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What is Marketing?

Marketing Definition
What is Marketing? It is also an issue that has received a lot of attention and is
defined differently. However, the most popular and applied is the definition of Philip
Kotler - the father of modern Marketing. Specifically, his definition is as follows:

“Marketing is the art of creating value, communicating and distributing those values
​to satisfy the problem of the target customer to bring about the optimal profit of the

At first, marketing was only popular and applied to businesses producing consumer
goods, later this field was expanded and applied to industrial, service and
commercial enterprises. Today, Marketing is applied to most business fields such as
politics, culture, society, health, etc., which plays a very important role in the
development of businesses.

Marketing Classification
Marketing is divided into two main categories: traditional and modern.

● Traditional marketing: Often applied in the circulation stage, this is a

marketing activity that only works purely with the market and circulation
channels. This method is often not too customer-focused, but only focused
on quickly consuming products and services.

This form includes activities: advertising with flyers, sponsoring programs and
events, telemarketing, event organization, television advertising, email marketing.

● In contrast, modern marketing is more concerned with customers.

Customer behavior and needs are the key to successful Marketing
campaigns and maximize profits for businesses.

Modern marketing includes activities such as: website building, SEO, Social Media ,
Search; Engine Marketing, Video Marketing.


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