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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City
Gov. Ramos Ave., Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7
Student Teacher: Raulen P. Ongcoy Grade & Section: 7- Honesty
7- Serenity, 7- Justice, 7- Loyalty
Date & Time: March 20, 2023, Monday Teaching Time: 7:30-8;30 AM/8:30-9:30 AM
1:00-2:00 PM/2:00-3:00 PM

1. Use direct and reported speech appropriately in varied context.
2. Make a dialogue using direct and reported speech.
3. Change a direct speech to a reported speech and vice versa.


A. Direct Speech and Reported Speech

B. Materials: Manila Paper, Chalk and Cartolina
C. References: English learner’s materials 7
Teacher’s activity Learners’ Activity
 Routinary Activities

Preliminary Activities
 Opening Prayer  Class Opening Prayer
 Class Greeting  Class Greeting
 Checking of Attendance
 Setting of Class Rules
 Presentation of the topic
and learning objectives

 Preparatory Activities
Review of the past lesson:
What is our discussion yesterday? It’s all about the present, past, future
What is the present tense, past and
Present tense – a tense expressing an
future tense? action that is currently going or
habitually performed.
Past tense – Expressing an action
that has happened or a state that
previously existed.
Future tense – an action that has not
yet happened or that does not yet

 Developmental Activities
 Activity
The teacher will present a paper strips
with sentence in it, direct and reported
President Obama said, “There were no
winners in this government shutdown.”
Page 1
“We need to grow the economy, create
good jobs, strengthen the middle class, and
get our fiscal house ready”, he
Obama said, “it won’t be easy.”

President Obama said there were no
winners in this government shutdown.”
He emphasized that we needed to grow the
economy, create good jobs, strengthen the
middle class, and get our fiscal house
Obama said it won’t be easy.  Ma’am in the first sentence
the writer wrote what was
president Obama said
Now class, what made sentences A exactly. While in second
different from Sentences B? sentences the writer wrote
what was president Obama
said but not word for word.

Very good observation!

Okay so before we proceed with our
lesson today, I will read the objective list.
1. Use direct and reported speech
appropriately in varied context.
2. Make a dialogue using direct and
reported speech.

B. Activity

Okay, I have here sentences on the board

and I will call you ramdomly to read it and
tell me whether it is stated directly or
 Mia said “I want to watch
Okay Mr.----------- will you please read the play.”
sentence no. 1 Mia said that she wants to
watch the play.
 Lanze said, “ I am going
with you.”
Thank you! Miss ------ read number 2 Lanze said that he wants to
go with her.
 “I saw the play with
How about sentence no. 3, Please Mr. ----- Brayden yesterday,” said
read please. Pauline.
Pauline said she saw the
play with Brayden
 Niko said, “Mommy and I
No. 4 Please read Mr. ------- . will watch the play in
resorts world.”
Niko said he and his
mommy will watch the play
in resorts world.

And for the last no. Please Mss. --------  Grand Mother said, “what
read it. can you learn from that

Page 2
Grand Mother asked what
we could learn from that

 Analysis

The teacher will ask the following

questions to the learners:

 Now, Mr. _____ from the  Yes Ma’am.

sentences in no. 1, did the Because in the first sentence
sentences change from direct to it is stated what was mai said
reported speech? exactly while in the second it
is stated what was mai said
 Great answer mr. ! Now Ms. ---- but not directly.
What can you say in the sentence
no. 2? Did the sentences change  Yes Ma’am!
from direct to reported?
 Very good, How about sentence  Yes Ma’am!
no. 3? Did it change from direct
 And Mr -------, how about
sentence no. 4? Do you believe  Yes Ma’am, In my own
that there is an error or mistake in opinion Yes!
the fourth sentence? I think no. 4 was changed
What is it? from direct to reported,
however the word will
 That is brilliant! should change because it was
How about the last sentence no. 5? already stated to another
Did it change from direct person
reported?  Yes Ma’am!
So now, what can you observe to
the first sentences in each  Ma’am the sentences stated
number? exactly the same as what the
speaker said.

 Very good observation class! How  They were all stated by the
about the second sentences in each other person as if someone is
number? reporting what was the other
person reported.
 Great Job everyone! You are all
 Abstraction
Inter-action Discussion (Teacher and
learners) Ma’am direct speech are sentences
are saying exactly what someone has
Now class, from the sentences that you said.
read, who among you can tell what is
direct speech?
Very good! And based on the sentences Ma’am all of them has a quotation
that we had in our activity, can you mark(“”)
observe to direct speech?
That awesome observation!
Meaning direct speech is a sentence that
gives a statement or thought in its original
form according to how the speaker said it.
And in other reference it is sometimes
called (quoted speech).Here it appears
what a person says within quotation marks
For example:
Page 3
“ He planted rice in our land,” replied Pare
“Many men like to borrow rice from me,”
Mang Cesar said.

Now how about reported speech, who can

tell me what is reported speech? Based on Ma’am reported speech doesn’t use
these given examples: quotation marks to state what was
other person said.
Pare Crispin replied that he planted rice in
their land.
Mang Cesar said that many men like to
borrow rice from him.

Very good! Great answer!

Reported speech is a sentence that
expresses the content of a statement
without quoting just like what is done in
direct speech. It involves reporting or
describing what was said. It doesn’t have
to word by word and the tense in the
sentences usually changes too. This is
because when we use reported speech, we
usually talking about time in the past
(because obviously the person who spoke
originally spoke in the past).
The verbs therefore usually have to be in
the past too. The pronoun (I) will change
to ( he/ she.)

Direct speech
“ I’m going to cinema” ,he said

Reported speech
He said he was going to cinema.

To change a direct speech to reported

speech and vice versa, you need to take
note of the following important details the
tense of the verb (in a past tense) and
pronouns need to change like ( “I” to

For example:
Direct speech: Maya said, I like the
painting of Leonardo da Vinci”

Reported speech: Maya said that she liked

the painting of Leonardo da Vinci.

Based on the example what happen to the

sentence when we change it to reported Ma’am the statement has the word
speech? (that) and the word like changed into
past tense (liked).

Great observation!

Page 4
Mr. ….,read this sentence
Direct speech: “I already ate,” said
Reported speech: Crispin said that he
already ate.

What have you observe on the sentences? Ma’am, the pronoun I changed into
he and there is the word said in
which it is in the past tense and ate
still in the past tense.

Great observation!

Now, class in order for you to change the

sentences from direct to reported and vice
versa, you need to take note of the
following important details the tense of the
verb (in a past tense) and pronouns need to
change like ( “I” to “he/she)

Do you have any question? None ma’am.

 Application:
Group activity
Group your selves into 4 and make a
dialogue regarding to our discussion.
Each group will present their output. I
will only give you 15minutes to create
your dialogue. Is that clear my dear Yes ma’am!


Get one half crosswise!

Analyze the given sentences. Change the
direct speech to reported speech and vice

1. Mang Cesar said, “I bought five sacks

of rice.”
2. Pare Crispin replied,” My family
accepted the rice you gave us.”
3. “ I like to eat rice every morning,” Pare
Crispin’s son said.
4. “ He prepares the field every summer,”

Page 5
Mang Cesar stated.
5. Crispin’s wife reported, “ Five men
stole the horses.”
6. His son pointed out that he was really
hungry since yesterday.
7. The wife of Crispin said that she was
suffering from the drought.
8. Mang Cesar stated that the rice was
ready for harvesting.
9. The children mentioned that they
played in the farm yesterday.
10. Pare Crispin said that he already fed

For your assignment, write 5 sentences of a direct speech and 5 reported speech.

 Do you have question class?
 Have you learned something from the discussion?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Teacher I

Signature Over Printed Name

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