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Paris Anthology Overview Name:

1. Work through this hand-out in the coming months to ensure you’re fully prepared for the exam. NB: we will not have time to study all these texts in lessons.
2. On this hand-out you need to summarise briefly the key features of each text – you can annotate more detailed notes onto the anthology itself. I’ve completed the first
row as an example. It only took 10 minutes.
3. Use the checklist for studying texts hand-out and the language levels – key terminology hand-out to help you study the texts.
4. There will be some columns that are not relevant to every text – in which case just write NA… but be cautious don’t write NA just because you can’t be bothered to find
a feature – the next time you see this text it might be in the exam!
5. Because there’s a lot of information to include on the hand-out, I suggest you zoom in so you can see what you’re writing!
6. Here are your deadlines – your teacher will ask to see this hand-out to check your progress.

Deadlines Complete handout for all texts up to the end of…

1 March Paris City Guide – Anna and Zara Personal Narrative

7 March Breathless: an American girl in Paris
15 March Rick Steves’ walking tour of the Louvre Museum
16 March Seven Ages of Paris
21 March Paris for children
12 April Foreign Correspondent: Paris in the sixties
13 April Paris Riots 1968
18 April Paris: fine French food
26 April Letters from France 1790 – 1796
29 April Study leave begins – you begin revising the above.
Paris Anthology Overview Name:
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
Stories are Video ad for Purpose: to persuade A place of Lots of personal and Short, simple NA – but plenty of NA NA ‘Paris City Guide’ –
waiting Eurostar; spoken / advertise; possibilities; city of spatial deixis; utterances sound effects in another video guide;
mode, planned conversational not romance. ‘#when in language is repetition of video. ‘Not for parents’ –
literary but raises Paris’ literary evocative opening subjunctive mood more informative
idea of creating reference to the possibilities; lots of ‘maybe’ this creates than persuasive.
stories, second saying originating dynamic verbs pace. Syntax: SVO –
person puts you in from St Augustine: suggests Paris is a parallelism.
the picture; audience ‘when in Rome do as place where things
positioned as male – the Romans do’. happen.
we see things from a Implies Parisians
man’s point of view experience all the
things in the video.
Mile by mile Extract from book, Purpose: to inform/ Historical City that is Temporal deixis Complex sentences Metaphor "seems to Traditional sketches
written mode, describe, focus on ideal for those used quite a lot to to accommodate an swallow up with are used- the station
planned direct historical aspect, interested in the describe how the older and apparent ease" used was made in an era
third person gives history behind the station changed over sophisticated to make the station where realism was a
clear description of railways. Makes the the decades. audience. Anaphora seem alive. Also popular form of art.
the history of the railway seem more Definite articles used is used throughout highlights the extent Also fits the purpose
Gare du Nord. grand- interests throughout the text the text to reference of the stations size. to describe the
Audience are most audience. "is also to clearly reference the Gare du Nord- station by providing
likely adults as the more than just a the station. focus of the text. a realistic account of
vocabulary is quite station". the stations
sophisticated and appearance.
graphology is
Neither here Extract from Travel Purpose: to inform/ A busy city: "too "Blue haze" VOS, Right branching Alliteration of Personification such NA Understanding Chic-
nor there guide, written entertain, focus on much traffic", "killer unexpected, used to interest sibilance "sleeping as "Paris wakes up", extracts, both use
mode but takes on his own experiences automobiles", connotations of audience by creating streets" used to "sleeping streets" written modes with
aspects of spoken in Paris and stories crowds -quite smoke. "Good an enigmatic create a gentle tone and "killer aspects of spoken
mode such as from his travels touristy. fellow" comical, atmosphere. (gentle hiss 's' automobiles" to mode
casual language "is there, First person stereotypical of sound) and reflect make Paris seem
that asking for male POV, Speaker is typical Londoner, sounds associated more humanistic
trouble or what?" talking at the gives insight to the with sleep. and relatable.
and direct speech audience rather than speakers Metaphor "London
engaging them- feels background-more is a toilet" contrast
more like a story personal and allows makes Paris seem
than a conversation, the audience to more impressive and
Audience are most relate to him. grand.
likely tourists or
those planning to
travel Paris in the
future (as its a book
it's likely to be in
advance )
The most Extract from book, Purpose: to Paris is illustrated as Semantic field of Rhetorical Alliteration is used Rhetoric q -comical NA Neither here nor
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
beautiful walk written mode with entertain, third a place surrounded travel- theme of text questions- comical comically to mock or to contemplate. there - both book
aspects of spoken person- colloquial, with tourists/ busy is walking- audience effect. the tourists. extracts, purpose to
mode to make the male POV as written atmosphere; is likely to be Anaphora in entertain, planned
text less formal, by a male however residents are interest in travelling. reference to 'the response, anecdotes
planned direct no evidence of this in presented as Exclusive pronouns walkers'/ tourists- used
text, anecdotes mysterious as they "they" disconnects comical,
makes the text seem know shortcuts. the writer from dehumanises them
colloquial and makes tourists- shows his
the audience feel distain toward them.
included. Aimed at
those with an
interest in travelling
in Paris.
Paris city Transcript for lonely Purpose: entertain, Presented as a place Intensifiers- Planned time for Fricative Alliterative Personification Written text across Fine French food-
guide planet ad, spoken persuade, interest. rich in history and emphasis ordinary stops "(8)" dramatic phrases "city's "Paris straddles the the screen along spoken mode,
mode, planned First person- direct to culture. Focus on things such as impact- allows charms" "famous river seine" makes with sounds to aid planned speech,
direct audience, gains their cultural highlights "grand boulevards"- audience to think fixtures" gentle Paris seem active the audiences paralinguistic
interest by and conventions interests audience- over what has been tone, emphasis on and slightly majestic senses with devises.
interaction. such as walking makes them want to seen- enigmatic. abstract nouns. "straddles" is visualising Paris.
Audience: Adults alone the seine. see them -more commonly used
interested in history- likely to visit. when referring to
focus on love and horses.
historical overview.
Personal Transcript, spoken Purpose: inform, Presented as Hedges "sort of" Micropauses- Fricative sounds Repetition "i like N/A Personal narrative:
narrative: mode, spontaneous entertain architecturally grand makes the cities randomly used to "lets see" gentle- that" personal zara - transcripts,
Anna indirect First person with an and easy to navigate differences seem show spontaneous thoughtful tone- opinion is focus- spoken mode,
unclear audience, as through. less bad. speech- text seems honest- taken personal text- not spontaneous
the speaker focuses rushed/ awkward. seriously- inclined to expected to be seen indirect speech,
on her personal listen as its personal. by others- taken similar topics.
experiences and uses from own
many fillers it experience
suggests the text is
spontaneous and not
intended to be seen
by others.
Personal Transcript spoken Purpose: inform, Presented as a Elision "it's" rather Right branching Personification " it N/A Personal narrative:
narrative: Zara mode, spontaneous entertain traditional place than it is- colloquial, "centred around the runs through the anna - transcripts,
indirect First person with an with many clichés. non standard river" makes the middle" Paris seems spoken mode,
unclear audience, as "galleries" "chic" english, doesn't flow river seem active and eternally spontaneous
the speaker focuses "romance" as well, awkward, important to changing, reflects indirect speech,
on her personal spontaneous speech Parisian culture. ideas of the ever similar topics.
experiences and uses Stative verb changing culture
many fillers it "centred"
suggests the text is
spontaneous and not
intended to be seen
by others.
Breathless Book extract, Purpose: N/A
written mode, Audience:
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
planned direct Genre:
speech POV:
Around the Book extract, Purpose: N/A
world written mode, Audience:
planned direct Genre:
What do wish Trip advisor thread Purpose:
someone… reply, written mode Audience:
with elements of Genre:
spoken mode, POV:
spontaneous with
elements of
planned indirect
Visiting Paris Conversation Purpose:
transcript, spoken Audience:
mode, spontaneous Genre:
speech POV:
Rick Steves Transcript for a Purpose: N/A
museum tour, Audience:
spoken mode, Genre:
planned indirect POV:
French milk Comic for children/ Purpose: Monochromatic
teenagers, written Audience:
mode with Genre:
elements of spoken POV:
mode, planned
Understanding Extract from a Purpose: entertain, N/A
chic book, written describe
mode, planned Audience:
direct Genre:
Memories of Transcript from an Purpose: describe Reminiscent, Intensifiers Micropauses N/A
places account of Audience: writers welcoming, beautiful Possessive pronouns Anaphora
someone's life in friend Modal verbs Active voice
Paris, spoken mode, Genre: account
planned indirect transcript
POV: young female
Encore une Blog post about Purpose: review, Exciting, family Onomatopia Asyndetic list- Alliteration "the Idiom "two bath flat N/A 18 months later
fois someones account describe, entertain orientated, beautiful "wooosh" comical endless things to do tangy taste" a steal" makes the entertain, describe,
of their Parisian Audience: Americans Intensifier "love" something keenly price seem criminal, reflect, american
holiday, written -american blogger makes Paris seem remembered, positive experience, audience, blog
mode with Genre: blog post wonderful, comical enjoyed, slight product posts, typical
elements of POV: American as subject is placement- forced, parisian photo,
spoken, planned female inanimate genuinely presents paris as
direct speech appreciative welcoming.
18 months Blog post account Purpose: entertain, Calm/ relaxed, Evaluative adjectives List of three "sights, Alliterative sibilance Rhetorical q "how Filtered image of Encore une Fois:
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
later of someone's reflect, describe welcoming, modern. "Favourite haunts" sounds and smells"- "sights, sounds and soon until we can go eiffel tower- entertain, describe,
account on their Audience: American "greatest hits" appeals to most smells" emphasis on back?" desperate to expectations of reflect, american
holiday in Paris travellers emphasis on senses-easy to senses. Alliteration return-enjoyed their paris- beauty- audience, blog
after 18 months, Genre: blog post- enjoyment. visualise-submerses "big bucks" comic, time there- tranquility- reflects posts, typical
written mode with conventional use of reader into the informal, makes the entertaining due to highlights of trip. parisian photo,
elements of spoken graphology and account-meets expense seem less comicality of the presents paris as
mode, planned informal language descriptive purpose. daunting. question. welcoming.
indirect American POV Active voice- Personification
personal- "paris showed us her
attachment- happy best face" "sun
memories. peeking out" images
of beauty and
Ten things Blog post of child's Purpose: inform, Modest, as an Semantic field of Asyndetic lists to Simile "like pulling Two images of Memories of places
account of what entertain 'experience' that luck "experience" show the top things teeth" reference to typical things in Paris: reflection
they will miss about Audience: American they should feel "fortune" makes the that will be missed, childrens wobbly associated with on time in Paris
Paris from the parents, possibly grateful for children seem lucky highlights of Paris, teeth- relateable to Paris, offers more 18 months later:
mothers teenagers for being able to audience are able to parents- Parent context to the blog, blog, written mode,
perspective, written Genre: concise blog experience life in empathise with the audience- comical. as theres little text it first person,
mode with post with list Paris, perhaps children for moving, Rhetorical q- helps the audience american audience
elements of Parent POV presents the easy to read as comical- sarcastic- visualise their
spoken, planned children as concise. used to contrast the experience more
direct ungrateful. Active voice, writer 'good fortune'-
possessive has taken part in the makes children
pronouns, parents account, personal seem ungrateful.
POV, protective over POV, attachment,
children. good memories.
Travelling to Thread focusing on Purpose: entertain, Varied in cost, fun, Evaluative Asyndetic lists- Alliteration- comical- Repetition of Colour is used to Paris for children:
Paris information about describe review calm- appealing for adjectives- opinions- quick-thread appeals to audience- response- highlight key written mode, adult
travelling Paris with Audience: older elderly thread topic response isnt informal- more open accidental- rushed responses to show a POV, Topics about
a grandchild, women with planned- quick to response/ 'hierarchy' and make travelling with
written mode with grandchildren that read- concise impatience- elderly it easier to find children, target
spoken mode have visited Paris/ are less acquainted important audience of adults
elements, plan to with technology responses.
spontaneous with Genre: forum thread
elements of Grandparent POV
planned speech- many different first
also uses direct hand points
Paris for Guide extract, Purpose: explain, Varied activities, fun, Modal verb implies Asyndetic lists- Personification "pull Large photo of a
children written mode, inform ideal for tourists choice, allows the concisely sums up of disneyland" carousel, links to
indirect planned Audience: parents, with children audience to consider options, easy to awareness that topic, children enjoy
guardians, teachers options read, parents won't disneyland is the them, 'fun',
Genre: guide leaflet have lots of time to preferred option,
Adult POV about sort through guides. comical
things children enjoy Passive voice-
doing disconnected- allows
the audience to
decide on what
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
theyd enjoy
Introduction – Child's leaflet, Purpose: entertain, Fun, educational Possessive pronouns Elision seems Fricatives gentle Juxtaposition Bold, bright colours Cruise the carousels,
not for written mode but inform, intrigue implies a choice has younger, appealing tone, not pressured between the level of and cartoons that bright colours, child
parents heavily uses spoken Audience: young already been made. information and appeal to young audience, written
mode, direct children with little Adverb "probably" "not for parents" children and aid mode, leaflets,
education, parents empowers the child title, interests the their understanding entertain, inform,
Genre: children's as they believe they parents as they're
leaflet have more being told they can't
POV: adult trying to knowledge than the know
appeal to children parent, interests
Inside out – Older childs leaflet Purpose: inform, Fun, educational, Intensifiers Asyndetic lists Simile "like a body" Pale colours contrast Not for parents
not for about an individual describe, entertain varied "completely makes the amount childlike/ to pipes so they
parents attraction, written Audience: children, renovated" of activities seem understandable stand out more,
mode, indirect parents emphasis on the extensive. Facts- inform colourful text boxes
Genre: leaflet hassle of audience to make text stand
POV: adult appealing "renovating". out to children,
to older children images of whats
there to interest the
Dem bones – Older child's leaflet Purpose: intrigue, Fun, educational, Evaluative Pre-modification- Facts- purpose to Shadows/ blacks- Not for parents
not for about an individual teach, inform spooky adjectives- forces an describe inform reflects subject of
parents attraction, written Audience: children,- opinion onto Active voice- leaflet, bones-
mode, indirect boys parents audience/ influences inclusive reflect subject in a
Genre: leaflet their thoughts comical way to
POV: adult appealing appeal to younger
to young boys audience
Cruise the Older child's leaflet Purpose: inform, Fun, educational Dynamic verbs Passive voice Sibilance "sword" Personification Pink colours -female Not for parents
carousels – about Parisian entertain "hopped" fun, "spear" harsh "merry-go-round audience
not for carousels, written Audience: children, active, child-like sounds highlights was born" comical, Merry-go-round-
parents mode, indirect parents activities. Modal excitement understandable/ shows the subject of
Genre: leaflet verb "could be" accessible to a the leaflet
POV: adult appealing offers choice, not younger audience
to young children- forceful personal
mostly girls pronouns makes it
easier for subject to
imagine the
On Paris Review of Paris, Purpose: review Eccentric, inferior Repetition "strange" Asyndetic list of Idiom "good old N/A
written mode, describe highlights the furniture makes days" old term used
direct Audience :Americans cultural differences, Paris seem eccentric by people who are
Genre: newspaper makes paris seem and comical. typically older,
review completely foreign makes Paris seem
POV: American male to the subject. quite outdated
as a tourist Possessive pronouns
seem hostile
Foreign Book extract, Purpose: inform Dependable, Evaluative adjectives Active voice- Idiom "Paris, which N/A
corres… written mode, describe relay sanctuary, grand, to give opinions and personal account- is a stage, and the
planned direct Audience: relied on relay information shows it as a Parisians, who are
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
Genre: account about their situation recollection. Pre- the actors" ref to
POV: Man first Personal pronouns- modification shakespeare-
person egotistical- focus on adjectives to Parisians 'fake',
self- personal describe rather than above others, Paris
account entertain seems grand as
theatre has
connotations with
high class society.
Paris riots Transcript from a Purpose: inform, Brutal, desperate Repetition "rapidly Passive voice to Harsh sounds such Personification "a N/A
guide about the describe boiled(.) then boiled show this is a past as sibilance and country paralysed"
Paris riots of 1968, Audience: historians over" to emphasis event and not plosives used to emotive
spoken mode, interested in 1960's how quick these something the reflect the brutality
planned indirect Paris changes were. narrator was apart of the time.
Genre: transcript of- gives a sense of
POV: third person- 'story' rather than
telling story/ acting recollection
as a narrator
Seven ages Book extract, Purpose: inform, N/A
written mode, explain
planned direct Audience: historians
interested in19th
century Paris
Genre: profile
POV: third person-
Letters from Letter extracts from Purpose: Entertain, Desparate, Royalist- Descriptive Active voice- Plosives and Personification N/A Seven ages: planned
France 18th century, describe, relay. nobels, kings and adjectives- is an personal, sibilance used to "teeth of increasing written mode,
written mode, Audience: historians queens were highly account, purpose is informality. show brutality. British hostility" similar time periods,
planned direct interested in 18th ranked and thought to inform. Dynamic Asyndetic lists- time reflects that the purpose to inform
century Paris; of as superiors- verbs- show the period, excitement, hostility is coming and entertain.
intended to be read modern audiences writers actions, breathlessness, from humans even
in 18th century to are less influences describes what has informality. though they are not
loved ones. Genre- by Royal families, happened 'recently' acting humanely.
letter- Brutal- time period- to them.
unconventional as shocks modern
extracted from old reader but is 'norm'
letters- easy for for intended
modern readers to audience.
Paris: fine Transcript from Purpose: persuade, Varied in food and Intensifiers and Passive voice- less Personification- N/A Paris city guide:
French food lonely planet entertain, describe, culture- different evaluative adjectives personal- allows you Paris wants you to lonely planet ad,
advert, spoken inform. genre- TV music to meet to give a grand and to imagine own go- welcoming. planned direct
mode, planned advert- persuade. different types of welcoming feeling to experiences- spoken mode,
direct Audience: adults people. Paris. dynamic verbs inviting. persuade, describe,
watching TV with an to show how active paris is varied.
interest in food/ paris is-lots to offer.
Text Context, synopsis & Discourse: purpose, How is Paris Lexis and semantics Grammar – key Phonology – key Pragmatics Graphology Which texts does it
mode literariness, point of represented? – key features features features compare with?
view, audience
The sweet life Book extract about Purpose: entertain, Unclean, reliant on Inclusive pronouns Active voice- Alliteration used to Rhetorical questions Black and white
drinks in Paris, describe. Audience: water, controlled by "our""we" indicates personal, relates to mock/ question why used to contemplate image of a woman
written mode, tourists- as genre is the seine/water target audience is audience, tap water isn't drunk and mock water walking away- black
planned indirect travel or Parisians. purification. Parisians as topic is understandable. more. sibilance options. and white- old-
### Also uses a Male adult POV in how Parisians are Pre-modification- "gloss" mocking water is purified in
recipe, written first person. affected. Creates a simplistic, gets to tone emphasised. modern countries-
mode with sense of anger. the point, purpose is juxtaposition of old
elements of to describe. views in modern
spoken, planned society. Woman
indirect walking away-
turning for the
problem, ignoring it?
Eating in Paris Transcript from a Audience: those Diverse food Dynamic verbs "get Micro pauses show Alliteration "best N/A Fine french food:
conversation partaking in the options, welcoming myself a croissants" the text is bread" comical, transcript, spoken
between friends, conversation. "smell of those in "eat" shows how spontaneous. colloquial, informal. mode, topic on food
spoken mode, secondary audience the streets" group active Parisians are. Overlapping shows
spontaneous may not understand talking about semantic field of the speakers know
indirect why theyre talking in different eating/ food "bread" each other as they
depth about food. experiences- many "six courses" shows are not following
Purpose: Entertain, travellers topic of the formal conventions
describe experiences. conversation and such as turn taking.
memorable things
about Paris.
intensifiers used to
highlight the
speakers 'love' for
food. Evaluative

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