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" Moral habit, sire, faith, energy, mindfulness and

concentration1—these are those skilled mental states."
" Revered sir, what is the distinguishing mark of moral
habit V
" Moral habit, sire, has as its distinguishing mark that
it is the basis of all skilled mental states; the controlling
faculties,2 the powers,3 the limbs of awakening,4 the
Way, the applications of mindfulness,5 the right efforts,6
the bases of psychic power,7 the meditations,8 the
deliverances9 and concentration (all) have moral habit
as the basis of their attainment. In one who is based on
moral habit, sire, none of these skilled mental states
" Make a simile."
" As, sire, whatever vegetable growth and animal
growth comes to growth, increase and maturity all does
so in dependence on the earth and based on the earth;
even so, sire, does the earnest student of yoga, depend-
ing on moral habit and based on moral habit, develop
the five controlling faculties: the controlling faculty of
faith, of energy, of mindfulness, of concentration, of
These five " cardinal virtues " are given and shortly explained
at S. v. 199-200. For some extracts from the Pali Canon concerning
each separately see B.T.T.A., p. 50 ff.
The five indriyani, faith . . . concentration, as above, and wisdom.
Also five, with the same names as the five indriyani.
bqjjhangd, numbering seven: mindfulness, investigation of
things, energy, rapture, impassibility, concentration and even-
Numbering four: mindfulness as to body, feelings, the mind
and mental states. See the two main Stas. on mindfulness: D. Sta.
No. 22 and M. Sta. 10.
Four in number: not to allow unskilled mental states to arise,
to expel them if they do, to encourage skilled mental states to arise,
and to develop and make much of them when they have arisen.
See M. ii. 11.
Four in number: that which is possessed of concentration of
intention, of concentration of energy, of concentration of conscious-
ness, of concentration of investigation (each) with activities of
striving. See M. ii. 11.
jhana> four (or five) in number.
vimokkd, the eight are given at D. ii. 70 f.

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