What Were The Strategies You Used in Your Classes

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1. What were the strategies you used in your classes?

Communicative and cooperative strategies where Students had to work in pairs or in groups of
4 people in order to complete activities regarding grammar and vocab.

TPR and realia

The teacher had to act out the new vocab words that he/she was trying to teach

Inside the classroom, the teacher pointed the things that she was teaching

2. What was the cognitive level you observed in your practicum?

Students had an A1.2 English level; thus, they were not able to speak in English, they just used
their knowledge in grammar exercises.

3. What were the problems you identified in the classroom? How did you planning
address to solve these problems?

Behavior problems, it was addressed by using a behaviorism model

Lack of commitment, it was addressed by talking with parents’ students

4. What were the resources you used in your English classes? Did you have to adapt them
to students’ needs?

Flashcards in order to teach new vocab words in a more dynamic way

Worksheets in order to reinforce grammar knowledge

In some cases we had to reduce the level of difficulty of the tasks, making it more didactic and

5. What type of material did you create for your lesson plan? Was it successful? Did it
meet your purposes?

Flashcards and worksheets in order to have and give structure and flow to the lesson

It was successful since we caught learners’ attention, and they were able to complete the
entire worksheet.

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