattern’s most noticeable de- is frequently below 0 between March and October, signifying soil
viation from the other regions is the lack of ridging at 30- and 20-day moisture deficit. Additionally, the lag in the establishment of a mid-
periods ahead of the flash drought. The consistent appearance of rid- level ridge in the South region could indicate a feedback from the soil
ging to the north-northwest of each region (the South region omitted) at moisture desiccation, itself. Large negative (i.e., dry) root zone soil
multiple-pentad lead times suggests the persistence, and not necessarily moisture anomalies have been shown to intensify and prolong mid-to-
just the establishment, of a mid-level ridge is necessary for flash upper level ridging and anti-cyclonic conditions in semi-arid regions
drought onset. (Ferranti and Viterbo, 2006; Zampieri et al., 2009), including the
We examine the persistence of ridging associated with flash Southern Great Plains (Oglesby and Erickson, 1989). A potential land
droughts for each region, in the context of the normal or climatological surface-atmosphere feedback combined with precedent soil moisture
persistence of these features. To accomplish this, we subset a 10° x 10° deficit in the South region could magnify the impact of ridging circu-
(lat x lon) area to the immediate northwest of each of the 5 regions. We lation features and corresponding surface conditions, desiccating soils

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

Fig. 5. Anomalies of 500 hPa geopotential

heights (m) prior to flash drought onset.
Composites are grouped by region: (top to
bottom) South, Upper Midwest, Ohio Valley,
Southeast, and Northeast. Height anomalies
are composited over (left to right) 30-, 20-,
10-, and 5-day periods immediately prior to
flash drought onset.

to the point of drought faster than in more humid regions. On the other 4. Discussion and conclusions
hand, it is obvious that ridging persistence or the frequency with which
mid-level ridging occurs is strongly related to the onset of flash drought While many conventional droughts evolve over a period of weeks or
in the Midwest and Northeast United States. months, recent studies suggest that drought can evolve and intensify
quickly (Otkin et al., 2015; Ford et al., 2015; Mo and Lettenmaier 2015,
2016). Such events have been termed “flash droughts” and leave little
3.4. Logistic regression time for stakeholders to make adequate preparations, potentially re-
sulting in more detrimental impacts (Otkin et al., 2015) than conven-
Our results demonstrate that flash drought is forced by mid-level tional droughts driven by remote factors, like SST anomalies. Despite
ridging and corresponding 1) decreased precipitation and humidity and the potential for disproportionate impacts from flash droughts, little
2) increased solar radiation, maximum temperatures, and overall eva- attention has been paid in understanding the nature and characteristics
porative demand. We use logistic regression to identify the surface of flash droughts and their meteorological drivers.
weather variables with which flash drought onset is most strongly re- Using meteorological variables from 125 first-order weather sta-
lated. Each meteorological variable is separately regressed and the tions across the Eastern United States, a climatology of flash droughts is
output is the change in flash drought probability corresponding with a developed for the period of March-October 1979–2010. While flash
change in that variable. The resulting flash drought probability changes drought occurrence is overall low, there is spatial and temporal varia-
are grouped by variable, along with the fraction of stations that exhibit bility with locations in the Southeast region having an overall higher
a statistically significant fit, as determined using Ward’s Method frequency than the rest of the Eastern United States, particularly in the
(Fig. 7). Very few statistically significant relationships appear at 4- Upper Midwest and South regions. Additionally, locations in the
pentad and 3-pentad lead times; P − PET has the most significant with Northeast and Southeast regions tend to see flash droughts earlier in the
17% of stations. The results at 2-pentad and 1-pentad lead times, March-October period whereas flash droughts occur later in the Great
though, are dramatically different. At the 2-pentad lead time, P − PET, Plains and Upper Midwest.
PET, and VPD have the strongest relationship with the probability of Meteorological conditions associated with flash droughts include
antecedent flash drought, as a 1-unit reduction in P − PET at a 2- decreased precipitation and relative humidity, along with increases in
pentad lead increases this probability by 35%. This relationship be- solar radiation, maximum temperatures, and atmospheric demand.
tween P − PET and flash drought is significant at over 90% of stations Below normal precipitation accumulation over a relatively-long time
in the study region. At a 1-pentad lead, logistic regression models for all period is requisite for any drought; however the combination of pre-
variables except TMAX, Wspd, and Precip are significant at over 80% of cipitation deficits with large, positive evapotranspiration anomalies are
stations. These results suggest that variables representing surface associated with rapid soil moisture desiccation and the rapid in-
moisture balance (P − PET) and atmospheric demand (PET and VPD) tensification that characterizes flash droughts in the United States
are better predictors of flash drought than are temperature or pre- (Otkin et al., 2013). Our results are consistent with those from Otkin
cipitation alone. Additionally, the logistic regression results suggest the et al. (2013), suggesting that both moisture supply and demand must be
predictive power of these three variables could extend to a 2-pentad accounted for in order to properly monitor and forecast flash drought.
lead time.

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

Fig. 6. Boxplots show distribution of the

frequency of “ridging days” within ran-
domly-selected (panel a) 30, (panel b) 20,
and (panel c) 10 day groups. The dashed,
black lines denote the frequency of “ridging
days” in (panel a) 30, (panel b) 20, and
(panel c) 10 day periods leading up to flash
drought occurrence. Results are shown se-
parately for each region.

However, we did find that temperature and precipitation were, by contend that although these thresholds will naturally vary between
themselves, not strongly associated with conditions prior to flash studies, flash drought identification or classification must be driven by
drought occurrence. This weak association implies that the two vari- the intensification time and not overall length of prevailing dry con-
ables have limited predictive capacity. Instead, variables that accounted ditions. Additionally, the lack of a consistent flash drought definition
for surface moisture balance and/or atmospheric demand were more complicates monitoring and forecasting of flash drought events, and
closely linked with conditions leading up to flash droughts. These sur- represents a major limitation in drought science.
face conditions are likely driven by ridging in the mid to upper level
troposphere. Composites of 500 hPa geopotential heights suggest that
ridging to the west and northwest of the regions contributes to the onset Acknowledgement
of flash droughts. Furthermore, this ridging pattern may be more per-
sistent in the northern clusters of the study region. We would like to acknowledge the reviewers and associated editor
It is important to note that we define only one type or “flavor” of for their assistance in evaluating this paper.
flash drought. Indeed the soil moisture thresholds of 40th and 20th
percentiles, as well as the necessary 4-pentad soil moisture depletion
period were subjectively determined, based both on previous work with Appendix A. Supplementary data
soil moisture-identified flash droughts (e.g., Ford et al., 2015) and
significant experience working with in situ soil moisture data (e.g., Ford Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
and Quiring, 2014; Quiring et al., 2016). With that being said, we online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.08.031.

T.W. Ford, C.F. Labosier Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247 (2017) 414–423

Fig. 7. Boxplots (panel a) show the change

in probability of flash drought onset given a
one-unit increase in each meteorological
variable. Bar plots (panel b) show the per-
cent of all stations in the study region ex-
hibiting a statistically significant logistic
regression fit. Panels show relationships at
1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-pentad lead times.

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