Physical Assesment of Hydrocephalus

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(+) Normal fair skin tone

SKIN (+) minimal redness on the upper left arm
(-) laceration
(-) bruises
(+) Normal head size
HEAD (+) Bulging fontanelle
(+) metopic suture within 17 days
(+) frontal separation
(+) Minimal Mongolian green spot on the left side of the head
(+) Facial Asymmetry
FACE (+) Pupils equally round and reactive to light
(-) redness
(-) discharge
(+) Symmetrical nostrils
NOSE (-) lesions
(-) discharge
(+) reddish color
LIPS (+) sucking reflex
(+) rooting reflex
(-) swelling
(-) paleness
(-) discharge
(+) neck movement
NECK (-) stiffness
(-) enlargement
EARS (+) intact hearing
(+) normal in size
(-) infection
(+) Desquamation
ABDOMEN (-) swelling
(-) discharge
(+) Dark umbilical cord
(+) Warm temperature
UPPER EXTREMETIES (+) normal and complete long fingers and nails
(+) palmar creases
(+) chin to shoulder, chin to chest and lifting of chin movement
(+) normal in size and length
LOWER EXTREMETIES (+) normal and complete finger and nails
(+) Joint movements
(-) Weakness

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