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What is the difference between Social Research and

Scientific Research?
If we look at the differences, we see that social research is difficult to repeat because
the variables may change over the time whereas scientific research can be repeated
many times if necessary.

• Also, the results of social research are subjected to change anytime with the
change of considered variables whereas scientific research result lasts longer.

• Moreover, the social researcher has more chance to feel bias towards the subject
area but in scientific research this chance is very low.

• Social researches take place within a society and scientific research takes place in
a laboratory.

However, both research areas are crucial in understanding the social and natural
phenomena and also they are significant in generating new knowledge in the world.

1. Science is more concerned with studying nature, while

social science is concerned with human behavior and

2. The basis of natural science is experimental data, while

social sciences rely on experiential data.
3. Natural or physical sciences work within a closed
system, while social sciences work within an open
4. The usual method of science (with respect to
experimental data) is doing repetitive and conventional
experiments in a laboratory, while social science,
utilizing experiential data, usually involves alternative
methods of observation and interaction with people
within a community.

How many types of social research ???

1. Audience for and use of research
whereby you will classify .you will have to understand what kind of category you are applying
to them. that means everything has to be divided based on some characteristics. So always
keep in mind when we do research ,for and who will use this research.
This is divided into two parts
1,basic:…it is also known as fundamental or pure research .it is undertaken for the shake of
knowledge without any intension to apply it in practice.
It is carried out to enhance the understand of fundamental concept.we may say that a basic
research is carried out to add new knowledge to the existing knowledge .it arises from
curiosity and it is analytical in nature .that means no will listen to, only you will listen its called
basic research , but you wont rest until its done .
Example: in close up one function in tv , contestants firstly sing songs of others artist but in
final round to sing orginial song that no one has ever sung before .
2. Applied research

Applied research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a is a research
that can be applied to real life situations, either social or economical or political problem

It is the practical implementation of science

Example : why the sale x product is decreasing?

Types of Applied Research i.

Action Research 1.

Is applied research that treats knowledge as a form of power and attempts to abolish the line
between research and social action. In other words, the goals of the researcher are often motivated
based upon an unequal distribution of social, political, and financial power.

For example, research focuses on power with a goal of empowerment; research seeks to raise
consciousness or increase awareness; and research is tied directly to political action.

b. Social Impact Assessment i.

Its purpose is to measure the likely consequences of a planned change.

Areas assessed in impact studies include: 1. Community Service 2. Social Conditions 3. Economic
Impact 4. Demographic Consequences 5. Environment 6. Health Outcomes 7. Psychological Well Being
c. Evaluation Research i.

Is a widely used type of applied research that addresses the question, “Did it work?” In other words,
evaluation researchers actively engage in assessing the success or failure of a social program,
organization, etc.

Example social and evolution :

Now it is said that as a result of the Padma Bridge, the people of Madaripur have developed. They are
saying to build one more Padma Bridge. The secretary of the ministry was asked whether there is
money, I have promised. But here is the social impact. Here, the secretary said, "Let's evaluate one
month's time."so here evaluation

Example of action research:

You thought whether the slum boys can be given to development work or not, you researched the
Ministry of Labor and Children, from there they said it is okay to do as you do.

The Purpose of the Study i.

Exploration 1.

Exploratory research is often the first step in a sequence of studies analyzing a social phenomenon
that is largely unknown. Exploratory research most often addresses the “what” question. Exploratory
researchers frequently use qualitative techniques to keenly observe and collect data for analysis. ii.

Example : It seems that what the professors of Matin University teach?

How much knowledge do they have? I want to see what knowledge they explore

Descriptive 1.

Descriptive research requires a more developed idea about a social phenomenon. Here, researchers
engage in clearly describing or detailing a social setting or relationship. Descriptive research focuses
on “how” and “who” questions.

what the current state of the market is, how it changes (increasing or
decreasing), and when it changes (time of the year) before asking for the
why. This is where descriptive research comes in.
iii. Explanation 1. When researchers engage in explanation, they are actively attempting to explain
and answer the “why” question. Thus, explanation builds on already existing knowledge collected
about a social phenomenon as a result of more basic exploratory and descriptive studies.

. An example of explanatory is a science teacher describing to his students how plants
need sunlight to grow.

The Time Dimension in Research:

When a researcher divides a place, time, object, basis, it is called time dimension

i. Cross-Sectional Research 1.
ii. In this type of study, researchers observe at one point in time. Crosssectional
studies are simpler and less costly than longitudinal studies. ii. Longitudinal
Research 1.
iii. Example :suppose if I do research :impact of dowry on womens life .i will not get
the results of all womens of bd. So I will divide the rural and urban areas for doing
this research . then I will get the effective result
iv. Longitudinal researchers examine features of people or other units at more than
one point in time. Longitudinal studies can be very costly and complex.
5. For example, a five-year study of children learning to read would be a cohort
longitudinal study. Researchers might compare environmental and other factors
in the children and measure outcomes over time

i. Case Study 1. A special type of longitudinal study in which a researcher examines

in depth many features of a few cases over a long duration of time. Often times
the data collected includes very detailed and personal information about a person,
organization, etc.

Key Differences Between Qualitative And Quantitative

The differences between qualitative and quantitative research are
provided can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

1. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops

understanding on human and social sciences, to find the way
people think and feel. A scientific and empirical research
method that is used to generate numerical data, by employing
statistical, logical and mathematical technique is called
quantitative research.
2. Qualitative research is holistic in nature while quantitative
research is particularistic.
3. The qualitative research follows a subjective approach as the
researcher is intimately involved, whereas the approach of
quantitative research is objective, as the researcher is
uninvolved and attempts to precise the observations and
analysis on the topic to answer the inquiry.
4. Qualitative research is exploratory. As opposed to quantitative
research which is conclusive.
5. The reasoning used to synthesise data in qualitative research is
inductive whereas in the case of quantitative research the
reasoning is deductive.
6. Qualitative research is based on purposive sampling, where a
small sample size is selected with a view to get a
thorough understanding of the target concept. On the other
hand, quantitative research relies on random sampling; wherein
a large representative sample is chosen in order to extrapolate
the results to the whole population.
7. Verbal data are collected in qualitative research. Conversely, in
quantitative research measurable data is gathered.
8. Inquiry in qualitative research is a process-oriented, which is not
in the case of quantitative research.
9. Elements used in the analysis of qualitative research are words,
pictures, and objects while that of quantitative research is
numerical data.
10. Qualitative Research is conducted with the aim of
exploring and discovering ideas used in the ongoing processes.
As opposed to quantitative research the purpose is to examine
cause and effect relationship between variables.
11. Lastly, the methods used in qualitative research are in-
depth interviews, focus groups, etc. In contrast, the methods of
conducting quantitative research are structured interviews and
12. Qualitative Research develops the initial understanding
whereas quantitative research recommends a final course of

Stages of social research In an average

There are 10 stages of social research
1 identify the social problem /topic
A lot of problem are existing in the society or will have to identify one of them . how ? on
the basis of the interest.
Example: To study abroad for higher education, first you
need to select a university.explore the professor who are
associated and the research interest to you .those topic
chooses researcher that mechanism are availavle
2…..objective of the study
After having the problem you will idenfy in the next stage
selection of the objective of the researche. On the basis of your
research problem you will have to identify the objective .That means there is an

objective in the topic, suppose a problem drug addiction in

Bangladesh, the question inside it is what is the drug, why?
If there ar 5 question in topic that ovjective will be 5.
3. Research Design
This is how you will approach ?
After selection of the research topic and the problem and the
methodology must – why ? how you want to approach this
topic ?and how you want to analysis on the basis of what
methodology you apply ?
Here is two broad term like 1.method 2 is methodology.
Simply ,we can say that method is the way of data collection
and methodology ( method plus logy means knowledge)
means “the entire research”the first to the conclusion of the
research or philosophical orientation of the research .
Everything included in the methodology. A lot of design are
there but you can choose either qualitative or quantitative or
both this is called the mixed approach.
4..literature review:
By the literature or reviewing the literature we can identify
the gap between …what does it mean ? it means why I want
to do exactly ? we can see that is it done by someone before ?
you should explore a lot of references like books ,research
paper ,project whatever it is , after explore the gray area then
identify the variable ,either it can be dependent or
independent variable .
6. Hypothesis: When establishing a relationship with this
variable that would be the hypothesis statement that
means if you drink poison , you may die .i will provide
right information and the data in support agaings this
statement by this research.
Two tpes…null … If it is seen that people did not die after
taking poison, then it is not proved
Research hypothesis: when it is proved then research

When the assumption is tested by very significant no of

the empirical evidence then it is called hypothesis ..when
hypothesis tested by the empiriocal evidence called
generalization , when generalization is accepted then its
7….selection of the research sample :
Now to whom you will prove that then will come this
stage. It can be 100 or 500 or 1000 people
100 people have proved that all the people of the world
will die if they eat poison.
8.Data collection
Then what to do with this sampling, go to data collection.
It can be two ways
1. Qualtaive 2 quantitative ( definition)
9..Data processing and analysis
Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical
techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.

10. Report writing

Finally, write a report about it, or in a newspaper, leave it
to the society, tell everyone that I have done it, that
people die by eating poison, then the next researchers
will find out the mistake and correct it and do a new
study, that's why -it is again again.

Social research is the systematic analysis of research questions by using empirical methods (e.g.
of asking, observing, re-using and analyzing data). Its aim is to make empirically grounded statements
that can be generalized or to test such statements. Various approaches can be distinguished as can a
number of fields of application (health, education, poverty, etc.). Various aims can be pursued,
ranging from an exact description of a phenomenon, to its explanation, or to the evaluation of an
intervention or institution

To understand the importance of social research, let’s take a look at some

of the ways in which it benefits us as a society:

Increases the welfare of humanity: 

Most social studies are conducted with the objective of enhancing the
welfare of humanity. 

Can predict social behavior: 

Social research helps us understand different people and societies.
Information gathered from the research can help us predict the behaviour
of certain individuals or groups. When we have a good understanding of a
social phenomenon, we may have a better idea of how to govern or guide it. 

Helps expand or rectify current knowledge: 

Social research adds to the knowledge we currently have. It can also be

used to test or very old social fact or beliefs and how it impacts on people’s

Provides an understanding of social life: 

Social research is used to gather information on social phenomena. It

provides us with an understanding of the life of different social groups. 

Structural changes: 

The data collected can be used to bring planned structural changes to social
life. It can help you understand the current needs people have and develop
an action plan to meet those needs. 

Precipitates social progress: 

Social research helps us obtain appropriate and reliable knowledge on

social structures and groups. This information can be used to disintegrate
prejudices, misconceptions, and superstitions, precipitating social progress
and creating a more inclusive society. 

Formulates new theories: 

Social research allows us to formulate new theories in different fields of

study. There are many existing theories on leadership, motivation, and
human behaviour that wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for social research. 

Helps develop methodologies: 

Social research has been used over time to create methodologies to deal
with social problems such as drug addiction, worker ethic, leadership style,
child labour, and is continually used to revise old methodologies or to
create new ones

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