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Predict N Win

Cricket Predict and Win OPEN


12th English Refresher Course Module Common 1 Mark Test-2

Name : Jebastin.A
7 Oct 2021 - 07:12PM


Correct 100% 30
Wrong 0% 0 100%

Skipped 0% 0

Note: This score is not nal

1. Choose the clipped form of the word: "Fanatic"

1/1 Marks

2. Choose the clipped form of the word: "Champion"

1/1 Marks

3. Choose the correct verb form: The plane _____(take) off in a

few minutes.

will take
1/1 Marks

4. Choose the correct verb form: We ____(see) a wonderful lm

at the cinema last night.

1/1 Marks
1/1 Marks

5. Choose the correct verb form: I ____(play) basketball every


1/1 Marks

6. Change into passive: They offered the job to Sundari

The job was offered by them to Sundari

1/1 Marks

7. Change into active: Let the door not be opened.

Do not open the door.

1/1 Marks

8. Change into passive: Mohammed follows the rules.

The rules are followed by Mohammed.

1/1 Marks

9. Choose the correct verb form: Raj ____( nish) lunch by the
time they arrived.

had nished
1/1 Marks

10. Choose the clipped form of the word: "Suitcase"

1/1 Marks

11. Choose the correct Indirect speech: My father said, "How do

you like your new job? "

My father asked me how did I like my new job.

1/1 Marks

12. Choose the appropriate linker: ____ the rain, I went for a
1/1 Marks

13. Place the appropriate linkers: This is ____ it must be done.

1/1 Marks

14. Choose the correct connectives: I could not complete my

paper in the examination _______ I was slow in answering the

1/1 Marks

15. Change into complex sentence: The mountain was steep

but he was able to climb it.

Though the mountain was steep he was able to climb it.

1/1 Marks

16. Change into simple sentence: Smita saw a snake and killed

On seeing a snake Smita killed it.

1/1 Marks

17. Choose the right combination for the blended word: "blog"

web + log
1/1 Marks

18. Choose the right combination for the blended word:


medical + care
1/1 Marks

19. Choose the blended form of the word: "pixel"

picture + element
1/1 Marks
20. Replace the impolite expression with Euphemistic
expression: Dheeraj is unemployed

between jobs
1/1 Marks

21. Replace the impolite expression with Euphemistic

expression: The culprit was sent to jail

Correction facility
1/1 Marks

22. Choose the blended form of the combination: breakfast+


1/1 Marks

23. Choose the suitable homophone: A delicious _____ was

served at the new restaurant.

1/1 Marks

24. Select the suitable homophone: The students are not ______
to speak in the assembly.

1/1 Marks

25. Select the suitable homophone: My grandmother told me a

____ yesterday.

1/1 Marks

26. Select the suitable homophone: One must not ____ once

1/1 Marks
1/1 Marks

27. Identify the gure of speech from the below poetic line: The
water lilies spring, like snow enmassed.

1/1 Marks

28. Choose the appropriate Indirect speech: Sanjay said to his

teacher, "I am tired. "

Sanjay told his teacher that he was tired.

1/1 Marks

29. Choose the appropriate Direct speech: The teacher advised

the students to make good use of their time.

The teacher said to the students, "Make good use of your time. "
1/1 Marks

30. Change into compound: Inspite of being rich, he is a miser.

He is rich yet he is a miser.

1/1 Marks

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