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Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 1, pp.

129 –133, 1998

Copyright © 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0360-3016/98 $19.00 1 .00

PII S0360-3016(97)00554-3

● Clinical Investigation




* Department Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer, † Department of Urology, New York Hospital
Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY

Purpose: To determine the etiology of treatment-induced erectile dysfunction among patients who underwent
surgery or radiotherapy for prostatic cancer.
Methods and Materials: Ninety-eight patients were evaluated for erectile dysfunction after definitive therapy for
prostate cancer with Duplex ultrasonography before and after intracorporal prostaglandin injection. Patients
were classified as having arteriogenic, cavernosal, mixed (arteriogenic/cavernosal), or neurogenic impotence
based upon the results of the Duplex studies.
Results: Among patients who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP), 31 (52%) had cavernosal dysfunction, 19
(32%) had arteriogenic dysfunction, 3 (5%) were classified as mixed, and 7 (12%) as neurogenic dysfunction.
Among patients treated with radiotherapy (RT), 24 (63%) had arteriogenic dysfunction, 12 (32%) had cavernosal
dysfunction, 1 (2.5%) were classified as mixed, and 1 (2.5%) as neurogenic dysfunction. A multivariate analysis
identified prior RT as the only predictor of an arteriogenic etiology (p < 0.001) and prior RP as the only predictor
of a cavernosal etiology (p < 0.04) for erectile dysfunction among these patients. In the RP and RT groups, the
median erectile responses were 70 and 65%, respectively. Arterial peak flows <25 cc/min predicted for a
suboptimal erectile response with intracavernosal prostaglandin injections. Among 47 patients with arterial peak
flows <25 cc/min, 21 (55%) had erectile responses of <70%, while for 51 patients with arterial peak flows >25
cc/min, 31 (39%) had erectile responses of <70% (p < 0.039).
Conclusions: While the etiology of erectile dysfunction after definitive therapy for prostatic cancer is likely a
multifactorial phenomenon, these data suggest that the predominant etiology among patients who undergo RT
is arteriogenic and among patients who undergo RP is veno-occlussive/cavernosal pathology. This information
may have implications for the design of more effective therapies to address erectile dysfunction in this patient
population. © 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.

Prostate cancer, Impotence, Radiation therapy, Surgery, Etiology, Erections.

INTRODUCTION ine penile injections to assess the adequacy of penile blood

The physiology of penile erection is a complex multistep flow and erectile function (11–14). With this approach, the
phenomenon. Maintenance of a functional erection requires structure and function of the cavernosal arteries and dorsal
vasodilation of the penile arteries and concomitant relax- veins can be assessed. The diameter of the arteries before
ation of the corporal smooth muscles. This allows for sub- and after injection therapy can be directly measured to
stantial increases in penile blood flow and trabecular space quantitate their distensibilty during pharamacologic ther-
engorgement. As a direct consequence of the increased apy. These diagnostic interventions have also been used to
venous resistance and decreased venous outflow, the cor- elucidate the etiology of newly diagnosed impotence (7, 10,
pora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum become turgid. The 16, 19). With an increased understanding of the mechanism
bulbocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles further con- of erectile dysfunction among patients, more effective ther-
tract allowing for increased cavernosal rigidity. These com- apeutic interventions can be designed.
plex physiologic interactions have been described as the Between 1994 –1996, 98 patients with erectile dysfunc-
veno-occlusive mechanism of erectile function (8, 13, 14). tion after definitive therapy for localized prostate cancer
Recent studies have demonstrated that pharmacologic inter- were evaluated with Duplex ultrasonography before and
ventions that enhance the corporal smooth muscle relax- after intracoporal prostaglandin injection to evalute the eti-
ation and increase venous outflow resistance can improve ology of their impotence. Patients were classified as having
function in patients with vasculogenic impotence (1, 3, 13). arteriogenic, cavernosal, or neurogenic impotence based
Lue et al. have pionered the use of ultrasound and pulsed upon the results of the Duplex studies. The preliminary
Doppler studies in conjunction with prostaglandin/papaver- findings indicate that among patients who have erectile

Reprint requests to: Michael J. Zelefsky, M.D., Department of York Ave., New York, NY 10021.
Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer, 1275 Accepted for publication 14 July 1997.

130 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 40, Number 1, 1998

dysfunction after radiotherapy, arteriogenic impotence is Table 1. Patient characteristics according to treatment received
the most prevalent etiology, while among patients who
underwent radical prostatectomy, cavernosal dysfunction is Characteristic (n 5 60) (n 5 38) value
a more likely cause of impotence.
Median age 62 (range: 47–75) 69 (range: 53–78)
Smoking history 32 (54%) 25 (68%) NS*
usage 27 (46%) 16 (43%) NS*
Between 1994 –1996, 98 patients treated with surgery or Cardiovascular
radiation therapy for stage T1c–T3 prostate cancer under- disease 16 (26%) 16 (42%) 0.17
went Duplex penile sonography with pulsed doppler anal-
ysis to evaluate the etiology of their erectile dysfunction. * NS 5 not significant .0.05
Sixty (61%) patients were previously treated with a nerve-
sparing radical prostatectomy, and 38 patients (39%) were min after the prostaglandin injection was administered. Pa-
treated radiotherapy [external beam radiotherapy (n 5 35) tients were discharged from the clinic after spontaneous
or permanent 125.1 implantation (n 5 3)]. The median age of detumescence occurred.
the patients were 62 years (range: 47–78). Among the Differences between the frequencies among the treatment
patients treated with radiotherapy, the median dose was 70.2 groups were evaluated using the Mantel log rank test for
Gy (range: 61.2–75.6 Gy). Twelve patients (31%) in the censored data (15). The Cox proportional hazard regression
radiotherapy group were treated with 3 months of neoadju- model (5) was used to determine the contribution of covari-
vant androgen ablation therapy prior to therapy and one ates predicting for a particular etiology of erectile dysfunc-
patient in the prostatectomy group received similar therapy tion (i.e., arteriogenic, cavernosal).
prior to surgery.
All patients were initially evaluated with a detailed med-
ical history that included information regarding concomitant
usage of medications, smoking, and alcohol intake. A de- Patients characteristics:
tailed baseline sexual history was also obtained; patients Table 1 demonstrates the patient characteristics of the
with a suspected psychogenic etiology to their erectile dys- radical prostatectomy (RP) and radiotherapy (RT) groups.
function were not included within this analysis and referred Patients in the RP group described the onset of their erectile
for appropriate evaluation. Physical examination included dysfunction as ‘‘sudden’’ in 83% (50 of 60) while 10 (17%)
careful inspection of the corpora to rule out scarring or characterized their erectile dysfunction as ‘‘gradual.’’ In
deformity. Patients then underwent a combined injection contrast, 78% (29 of 38) in the RT group described the onset
and stimulation test. A 30-guage needle was used to inject of their dysfunction as ‘‘gradual,’’ while 22% characterized
5 mg of Prostaglandin E-1 at the base of the penile shaft. In this as ‘‘sudden.’’ These differences were highly significant
the standing position, the erectile response was subjectively (p , 0.0001).
scored by one examiner (JFE) at 5, 15, and 30 min postin- Prior to the onset of erectile dysfunction, the baseline
jection. sexual function was similar for the treatment groups. In the
All patients underwent scanning of the penis in the flaccid RP group, the interest in sexual activity prior to surgery was
state with images obtained in the transverse and longitudinal described as strong, normal or low in 27, 37, and 36%,
cross-section. The diameters of the right and left cavernous respectively. In the RT group, baseline interest in sexual
arteries were measured. Following a 10.0 mg intracavernous activity was described as strong, normal or low in 24, 46,
injection of Prostaglandin E-1, the penis was rescanned and and 30%, respectively. In addition, the frequency of inter-
the diameter of the cavernous arteries were measured to course prior to manifestation of sexual dysfunction was
asssess distensibility in response to vasoactive medication. similar. In the RP group, frequency of activity was reported
For the purposes of this study, any increase ,95% of the as #1/week, 2/week, and .2 week in 42, 24, and 34%,
diameter of the cavernosal arteries was considered abnor- respectively. In the RT group, frequency of activity was
mal. reported as #1/week, 2/week, and .2 week in 35, 27, and
After the above was performed, each of the selectively 38%, respectively. In the RP group, the median time from
imaged arteries underwent pulsed doppler analysis with surgery to evaluation for erectile dysfunction was 11
generation of a wave form. The peak velocities of both the months (range: 3–130 months). In the RT group, the median
right and left cavernosal arteries were measured at 5, 10, time from RT to evaluation for erectile dysfunction was 14
and 15 min, respectively. Based on the work of Lue et al. months (range: 2–150 months).
from measurements performed on normal subjects (11, 12),
peak blood flows ,25 cm/s were considered abnormal. Doppler Evaluation to assess erectile function
Resistive indexes (which reflect cavernosal smooth mucle Overall, 43 (44%) were classified as having arteriogenic
cell function) were measured for both the right and left dysfunction based upon peak penile blood flow rates of ,25
cavernosal arteries. Compared to the flaccid state, the erec- cc/min. Forty-three patients (44%) were characterized as
tile response was measured in percentage at 5, 15, and 30 having cavernosal dysfunction based upon abnomal disten-
Etiology erectile dysfunction ● M. J. ZELEFSKY AND J. F. EID 131

Table 2. Etiology of erectile dysfunction ,70%, while for 51 patients with with arterial peak flows
$25 cc/min, 20 (39%) achieved erectile responses of ,70%
Type Surgery RT p
Dysfunction (n 5 60) (n 5 38) value (p , 0.039).

Arteriogenic 19(32%) 24(63%) 0.002

Cavernosal 31(52%) 12(31%) 0.05 DISCUSSION
Arteriogenic/Cavernosal 3 (5%) 1 (3%) -
Neurogenic 7(12%) 1 (3%) -
Our results suggest that erectile dysfunction after prostate
radiotherapy is likely caused by disruption of the arteriolar
system supplying the corporal muscles rather than veno-
sibility of the corpora cavenosa in the setting of normal occlusive pathology. Among the 38 patients who were
penile peak blood flow. In 32 of these 43 patients (74%), a treated with RT, an arteriogenic etiology was the most
venous leak was documented on Doppler study. In four common cause of posttreatement erectile dysfunction, and
patients (4%) both arteriogenic and cavernosal dysfunction this etiology was significantly more prevalent among pa-
were noted. Eight patients (8%) were classified as having tients who underwent RT compared to RP. On the other
neurogenic dysfunction based on normal distensibility and hand, among patients who underwent RP, the predominant
peak blood flow values but poor erectile responses despite cause of erectile dysfunction was cavernosal followed by
prostaglandin intracavernosal injections. arteriogenic and neurogenic etiologies. These data also
When patients were analyzed by the therapy received for highlight the fact that in some patients who are treated with
prostate cancer, a marked difference in the etiology of RT, cavernosal dysfunction may be the dominant etiology
erectile dysfunction was noted. Among RP patients, 31 of radiation-induced impotence rather than reduced penile
(52%) had cavernosal dysfunction and 19 (32%) had arte- arterial blood flow. In this study, cavernosal dysfunction
riogenic dysfunction; while among patients treated with RT, was suggestive of disruption of the normal veno-occlusive
24 (63%) had arteriogenic and 12 (32%) had cavernosal mechanism necessary for normal erectile function. Among
dysfunction. These results are summarized in Table 2. the 43 patients who were classified as having cavernosal
Patients with a prior history of myocardial infarction and dysfuction, 75% had evidence of venous leakage based on
or hypertension currently on antihypertensives were classi- Doppler studies. It is recognized as well that inherent char-
fied as having a cardiovascular (CV) risk factor. When acteristics among patients may have contributed to the
dysfunction were classsified according to the presence of higher incidence of a specific etiology of dysfunction ob-
CV risk factors, no significant differences were noted as served for a treatment group. In general, those treated with
shown in Table 3. In addition, the use of neoadjuvant radiotherapy represented an older patient population with an
hormonal therapy prior to therapy had no influence on the expected increase in atherosclerotic heart disease. The cur-
type of erectile dysfunction observed in this group of pa- rent data suggest that such patients who develop impotence
tients. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify after radiotherapy for prostatic cancer will be more likely to
variables predicting for arteriogenic and cavernosal dys- have arteriogenic dysfunction.
function. Variables entered into the regression analysis in- Several prior studies have attempted to define the etiol-
cluded smoking history, age .60, cadiovascular disease, ogy of erectile dysfunction after RT (2, 6, 17). Goldstein et
and prior RT. The only predictor of arteriogenic etiology al. (6) performed Doppler evaluations in 23 patients who
was prior RT (p 5 0.002) and the only predictor for a previously underwent RT to the pelvis area and found that
cavernosal etiology was prior RP (p 5 0.04). all had decreased blood flow in the cavernosal arterial
The overall erectile response after administration of int- system. In contrast to these findings, Mittal (17) reported on
racavernosal pharmacotherapy was 70%. In the RP and RT six patients who underwent similar evaluation prior to and
groups the median erectile response were 70 and 65%, 6 –9 months after RT for prostate cancer. No changes in
respectively. Arterial peak flows ,25 cc/min predicted for penile blood flow were demonstrated in these patients. Al-
a suboptimal erectile responses with intracavernosal pros- though this study had the advantage of having available
taglandin injections. Among 47 patients with arterial peak baseline and posttreatment data on all patients (not available
flows ,25 cc/min, 26 (55%) achieved erectile responses of in the current study), it is nevertheless difficult to draw
conclusions given the limited number of patients studied. In
Table 3. Etiology of erectile dysfunction
addition, 6 –9 months after treatment may be an insufficient
amount of time to fully appreciate changes in the penile
No vasculature. Others have speculated the possibility of dam-
Cardiovascular Cardiovascular age to the nerves or veins in the pelvis after RT (3). Our
Type Risk Risk p report suggests that vasculogenic etiology is the most prom-
Dysfunction (n 5 66) (n 5 32) value
inent factor associated with RT-induced impotence.
Arteriogenic 26(39%) 17(53%) 0.20 This study also suggests that the dominant cause of
Cavernosal 29(44%) 14(44%) 0.84 impotence among patients who underwent RP was cavern-
Arteriogenic/Cavernosal 4 (6%) - osal rather than arteriogenic dysfunction. In these patients
Neurogenic 7(11%) 1 (3%)
mechanical disruption or manipulation of the the neurovas-
132 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 40, Number 1, 1998

cular bundle (even during a nerve-sparing procedure) may causes of impotence or diabetes have required higher doses
lead to aberrant nerve conduction, disruption of arterial or of vasoactive agents to achieve satisfactory erectile re-
venous blood flow. Among the 60 RP patients in the present sponses compared to patients with psychogenic or neuro-
study, the most common etiology of erectile dysfunction genic impotence with intact arterial blood flow and veno-
was cavernosal dysfunction with disruption of the normal occlusive mechanism (13).
veno-occlusive mechanism, most often in the form of ve- Elucidating the etiology of impotence after denitive ther-
nous leakage. Only seven (12%) were identified as having a apy for prostate cancer may facilitate the development of
neurogenic etiology for their erectile dysfunction. These more optimum strategies to address the patient’s erectile
latter patients all had normal distensibility of the cavernosal dysfunction. Patients with cavernovenous insufficiency may
arteries and normal penile blood flow but poor responses benefit more from therapeutic interventions that are effec-
after PGE injections. Critical factors affecting the likelihood tive in reducing venous outflow during erection rather than
of potency preservation after nerve-sparing prostatectomy simply increasing penile arterial blood flow. For patients
procedures include the ability to spare the neurovascular with significant leakage as the etiology of their erectile
bundle bilaterally, age of the patient, and the presence of dysfunction, deep dorsal vein resection/ligation, emboliza-
preexisiting erectile dysfunction. Lue has hypothesized that tion, and spongiolysis have been used with reported success
among patients with borderline erectile function prior to an rates ranging from 10 –90% (4, 9, 20, 21). Patients with
operation, even minimal surgical manipulation may be re- predominant arteriogenic dysfunction will likely benefit
flected in a higher incidence of impotence (13). from therapies that further induce improved penile blood
In the patients in the present report, optimal erectile flow through the cavernosal arteries.
responses were achieved with pharmacologic therapy. The Although the current report suggests that that the pre-
overall response rates after intracavernosal injections were dominant etiology of radiation-induced impotence is arte-
70 and 65% in the RP and RT groups, respectively. Several riogenic, it is likely that the etiology is multifactorial with
studies have reported satisfactory responses with vasoactive other factors still contributing in part to the patient’s erectile
pharmacotherapy for patients with postprostatectomy erec- dysfunction. Many patients with preexisting atherosclerotic
tile dysfunction (1, 13, 17, 18). Pierce et al. (18) reported on disease who receive prostate irradiation may have a combi-
eight patients who received radiotherapy to the prostate/ nation of arteriogenic, cavernosal, and neurogenic etiologies
pelvis and were treated with intracavernosal injection con- at work. As a result, a particular therapeutic intervention
sisting of a phentolamine-papavarine solution. All patients aimed at addressing one of multiple etiologies may not be
were reported to have achieved a satisfactory erectile re- sufficient to achieve satisfactory erectile function for the
sponse. There is a paucity of information regarding which patient. As treatment-induced impotence in this patient pop-
factors predict for a suboptimal response with intracavern- ulation is most likely a complex, multifactorial phenome-
osal pharmacotherapy. In the present report, patients with non, more refined diagnostic tools are needed to further
arterial penile blood flow ,25 cc/min were more likely to elucidate the presence and degree to which contributing
have erectile responses ,70% compared to patients with factors play a role in the erectile dysfunction so that more
flow velocities .25 cc/min (p 5 0.039). This is consistent effective therapeutic strageies can be employed for this
with observations that patients with known vasculogenic patient population.


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