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WB2630-T2 Continuum Mechanics – Repair session 1

Governing equations (Weeks 1–3)

The Continuum Mechanics team

December 2022

Consider a point P in a two-dimensional deformable continuum body with position x = [1 1]T in

reference frame [ex , ey ].

(a) Make a drawing of the situation.

(b) Under what assumption(s) can we work with a continuum?

1 Kinematics equations
The displacement field is given by u [x] = [ax + bx2 cx + dy]T . Assume infinitesimal strain.

(a) Under what assumption(s) can we use the infinitesimal strain tensor ϵ?
(b) How many independent in-plane strain components can be determined?
(c) Compute all components that can be determined.

(d) What are the values of the strain components at point P?

(e) Compute the directional strain ϵm at point P in the direction d = [1 1]T .

Consider now that u [x] is unknown. Three strain gauges are applied at point P; one parallel (called
g1 ), one perpendicular (called g2 ) and one under an angle of π4 (called g3 ) to ex .
(f) Make a drawing of the situation.
(g) Knowing that γxy = 1, and that the measurements ϵ1 = 1, and ϵ2 = 2; what is the value of
measurement ϵ3 ?

2 Equilibrium equations
Consider the body as described in Question 1. We cut the body at point P through a line with normal
nT = √12 [1 1].

(a) Make a schematic drawing of the situation. Indicate in your drawing the normal n, internal force
vector f , stress vector p, normal stress vector σn and shear stress vector στ at point P.

(b) What is the difference between the stress vector p and the stress tensor σ?
(c) Why is the stress tensor symmetric? How many independent components can be identified at
each point of this two-dimensional body.

Given that the stress state is given by σxx [x] = ax, σyy [x] = ax + by and σxy [x] = 0.
(d) Evaluate the magnitude of the normal stress σn and magnitude of the shear stress στ at point

Consider that the applied body load per unit volume at point P is given as ρf = [−1 − 1]T .
(e) What are the coefficients of the stress state as a result of the applied load? Compute the values
of the coefficients a and b.
(f) Compute the deformation energy per unit volume at point P given this computed stress state
and the strain state as measured/computed by the strain gauges in Question 1.

3 Constitutive equations
Let’s now assume that the body, studied in Questions 1 and 2, is made of an homogeneous linear
elastic material. The assumption of a plane stress state can be made and the body has a thickness t.

(a) What is the meaning of (i) homogeneous, (ii) linear elastic and (iii) plane stress. What are the
consequences for modelling the stress-strain relation?
(b) Given the material is, in addition, isotropic; how many independent components does the elastic-
ity tensor C contain? How many independent material properties fully define those components?

Consider this material has a Poisson’s ratio of ν = 0.

(c) How does such a material behave?

(d) Compute the stress components as a function of the strain components for this material.
(e) What is the value of the out-of-plane strain?

4 Closing the loop

(a) Explain to your neighbour how the above equations (kinematics, equilibrium, and constitutive)
are related and what they are useful for in both words and maths.

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