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so i've had this patent in a folder printed off for a while i've been meaning to talk about it and

then i saw
recently richie from boston covered this actually and i was like wow that's kind of rare that he got this
sent to him too good i hope more people are talking about things like this this is the kind of stuff that's
actually going on in the reality that we're all sharing this is united states patent number six million five
hundred and six thousand one hundred forty eight b two dated january fourteenth two thousand three
and this is the tenth in a series of patents by this particular man all about manipulation of your nervous
system and in some ways remote manipulation subliminal manipulation and he ended with this one
here nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors and i just wanted to go over
this with you because this is a thing that exists and it existed over a decade ago well before they made
the switch the forced switch to digital where they can layer the signals and if there is anything strange in
that you're not going to see the interference right this has to do with physiological effects that have
been observed in human subjects in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic
fields pulsed with certain frequencies near half a hertz or 2.4 hertz such as to excite a sensory resonance
many computer monitors and tv tubes when displaying pulsed images emit pulsed electromagnetic
fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation it is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous
system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or tv set for the latter
the image pulsing may be embedded in a program material or overlaid by modulating a video stream
either as an rf signal or video signal the image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed
effectively by a simple computer program for certain monitors pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of
exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are
pulsed with subliminal intensity in other words you don't even know they're doing it and then he has all
these lovely drawings to go with this which are just great actually i have a favorite it's this one right here
remote computer internet her computer her monitor her you see that they can do this remotely and
you don't even know that it's being done to you

there's the kids gotta have the kids in there anyway he goes on to say that the electric field in studies by
norbert weiner that would be the father of cybernetics back during world war ii and the cold war was
arranged to provide a direct electrical driving of the brain that's what this kind of stuff is based on and
he goes on to say that it's been found that indeed physiological effects can be induced in the manner by
very weak electric fields if they're pulsed of the frequency near half a hertz the observed effects which is
just the ones they had for this particular patent include ptosis of the eyelids which means your eyelids
close and flutter relaxation drowsiness the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of
your brow seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow when your eyes are closed a tonic
smile a tense feeling in your stomach sudden loose stool and sexual excitement all depending upon the
precise frequency used and the skin area to which this field is applied so you ever watch a movie and
you're you're not really feeling it all that much let's say it's a romantic movie and you're not really
feeling it and something happens and the two characters are swooning and they play that swell of music
and even though you're not really feeling it and you kind of think the movie's lame you still get
emotional and you start crying or like when people used to cry at long distance commercials back when
we had long distance commercials i don't know i'm probably dating myself now and how old i am when i
say stuff like that but the point is we've all had moments in watching movies or different things where
your emotions don't match how you really feel based on the film and you could just say that's creative
filmmaking but when you see something like this you gotta wonder is it also something like this because
they can do this and he's saying right here they have the ability to and if you read at the first page again
this patent is based on years worth of other patents so it isn't like he just came up with this off the spot
he's got 10 of his own patents based on doing this kind of stuff then he goes on to say in the summary
that the implementation of the invention is adapted to the source of video stream that drives the
monitor be it a computer program a tv broadcast a video tape or a dvd and a program written in visual
basic is particularly suitable for use on computers that run windows 95 or 98 that's how basic this
technology is okay it does not take much they could use visual basic to run it on windows 95 okay so and
this is all those years ago i have no idea what they have today and it is to the point that at the end of his
own patent in the summary this man hendrickus lose says certain monitors can emit electromagnetic
field pulses that excite a sensory resonance in a nearby subject through image pulses that are so weak
as to be subliminal this is unfortunate since it opens a way for mischievous application of the invention
whereby people are exposed unknowingly to manipulation of their nervous systems for someone else's
purposes such application would be unethical and is of course not advocated it is mentioned here in
order to alert the public to the possibility of covert abuse that may occur while being online while
watching tv a video or a dvd i i've read a lot of patents actually in my day and i've never seen somebody
warn in their own patent of the covert misuse of something the way that guy just did in his own patent
what makes it even more disconcerting is when you look up information about this and other people
have looked up because they've seen all these patents and they went what the hell and if you go look at
his history it becomes much more disconcerting that he's coming up with these things it wasn't like he
just thought of this by himself and randomly came up with it this is a guy who during the 50s was
working with plasma dyne corporation and then douglas aircraft's advanced research department
douglas aircraft of course linked to lawrence rockefeller lots of black cold war projects going on with
them then he went on in the 80s and started working on government projects as a contractor with the
likes of the department of defense the department of health and human services and the defense
advanced research projects agency darpa so that's hendricus luz and they go on to say in this article that
he had a website called but it's nothing more of a copy of a site but i actually went back to
the wayback machine and found the old website that this guy started and after reading through are you
sensitive to electric fields and the q a that he has here i feel like the guy almost has remorse for what
he's created or he figured out through this series of patents that he put out over you know the la the 90s
and the early 2000s that he was coming up with something that wasn't actually very good and so he
wanted to warn people about it and that's kind of what i get the sense i get from this website of his that
he had up at the time this is no longer a current website but back in the day he had this and he said that
depending on these frequencies relaxation drowsiness sexual arousal he knew he could cause all these
things with this program and he says that electric field pulses capable of exciting a sensory resonance
can be generated by a small insulated electrodes packed flat in the space of a credit card so it doesn't
take much for this this can be just put right into the television monitor it can be put right into your vcr
your vhs tapes i mean computer programs anything computer monitors whatever right since we cannot
sense the field directly our nervous system can thereby be manipulated covertly for someone else's
purposes and then he was selling for rather cheap 14 at the time a program that you could buy and put
onto your computer and then you could test it on yourself to see how susceptible you are to this and
that's what his whole website is about and then under the q a section he's got all of his other patents
and like i said you have everything here subliminal acoustic manipulation of your nervous system
manipulation of nervous systems by electric fields magnetic excitation pulsative manipulation i mean
he's got it all right here these are his 10 patents and it ended with this one on monitors and then he
made this website and the whole thing is just replete with him feeling i think pretty badly about what he
did you have to understand all these science projects right the government has these contractors and
they make things and they're very compartmentalized and i don't think people a lot of times realize not
all the time some people are just horrible people and they're just in things for bad means but i think
some people actually genuinely think i'm an engineer i'm a scientist i'm doing good things and they they
don't even have the foresight to realize what their stuff could be used for and that it could be used
against the general public that's what this patent is and that's just one there are a lot of others i'd like to
go through i have a whole thing of patents that i've printed off i just have never had a chance to get to
them all but this particular one it blows my mind because people just have no idea we're walking around
bathed in so much electromagnetic radiation right now background human beings have never been
exposed to the level that humanity is currently being exposed to in our modern technological age and
we're carrying cell phones in our pockets we're sitting in front of our computer monitors we're sitting in
front of our television sets and people just don't have any idea the myriad uses that these things can be
put to all the stuff it can do people are just blissfully ignorant they don't know and i personally don't
want to go through life blissfully ignorant i'd like to be informed i mean when i think of this it it reminds
me of videodrome if you haven't seen the movie video jerome it's a very weird creepy violent movie but
they said in that movie the battle for the minds of north america would be fought in the video drone and
it was about programming that was turning people violent and crazy and i mean he mentioned some of
the things that weak electromagnetic fields can do at certain pulsed frequencies but he that was not an
exhaustive list of everything that they can do and i bet it's a lot more than just making people cry at
sappy movies all right so i just thought you guys should be aware of that you always get people coming
into your videos and they say things like what am i supposed to do with that information well it's
supposed to help empower you to at least know that this is a thing that exists


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