Chapter 5 Information Communication Technology Part 1

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Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Identify dimensions of technology that are enabling and not inhibiting;
 Discuss the benefits of technology;
 Utilize technology effectively rather than be enslaved by it

Motivational Activity:
Write a short response :
What is /are importance/s of ICT ?

ICT is technology that supports activities involving information. Such activities include
gathering, processing, storing, and processing data.
Charles Babbage
- he designed the 1st general purpose computer around the year of 1833.
In the narrowest sense, technology consists manufactured objects like tools (axes,
arrowheads, and their modern equivalents) and containers (pots, water reservoirs, buildings).
Their purpose is either to enhance human capabilities (e.g., with a hammer you can apply a
stronger force to an object) or to enable humans to perform tasks they could not perform
otherwise (with a pot you can transport larger amount of water; with your hands you cannot).
Thus, technology include both what things are made and how things are made.
Characteristics of Technology
-is a basic fact of life, and technology is no exception. The first source of technological
uncertainty derives from the fortunate fact that there always exists a variety of solutions to
perform a particular task.
-It is always uncertain which might be “best” taking into account technical criteria, economic
criteria, and social criteria.
-Uncertainty prevails at all stages of Technological evolution, from initial design choices,
through success or failure in the marketplace, to eventual environmental impact and spin-off
-Technology is dynamic; it keeps changing all the time. Change includes a continuous
introduction of new varieties, or “species,” and continuous subsequent improvements and
-The varying pace of these combined changes is a constant source of excitement (and
over optimism) on the one hand, and frustration (or pessimism) on the other.
-The main factors governing technology dynamics are:
First, the continuous replacement of capital stock as it ages and economies expand and,
Second, and most important, new inventions
-Technological evolution is systematic. It cannot be treated as a discrete, isolated event
that concerns only one artifact.
-A new technology needs not only to be invented and designed, but it needs to be
produced. This requires a whole host of other technologies. And it requires infrastructures.
-These mutually interdependent and cross-enhancing “sociotechnical systems of
production and use cannot be analyzed in terms of single technologies, but must be considered in
terms of the mutual interactions among all concurrent technological, institutional, and social
-Technological change is cumulative.
-Changes build on previous experience and knowledge. Only in rare cases is knowledge
lost and not reproducible.
-A new artifact, like a new species, is seldom designed from “scratch”
(The beginning of the space program are a notable exception.) Hence, technological
knowledge and the stock of technologies in use grow continuously.
Dimension of Technology
Integration in the Classroom (Jeff Herb)
1. Content Integration
-identifying how you will be able to integrate your content into technology.
- This has to be considered first to ensure that technology is suitable to disseminate the
content in the most productive way possible.
2. Knowledge Construction
-Mastery of the new technology is vital to its success in your classroom. This is why
knowledge construction is the second dimension of proper technology integration.
-Knowledge construction exists several levels;
First, construct some background knowledge regarding other possible tools that perform similar
functions as the technological tool you are interested in using with students.
a. Have the opportunity to find a resource that may actually work better.
b. Have a backup in the off chance that your tech tool is out of service the day you want
to use it in your classroom.
c. If students are expected to do work outside of class, giving them several options will
plan ahead for one or more technology tools not working with varying systems at students home
Second, learning the resource inside and out.
3. Equity pedagogy
All students will be able to perform you expected task in a reasonable amount of time and
that if any outside work is necessary, students will have access to required tools to complete the
assigned work.
4. Prejudice Reduction
-Students and staff are bound to have hesitation towards change or new methodologies.
-Teach the staff that will be using the technology what it is, why it is beneficial, and how
o teach their students.
-Teach your students during one class period how the technological works for ¼ to ½ of
the period and let them explore for remainder.
-Teach the parents by sending home information via email or a handout that details the
tool being covered and provides several tutorials that may come in handy.
5. Empowering Social Culture
One, empowering the use of this technology in ways that can better society and social
Two, creating a social environment that stimulates communication and growth among
Socialization is wildly important to the development of our students.
Step five forces the educator to determine what aspects of the chosen tool could be
manipulated to be socially constructed and collaboratively built upon.
Benefits of Technology to the Society
1. Improved Communication – advance communication technology tools
2. Easy Access to Information – at anytime and anywhere.
3. Improved Housing and Lifestyle – most of the items that we have in our homes today are
automated (compare with houses in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s).
4. Improved Entertainment – we have more video games now, good music to listen and
visual systems like smart TV’s
5. Social Networking – great improvement for individuals and business.
6. Convenience in Education – online and mobile education
7. Convenience in Traveling – very important in our lives and in the business world.
8. Changed the Health Industry – modern technology in hospitals, reducing the mistakes
made by doctors and evolving the patients’ treatment.
9. Efficiency and Productivity – helping businesses increasing production, saving time and
money in the industry.
10. Encourages Innovation and Creativity – It is very easy to start a job today (while at

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