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Effects Of Global Warming on Environment

Global warming, often known as climate change, is a long-term phenomenon that has been
influencing our world. It is induced by the release of greenhouse gases into the environment
including carbon dioxide. Hazardous pollutants trap the heat thus raise the Global average
temperature, causing a variety of detrimental environmental impacts. Here are five of the most
serious consequences of global warming:

1. Rising sea levels: One of the most noticeable impacts of global warming is the rise in sea
levels. This is due to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, as well as the expansion
of seawater as it warms. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
projects that sea levels could rise by as much as one meter by the end of the century. This
has far-reaching consequences, as it affects coastal communities and island nations, as
well as wildlife habitats. Coastal cities and towns, home to millions of people, are at risk
of flooding and erosion, which can damage infrastructure, displace people, and impact
the economy (NASA, 2022). For example, Miami, Florida is one of the city’s most
vulnerable to rising sea levels and has already seen significant impacts such as frequent
flooding and high water tables, which can cause problems with sewage systems. Island
nations, such as the Maldives, could be completely submerged, leading to the loss of
entire cultures and ecosystems. In addition, rising sea levels can also cause saltwater
intrusion into freshwater sources, leading to a decline in water quality and availability,
which can have negative impacts on agriculture and drinking water supplies. In
accordance with the EPA, global average sea levels have increased nearly eight inches
after 1870, as well as the pace of rise is anticipated to accelerate in the future years. If
current trends continue, many coastal areas will be swamped, displacing about 50% of
the global population (Stobierski, 2021).

2. Extreme weather conditions: Global warming has also been linked to an increase in
extreme weather conditions, for example, hurricanes, droughts, as well as heatwaves.
Conditions like these can be devastating to both people as well as the environment. For
example, droughts can lead to widespread crop failures and famine, as well as an increase
in wildfires, which can release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, exacerbating the
effects of global warming (MacMillan & Turrentine, 2021). Heatwaves can cause heat
exhaustion, dehydration, and death, particularly among the elderly and vulnerable
populations, as well as increase the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke.
Hurricanes can cause widespread damage, as well as flooding and landslides, which can
displace people and destroy homes and infrastructure. In addition, hurricanes can also
have impacts on the environment, such as increased erosion and the release of toxic
substances from flooded areas. Furthermore, extreme weather conditions can also disrupt
ecosystems, leading to declines in biodiversity and the loss of species, as well as disrupt
the migration patterns of many species.

3. Changes in wildlife habitats: Global warming can also have a severe negative effect on
wildlife habitats. As global warming increases, many animals and plants are made to
adapt or move to new areas to find favorable environments. This can disrupt ecosystems,
as well as disrupt the food chain and cause a decline in biodiversity. For example, species
such as polar bears are struggling to survive as their habitats shrink, while many birds are
changing their migration patterns as the timing of food availability shifts. Additionally,
many species are at risk of extinction due to changes in their habitats, as well as hunting
and habitat destruction (Bradford & Pappas, 2022). The loss of biodiversity not only
affects the planet, but also has far-reaching consequences for humans, as it affects the
food chain and the availability of natural resources, as well as the potential discovery of
new medicines and other important products that could be derived from these species.

4. Ocean acidification: Another impact of global warming is ocean acidification. As more

carbon dioxide is absorbed by the oceans, the pH of the water decreases, making it more
acidic. This can have a range of negative effects on marine life, as acidification affects
the ability of marine organisms to produce shells and skeletons. For example, species
such as coral reefs, which provide habitat for a range of marine species, are at risk of
degradation and destruction due to acidification (Stobierski, 2021). Additionally,
acidification can also disrupt food chains and cause declines in fish populations, which
can affect both commercial and subsistence fishing communities. Furthermore, ocean
acidification can also have far-reaching consequences for the planet, as the oceans play
an important role in maintaining the Earth's atmosphere.

5. Melting permafrost: In colder regions, such as the Arctic, permafrost is melting due to
rising temperatures. Permafrost is melting as the Earth's temperature warms. This implies
that the ice inside the permafrost melts, releasing water and nutrients. Permafrost
warming may have far-reaching consequences for our world and its inhabitants.
Permafrost is a layer of frozen soil that has been frozen for thousands of years. As it
melts, it releases trapped greenhouse gases, such as methane, into the atmosphere
(National Geographic, 2019). This not only contributes to global warming, but it can also
cause the ground to sink, leading to infrastructure damage and increased coastal erosion.

The degree of the repercussions of global warming will be defined by the trajectory of future
human activity. Increased greenhouse gas emissions will cause greater climate extremes as well
as considerable environmental damage. These future implications, however, are determined by
the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted. As a result, if we can reduce emissions, we may be
able to avoid some of the most disastrous outcomes.
In conclusion, global warming has a range of negative impacts on the environment, including
rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions, changes in wildlife habitats, ocean acidification,
and melting permafrost. These impacts have far-reaching consequences, affecting both people
and the planet. We must take steps to minimize carbon dioxide emissions to mitigate the impacts
of global warming.

Bradford, A., & Pappas, S. (2022, February 3). Effects of Global Warming. Retrieved from Live

Science website:

MacMillan, A., & Turrentine, J. (2021, April 7). Global Warming 101. Retrieved from NRDC


NASA. (2022, January 13). The Effects of Climate Change. Retrieved from Global Climate

Change: Vital Signs of the Planet website:

National Geographic. (2019, January 14). Global Warming Effects. Retrieved from National

Geographic website:


Stobierski, T. (2021, April 15). Effects of Globalization on the Environment. Retrieved from

Business Insights - Blog website:


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