It 101 - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Computers in our
Daily Life
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
1. Differentiate binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal notations.
2. Discuss the role of ASCII code in computer systems and explain how
computers use it.
3. Explain how a computer’s system bus is used and implemented.
4. Describe the different types of networks and their relevance to day-to-
day activities.
5. List down the various wired and wireless connections used in a
computer system.
6. Identify the differences between system software and application
7. Recognize the differences between an OS for desktop and an OS for
mobile devices.
8. Compare and contrast a desktop app and a mobile app.
How Computers Work
❑ The basic parts of a computer are the Central
Processing Unit (CPU), memory, a keyboard and other
input device, and a screen or other output device.
❑ While we understand human language, the computer
can understand machine language. When a person
types on the computer’s keyboard, the human brain
identifies the letters, numbers, and characters
combined to create words and sentences. But the
computer does not recognize letters as letters of the
alphabet; it sees the letters as a series of 1’s and 0’s,
which is called binary language.
Computer Number System

❑ In terms of number system, humans use the

decimal number system - to count, measure, and
❑ A computer, on the other hand, can only
understand two digits - a 1 and a 0. This type of
number system is called binary number system.
❑ There are other types of number systems such as
the octal number system (uses 8 digits) and
hexadecimal number system (uses 16 digits)
Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina
Computer Number System
Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

0 0000 000 0

1 0001 001 1

2 0010 002 2

3 0011 003 3

4 0100 004 4

5 0101 005 5

6 0110 006 6

7 0111 007 7

8 1000 010 8

9 1001 011 9

10 1010 012 A

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers Interpret Data

❑ With the different types of number systems, it is

important to understand how computers interpret
the letters on the keyboard through a series of 1s
and 0s.
❑ Depending on the standard used, computer
systems convert characters from the keyboard and
later display them on the monitor.

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers Interpret Data
1) From the keyboard, pressure pads are typically found
underneath each key. Upon typing a letter, the pressure pad
sends information to the CPU for processing.
2) The information is then transmitted in the form of 1s and 0s
using ASCII code.
3) The CPU determines what character has been typed and sends
the information to the computer monitor, again in 1s and 0s.
4) The monitor displays the information in its equivalent character,
this time readable and understandable by humans.

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers Communicate with one another

❑ Notice how the computer uses different ways to

connect to certain devices. The computer monitor
uses wire to connect to the computer unit while
the mouse wirelessly connects to the laptop, etc.
❑ Depending on the situation, computers use
different connection methods to do their tasks.

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers recognizes the devices connected to it
System Bus
A system bus is a pathway composed of cables and
connectors used to carry data from a computer’s
peripheral devices - monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.
to the CPU and the main memory.
There are three types of buses:
1. Data Bus
2. Address Bus
3. Control Bus

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

Types of Buses
1. Data Bus
A data bus can transfer data to and from the
memory of a computer, or into or out of the CPU.
1. Address Bus
The address bus is used by the CPU to specify a
physical address for instructions, files, and other
devices within the computer system.
1. Control Bus
A control bus is used by CPUs to communicate with
other devices within the computer system.

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

Types of Buses

Input and
CPU Memory

Control Bus

System Bus
Address Bus

Data Bus

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers Connect to other Computers
Computer Network Systems
Computers are able to communicate with one
another over networks. A computer networks is an
interconnection of two or more computers.
Some of the computer network systems:
1. Personal Area Network (PAN)
2. Local Area Network (LAN)
3. Wide Area Network (WAN)

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers Connect to other Computers
Methods of Communication
1. Wired Communication
Wired connections use different types of cables
for their connections in a given network.
Examples: USB, HDMI, VGA
1. Wireless Communication
Wireless communication include microwave
transmission, satellite communication, cellular
transmission, and radio transmission.
Examples: WiFi, Bluetooth

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

How Computers Impact Everyday Life
The advent of technologies specifically the
development of information and communications
technology has changed the lives of people.
❏ Education
❏ Banking
❏ Workforce Industry
❏ Electronic Commerce
❏ Hospitals

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

Laboratory Activity
❑ Answer the quiz in the link asynchronously.

Instructor: Lorraine S. Valencerina

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