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5 Ways to Elevate Business Performance | Intelligent Elevated Thinking℠ (IET)

Growth and sustainability in business should not be seen as a cost that must be offset somewhere else. Leaders can
turn sustainability into a value differentiator by focusing on five force-multipliers for the organization. This is a
fusion of the optimal strategies to help decision-makers lead their organizations beyond best-practices to elevate
business performance. Following these five-steps will help your people along so they own and drive the process.

1. Differentiate. The saying goes, “when in Rome, do as the Roman’s do.” You should do the complete opposite.
There’s value in becoming a unicorn that others can see. Allow your best to become better for others to want to
emulate to better their best. Differentiation provides unique alternatives and unique value.

2. LeaderShape. Help your leaders learn the behaviors of changing their performance to Performance-driven
Execution™ (PdE). This is a way of navigating their journeys to go beyond best practices for the organization to
achieve its Future Picture and desired objectives. It is important to link compensation policies for staff associates
and senior management to achieve sustainability targets. LeaderShaping helps you, your team, and your
organization create cultural confidence, market creation, and growth. Grow your leadership pipelines and watch
your leaders grow your organization and brand!

3. Disrupt. See disruption as a benefit and make it your strategic attitude. Inspire with gratitude and ambition, lead
with absolute conviction, and see your organization in a way that others can significantly benefit through superior
customer experiences that has never been seen.

4. FISH℠. Point your efforts on the behaviors to seek, over time, “incremental” improvement, or “breakthrough”
improvement all at once. FISH℠ (Find Isolated Systems that Harm™) identifies weak points to help your business:
reduce process completion times, improve process efficiency, and refine quality management protocols. Help
others learn how to FISH℠. The organization will benefit greatly.

5. Innoruptions™. See your organization’s strategy as a Five Rings Framework™ to orient, observe, decide, and act
on the competitive environment that will prepare the organization to achieve profitable growth using a uniquely
designed approach known as The Five Rings℠: Leadership (Decision-Makers), Processes (Strategies & Tactics),
Infrastructure (Organizations & Emerging Markets), Populations (People), Action Units (Customers & Vendors)—to
do the right things to get the right things done in terms of sustained growth and profitability.

These are just a few things that can be done to develop the strategic imperatives to retool your brand for a new
era, where sustainability and growth are no longer seen as a cost, but as critical value differentiators. Think about
Tesla, the leader in automobile innovation in the 21st century. They continue to demonstrate a credible path
forward about not being a tinker at the edges of innovation. Nor does the company get bogged down in a
complicated cost-trade-off exercise. Sustainability, innovation, and growth are net positives for the Tesla brand
because they have been built into the culture from the very beginning and are critical on how the organization
operates and functions daily. One of its greatest costs is not changing the organization to make products for today’s
fickle generation of customers—hence, possibly losing market share in the process.

By making these five bold changes to your business and operating models, you’ll approach sustainability and
growth as an investment that creates value in the short and long-term, rather than as an initiative that imposes
higher unwanted operating costs. Using the five ways to elevate business performance, leaders can flip the
traditional notions of sustainability and growth on their heads. To these leaders, sustainability and growth means to
deliver what customers, employees, and investors are looking to achieve for the betterment of the overall brand
and planet. When seen in this light, sustainability is a net positive because it recognizes the direct, indirect, and
nonqualified costs—both current and future—and is woven into how the organization functions and grows. The
ONLY related real cost is forcing the organization to make and deliver products that behave as the norm.
©2021 The Bison Group® Corporation | 5 Ways to Elevate Business Performance…

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