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The Weave of San Francisco

Presidio Abandoned Army Hospital (Progenitor Research Center/Hospital (PAPR)) The
Hospital is considered haunted and even the police avoid it. The Progenitors maintain the
ruse in order to ensure their own privacy. The police patrol the area and it is VERY
possible you will get arrested or ticketed if you trespass.

Treasure Island (Iteration X Testing Facility (TIX Facility)) In 1993, the naval station
was selected for closure, and Navy operations ended there in 1997. Some of the property
was transferred to the Federal Highway Administration, the Labor Department and the
U.S. Coast Guard, and the rest is open for development.

Abraham Lincoln High School Late at night, toilet paper can be heard unraveling in the
girl's bathroom by the main office, also, in the girl's bathroom by the band room, feet can
be seen in the stall when no one else is there and someone whispering "hi". And the room
by the cafeteria is locked and no one is allowed in there because a girl was raped and
murdered in that room.

Golden Gate Park’s Stow Lake Amid the Japanese scenery here there sits a small
manmade lake in which at the right time a woman in white can be seen. The Lady in the
Lake controls the Freehold and does not invite many in.
Hemlock Tavern What seemed at first to be a dicey proposition -- put a hipster bar in a
neighborhood where few hipsters live -- has now proven to be gold.

Randall Museum Lower floor devoted to the Golden Gate Model Railroad Club

Exploratorium / Palace of Fine Arts

Colma City This Necropolis is home to several vying factions: Euthantos, a Euthantos
Barrabi Ahriman (Cabal), and Celestial Choristers. Setting aside the living that make
their home there Colma is still a city of the dead and few can deny it. The Abyss lies
close to the world at this point and it is a dangerous place to the sensitive.

Alcatraz Voices in the former eating area as well as the cell blocks are heard when no
one else is around. Footsteps and the sounds of cell doors opening and closing also echo
throughout the corridors. People have reported feeling "cold spots" in certain areas and
the feeling that they are not alone, even when they are.

Neptune Society Columbarium The House of Ashes as it is also called, is a node

controlled by the city and VERY haunted. Those seeking to meditate there do so with a
+2 difficulty as the dead do not rest easy there and firmly expect that no one else should
Angel Island (Caern 3) The island is claimed by the Archangel’s pack, a family of Silver-
fangs that pay homage to an Umbrood angel name Sarilla, as each takes her as a totem
they are marked by white fur.

Farallones Islands The Island plays host to a Pentex Facility known as Project: Bright
Umber. The beasts and animals that are developed in that lab are not of this Earth. From
1946 to 1970, the sea around the Farallones was used as a nuclear dumping site for
radioactive waste under the authority of the Atomic Energy Commission at a site known
as the Farallon Island Nuclear Waste Dump. Most of the dumping took place before
1960, and all dumping of radioactive wastes by the United States was terminated in 1970.
By then, 47,500 55 gallon steel drum containers had been dumped in the vicinity, with a
total estimated radioactive activity of 14,500 Ci. The materials dumped were mostly
laboratory materials containing traces of contamination.

Queen Anne Hotel (Elysium)

Red Devil Lounge One of San Francisco's historic theaters converted into a hot music
club, the Red Devil Lounge takes performances and patrons to another world with elegant
red lanterns, gold patterns throughout and comfortable seating.

Ocean Beach Sutro Baths (Cult of Ecstasy) Closed since the early 1900s and burned in
the 1960 right before it was to be demolished the Cultists have decided to re-open the
Sutro baths and make part of them available to the public, the private part will be an
immense pleasure palace.

Exotic Erotic Ball (Cult of Ecstasy) Held every year around Halloween this festival is a
grand celebration of debauchery)

The Red Victorian (Cult of Ecstasy) A hotel with a red façade the RV hosts Sunday
brunches called World Conversations in the Peace Café, to bring back the lost art of

Grace Cathedral (Celestial Chorus) The labyrinth painted in it’s floor is said to grant
power if walked to the end.

Balclutha (Dreamspeakers) also known as Star of Alaska, Pacific Queen is a steel-

hulled full rigged ship that was built in 1886. She is the only square rigged ship left in the
San Francisco Bay area and is representative of several different commercial ventures,
including lumber, salmon, and grain. She is a U.S. National Historic Landmark and is
currently preserved at the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park in San
Francisco, California at Fishermans Wharf.

The Process Church of Final Judgement (Celestial Chorus)

The Alder House (OoH) A mansion on Nob Hill where the awakened meet with Deacon
Primus Orrer. The house is rumored to be served by the ghosts of apprentice who failed
their final tests and died.

Neptune Society Columbarium (City Node 4) The House of Ashes as it is also called, is
a node controlled by the city and VERY haunted. Those seeking to meditate there do so
with a +2 difficulty as the dead do not rest easy there and firmly expect that no one else
should either!

The Painted Lady (Verbena) Tri-color victorian manse owned by Tannara. The Verbena
gather with all those that hesitate to venture into Muir wood there.

Candlestick Park in the Bayview-Huntspoint area.
Pink Triangle Park in the castro
Pier 39 at Fishermans wharf
Little Russia
Little Saigon

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