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annuum L. var. longum) IN TAGKAWAYAN, QUEZON


Southern Luzon State University

College of Agriculture

January 2021
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Finger pepper (Capsicum annuum L.var. longum) is a variety of chilli pepper that

belongs to the family of nightshade (Solanaceae) family. It has long pointed shape and

yellowish green in color. Locally, it is called as “Siling haba,” “Siling espada,” or “Siling

panigang” (Garde, 2016). This crop is mainly produced as food but is also propagated for

medicinal and pharmaceutical benefits. It is rich in various vitamins and minerals such as

Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K1, Potassium, Copper, and Vitamin A that positively

affects human health. (Arnarson, 2019). It can be eaten fresh or dried and commonly

utilized in various Filipino dishes because of its pungent flavour, spice, and aroma.

Tagkawayan, is a town near at Bicol region where finger pepper is one of the

most used and important vegetables consumed by people. Lots of cuisines served in

restaurants come with this; peppers are added to certain dishes or used as condiments

such as chilli sauce and chilli powder to add flavour and spice.

Finger pepper has numerous benefits and uses, thus demand is continuously

increasing. Tagkawayan growers of finger pepper use Django F1 variety that could

potentially yield 30 tons per hectare (Eastwest Ph, 2021), however they only yield an

average of 20 t/ha (MAO, 2020). This information states that the yield of finger pepper in
Tagkawayan is low because of various factors, and one of which is poor nutritional


Farmers who were interviewed in Tagkawayan, Quezon generally use urea,

complete fertilizer, and ammonium sulfate on their crops which do not suffice the

nutritional requirement of the crop. They do not consider proper application of nutrient

fertilizer, instead, they are accustomed to adapted early practices that lead to incompetent


Nutrient requirement differs on soil fertility, climate conditions, cultivar

characteristics, and yield. The good nutrition of plants is determined by the sufficient

uptake of macro and micronutrients. If a nutrient is deficient or excessive, the normal

function of plants might suffer which will lead to low yield (Saeed et al., 2012).

The farmers planting finger pepper experienced problems such as leaf curling,

fruit deforming, and falling of flowers. Aside from this, fruits with deformed necrotic

areas were also observed. Pepper plants with calcium deficiency are tiny, compact, and

with few or reduced leaves. The development of young leaves is reduced, which becomes

curled and wrinkled, and can be observed chlorotic areas in the base and between the

veins. Aside from these, leaves tend to fall-off due to the necrosis of the peduncle. The

dropping of flowers frequently occurs as well. And lastly, fruit tends to be deformed and

a brown stain appears on the bottom of the fruit (Balakrishnan, 1998).

Finger pepper needs an adequate amount of calcium nutrient because it has major

functions in plant growth. Calcium nutrient is vital for the formation of plant cell walls

and the structure of the plant. It maintains the structure of the plant tissue and strengthens
the bind of the cells (Malinovsky et al. 2014). Emergence and development of root

system and shoot tissue stop and leads to the development of blossom-end rot in fruits

occur, when calcium is insufficient because it participates in cell division (Arruda et al.,

2011; Hahn et al., 2017). Calcium is also responsible for the transportation of Nitrogen

(N) and interaction with Potassium (K) and Phosphorus (P) within plants, which makes

this nutrient more important (Acosta-duran et al. 2007 and Leon, 1992).

Given the various benefits of calcium to the growth of finger pepper, this study

will persuade farmers in Tagkawayan, Quezon to utilize this nutrient in order to minimize

problems in growth and to achieve a high yield of finger pepper.

Objectives of the study

This study will be conducted to evaluate the effects of varying rates of calcium

nitrate fertilizer as soil solution on growth and yield of Django F1 finger pepper

(Capsicum annum L. var. longum) under Tagkawayan, Quezon conditions.

Particularly, it aims to determine the following:

1. The rate of calcium nitrate that will significantly produce better growth and yield

of finger pepper; and

2. The growth characteristics and yield components of finger pepper that will

produce significant responses at the rate of calcium nitrate fertilizer solution.

Significance of the study

The outcomes of this study will help the growers of finger pepper in Tagkawayan,

Quezon to improve their fertilizer management practices.

The Agricultural extension workers of Tagkawayan, Quezon can benefit from this

study as their sources of information that will be shared with the farmers.

The result of this study will help future researchers with a similar topic to have an

additional source of information that will support their studies.

Scope and Limitation

This study only focuses on the effect of varying rates of calcium nitrate as soil

solution on the growth and yield of finger pepper in Tagkawayan, Quezon from March

2021 to July 2021. This study is limited by the data to be gathered such as plant height

(cm), number of days to first harvest, fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), number of

marketable fruits per plant, number of non-marketable fruits per plant, weight (g) of

marketable fruits per plant, weight (g) of non-marketable fruits per plant, weight (g) of

marketable fruit/unit area, weight (g) of non-marketable fruit per unit area, and yield

(t/ha). It only covers specific rates of calcium nitrate solution which are 0 mg/l, based on

soil analysis, 20 mg/l, 30 mg/l, 40 mg/l, 50 mg/l, and 60 mg/l.

Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted on March 2020 at Brgy. Payapa, Tagkawayan,

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to make the study understandable to the readers.

Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] – is a highly soluble white crystal fertilizer used to

provide nitrogen and sulphur nutrient for plants (Mosaic, 2021).

Blossom-end Rot (BER) - is a disorder of tomato, pepper, and eggplant fruits which

causes dark brown or black sunken area on the lower (blossom part) end. On peppers, it

may also occur on the sides of the fruit, near the blossom-end (Fake, C., 2011).

Chlorotic – is a symptom of plant nutrient deficiency which green tissue becomes pale,

yellow, or faded (Britannica, 2021).

Complete Fertilizer – a fertilizer which has equal proportions of nitrogen, phosphate,

and potassium that helps plants to achieve full life cycle (Real Living Team, 2017).

Macronutrients - plant nutrients (N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, and Si) required in greater

quantities (Barak, 1999).

Micronutrients – plant nutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B, Chlorine, Ni, Na, and Co)

required in smaller quantities (Barak, 1999).

Necrosis – it is described as premature death of particular area of plant as a result

of disease or injury (Britannica, 2021).

Nightshade family - vegetables that belong to the family of plants with the Latin

name Solanaceae. Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are all common nightshades

(Pearson, 2020).
Nitrogen – is an essential nutrient and major component of chlorophyll needed by plants

to grow, develop, and reproduce (Mosaic, 2021).

Nutritional management – is a way of efficiently using crop nutrients to improve

productivity of plants, while protecting the environment (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture,


Phosphorus – is a plant nutrient needed to capture, store, and convert the sun’s energy

into biomolecules, that drive biochemical reactions such as photosynthesis, from

germination through the formation of grain to maturity (Chakraborty and Prasad, 2019).

Potassium – is a plant nutrient associated with the movement of water, nutrients, and

carbohydrates in plant tissue (University of Minnesota Extension, 2021).

Urea – is one of the most widely used dry granular sources of nitrogen fertilizer material

used for direct application to crops or in the preparation of blended fertilizers (Prince

Edward Island, 2014).

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of literature and studies related to the present

research study.

Finger Pepper

Finger pepper also called chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var longum) is a

spice and fruit vegetable belonging to the nightshade (Solanaceae) family which is

cultivated around the world due to its significance in human food (Dias et al. 2013;

Wahyuni et al. 2013). It originates from South and Central America, with more than 25

species of which only five (C. annuum L., C. chinense Jacq., C. frutescens L , C.

baccatum L. and C. pubescens) are cultivated (Bosland and Botava, 2000; Costa et al.,

2009). Throughout the world, chilli is taken either fresh, dried or in powdered form (El-

Ghoraba et al. 2013).

Django F1 Finger Pepper

Django F1 is an all-year-round highly productive light green variety of pepper. It

matures at 40-45 DAT and measures from 11 to 13 cm. It is high yielding, vigorous, and

strong against bacterial wilt. It has an average yield of one 1.5 kg per plant. The standard

plant population for one hectare is 20,000 plants. There, the average yield for one hectare

is 30,000 kg or 30 tons (Eastwest Ph, 2020).

Soil and Climatic Requirements

Pepper grows in any type of soil performs best in sandy loam to clay loam soils rich

in organic matter with sufficient moisture and good drainage. It is a sun-loving crop

usually planted from May to September during the wet season and October to February

during the dry season (Pepper Production Guide, 2017). Peppers grow best on well-

drained soils that have good waterholding characteristics and a pH of 5.8 to 6.6

(Sanchez, et. al, 2020).  Its ideal growing temperature is between 21-32°C

(, 2018).

Importance of Finger Pepper

It is plenty in carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fibres, mineral salts (Ca, P, Fe) and

in vitamins A, D3, E, C, K, B2 and B12 (El-Ghoraba et al. 2013). Its fruits are excellent

source of phytochemical compounds, such as tocopherols (vitamin E), ascorbic acid

(vitamin C), flavonoids, carotenoids (provitamin A), and capsaicinoids that are very

important in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer, asthma, coughs, sore throats,

toothache, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (El-Ghoraba et al. 2013; Wahyuni et al.

2013). Additionally, eating of fresh fruits enables starchy food digestion (Bhattacharya et

al. 2010). Chili has antioxidant, anti-mutagenesis, hypocholesterolemic, and

immunosuppressive properties (El-Ghoraba et al. 2013) and also inhibits bacterial growth

and platelet accumulation (Wahyuni et al. 2013). At international level, chili is one of the

spices that create huge incomes for producers and manufacturers, thus contribute to

poverty alleviation and improvement of social status (Karungi et al. 2013).

Pepper Production

Peppers are being cultivated in most countries throughout the globe, and they

cover 1.93 million hectare of crop-growing area. As a spice and vegetable, the world’s

pepper production has gone from over 12 million tons in 1993 to more than 31 million in

2013 over the past 20 years. China is the largest pepper producer (almost 16 million tons)

and is followed by Mexico (2.3 million), Turkey (2.2 million), and Indonesia (1.8

million) (FA0, 2013).

In the Philippines, pepper is around 15 metric ton/ha as of 2017 (DA-RFO 2).

There are two major categories of pepper grown in the country: sweet, such as bell

peppers, and hot, such as chili peppers. Chili pepper types include “native”, “labuyo”,

and “espada” (FAO, 2020).

Table 1. Finger Pepper Production in Tagkawayan, Quezon in 2020 (MAO, 2020)

The production of finger pepper in Tagkawayan, Quezon for the year of 2020

(Table 1) is presented above. Finger pepper here is harvested for the duration of three

months during its high peak of yield. For those months, the yield of the said crop from

December to February is only 19.837 t/ha. (Municipal Agricultural Office, 2020).


Calcium serves as the fifth rich element in the earth’s crust., it has an average soil

calcium concentration of 3.6%. It is inactively absorbed at the root tip as the calcium ion.

Because of the cation exchange properties of carboxyl groups existing in the outer cell

walls, the calcium ion is favourably attracted to the intercellular spaces of the root cortex,

reason why most calcium in the plant is positioned within the cell walls. The richness of

carboxyl groups in the cell walls and the incapability of the calcium ion to diffuse
through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm are needed to support the concentration

of calcium in this location (Barber, 1984. The build-up of calcium on the outside surface

of the cells offers two crucial functions in terms of structure: strengthening the cell walls

and regulation of membrane permeability. Within the cells, calcium is concentrated in the

vacuoles, chloroplasts, and the endoplasmic reticulum. Intracellular calcium functions to

maintain osmotic balance and stabilize membranes (St. John et al., 2013).

Calcium is very significant for production of proteins, cellular growth, protection

against microbial pathogens, and plant reproduction (Albrecht, 1958). Specifically,

calcium delivers rigidity and stability of plant cell walls and is crucial for development of

root and plant functions (St. John et al., 2013). Commonly, calcium has low movement in

plants since it becomes a constituent of cell walls and membranes (St. John et al., 2013)

Calcium Deficiency

Deficiency symptoms can be seen at the growing points for both roots and shoots.

Furthermore, poor leaf canopy, bud development, or the shedding of blossoms result due

to unavailable calcium.

Available calcium can be lost from the soil when it is (a) dissolved and removed

in drainage water, (b) removed by plants, (c) absorbed by soil organisms, (d) leached

from the soil in rain water, or (e) absorbed by clay particles. Deficiency symptoms

include death at the growing point, abnormally dark green foliage, weakened stems,

shedding flowers, and any combination of these. (Oldham, 2019).

Calcium concentration in low status is the main reason why different

physiological disorders occur in plants. There are most repeatedly appearing disorders in

pepper produced in covered cultivation as well as in open fields, and one of which is

blossom-end rot which happens in the period of most intense fruit growth. This disorder

destroys the appearance, marketability, and overall use of pepper, tomato, and eggplant

fruits. (Alexander and Clough, 1998; Paradiković et al., 2004, 2013; Kowalska and Sady,

2012; Michałojć and Dzida, 2012). Here, the leading cause of disorder is the insufficient

water absorption by plants, which is related to transport of calcium (Morard et al., 2000;

Suzuki et al., 2003; Cobanero et al., 2004)

Effects of Calcium on Pepper

Spraying with calcium foliar preparations is one of the methods to avoid BER

occurrence. Calcium salt application in preharvest and postharvest of plants is considered

as an effective action in controlling physiological disorders and the lessening of fungi

pathogen incidence. Direct spraying of calcium on the parts where transfer of this nutrient

is limited is a quick and effective way to limit the incidence of calcium deficiency

symptoms in plants (Casado-Vela et al., 2007; Kowalska and Sady, 2012; Michałojć and

Dzida, 2012). Foliar feeding of calcium has lowered the BER occurrence on the fruits of

tomato. It had also positive effects on the value of the produce (Rab and Haq, 2012;

Kazemi, 2014). Standard fertilization and foliar feeding combination with 0.5% solution

of Ca in the cultivation of peppers in greenhouses entirely eradicated BER (Paradiković

et al., 2004). Morever, role of calcium is recognized as significant for it maintains the
quality of fruits and vegetable. Treatment of calcium as foliar fertilizer helps the firmness

and Vitamin C content to retain (Kazemi et. al, 2011).

In the effects of calcium nitrate and humic acid on the growth, yield component

and biochemical attribute of pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants grown under salt stress, it

showed that applications of both concentrations of humic acid (750 mg/kg and 1500

mg/kg) and lower concentration of calcium nitrate (Ca1 60mg/kg) individually caused

significant increases in growth parameters, relative water content, photosynthetic

pigments, minerals content, non-enzymatic antioxidants contents of the plants under

normal and salt stress conditions. Moreover, fruit antioxidant compounds and quality of

fruits (capsaicin, lycopene, β-carotene, total phenol, total flavonoids and antioxidant

activity) were improved by using these treatments (Akladious, S. and Mohamed, H.,


In the effects of calcium nitrate and humic acid on pepper seedling growth under

saline condition, applications of humic acid and calcium nitrate significantly affected

pepper seedling growth. 1000 and 2000 mg kg-1 humic acid and 50 mg kg-1 calcium

nitrate applications increased fresh and dry leaf weight, fresh and dry root weight, stem

diameter, root length and shoot length (Sönmez, F. and Gülser, F., 2016)
Chapter III


This chapter presents study’s research design and treatments, statistical analysis,

and the actual cultural practices that will be employed.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Brgy. Payapa, Tagkawayan, Quezon. The

experiment’s site has an average high temperature of 30.17 degrees Celsius, average low

temperature of 23.33°C and an average monthly amount of rainfall of 103.12 mm

(, 2020), and the soil in the said location is Alimodian sandy

loam soil (, undated).

Research Design, Treatments, and Statistical Analysis

A factorial in Randomized Complete Block design (RCBD) will be used in this

study. The experimental area is approximately 300 sq. m. with seven (7) treatments

which will be replicated three (3) times. Each block will be composed of 7 plots with a

size of 4 x 1 m. each.

The main treatments of the study will be as follows:


T1 – 0 mg/l

T2 – based on soil analysis

T3 – 20 mg/l

T4 – 30 mg/kl

T5 – 40 mg/kl

T6 – 50 mg/kl

T7 – 60 mg/kl

The data to be gathered will be organized, tabulated and statistically interpreted

using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for factorial in RCBD at 5% and 1% significance

levels. For testing and comparing the differences among treatments at .05 level, Duncan’s

Multiple Range Test (DMRT) will be used.

Procurement of Seeds

The seeds of Django F1 finger pepper variety will be purchased from the local but

reputable agricultural store in Gumaca, Quezon.

Soil Sample Collection and Analysis

Shovel, pail, bolo, steel tape measure, plastic bag, and plastic tray will be

prepared in collecting soil sample. Ten specific areas in sampling area will be assigned in
zigzag pattern. Assigned areas will be dug out using shovel. The top soil part until the

depth of 30 cm, with 2 cm thickness, and 5 cm width will be collected and placed inside a

pail. Collected soil from 10 areas will be placed and spread on a plastic tray and let it air

dry. The dry composite soil sample will now be crushed and mixed. One kilogram of

composite soil sample must be attained, and to do this, quartering method will be used.

Dry soil will be crushed and thoroughly mixed; afterwards it will be divided into

four parts. Place one and three portion in a clean plastic bag and disregard three and four.

This step will be repeated until one kilogram of soil is achieved. The bag will be labelled

with the researcher’s name, the sample number, sample depth, and location. It will be

kept cool at all times during and after sampling and will air dried before going to the soil

testing laboratory.

Cultural Practices

Land Preparation and Construction of Experimental Plots

The area will cleared to remove all weeds present in the area. Afterwards, the land

will be plowed once and will be harrowed twice thoroughly to achieve good structure of

soil and remove other remaining parts of the weed materials. Furrows will be prepared at

a distance of 80 cm. Each experimental plot will have 3 m x 1 m dimension.

Seedling Establishment

Seedbed Method

One seedbed in the area will be constructed with 4 m x 1 m measurement at 15

cm high with fully-exposed to sunlight, near the water source, good drainage, and with

good windbreaks. Area will be plowed and harrowed first alternately until the soil

structure is already fine. It will be sterilized by burning of rice straw over the area. This

will be performed by moistening the seedbed for better heat penetration. Rice straws will

be spread at about 3-5 cm thick on top of the seedbed and will be burned. Sowing of

seeds will be performed, 1 week after sterilization to avoid toxic effects of the burned


Care of Seedlings

After the seeds were sown, these will be watered regularly in the morning, enough

for the soil to be wet. When the seedlings have already developed 2-3 leaves thinning will

be done where overcrowded ones will be placed into a new shaded seedbed. The pricked

seedlings will be watered and let the seedlings stay in the shaded area until recovery.

Ten days after emergence, complete fertilizer (14-14-14) will be applied as starter

solution at 28.3 grams dissolved in four liters of water. The fertilizer will be dissolved

evenly in the water. The seedling will be watered first before applying the starter


Seedlings will be protected from extreme sunlight and rain using temporary

constructed shed made from recycled transparent plastic. Posts about 120 cm will be used
and placed at the east side and about 60 cm high on the west side.

Seedlings will be hardened first by gradually exposing them to direct sunlight. It will

be exposed until 10 o’clock in the morning and duration will be increased every day until

the seedlings can withstand the heat of the sun the whole day.


Seedlings will be watered first for easy pulling. This will be done at late in the

afternoon. Seedlings will be cautiously pulled accompanied with the soil adhering the

roots, using a trowel or pointed stick and transplant them immediately to avoid

transplanting injury. Those will be planted at a 30 cm distance from each other in their

respective experimental plots.

Water Management

Plants will be watered depending on soil condition and occurrence of rain. When

plants start to develop heads, watering will be reduced to minimize occurrence of rotting

and cracking. Watering will be performed twice a day after transplanting until its

maturity days (40-45 DAT). However, when rain pours, watering will be done 2-3 days



Results of soil analysis of the experimental site will be used for fertilization,

including the frequency and time of application. With regard to calcium nitrate rates, the
following rates will be used as soil solution 0 mg/l, based on soil analysis, 20 mg/l, 30

mg/l, 40 mg/l, 50 mg/l, and 60 mg/l.

Weed Control

Weeding will be performed twice a week or as long as weeds are present

along the proximity of finger pepper plants.


Hilling-up will be performed at 30 days after transplanting facilitate good

drainage, irrigation, and aeration.

Pest and Diseases Management

Experimental area will be monitored on a regular basis for insect pest

and/or disease damage. If there will be incidence of pest and disease symptoms,

immediate action like managing appropriate chemical control will be performed. The

application rate and frequency shall be based on manufacturer’s recommendations.


Harvesting of fruits can be done at 60-75 DAT. Finger pepper with full size

ranging from 11-13 cm length with shiny and waxy light to medium green color will be

collected. Collection of fruits will be done by cutting the peduncle of the fruit and placing

them into a container.

Data to be Gathered

Plant Height (cm)

Plant height measurement will be made from the soil surface to the top most

growth points of above ground plant part. The measurement will be taken as the length

from 20 sample plants per plot at 15, 30, 45 and 60 DAT.

Number of days to first harvest

The number of days from transplanting to the date of first harvest will be taken

from 20 sample plants from each plot.

Fruit length (cm)

This data will be obtained from randomly selected samples in each plot by

measuring the end of the blossom to the top of the shoulder of the fruit using a ruler.

Fruit diameter (cm)

Fruit wall will be measured at the widest point of the fruit shoulder using a tape


Number of marketable fruits per plant

The number of marketable fruits per plant will be taken from 20 sample plants at

each harvesting by sorting fruits according to color, shape, shininess, firmness, size of

fruits and absence of damage caused by either insect or disease.

Minimum requirements (BAFS, 2018)

- stem may be gone, as long as the break is clean, and the adjacent skin is not


- rotting areas that do not fit to human consumption shall be disregarded;

- firm;

- clean and free from any visible foreign matter;

- free from pests and damage caused by them affecting the whole presence of the


- free of abnormal external moisture excluding condensation following removal

from cold storage;

- free of any foreign smell and/or taste; and

- free of damage caused by low and/or high temperatures.

Finger pepper will be classified in the three classes: Extra class, Class I, and Class


Extra Class

This is considered as high quality of finger pepper free from defect, with very

small prominent defects affecting 0.5% of the surface, as long as these do not affect the

appearance, quality, and presentation of the produce.

Class I

This is considered as good quality of fruits. Slight defects is allowed affecting an

area of up to 2.0% of the product surface as long as these do not affect the appearance,

quality, and presentation of the produce.

Class II

Fruits belonged here only fulfil minimum requirements characterized above.

Defects are allowed affecting an area of up to 3.0% of the product surface, as long as

these do not affect the appearance, quality, and presentation of the produce.

Table 2. Size specification for finger pepper

Size code Length of Fruit in (cm)

1 >16

2 >12-16

3 >8-12

4 4-8

Number of non-marketable fruits per plant

This will be obtained by sorting the diseased, discolored, shrunken shape and

small sized, totally unwanted fruits by consumers from marketable fruits and will be

recorded at each harvest.

Weight (g) of marketable fruits per plant

This character will be taken from 20 sample plants which produced fruits with

marketable fruits after sorting them out. This will be recorded at each harvest.

Weight (g) of non-marketable fruits per plant

The non-marketable fruits obtained from 20 sample plants will be weighed and

recorded for this character.

Weight (g) of marketable fruit/unit area

Total marketable fruits per plant will be weighed and recorded.

Weight (g) of non-marketable fruit per unit area

All the non-marketable fruits obtained per plot will be weighed for this character.

Yield (t/ha)

The weight total (marketable and unmarketable) fruits harvested at each

successive harvesting from all plants each plot will be recorded and summed up to

estimate yield t/ha.

The yield in t/ha-1 will be recorded in kilograms and then will be converted into

tons on the basis of the following formula:

Yield / plot−1
Yield= ¿ x 10,000
plot ¿ m−2 ¿

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T7 T4 T2 T5 T3 T1 T6


T6 T2 T7 T1 T5 T3 T4


T4 T5 T3 T6 T7 T1 T2

Fig 1. Experimental layout of factorial in RCBD with 7 plots in each block replicated

three times.

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