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Teacher: FAITH HANNAH B. SALDIVAR Learning Area: MAPEH (Health)
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: MARCH 27-31,2023 Quarter: 3RD (Week 1)

March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of first aid principles and procedures.

B. Performance Standards The learner performs first aid procedures with accuracy.

The learner discusses The learner... The learner...

basic information
about first aid  Demonstrates the conduct of primary and secondary  Discusses the function of dressing and bandages
(Principles, Roles, survey of the victim (CAB) (H9IS-IIIb-37) (H9IS-IIIc-d-39)

C. Learning Competencies/
Responsibilities and  Assesses emergency situation for unintentional injuries  The learner explains the principles of wound dressing
Objectives Characteristics of a
(write the LC for each) good aider) (H9IS-IIIb-38) H9IS-IIIc-d-40

(H9IS-IIIa-36)  The learner demonstrates appropriate bandaging

techniques for unintentional injuries

FIRST AID BASICS First Aid Guidelines and Procedures Survey the Use of Dressing and Bandages (alternatives
include clean cloth or, handkerchief)
 Principles scene
Principles of Wound Dressing (careful handling, large
 Roles  Do primary survey of the victim (check for vital signs,
enough to cover the wound, should fit snugly and not cut
assess CAB (Circulation, Airway, Breathing)
II. CONTENT  Responsibilities off circulation) Bandaging Techniques (for the head;
Characteristics of a  Do secondary survey of the victim (head-to-toe survey) forehead; ear, cheek and jaw; burned hand; sprained
good aide ankle; and dislocated arm


A. References
1. Teacher's Guide
2. Learner's Guide Pages 324-329 Pages 330-341 Pages 342-349
 Darilag, A. EASE Health Education II Module 4 Lesson 1
Enjoy life with P.E and health II. (2012). 1-7 2, 214-215, 216-223.
3. Textbook pages
 Abejo M.P., pangkatawan, kalusugan at musika I.
DepED. 1994. pp.197-198
B. Other Learning
PRE TEST For Review Activity: The students will answer the
Paper-and -pencil Test activity 4: “What will you
The students will answer do?”
Quarter the questions individually,
 What is first aid?
 Why it first aids
A. Reviewing previous important?
lesson or presenting the  Give 2 characteristics of
new lesson a good first aider.
Criteria for checking:
2 points if the students
answer correctly.
1- point – clearly and

The teacher will present a The teacher will give the The teacher will ask some
video clip of the Typhoon situation below, and let representatives to
Yolanda. Then ask to student the students decide what demonstrate on how to put
B. Establishing a purpose to answer the following they will do next if they bandage in an injured person
for the lesson questions; are in the situation/ and dressing for the wounds.
 What do you feel after Situation: A man found
watching the video? unconscious after his
motorcycle hits the truck.
 Who are the people helped
the victims?

 What kind of help they


 What do you think will

happen if there are no one
who assisted them?

The teacher will present this The teacher will present The learners will watch a
question: How important the the flow chart on LM video clip, then answer the
presence of the first page 331, to check if questions afterwards;
assistance? their answer on the first
C. Presenting  Why it is important to apply
examples/Instances of activity is correct.
proper first aid in a wound?
the new lesson
 If you are going to have
this, what will be the first
thing you will do?

The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss the
Nature and Limitation of First the Vital Signs and difference between the
Aid including the following difference of signs and dressing and bandages.
D. Discussing new sub-topics; Principles, Roles, symptoms using
Supporting videos will be
concepts and practicing
new skill #1 Responsibilities and gives you learning? used to present the lesson
Characteristics Worksheet will be provided.

(Refer to Activity 5)
Refer to LM page 325 Venn Diagram
(For additional
( Refer on LM page Note:
information, See
attachment no.3) But if the video is not
The teacher will ask the available refer to LM for
students watch the video, specific and detailed content.
“Philippine Red Cross Also some materials are
Basic provided
First Aid Training
Processing questions:
 How the Red Cross
intervene in the
different situations?
 What intervention
E. Discussing new The teacher will use the The teacher may use other
concepts and practicing Interactive Strategies video clips if he/she is not
new skill #2 wherein: familiar in the first aid
standard. (Links are available
 Discuss the Primary and
in the references)
Secondary Survey on LM
page 333, through the The teacher will ask the
use of images. following questions after
 Teacher- Student
Collaboration  What are the two phases of
 The teacher will ask
some students to  How it differs from each
demonstrate the other?
procedures. Critiquing or
feed backing will be done
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The students will ask to do
learners to do the following learners to arrange the the page 348, Activity 16.
activities: following steps in
assessing emergency
(Refer to the activity 2
victim. The scenario will
for the instructions)
be: After an earthquake
(Multiple Intelligences) incident, you see your
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Act the classmate lying down and
characteristics of a Good unconscious and you are
First Aider the only one sees her.

Linguistic- Present the

Principles of First Aid through
F. Developing mastery in a poetic manner
(leads to formative
assessment 3) Visual-Spatial: Describe
the roles of the first aider
through the use of
symbolism Processing

 After you watch the group

presentation, what is the
importance of basic
knowledge about first aid

 How you work as a group?

The teacher will go back Triad Activity: The learners
again to the statements of will make their emergency
G. Finding practical facts and bluff activity, then action plan. They are free to
applications of concepts ask the students to identify choose any scenario.
and skills in daily living in which aspects of first aid
is exemplified.
Use the following
The learners will The teacher will be The group of learners will
complete the thought of posting a picture, be presenting a
the following open-ended then students will demonstration of the
statements: give their feedback/ following;
 First Aid is ____________. realization about the Group 1: Techniques in
 The absence of First Aid 1. image. bandaging
H. Making generalizations
can lead to ____________. Group 2: How to manage
and abstractions about
 You are a first wounds
the lesson
aider if __________. Group 3: Phases of
Bandaging students will
Group 4: Bandaging in a
puncture in foot
Group 5: Putting first in an
open Wound
The learners will answer Dyad Activity: The teacher will ask the
I. Evaluating Learning the activity 3. The learners will do. learners what they learned
they Do Think-Pair about the lesson?
The teacher will ask
J. Additional activities for
the students to do
application or
activity on LM
remediation page 349

Prepared by: Checked by: Date:

MAPEH Teacher MAPEH Department Head

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