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Startling suicide statistics in India: Time for urgent action

Om P. Singh1,2,
Professor of Psychiatry, WBMES, 2Consultant Psychiatrist, AMRI Hospitals, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) released the damage caused by the economic downturn and make
data on suicidal deaths in India in August, 2022 and the serious efforts to address this issue.
figures were startling. A total of 1,64,033 suicides were
reported in the country in 2021 which is an increase of Among the females who committed suicide, the
7.2% in comparison to the previous year in terms of total highest number involved “Marriage Related Issues”
numbers. In terms of rate of suicide, India reported a (specifically “Dowry Related Issues”) and in terms of profession,
rate of 12 (per lakh population) and this rate reflects a homemakers constituted the highest number. Thus, social
6.2% increase during 2021 over 2020.[1] The number issues including gender inequality and dowry practices
reported is the highest ever recorded in the country since continue to make marriage stressful to Indian women rather
inception of reporting of suicides by the NCRB in 1967. than protective as portrayed by Western studies.[2]
This is a genuine cause of concern. A majority of suicides
were reported in Maharashtra followed by Tamil Nadu, The age group of 18 to <30 years and persons of 30
Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, and Karnataka. These five to <45 years of age accounted for 34.5% and 31.7% of total
states together accounted for 50.4% of the total suicides suicides, respectively. A significant proportion of these
reported in the country. In terms of rates of suicides, individuals were students. As many as 13,039 students died
Andaman and Nicobar Islands reported the highest rate of of suicide. The highest percentage of suicides consistently
suicide (39.7) followed by Sikkim (39.2), Puducherry (31.8), occurring in the young, productive population of the
Telangana (26.9) and Kerala (26.9). Family problems and country over the years calls for serious action from the
illness were the major causes of suicides as per the report. Union and the State governments.
The overall male‑to‑female ratio of suicide victims for
the year 2021 was 72.5:27.4, which is more compared to When we take a look at the economic status of the suicide
that of the year 2020 (70.9:29.1).[1] Thus, the rate of male victims, 64.2% (1,05,242) were having annual income of
suicides increased further last year. One of the reasons less than Rs. 1 lakh. This income bracket has consistently
could be rising unemployment and economic downslide contributed the highest percentage of persons who die by
following the pandemic. Male members, being the major suicide every year.
bread‑earners of the family, bore the maximum brunt of
economic debacle through pay cuts, interruptions of Once we look at the overall picture, the areas of concern
payment or, in worst cases, loss of jobs. This is further include financial problems, suicide in young adults, daily
supported by the fact that out of a total of 1,18,979 male laborers, and marriage‑related stressors in women victims.
suicides, the maximum number of suicides were carried Thus, policies focusing on the economically marginalized
out by daily wage earners followed by self‑ employed section of the society should be an area of major focus if
persons. Daily wage earners constituted the third position we need to bring down suicide in this group. Employment
even among female suicide victims. Again, among the generation and a stable source of income for daily wage
total number of suicides by people in the farming sector, earners, including a chunk of migrant laborers, could go a
50% was constituted by agricultural laborers. The financial long way in reducing suicidal deaths in this group. Academic
instability that severely affected daily wage earners—many failures and relationship issues dominate the causes of
of whom migrate from other states—during the pandemic suicide in the young. Other causes reported in literature
due to lockdown and subsequent unavailability of work include substance abuse and impulsivity. Introduction of
seems to have taken its toll. Thus, government policies supplementary exams in schools in Chennai was shown to be
aimed at suicide prevention should take a serious look at successful in reducing suicides in schoolchildren. A similar
model could be adopted in other parts of the country.
Regulation of sale of harmful pesticides has shown initial
Address for correspondence: Dr. Om P. Singh,
Department of Psychiatry, WBMES, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
favorable outcome in Kerala in terms of reduction of suicide
AMRI Hospitals, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. rates.[3] Likewise, provision of safe storage of pesticides has
E‑mail: been found effective in Tamil Nadu and can be followed
Submitted: 03‑Oct‑2022,  Accepted: 03‑Oct‑2022, across the country.[4] Policies regarding regulation of sale
Published: 12-Oct-2022 of alcohol to minors must be framed and properly adhered

© 2022 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 431

Singh: Suicide statistics in India

to. Strict implementation of such policies could go a long on 2022 Sep 10].

2. Vijayakumar L. Suicide in women. Indian J Psychiatry 2015;57:S233‑8.
way in preventing suicides in the young student population. 3. Bonvoisin T, Utyasheva L, Knipe D, Gunnell D, Eddleston M. Suicide by
Untreated mental illness contributes no less than half of pesticide poisoning in India: A review of pesticide regulations and their
impact on suicide trends. BMC Public Health 2020;20:251.
suicidal deaths in the country. Efforts to reduce the mental 4. Vijayakumar L, Jeyaseelan L, Kumar S, Mohanraj R, Devika S,
health gap should be carried out at all levels. Training of Manikandan S. A central storage facility to reduce pesticide suicides‑‑a
feasibility study from India. BMC Public Health 2013;13:850.
general physicians in mental health and suicide prevention
could be one of the most effective ways for increasing
detection of suicidal behavior at the level of physicians and
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This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
ensuring proper referral and treatment. Finally, the country
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the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License,

needs a well‑designed national policy on suicide prevention which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
to ensure that all these evidence‑based prevention methods as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
come in force at all levels: country, state, districts, cities,
towns, villages, and the entire community. Reduction of
death from non‑communicable diseases and promoting
Access this article online
mental health is one of the targets of the World Health
Quick Response Code
Organization’s (WHO’s) Sustainable Development Goal Website:
on “Good Health and Well‑being” to be achieved by 2030
and India is a signatory to these global goals. Suicide,
being one of the highest contributors to deaths from
non‑communicable diseases, a national policy on suicide DOI:

prevention is an urgent step in fulfilling India’s commitment 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_665_22

to health in general and mental health in particular and

towards fulfilling WHO’s Sustainable Development Goals.

REFERENCES How to cite this article: Singh OP. Startling suicide

statistics in India: Time for urgent action. Indian J Psychiatry
1. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. National 2022;64:431-2.
Crime Records Bureau. Available from: [Last accessed

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432 Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 64, Issue 5, September-October 2022

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