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Santet is black magic wich passed on from old generation to hard someone without touching each
other. Even though in technology era right now, santet is still there. Specially in rural areas that are
still thick with it.

Scene 1

Ki Rogo perfoms rituals with his mantra and turn around in that area.

Scene 2

Rumi swept the yard, the Ayu came with the wood.

Rumi : have you come, girl ?

Ayu : yes, mom!

Rumi : go eat first, I have prepared food on the table

Ayu : what do we eat now, mom?

Rumi : as usual

Ayu : okay!

Than Ayu goes and eats the food provided. A few moment later, Rumi came and Ayu told her what
happened when she was looking for wood.

Ayu : mom, last time when I was looking for wood, I met neighbor she indulted me the child of an
illicit relationship.

Rumi : it’s ok, you don’t have to listen to them, this is a test for us.

Ayu : no, can’t like that, mom! I don’t accept it!

Rumi : it’s okay, be patient, girl. Better we it.

Scene 3

In short story, the night arrived, Rumi and Ayu come from recitation. After leaving the prayer room,
Ayu said goodbye to go with her friends and Rumi went home alone.

Ayu : mom, can I go to my friend’s house?

Rumi : okay, take care and don’t come home to late,okay?

( Raka who was hanging out near the prayer room with his friend’s saw Rumi coming home alone,
then he approached Rumi and teased her )

Raka : hi, beautiful!

Rumi : what is it!

Raka : are you alone?

Rumi : as you see!

Raka : can I pick you up to your house, Rum?

Rumi : no thank’s, I can go home alone!

Raka : it’s okay, I force to pick you up!

Rumi : up to you!

( on the way, Raka teases Rumi )

Raka : you look so beautiful tonight Rum!

Rumi : astagfirullah Ka. Remember your wife in your home Ka!

Raka : calm down Rum, my wife will never know

Rumi : please don’t bother me Ka!

( Raka’s wife, Utari who just come from sawing club gathering with her friend, saw Raka and Rumi
together )

Endah : eh he is your husband, isn’t he? ( while pointing at Raka and Rumi )

Utari : oh yea, what is he doing with Rumi?

Endah : just wait there!

Utari : come on follow me!

( Utari and her friend come to meet Raka with full of emotion )

Utari : oh obviously, so this is what you’re doing now!. ( to Raka )

Utari : hey bitch, how dare you tease my husband? ( while pushing Rumi down )

( by reflex, Raka helped Rumi )

Endah : hey! Why do you help her?

Raka : Calm down dear, calm!

Rumi : I never teased your husband, Utari.

Utari : layer! Itchy woman! Let’s go home. Flirty husband! ( while pulling Raka home )

Rumi : ” speechless “

Scene 4

In the morning when Utari shopping for vegetables, she encourages mother’s to throw Rumi and her
child away.

Utari : hey, hey, do you know?

Marni : what going on, Utari?

Utari : last night, my husband was teased by Rumi!

Marni : really?
Susi : ih, why is Rumi like that? Where as she always goes to prayer room for recitation.

Utari : why if we throw her away from this village?!

Leha : you’r right, just throw that cheap woman out so she doesn’t tease our husband anymore!

Utari : let’s go to her house.

Scene 5

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