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THE DISTINGVISHING MARKS "7 ‘This in the bass—aa i art to resting thingy — soa Nigwan, i tangs iin Pee Wien fit i a drancss when thou Ssclear, pure, sxene. ‘Th 48 MILINDA’S QUESTIONS returning or afer the fait of tons fakip and performs yoga for forthe maitery of along acco ine, after filing up the gullies, fees and tributaries on ihe mouniain-slope. would run along overftowing {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS 49 ‘over. ‘The great crowd of people, seeing that he had ferossed over, would cross over too. Even soit is, sire, ‘tat an earnest student of yoga, having seen that the ‘minds of others are freed, leaps forward after the fruit of stream-attainment or after the fruit of once-returning or after the fruit of is a distinguishing mark of faith. spoken by the Lord in the excellent’ Savieyuta-nikaya:? “ You are dexterous, revered Nagasena.” “Sire, suppose a house were fulling down and a man conscidaied ie with tore wood 0 that, cane 50 aILINDA’S QUESTIONS. {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS st b Dut then if the king were to and bright or evenly mixed army #) and were to send ihe four applications of ind efforts, tH i the four bases of ps hese the five powers, these the this the arivan’Bightfold ight, this is (cle : ledge, this is freedom,’ the earnest stulent of yoga then gaishing mark of energy’; no consolidated by energy decreases. [87] And this, sire, ‘was spoken by the Lord: “The ariyan disciple, mo To las energy gets dof whats unilad at deel follows the things that shuld be fowl and doesnot int sel Se ptr of what aeons flo he things int shoal ne he flowed Aavelope what's Mmeles; he looks after he ped Sstoctes ith he things hat shor acted ith si ‘a dove nt acts with the thing chat should not on aoe dexter, revert Nagaenn” bevasscatel with Ils thus, si, at ot wobbling ring reminds the whe turning king of “So many elephants are yours, your moj se many hoes, so many hast, so any dies, so much unwsought gold, so auch wrought gold, 90 moch wealth; let is majesty remember ty and Aes not webbl in regard to the king's wealth—even 20, tire, when mindfulness is uprising one does not wobble in regard to mental states that are allled and une, ble and blameless . the samest student of does aot easociato with tho thing that should not ith. Tei thus, sire, shat not wobbling ing mark of mindfulness,” js taking up 2 distinguishing sense eaccamliug nko not wobblinga distinguishing MnLINDA’s QUESTIONS king knows what is bene forth King and think ail then uprising one examines the qualities of mental states that are beneficial and detrimental .. . and takes up the helpful mn It is thus, sire thet taki Esingishing ma tras by the Lon: “And Ty on say fae mal Teo of val in everyting? "You are derterou,reveted Nagasona” etrimenta, those arekelpful, these unhelpful,” ‘then removes what is detrimental and takes up Land takes ‘The King said: * Rw mark of concer inguin being the hie use with a tidge-p in towards i and join Untrace 1 Of dal 118, Chis” here is pro, fret, espa, TiMe DISTINGUISHING MARKS 3 dispels the darkness of ignorance, produces the effulgence' of clear know- ledge,? makes the light of knowing’ appear, and makes plain’ the ariyan truths. In co che earnest 34 SIILINDA’S QUESTIONS spermanont or what is int of right wiedom.” lp into a om the lamp "As, sire, though an slephania an hos and obtains one goal: it conquers an opt battle, even so, sire, do theso ‘You are dexterous, revered Nigasens.” ‘The First Division [Second Division} Ta ‘THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS 8 “What do you think about this, sire ? Now that you are grown up are you the same a8 you were when Jot ‘were a boy, young, tender, lying on your beck 1 “0 no, revered sir, That boy, young, tender, lyag con his back was one thing. I who ain now fll-grown az another.” fare held together fn this body isle” some pergon might light « lamp. urn all night Lng.” he ane a he ace ia prosnal de- Toeatoncl at 8. 3h "The at tage 56 MILINDA'S QUESTIONS “ls the flame of the middle watch the same as the flame of the third watch 1" sit ther the first wateh was one thing, t ‘another, and the lamp through the of dhammas* rans ons one ups rns on a8 though there ‘rere o before, no after; consequently neither the one ica) go air cn he a “Make a further simile.” ““Biven so, size, a continuity of dhemmas runs on; ‘one uprises, anotler ceases; it runs on as though there ‘were no before, no after; consequently neither the one (@hamma) nor’ another is reckoned a the last eon- “You are dexterous, revered Négesena.” al ofthe body “TW DISTINGUISHING Mars 3 ‘an agriculturit, a householder, when he ind sown, would fill his granary; ther plough nor sow but shov ip grain or ehould dispose of it or dé ring to circumstances, then, sire, would that agriculeurist, the sholder, know thet his ana would nt be | ‘know (this).” is from the termination of whatever ‘condition of reconnecting connect.” wvered Nigasena.” said: " Revered Nagase isto bas arisen in h leg has arisen." 1 revered si, [42] is knowledge the same as es, sire, knowledge is the same as wisdom,” * But, revered sir, would he in whom knowledge, which is the same as wisdom, has arisen be bewildered ‘or would he not be bewildered * patna: spare, Ha 2 liga, no MILINDA’S QUESTIONS “ sire, some person might bring a lamp into house. In consequence the darkness would cease and light appear. Even, jom, namely ‘or not-self—that isnot opie in the eastern districts place ‘each house so as to put out any confgration, If a house ware on fie and they threw these five vessels of water over it and if in consequence ‘that fire went ont, woul nance; nor do arabants destroy ‘unripe; wise ‘men wait for fll mataring.* (48] And this, sir, was 6 MILINDA'S QUESTIONS by the Elder Siriputta, the General under delight notin dying. Bat Twat forthe ledge your refutation? if what ‘not both of them ate hot, neta a a ala a a cee eran sen “Thereupon the Elder instructed King Milinda with a talk onntted ith Abbidbamma. saying Si th ete apis nce i th rx, spineset connected. with senmneiation, tonows connected hem fone (thoes of festing.™ Yon ae destroy, revered Nignena” ‘name-and-shapo does not itself r-connect, sie; Dut, sire, by meane of this name-and-thape one doee lovely of an evil deed, and because of this deed another name-and shape re-connects.” 64 MILINDA’S QUESTIONS it did nob reconnect one deeds. But because, sire, it re-gonneots one ia therefore not freed from evil seize him and ring him before the King, enyng Your Soe eager ee z fe eae OTe ets Wc Wet hee ey overed He would deserve puishment ee ae Roem fy arey ion ti Hot td to seize him and bring him be fire that burnt his field; I do not deserve pr uw ‘Would that man, sie, not deserve punishme “Whatever he might say, revered sir, that man, while not diselaiming responsibility for the fre (men: Honed) fing, would, deverve punishment for the fire cone does a lovely ot an evil deed by -and-shape; another name-and-shape re-comnects because of this deed; therefore one is not ‘man, taking a lamp and 1, Were to make use of it; and that roan, wene fo apeaethass Why ran, st fe to the wile? And Hf he were to se "Ty im dil not at Seto the village; te fit of tho latop that Lused for Hight was diferent from the fre was burnt’ And. were thee to they were dipating, whose cae ople, revered sin.” “Suppo iy some man Davin asked fora youn gil in tariage ad given the putehase money" should 1 ouika. GF Thi. 420, a by the prospective buahand Yo i Ur par 6 MILINDA’S QUESTIONS then go away, and that she, [48] after a time, reached full marriageable age; and ‘having i (The oiaiag a a ad ‘were disprting, whose case sed n) might sty, itis produced * point ere mata ei ‘THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS _% re, Honeer mc oe mae andabape Spaced preonel frm Tht jo at ‘hrefore one not utterly fos fom evi deed "You are dexterou, revered Nagaeena™ King said: “ But will you, revered Nagasens, SILINDA’S QUESTIONS {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS 9 ‘and those giving re-connection elsewhere—(here) that (Gathsfro] time exists, And for those beings whe ac ime! and arise elsowhere—{here) . But for those beings who hhave attained final nibbina—{here) does not exist because of the attain- “You ate dexterous, revered Nigasena.” ‘The Second Division [Third Division] ‘cond conditioned by Gitioned by nam conditionsd by 70 MILINDA’S QUESTIONS THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS cone into exience ol age effring, lamentation and vered Nagasona, as to ‘earliest print cennot inping feel 7 ‘conditioned by 3n egg comes from a hen and a hen from an ‘gg from an hen-—is there this an end of this st point cannot be shor Some cannot be shov a oh eatin Pl, an“ wha” ‘The word ccc in he se som so above at Poe 0, nLiNDa’s Questions {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS B lamentstion and despair. Th this whole mass of anguish. Bt eye oF material shapes there is no ‘when there is not visual. eons ing nor te, un the wvered Negasena, are there fare produced without ‘any karmio formations that are tinued) becoming. »'The karmic ‘sire, are produced only when there has been Deooming there are not any karmic formations ithout a (continued) becoming. ueed only when there “As Gite sme of thee Sods and plants that are ‘Put info the earth, gradually reaching growth, increase no (love) piooe of wood ‘owirling-stick, no cord for an nop a ie be prot would be produced, “ Byen 80, sire there are not any karmic formations ‘here mere no burning las, no ent cow-gung-co 9 ine be psd? “O no, revered sir.” le “ hore were a burning las, heat fam oar ue. pred Karo fobmsins ere potted nly wien thee has (contiaued) be Te - Boe cerned tetas “meena ‘rithout @ (continued) becoming. ed only when there has MILINDA’S QUESTIONS fe ea, thet ste be tongue, the body, sued by the eye, {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS 7 body removed, would taste a favour, and ‘ anid were sanng on the ould you know, ne, hae hhad passed into the stomach ad been acid oF ealt or bitter or sharp or astringent or sweet” tet the honey were sweet oF not 2” could not get into his mouth, am not competent £0 0 Tt w if ye {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS 9 ‘visual consciousness arises, does mental consciousness arise there also?” se, Theo where visa consioume aie, , revered Nagasena, does visual consciousness aris first and mental consciousness later, or does mental consciousness arise frst and visual consciousness later?” Vial, ccouses aie fit, a mental con sciousness Into.” “Now, revered Nagasens, does visual consciousness instruct mental oor "Where T arise, ‘there is no conversation between them. iis it, revered Nagasers, that where visual ‘consciousness arises there mental consciousness also “What do you think about this, sive? When itis mnng by meas ny the wae rn aay P “Te might cun away by means of some lope or revered a it continued to rain, by whet means would that (increased amount of) water run away ?” the same course as that taken by the ter, revered sir.” You run away by the same course as 1 the later water instruct the earlier, saying’ run away by the same course as you will ak revered sir, there is no eonvé bet ey Tun away because there is a £OF D. i 185 whore the Buddha tls Pofhapide that oat sie ist nd en aterm 80 NDA'S QU {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS a “ By the same way as the first cart, revered sir.” joes the Girt cart ‘Where you arise, I will likewise ‘arse.”” Ther is no conversation between them. They conscoaazes, saying’ Where you arse {wil Kkewte fan’ Then i no cooversaticn tetreen them. They T arise, do you likewise tise because of practice.” a likewise Revered Nigasena, does mental consciousness like- Ss eee ae a ae Nagnna, that bose of habit oe where visual 1 If one cart ich way would the second eart go!” : ‘oentoned at Pant 1 Slope "and eendoeoy are both mina in Pl SaLINDA’s QUESTIONS {THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS 83 lapped ogee Toth Sethe pe the meuting of the two as Yon ne dexterong revered Naguena.” fagasena, what is the distinguishing ‘some man, havi ‘the breaking up o wen-world and sho see aman coming from southern oF the western distinguishing mark of fd a dining mack i dstve prepare 86 MILINDA’s QUESTIONS (cy) The King said: " Revered Nagasena, ist possible, having in analyaed these mental states the nature is to arise together * to pont to a difference between them,” saying: this isfeling, this pere fm pave dnusondatt to da 13, wherean arc THE DISTINGUISHING MARKS & umes, this applied thought, this sustained cook were to make a soup re to throw eurds into i id revered Nigasena.” It, sie, cognizable by the 88 MuLNDA’s QUESTIONS * Yes, sire, every kind of salt is discriminated by the eet revered si, every kindof salt wee discriminated by the tongue, then why do bullocks being it in carts ¢ Should not sl oly be brea “Tt is not possible, site, to things are of the nature of @ unity! ference in their range? “And,” besides, sa has fag an’ of oper atentin ‘dverting (the mad), a8 Abita ter, ne

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