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Darrel G. OBTEC 1-12


This PATHFIT E-FLEXFOLIO was made to meet the following purposes (1)
to show active participation to physical activity and engagement to drills of chosen
recreational activity in compliance for the academic requirements of 2PHED03-
Physical Activities toward Health and Fitness3 (2) to monitor the progress of the
student in exploring his talent in Hip Hop Dance and see the outcome with the
application of the new normal (3) to acquire values and learnings throughout the
module and its application to real life situations such as GENDER SENSITIVITY,
INCLUSIVITY AND VALUES EARNED (4) to encourage others to do recreational
activities while establishing a healthy lifestyle through dancing (5) to become a
fitness advocate and inspire others in understanding the importance of being focused
to goals and being physically active especially in this time of COVID-19 Pandemic.

This PATHFIT E-FLEXFOLIO was made to meet the following purposes (1)
to show active participation to physical activity and engagement to drills of chosen
recreational activity in compliance for the academic requirements of 2PHED03-
Physical Activities toward Health and Fitness3 (2) to monitor the progress of the
student in exploring his talent in Hip Hop Dance and see the outcome with the
application of the new normal (3) to acquire values and learnings throughout the
module and its application to real life situations such as GENDER SENSITIVITY,
INCLUSIVITY AND VALUES EARNED (4) to encourage others to do recreational
activities while establishing a healthy lifestyle through dancing (5) to become a
fitness advocate and inspire others in understanding the importance of being focused
to goals and being physically active especially in this time of COVID-19 Pandemic.


Warm-up for the “Light it up like Balance, Diet, Warming up is

dance preparation dynamite” BTS Exercise Tayo ay helpful to make
Mag- Wellness na our body flexible

This lowers the risks

Don’t forget to Let the muscle be Day 2 of Cooling
of injury and
cool down after released and down after the
increases the oxygen
the dance relaxed dance
blood flow

In tune of Sam Cooling down allows

Smith’s Dancing your body
with a stranger temperature, blood
pressure, and heart rate
to return to their
normal levels

Darrel G. OBTEC 1-12


Start of Activity Everyone is capable Combining the Coordination of

1: Hip-Hop in a of dancing using steps of upper and Movements
Non- Locomotor only the upper lower extremities (Music: Colors)
Way extremities

Movement Dancing to the Dance hall is my It is the mix of

Groove: Basic of tune of Finesse by favorite hip hop African and
Hip- Hop Bruno Mars genre of all time Jamaican dances
with popular youth
culture and

Show your talent in This original

making choreography was
choreography in Hip inspired by two dance
Hop Dance styles: Hip Hop
Challenge Groove and Dance Hall

Darrel G. OBTEC 1-12


Creating a Tik Tok Dance Hall Tik Tok Hip Hop Groove Tik
Dance together with Dance with my Tok Dance with my
my cousin Female Cousin Cousin

Dancing my own Korean popular

dance choreography inspired hip hop
in a Birthday Party dance choreography
with my female

Many people says that dancing has a choice in gender, a specific move or steps should be danced only by
male or female. For instance, a male dancer following female steps is seen as different and inappropriate as
it is not the standards of many. But I am here to debunk those beliefs and gender roles in dancing. Dancing
is for everybody, there is no female nor male. Everyone has a freedom of choice; we can dance according to
what preference we have and where we think we can improve. As for me, I can dance all genres of Hip hop,
but the Dance Hall and dance style that involves the movements of hips and feet are my preferences. On the
other hand, Dancers are dancers, we can dance by solo, duo or by group regardless of genders. Male and
female can dance together as long as it makes them comfortable and happy. We must practice Inclusivity
for all dancers out there who are afraid to dance what genre they wanted because of the standards created by
the society

Darrel G. OBTEC 1-12


Dancing is now an integral part of my life. Ever since I was a kid, I already like dancing. This
serves as our siblings and cousins bonding during my childhood. They introduced me to dancing and
influenced me to continue dancing up until now. Moreover, as I grew up, I tend to learn dancing
naturally without analyzing the real essence of it, I tend to be ignorant to the basics of dancing and
ignored the step- by- step process towards professionalism. However, PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES
TOWARD HEALTH AND FITNESS 3 (2PHED03) helps me to explore my capability as a dancer.
It introduces me to the basics and provides information, activities and drills not just to help me learn
it from simple to complex but also to establish a healthy and fit lifestyle.
Among the activities in Activity 7- Flexfolio, I choose to do Hip-hop, a unique and exciting
style of street dance that is most commonly performed to hip-hop music. As I explore deep into hip
hop, I learned new things and acquired values that can be applied to not only to dancing but into real
life. While doing the activities and drills, I realized that dancing is all about expressing one’s
emotions using our body, having fun, gaining strength in my muscles and developing a balance not
only for dance purposes but for my inner self. It serves as a reliever whenever I experience stress and
anxiety. This produces a heartfelt and exciting feeling that motivates me to continue what I am doing.
On the other hand, before doing the drills or activities, I consider doing warm-ups as this prepares my
body towards an extreme movement. This is effective in making my body more flexible and helps me
avoid any kind of injury during the dance. With warm up as preparation, I also would like to emphasize
the importance of cooling down after the drills or activities. Cooling down is an easy exercise, done
after a more intense activity, to allow the body to gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state
(Wikepedia n.d). This allows my body muscles to relaxed and reduce the risks of too much body pains.
Now that I know these two, every time I do physical activities, I tend to be more knowledgeable
enough to the importance of warming up and cooling down.
During the drills, I learned more about patience. Patience is the key of everything, there are
times that I want to give up but I only tend to rest and still continue to achieve my goal. The drills also
help me to create creative choreographies in different dance styles. This enhance my mind to be more
innovative and creative. This activity mold my capability as a dancer, it allows me not to just dance but
dance with a purpose, not just alone, but also with others. This taught me about gender sensitivity, that
deals with its inclusivity of dancing to all and everyone is capable of doing it. This activity also allows
me to establish a healthy state of body and mind. Throughout the weeks of doing the drills, I tend to
have many school works and priorities that cause me to experience stress and tiredness but due to
dancing, I suddenly felt relief and stable. Moreover, Dancing can also be an instrument in inspiring
other people just like what does this flexfolio is aiming. I am thankful that I meet 2PROFED03 as it
guides me towards a healthy path. I am happy that I learned many values and skills, explore more of
my talents and eventually allows me to become an inspiration for others. Together, LET US DANCE

Darrel G. OBTEC 1-12


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