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Assignment unique number: 671611

Due date: 2022/04/29

ASSIGNMENT 01: Marking Guidelines


100 marks
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
This examination question paper consists of nine pages.


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Indicate the correct option from the choices available in every question. Indicate your choice by
writing the correct alphabet letter next to the question number (e.g., 1.11. A).
These questions assess your understanding of assessment theory as contained in the module

1.1. The following analogy is used to explain assessment in teaching and learning in the
school context: "Assessment is the vehicle taking learning forward." Why is
assessment described as a journey in this analogy? (2)
a) In school, learning is similar to moving from one place to another, from not knowing
to know about the subject topic in CAPS. Assessment helps on such a journey.
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
b) To understand that assessment is a route on which student-teachers travel to
become assessors.
c) Understanding and being able to apply assessment theory is something that
develops along the way; the way we learn to assess learners effectively is a
d) In school, every year, the teacher and the learners in the class are on a joint
journey to the final examination at the end of the year.

1.2. Which of the four curriculum developments is best described by the following:
"It describes/described the curriculum in terms of aims and topics, content is prescribed
very specifically and in great detail, and assessment is/was described in meticulous
prescriptions regarding the types, weights, and numbers of assessments, with many
guidelines focused on the achievement of learning objectives." (2)

a) Pre-C2005

b) C2005

1.3. Indicate which statement does not fit the definition of assessment as defined in CAPS: (2)
a) The assessment information is mainly used to understand and assist the teacher to
improve the process of learning and teaching.
b) Assessment may take various forms.
c) Assessment is a continuous, planned process of identifying, gathering, and
interpreting information about the performance of learners.

d) Assessment involves generating and collecting evidence of achievement;

evaluating this evidence; recording the findings and using this information (four
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022

1.4. Indicate which term or phrase is described by the statement below:

An approach to use various kinds of assessment tasks throughout the school year to
assess learners in terms of real-life tasks or simulations to assess their ability to apply
learning content and skills to various contexts. (2)

a) Continuous assessment
b) Formative assessment
c) Summative assessment
d) Authentic assessment

1.5. An assessment is regarded to be valid when… (2)

a) When the evidence is produced by the candidates assessed and nobody else,
and with no assistance from anybody else.
b) When the evidence produced is enough for the assessor to make a substantiated
c) When the evidence is recently produced or relatively ''fresh''.
d) None of the above.

1.6 Which one of the following is a characteristic of traditional assessment in terms of classroom
management? (2)
a) Integrated
b) One-shot
c) Feedback comes quickly
d) References are available

1.7. Which of the questions used in planning credible formal assessments is most
important because it determines most other decisions? (2)

a) Where, when, and how will assessment(s) take place (during the lesson, after the
lesson, at home) and why?
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
b) What is the purpose of this assessment (what should learners be able to
demonstrate – knowledge, skills, values); and with what curriculum content and
objectives/learning intentions contained in curriculum documents for your subject
is the assessment aligned?

c) Who will conduct the assessment (teacher assessment, self-assessment, peer

assessment) and why?
d) None of the above.

1.8. Indicate what is described below: (2)

To provide is a skill that should be acquired and largely depend on our attitude towards
our learners and their needs. It must always be constructive, never destructive or
counterproductive. It is an excellent tool for successful teaching and learning. It is our
most important opportunity to influence, shape, direct and improve the learning process.

a) Providing effective teaching, instruction, or facilitation in class

b) Providing information on performances when learners are/were assessed
c) Providing inspiration so that learners will be motivated to learn
d) Providing support to those who struggle with barriers to learning

1.9 The analogy, “namely, that assessment is the vehicle that drives teaching and
learning towards the destination", contested issues or problem areas that should be
considered when dealing with assessment. These are referred to as "steep hills''.
Indicate which statement is NOT accurate in this regard. "Steep hills" refer to (2)

a) Standardised assessment, high-stakes assessments, and recognition of

b) High-stakes assessments, recognition of excellence, and recognition of
prior learning
c) Recognition of prior learning, standardised assessment, and low-stakes
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
d) CAPS assessment, high-stakes assessments, and recognition of

1.10. Which statement is inappropriate regarding assessment in an Ubuntu context? (2)

a) Knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes were acquired over a long period.
The notion of an external assessment agency did not exist. Educational
content was natural, relevant, concrete, and uncomplicated.
b) The assessment focuses on the relevance of knowledge and learning to solve or
alleviate real-life problems and challenges, similar to knowledge generation for its
own sake, as practised in Western educational contexts.
c) The knowledge that children were exposed to and assessed was drawn from
their immediate social and natural environments. They learned skills related to
community life through practical activities and by emulating the examples of
others. Values and attitudes were related to the customs, rituals, and taboos
that shaped people's lives and conduct.
d) None of the above.


Refer to the specific CAPS subject to answer the following questions to show that you understand
assessment in the school context.
2.1. Various assessors may assess learners' work in a school context. Explain. (2x1=2)

▪ Teachers assess their learners at school. This can be done formally (Test, exam) or
informally (class/homework activity.
▪ Learners themselves or a pair or group can also assess each another. Learners cannot
assess formal activity though.
▪ Teacher assessment, learner assessment, peer assessment, and group assessment are
used in the assessment of learners at school.

2.2. Assessment may be regarded as the vehicle driving teaching and learning. Explain
this notion in your own words. (2x1=2)

▪ Teachers deliver or drive curriculum but for them to know if learners have reached the
“destination”, they assess them. So, there cannot be teaching and learning without
▪ Results of different assessments given to learners are evidence of learning that has
taken place. Learners are supposed to be actively involved in their learning. They cannot
be spectators.
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
▪ They should be involved during the lesson and also take an active role in the
assessment. E.g., answering oral questions, completing an assessment activity such as
Project, assessing another learner or other learners (peer assessment and group

2.3. Not all assessments occurring in school contexts are planned. Explain this notion
in your own words. (1x2=2)

▪ The teacher may, during lesson presentation engage in assessment activity. E.g., oral
questioning or a class discussion/ debate on a topic or content.
2.4. Continuous Assessment is an approach rather than a type of assessment. Explain
this notion in your own words. (1x2=2)
▪ Continuous assessment is an embracing phrase for baseline, formative, diagnostic, and
summative assessments.
▪ It takes place throughout the academic year. It can be in a form of informal or formal
assessment activities.

2.5. What is the role of assessment in the progression of learners? (3x1=3)

▪ Formative assessments are a build-up to summative assessments. A learner cannot be
promoted to the next class/grade without having been assessed to see if they meet the
requirements to move to the next level/grade.
▪ Informal assessments such as classwork, and homework prepare learners for tests and
exams which then determine the progression of

Refer to the specific CAPS subject to respond to the following statements regarding assessment.
Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statement and why you agree or disagree
by referring to an example in teaching, learning and assessment in the CAPS context. One
mark is awarded if your first response is correct, and up to three marks are awarded if your
reasoning in explaining your first response is correct. This question assesses your ability to apply
your understanding of assessment theory and justify your thinking about assessment in the
school context.

3.1. Only the teacher should make assessment judgements on learners' performances
related to topics in CAPS. (3)
▪ Disagree:
In self – assessment learners can make a judgement about their performance or the
performance of other learners in peer- assessment.
▪ Learners can also be engaged in group assessment to assess his/her peers' project
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022

3.2. Assessment may be regarded as the vehicle driving teaching and learning towards the
destination. This analogy explains the role of the learners very well as they are the
passengers in the vehicle while the teacher is the driver. (3)

▪ Disagree:
Learners are not only relying on the teacher, but they are also involved in their learning
process through other types of assessment which involve themselves, peers, or family
members. Learners should be actively involved in the teaching and learning process.

3.3. NOT all assessments occurring in school contexts are planned. (3)

▪ Agree:
Informal assessment could take a form of a teacher orally asking questions during the
lesson, this would not have necessarily been planned.

3.4. Continuous assessment is one of the various assessment approaches used in teaching and
learning at school. (3)

▪ Agree:
A continuous assessment gives learners more than one opportunity to demonstrate the
ability to attain skills. It is the main assessment approach used in teaching and learning.

3.5. Promotion and progression of learners cannot be done without assessing learners both
formatively and summatively. (3)
▪ Agree:
Learners should be having enough assessments both formal and informal for the teacher
to have sufficient information about the performance of the learner. Promotion can only
happen after there is evidence that the learner met the requirements.
▪ Disagree
The promotion of a learner can be done using formative assessment activities only. This
happens when a learner, for instance, missed the summative exam due to hospitalisation
or ill health. Evidence of formative assessment is collected and evaluated for promotion
and or progression of the learner. [5]


Refer to your specific CAPS subject to respond to the following regarding assessment
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
4.1. List any five topics prescribed to be taught and assessed in your specific subject
and grade. Below are just examples, students do not have to write these subjects and topics.

• Subject: Mathematics Grade 10 Subject: Tourism Grade 12

• Algebra - Global events

• Number patterns - Travel documents
• Functions - Health and Safety
• Euclidean Geometry - Tour planning
• Analytical Geometry - Itinerary
• Statistics - Time-zones
• Probability - Foreign Exchange
• Financial Maths - Responsible Tourism
• Trigonometry ( Any 5) - Marketing South Africa (Any 5)

4.2. Mention five forms of assessment you will apply in your subject as part of continuous
assessment. (5x1)

Subject: Tourism Grade 11

• Test
• Project
• Tourism Skills Assessment
• Data handling task
• Practical Assessment Task
4.3. Indicate seven levels or rating descriptors that you will use when assessing learners
in your subject. Use percentages and one-word descriptors in this regard. Present
your response in a table with a heading, seven columns, and two rows. (7x1=7)

Table 4: Codes and percentages for recording and reporting in Grades 10-12


7 Outstanding Achievement 80 – 100
6 Meritorious Achievement 70 – 79
5 Substantial Achievement 60 – 69
4 Adequate Achievement 50 – 59
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
3 Moderate Achievement 40 – 49
2 Elementary Achievement 30 – 39
1 Not Achieved 0 – 29

4.4. Use two examples from your context to differentiate between formal and informal

Tourism Grade 10 and 11

▪ Informal assessment
Learners are expected to do four (4) class/homework activities per week. These are
informal activities. Mini-research or investigations can also be given to learners as
part of informal activities. These informal activities are not used for promotional
▪ Formal assessment
Tests, TSA, and Data-handling activities are planned as formal School-based
assessment activities. Results or marks from these activities form part of the 60% SBA
component used or considered for promotional purposes. (2x2)

4.5. Indicate the number of assessment tasks that should be recorded as part of CASS in your
subject. (2)
Tourism Grade 10: 05


Develop an assessment activity or task (E.g., a research project, a poster, a written test, an
experiment, etc.) with its complete associated assessment strategies. Apply your understanding
of effective and credible assessment practices by indicating exactly how you would apply the
following strategy and why you chose to do it in a particular way:

5.1 The grade, subject, and topic (3x1=3)

▪ Grade: 11, Subject: Tourism; and Assessment topic: Gautrain railway transport
5.2 The purpose of doing the assessment activity (1x2=2)
▪ Learners are to be assessed on the use of Gautrain railway transport to see if they
understand the subject content taught in term1 of Gautrain.
5.3 Describe the assessment task or activity (1x3=3)
▪ The assessment will focus on learners' knowledge of Gautrain railway transport in
terms of routes used Payment system, security, and etiquette on Gautrain.
▪ Learners will also be involved in discussions to access their problem-solving skills: a
scenario of an emergency situation on Gautrain will be used.
▪ Learners would also have to investigate the kind of businesses that local communities can
start nearby the Gautrain railway stations to assess their business and economics
knowledge and skills.
5.4 Assessment product or performance containing/presenting the evidence (1x2=2)
AED3701 Assignment 1 2022
▪ Learners are expected to present their final researched product as outlined in the
assessment rubric. Learners are to present their research projects in class. Marks will be
awarded to both the research project and the presentation made as per the rubric.

5.5. Your roles as a teacher during the assessment activity (2x2=4)

▪ The teacher mediates the TSA. Provides learners with websites from which to get the
▪ Learners are also advised to visit the Gautrain railway stations to conduct research.
▪ Some of the articles are photocopied and availed to learners to source relevant
▪ The teacher monitors the consolidation of the work in class.
5.6 The type of the assessment and reason for choosing it (2x1=2)
▪ Formative assessment requires learners to conduct research. This is a Skills
Assessment Task. It is one of the school-based assessments (SBA)
tasks to be completed by Grade 11 in Term1.
5.7 Indicate the assessment instrument to be used when marking the activity (1x2=2)
▪ A rubric with criteria and mark allocation per research project questions is used to mark
the TSA.
5.8 Who will mark the activity? Give a reason why? (2x1=2)
▪ The teacher will use the rubric to mark the research project and the presentation: this is
a formal task.
▪ The teacher identifies the challenges that learners encountered and plans an
intervention for learners who need it.
5.9 Indicate how feedback will be given to haptic, visual, and auditory learners (3x2=6)
Constructive feedback will be given after the marking of the TSA.
▪ Haptic: Learners would be grouped to share their experience of conducting research on
the Gautrain railway transport. Learners will also share their experience on the free ride
Gautrain trip organised by the teacher as part of their research.
▪ Visual: A data projector would be used to show some of the aspects of Gautrain railway
transport that were covered in the TSA and which learners were supposed to report on.
▪ Auditory: A discussion of what was expected from learners would take place. The
teacher will take questions from learners and provide an opportunity for other learners to

5.10 Differentiate between recording and reporting processes (2x2=4)

▪ Recording: research project will be marked and recorded on the SASAMS programme.
Since this is a formal task the marks will form part of the SBA.

▪ Reporting: Since this is a formal task the marks will form part of the SBA and will
therefore be reported to all stakeholders (learners, parents, school, district) through
Term 1 results.

5.11. Which instrument is used for formal reporting to the learner and parent/guardian? (1x1=1)
▪ Learners get their Term 1 report cards.

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