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Standard Operating

Procedure For
How To Unqurantine PC
This document will help for Unqurantine pc.

Open C: Drive in file explorerProgram FilesSentineloneSentinelone Agent (Version)

Copy the path from address bar. Path will be like C:\Program Files\SentineOne\Sentinel Agent

1) Run command prompt as Administrator

2) Go to drive C: Using cd\ command as shown in screenshot.

3) The paste the copied path and delete C:\ from the beginning of the path and write cd in its place as
shown in screenshot

4) Then type: SentinelCtl unprotect –k “PASS PHRASE” Clikc enter.

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Note:-PASS PHRASE wil be provided separately

5) Click up arrow key, delete pervious command and type: SentinelCtl unqurantine_net as shown
in screenshot below.

6) Then again press up arrow key, delet previous command and type: SentinelCtl protect as shown
in screenshot below.

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