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Feasibility Study


Chuchu Burger in Bulaong Terminal,

Pres. Sergio Osmeña Avenue, General Santos City,

South Cotabato

Submitted By:

Caballero, Kris

Coloma, Mary Joy

Farrofo, Gil Fernandez

Hiyan, Ian Vincent

Paglinawan, Euliefe

Rusia, Karyll Riche

Yecla, Gabz Vincent

Submitted to:

Davey Jane Taborada

January 2023

Chapter 1 Pages

Introduction …………………………………………………………………..1-2

Statement of the problem ...………………………………………………….2

Significance of the study …..…………………………………………………2

Scope and Delimitation of the Study …………………………..……………2

Determination of Terms……………………………………………………….3

Chapter 2: Methodology


Sample Size…………………………………………………………………….4




Chapter 3: The Market Aspects

Market Analysis .….…………………………………………………………….7-8

Opportunities and Threats …….………………………………………………8

Strengths and Weaknesses.……….………………………………………….8

Demand Analysis.……..………………………………………………………..9-13

Supply Analysis.……..………………………………………………………….13
Chapter 4: Management Aspects

Form of Business Organization…………………………………….……….14

Internal Organization...…………………………………………….………...14-15

Chapter 5: Technical Aspects

Technical Specification of the Product ..………………………..………….16-17

Materials Used…………………………………………………..…………….18


Ordering Service System ..……….…………………………………………..20-21

Building and Facilities…………………………………………………………21

Office and Plant Location……………………………………………………..22

Chapter 6: Financial Aspects

Statement of Assumptions……………………………………………………23-24

Chapter 7: Socio- Economic Aspects

Employment and Income……………………………………………………..25

Government ..………………………………………………………………….25


Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendation……..…………………26


Curriculum Vitae


Eighty-five percent of customers love or like burgers, according to

food service industry research firm Data essential, QSR Magazine

reports. And, get this: this recent research also found that burgers

outrank 99 percent of the thousands of other foods in the firm’s flavor

database. It is no wonder, then, that over the last several decades, the

restaurant world has birthed a seemingly limitless cavalcade of brands

and offerings. And for some time now, certain brands have sought to

stand out from the crowd by making a “better burger.” It’s a trajectory

that makes a burger stores more competitive not only against lower -

quality burger places but also casual dining restaurants with better-

quality fare (Wayback Burgers, 2022)

Generally, burger restaurants are chain and franchised restaurants that

mainly sell burgers but may also sell alcoholic and other beverages. Burger

restaurant formats range from fast-food to full-service. They are quite easy to

make and don’t take much time to get ready. All you need is meat, buns, and

fresh ingredients and you can make a wonderful burger in minutes, while other

restaurants may need several minutes to prepare and serve their dishes. This

is indeed a business that should be consider if a business minded people are

looking to venture into the food industry.

Burgers are not new in Philippines particularly in General Santos City. It

is available in the menu of almost every restaurants and one can also grab them

from the busy street vendors selling various junk foods at different nooks and

corners of the city. So, there is no doubt about the popularity of burgers.

Chuchu Burger stall located at Bulaong Terminal, Pres. Sergio Osmeña

Avenue, General Santos City will provide cheap but quality burger that can be

afforded not just by commuters but also by the public transportation drivers.

This said business product will surely satisfy their hunger and cravings.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the strategies to utilize in order to come up with the startup

expenditure of this business?

2. How to expand the business in terms of marketing?

3. What are the risk factors need to be considered in this business?

Significance of the Study

This study will help to not just the businessman but for the consumer that

seeks affordable snacks in their most convenient place. This will also help the

Public Terminal to maintain the good environment and allow the public

commuters to rest while waiting for their transport. Students most particularly

those in the near vicinity like the Gensantos Foundation College Inc. may find

this place convenient for them to buy their burgers.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on putting a burger stall in an area that is most

convenient to the public. The said business stall that offers burger along with

refreshments that will ease their thirst especially during summer when the city

is so hot and irritating. This product is especially made so that hunger will be a

problem with those unfortunate ones due to its cheap price.

Determination of Terms

• Stall= a stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods in a market

or large covered area.

• Consumer= a person who purchases goods and services for personal


• Public Terminal= any facility associated with scheduled passengers

including, but not limited to, a railroad station, ferry boat dock, airport or

bus terminal (not bus stop) which is served by regulated, licensed

providers of those modes of passenger transportation.


This chapter reveals the methods in conducting the industry analysis,

this study basically gather a statistical data specifically quantitative information

from the main people that has work or activities with in General Santos City,

especially near terminals, city halls & other establishment. The following are the

specific of the research methodology:


The main respondents of the study are fifty (50) randomly selected

individuals. The data collection conducted via Google form. This survey

questionnaire we made through Google form serves as our source of

information that will be use in determining our marketing aspects of the study.

Sample Size

In this study we used quota sampling with the fifty (50) respondents, this

includes the students, employees, unemployed and other individuals randomly

selected respondents which has activities within General Santos City especially

near Bulaong Terminal.


The researcher will create a pure survey questionnaire and the survey

will be done online via Google form. This survey questionnaire will be closed-

ended where the respondents will be able to make choices corresponding with

their answers. The questions will include topics related to customer’s taste of

preferences on burgers, burger habits, and how often they usually eat fast food

meal for us to allocate best technique to improve or make our burger different

from the other burger especially from the other existing competitors.


In this study researcher will do random survey. This will be done online,

via Google form and the respondents will basically resident of General Santos

City where there is a lot of random individuals that primarily consider as our

target market. After those fifty (50) respondents has answered the

questionnaire, the researcher will then calculate and systemize the responses

and scrutinize the gathered data with consider to the marketing aspects of the



Gensantos Foundation College Inc.

Research Questionnaires
1.) Demographic profile of the respondents
a. Gender
o Male
o female
b. Age
o Below 14 yrs old
o 15-18 yrs old
o 19-25 yrs old
o 26-30 yrs old
o 31-40 yrs old
o 41 yrs old & above
c. Occupation of the respondents
o students
o employed
o unemployed
2.) How often do you eat burger?
o twice a day
o everyday
o once a week
o twice a week
o never
o other & specify _____
3.) What do you prefer in a burger?
o meaty burger
o cheesy burger
o veggie burger
o overload/ ultimate burger
o other & specify _____
4.) Prefer time to eat burger.
o early morning
o afternoon
o evening
o midnight
5.) What do you prefer to be partner in your burger?
o soft drinks
o juices
o Coffee
o milk tea/ frappes
6.) What are your purpose/s when you go to a burger shop?
o to study
o to relax
o to have meeting
o to do my works (home/ office works)
o to hang out with friends, classmates or cousins


Fast food market is among the numerous segments that are extremely

influenced by the fast-paced consumer’s lifestyle, specifically the millennial

generation. The young people are adventurous and food savvy, they highly tend

to taste new products, consequently, the demand for various fast foods is

growing. For that reason, most of countries keep a significant designation for

fast food branding to expand cross borders. However, fast food brands are

bringing into line with the changing consumer needs and trends. Nowadays, the

fast food sector enjoys inescapable popularity worldwide and the upcoming

future positively looks promising at this point.

Chuchu Burger is the company able to fully utilize their on hand

resources. It makes their operation more efficiency and brings the company

growth faster. The company has the opportunity to acquire some of the

restaurants and growing the restaurants industry. It can contribute more profit

to company in order to overcome the liquidity problem.

Market Analysis

Chuchu Burger is focuses on its company strategies analysis and their

performance within the fast food service restaurant industry. Therefore,

company faces countless internal and external issues in environmental

analysis, and these will influencing their business operations which is prominent

in the industry analysis. Thus, Chuchu Burger identify its company strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Consequently, each aspect affecting

Chuchu Burger is then applied into a SWOT analysis to recognize the

company’s strongest characteristics and areas in need of improvement to

establish the firm’s success of gradually increase the shareholder value.

Besides, in applying the SWOT analysis is an essential that help company to

minimize and avoid weaknesses and threats. The weaknesses in company

must be scrutinized in order to change them into strengths part. Similarity, in

the other way round the threats should be changed into opportunities.

Therefore, both strengths and opportunities will be matched to optimize

company potential for accomplishes goals in the fast food industry.

Opportunities and Threats

Chuchu Burger can increase its menu list by incorporating healthy

products in its menu list along with adding more fast-food products in its menu

list. The company can enhance consumer loyalty and brand equity by selling

quality food product in a much cheaper rate.

The competitive pressure in the fast food industry in General Santos City

is high. Some of the major competitors of the company are. Another major

threats for the company is the inclination of the citizens towards healthy


Strength and Weaknesses

The quality of the burgers of the company really good. The company

provides a good numbers of variation of burgers to choose from. The prices of

the products are much cheaper with respect to its quality.

Being local company of General Santos City, the company doesn’t have

brand equity. Being a new entry in fast food market of General Santos City, the

company will have low consumer loyalty. The company needs to bring new

items in the menu list to cope up with its consumers in the international market.
Demand Analysis

As businesses grows in General Santos City, many public and private

employees are looking for a place to eat and on-the-go snacks that are

convenient and keep the customers happy and their cravings satisfied. With the

taste of burgers, combined with freshly-made lemonade, they will entice to

spend their time in the burger shop.

Table 1: Respondents’ Profile

On the data gathered by the researcher seen on Table 1.1, shows the

frequency and percentage of respondents according to gender. Nineteen (19)

respondents (38%) are male and thirty one (31) respondents (62%) are Female.

Table 1.1 Gender of Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 19 38%
Female 31 62%
Total 50 100%

Base in Table 1.2, the respondents of this research study results that 2%

are below 14 years old, 14% of respondents are 15-18 years old, 80% of

respondents are 19-25 years old, 4% of respondents are 26-30 years old, and

both respondents 31-40 and 41 years old & above are 0%.
Table 1.2 Age of Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

Below 14 years old 1 2%

15-18 years old 7 14%

19-25 years old 40 80%
26-30 years old 2 4%
31-40 years old 0 0%
41 years old & above 0 0%
Total 50 100%

On Table 1.3 shows that 44 respondents (88%) are students, 2

respondents (4%) are employed, and the 4 respondents (8%) are unemployed.

Table 1.3 Occupation of Respondents

Occupation Frequency Percentage

Student 44 88%

Employed 2 4%

Unemployed 4 8%

Total 50 100%

Table. 2 shows the number of respondents who often eat burger. There

are 1 out of 42 respondents or 2% eat burger twice a day, 0 respondents or 0%

no response for eating burger, 20 of the respondents or 40% eats once a week,

10 respondents or 20% eats twice a week, 2 respondents or 4% for those who

never eats burger and 17 respondents or 34% are for those who eats burger

with specifications. Base on the finding, the frequency of the respondents who

eats burger are high, which is a positive sign for a good beginning in fast food


Table 2 Number of times the respondent eat burger

Times Frequency Percentage
Twice a day 1 2%
Everyday 0 0%
Once a week 20 40%
Twice a week 10 20%
Never 2 4%
Other & Specify_____ 17 34%
Total 50 100%

Table 3 shows the number of respondents who preferred to eat burger.

Out of 42 respondents 13 respondents or 26% likes Meaty Burger, 20

respondents or 40% who likes cheesy burger, 4 respondents or 8% who likes

veggie burger, 12 respondents or 24% are for those who likes overload/ultimate

burger and only 1 respondent or only 2% most likely has other specification in

eating burger. The findings shows that majority of the respondent’s like’s

cheesy burger.

Table 3 Preferred Burger

Type of burger Frequency Percentage
Meaty burger 13 26%
Cheesy burger 20 40%
Veggie burger 4 8%
Overload/ultimate burger 12 24%
Other & Specify_____ 1 2%
Total 50 100%

Table 4 shows 0 respondent or 0% no wants to eat burger on the early

morning, 32 respondents or 64% are those who wants to eat burger during

afternoon, 9 respondents or 18% are those who wants to eat burger on the

evening. Base on the finding, majority of the respondents prefer to eat burger

in afternoon.

Table 4 Prefer time to eat burger

Time Frequency Percentage
Early morning 0 0%
Afternoon 32 64%
Evening 9 18%
Midnight 9 18%
Total 50 100%

Table 5 shows the respondents’ preferred food to be partnered with their

burger. 38 respondents or 66% are for those who wants to have soft drinks to

be partnered with their burger, 7 respondents or 14% are those who wants it to

be partnered with juices, 2 respondents or 4% are those who wants it to be

partnered with coffee, and 8 respondents or 16% are for those who wants to

have their burger partnered with milk tea/frappes. Base on the data gathered,

the researcher can infer that most respondents wants a soft drinks to be

partnered with their burger experience.

Table 5 Partnered in Coffee

Burger Partner Frequency Percentage
Soft Drinks 33 66%
Juices 7 14%
Coffee 2 4%
Milk Tea/Frappes 8 16%
Total 50 100%

Table 6 shows the purpose/s of the respondents to a burger shop. 1 of

the respondents or 2% are going to a burger shop to study, 17 respondents or

34% wants to relax, no respondents is going in a burger shop to have meeting,

no respondent in doing their works(home/office works) and 32 respondents or

64% prefer to hang out with friend, classmates or cousins on the burger shop.

From the data gathered, the researcher can infer that many related activities

are done in a burger shop, and most of it is to hang out with their friends,

classmates or cousins.

Table 6 Purpose on when entering to burger shop
Purpose Frequency Percentage
To Study 1 2%
To Relax 17 34%
To Have Meeting 0 0%
To do my Works (home/office
0 0%
To Hang Out with Friends,
32 64%
Classmates or Cousins
Total 50 100%

The tables shows that there are a high demand of burger on todays’ fast

food industry and most people prefer to eat burger in the afternoon, partnered

by a soft drinks to hang out with friends, classmates or cousins while they are

in the burger shop.

Supply Analysis

The ChuChu Burger will purchase its burger supplies to the trusted

company with a good reputation and has a good quality in providing. Burger

patties are to be purchase in CDO Company, burger buns will be purchase also

in Baker’s Square Bakeshop. These companies are known because of their

good quality supplies. Other supplies such as the add-ons in the burger and

beverages will be purchase in the nearby supermarkets.


Form of Business Organization

The business will be sole proprietorship, where the owner has Full

Control Authority over the business. The sole proprietor exclusively owns all

assets and profit of the business. The owner sole proprietor will be the chief

executive officer of the chuchu burger that will check the overall operation the

shop and receive the reports from the chuchu burger working manger.

Internal Organization

Figure 1: Organizational Chart of Chuchu Burger



Casher Waiter

Owner= Chuchu Burger owner are responsible for the day-to-day operation of

their company. They oversee all aspects of the business, from hiring to training

employees to purchasing inventory and supplies to developing new products or


Manager= the one responsible in Making Final decision for every undertaking

the business may encounter. He administer over all activities and for sees

project, forecast, and solve problems. He also supervise the overall operation

of the business.


- Bachelor in Business Administration major in Marketing Management

- At least 5 years working experience in handling sales, marketing and

finance of a food beverage business.

Casher= He/she should be able to greet and assist customer with their orders.

In addition to this he/she should be able to process customer’s order and

ensure fast delivery.


- College Level

- At least High School graduate

- with a warm personality and excellent mathematical skills to join us

Waiter= is responsible for ensuring diners have positive experience at food

establishment by exhibiting excellent customer service. Their duties include

greeting diners and taking their orders, communicating with members of the

kitchen about orders and carrying meals or beverages to the correct tables.


- High School Graduate

- At least 19 years old


Technical Specification of Product

Chuchu Burger is a great place to have quality burger which provides

delicious burger within few minutes of your order. The mission is not only to

have a great food but efficient and friendly service because customer

satisfaction is vital. Also, the Dishes of Chuchu Burger is very clean, healthy,

and is affordable which makes it the perfect food for pleasure seekers and

family bonding.

Burgers will specialize in the production of protein rich burgers. The

burgers will be specially produced from beef, and chicken meat in order to align

with the growth in preference for protein-rich products. Chuchu Burger offers a

wide variety of burgers and drinks.

For burger, the stall will offer Regular Burger, Baconizing Burger,

Cheese Burger, Meaty Burger, and Bacon Cheese Burger and last the Ultimate

Burger. For drinks, lemonade and iced tea. Besides, the stall also offer add-ons

for burger like bacon, coleslaw, cheese, egg, lettuce and tomatoes.

Iced Tea and Lemonade

Price Php 25

Regular Burger

Price Php 43
Baconizing Burger

Price Php 53

Cheese Burger

Price Php 45

Meaty Burger

Price Php 58

Bacon Cheese Burger

Price Php 65

The Ultimate Burger

Price Php 75

Material Used

Tools and Equipment

The List of Tools and Equipment is presented in Table 1. The total cost

of Tools and Equipment amounted to Php 241,208.00. Brought from different

world class Machine and Tools Seller. The most expensive of the equipment is

the Commercial Electric Griddle which costs Php 71,556.00. Also included in

the list are a variety of cups and straw for the beverages to be served at Chuchu

Burger. A total of 2 items are enumerated in the table which will be used in the

production and service operations.

Items Unit Cost Number of Units Total

Countertop Gas Char broilers 27,094.00 1 27,094.00

Commercial Electric Griddle 23,852.00 3 71,556.00
3 Hole Squeeze Bottles 125 4 500
Storage shelves 950 4 3,800.00
Prep tables 4,600.00 1 4,600.00
Cabinets 3,380.00 1 3,380.00
Countertop warmer display 28,500.00 1 28,500.00

Freezers 30,000.00 1 30,000.00

Refrigerators 40,000.00 1 40,000.00
Hamburger Box (100pcs./set) 700 2 1,400.00
Hamburger paper wrapper (9x12/100pcs) 77 2 154
Cleaning equipment 116 3 349
Trash Bins ( size XL) 709 3 2,127.00
Containers 190 5 950
Commercial Dishwasher or sinks 2,899.00 2 5,799.00
Stainless Turner Spatula 89 3 267
Stainless steel fried egg molder (9cm) 87 5 435
Tray 150 5 750
Small Paper Bag (4x7.5/50 pcs. Per pack) 75 2 150

Trash Bags (size XL/50 pcs./ pack) 225 1 225

Medium Paper Bag(5x10/50pcs.Per pack ) 90 2 180
Plastic Cup with lids (12 oz/100pcs./set) 395 2 790
Straw ( 200pcs./set) 142 1 142
Juice Dispenser Machine 14,990.00 1 14,990.00
Gasul Tank 1,024.00 3 3,072.00
TOTAL ₱ 241,210.00

Supplies and Materials

Table 2 shows the List of Supplies and Materials for Chuchu Burger. The

total amount for supplies and materials will amount to Php 28,372.00. The

Chuchu Burger Stall will purchase its burger and beverages supplies from

various suppliers such as CDO Food sphere Inc. and Baker’s Square

Bakeshop, Inc. Inventory of supplies will be check day by day to avoid

deficiency on stocks.


Items Unit Cost Total
of Units
Iced Tea 209 6,000g 5,016.00
Bottled Water 288 960 3,456.00
Lemonade 239 4,800g 5,736.00
Regular Bun 3.67 1,200pcs. 26,400.00
Sesame Bun 7.16 1,200pcs. 51,600.00
Double Bun 9 1,200pcs. 64,800.00
Patty 6,840.00 21.6kg 82,080.00
Cheese 395 1,800pcs 9,480.00
Tomatoes 240 6,000g 2,880.00
Lettuce 291 3,000g 3,492.00
Egg 279 1,600pcs 16,740.00
Bacon 413 24kg 9,912.00
Mayonnaise 168.28 42L 7,068.00
Mustard 256.25 38.4L 9,840.00
Ketchup 135.5 48L 6,504.00
Hot sauce 218.88 54L 11,820.00
Vegetable oil 619 45.6L 14,856.00
Extract and flavorings 61 144pcs. 8,784.00
Total ₱340,464.00


As Shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The Head Cook receives the supplies and

equipment, do their respective production processes per product required by

the customers.

Cook the patty,

Receive Serve to
toast the bread
Supplies and put the prefer Customer

Figure 1. Burger Processes

Receive Mix the juice Serve to

powder in the juice
Supplies Customer

Figure 2. Juice Processes

Ordering and Service System

Figure 3 below presents the Ordering and Service Flowchart for Chuchu

Burger Stall. The process flow is similar to typical burger shops. Upon arriving

of the customer, the staff welcomes the customer and asks for the order. The

customer pays and the staff receives the payment then issues an official

receipt. After that, the staff makes the beverage according to the order. Finally,

the staff calls out the name of the customer and serve the food Process time is

expected at 10 to 20 minutes.

Customer arrives Staff Ask
at Chuchu Burger
Customer Order

Customer Pays
Figure 3. Ordering and Service System
upon ordering

Staff calls the Head Cook makes

customer and burger according to
serves burger order

Building and Facilities

The will rent a commercial place for the business to be conducted. The

rent will cost up to Php 10,000 per month to have a bigger space. It can

accommodate up to 20 customers. Chuchu Burger Stall is shown in Figure 4.

Chuchu Burger Stall

Figure 4. Chuchu Burger Stall Layout

Office and Plant Location

Chuchu Burger Stall location will be near Bulaong terminal, Pres. Sergio

Osmeña Avenue and other businesses that makes it accessible to go thru.


This chapter discusses the financial aspects of the study, to determine

whether the future industry will remain profitable through the existence of

competitors and unfavorable economic condition. The initial capital investment

of proprietorship will be Php 500,000.00 used for equipment, supplies purchase

and business operations expenses.

In order to monitor the financial performance of the business, the Chuchu

Burger Owner will be in charge of checking the daily sales transactions. The

owner have to project a five year financial statement, that showed income

statement, cost of goods sold and cost of sales. The information can be used

in planning the marketing strategies for the succeeding months. Table 3 shows

the 5 years Income Assumption.

Chuchu Burger
Statement of Financial Performance
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Sales 1,279,360 1,450,000 1,626,640 1,803,280 1,979,920
Cost of good sold
Beginning Inventory _ 5000 4532 2345 4550

Purchases 340,464 356,512.88 372,561.76 388,610.64 404,659.52

Purchase Return _ _ _ _ 406,184.52

Good Available for Sales 340,464 361,512.88 377,093.76 390,955.64 409,209.52

Freight-in 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,700

Ending Inventory -5,000 4,532 2,345 4,550 4,725
Total Cost of Good Sold 343,464 358,480.88 376,248.76 387,405.64 406,184.52
Gross Income 835,896 1,091,519.12 1,250,391.24 1,415,874.36 1,573,735.48


Salary Expense 737,280 737,280 737,280 737,280 737,280

Utilities Expense 42,000 44,250 46,550 49,650 52,950

Rent Expense 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000

Other Expense 1,121 1,221 1,322 1,021 1,111

Depreciation Expense 48,242 48,242 48,242 48,242 48,242

Total Operating Expense 948,643 950,993 953,394 956,193 959,583

Net Income ₱-12,747 ₱140,526.12 ₱296,997.24 ₱459,681.36 ₱614,152.48

Table 3: Projected Income Statement for 5 years

Table 4 presents the Projected Cash Flow Statement of Chuchu Burger

for the next 5 years. Payback Period method will be used to compute the years

to recover investment. Based on the figures in the cash flow statement, the

payback period is computed which means that it will take over 2 years and 1

month to cover the investment of the business.

Chuchu Burger
Statement of Cash Flow
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cash Inflows:
Cash from Investment 500,000
Cash from Sale 1,279,360 1,450,000 1,626,640 1,803,280 1,979,920
Total Cash Inflows 1,779,360 1,450,000 1,626,640 1,803,280 1,979,920
Cash Outflows:
Cash Paid for Fixed Assets 241,210
Cash Paid for Supplies 340,464 356,512.88 372,561.76 388,610.64 404,659.52
Cash Paid for Freight-in 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,700
Cash Paid for Salaries 737,280 737,280 737,280 737,280 734,280
Cash Paid for Utilities 42,000 44,250 46,550 49,650 52,950
Cash Paid for Rent 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000
Cash Paid for Other Expense 1,121 1,221 1,322 1,021 1,111
Total Cash Outflows 1,484,075 1,260,763.88 1,279,213.76 1,297,561.64 1,314,700.52
Net Cash Flow Per Year 295,285 189,236.12 347,426.24 505,718.36 665,219.48
Beginning Balance - 295,285 484,521.12 831,947.36 1,337,665.72
Cumulative Net Cash Flow ₱295,285 ₱484,521.12 ₱831,947.36 ₱1,337,665.72 ₱2,002,885.2
Payback Period 2 years and 1 month
Table 4: Projected Cash Flow for 5 years

Chapter 7: Socio - Economic Aspects

Employment and Income

The team decided to hire some employees within the vicinity of General

Santos City, which the will be located. Employees must expect a good and

appropriate amount of salary and benefits as paid off for their hard work.

Bonuses and increase on salaries for employees are also expected to help

them improve their standard of living. Employees will be treated well and the

business must generate an income.


The business will pay taxes in time, without delays and with exact

amount. Will follow the rules and regulations or the government policies to avoid

conflicts, and also expect to help in times of needs such as calamities.


The Business can help the community by participating in an outdoor

activities like outreach programs and charity events. It can also offer

sponsorship in some community projects.


The results of the projected income statement and cash flow statement

under the base case show that the project is feasible and possible. The capital

investment will return in a span of 2 years and 1 month. This is based on the

positive net present value and return on investment greater than the cost of

capital. The business is considered to a possible growth with a low risk in

market sustainability. Therefore, the business is assumed to proceed. The

business is considering some recommendations that needs to take actions.

First, the business has to maintain its high customer traffic in order to sustain

its sales target. This includes maximizing store hours and weekends store

operations. Second, it is to analyze new strategies to encourage more

customers so that it will meet high sales. Social media exposure is also

recommended for the promotion of the Chuchu Burger stall in order to catch

some attentions to those burger lovers not just in the projected location but also

outside its location.





MARY JOY P. Coloma

Zone 2, Soledad Estate,
Brgy. City Heights, General Santos City
Mobile no.: 09979655795

Personal Data:

Age: 21

Date of birth: February 19, 2001

Place of birth: General Santos City

Gender: Female

Civil status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational background collage: Gensantos Foundation Collage Inc.

Senior High School: Lagao National High School (2019-2020)

Junior High School: Lagao National High School (2017-2018)

Primary: Dad. Heights Elem. School (2013-2014)


Kris P. Caballero
Prk. 1, Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato, 9504

Personal Data:

Age: 20

Date of Birth: July 01, 2002

Place of birth: General Santos City

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

College: Gensantos Foundation College Inc., General Santos City

Senior High School: Silway - 8 National High School (2019-2020)

Junior High School: Silway - 8 National High School (2017-2018)

Primary: Viray - Lising Elementary School (2013-2014)


Euliefe B. Paglinawan
Prk. Pag-asa Tuyan Malapatan Sarangani Province, 9516

Personal Data:

Age: 22y/o

Date of Birth: April 04, 2000

Place of birth: Puting Bato Calumpang General Santos City

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

College: Gensantos Foundation College Inc., General Santos City

Senior High School: STI COLLEGE GENSAN (2017-2018)

Junior High School: Malapatan National High School (20114-2015)

Primary: Tuyan Elementary School (20010-2011)


Karyll Riche B. Rusia

Prk. New Bohol Calumpang, General Santos City, 9500

Personal Data:

Age: 20y/o

Date of Birth: May 28, 2002

Place of birth: Koronadal City, South Cotabato

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

College: Gensantos Foundation College Inc., General Santos City

Senior High School: Goldenstate College (2019-2020)

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School (2017-2018)

Primary: H.N Cahilsot Central Elementary School (2013-2014)


Gil F. Farrofo Jr.

Agan North Ph.3 Brgy. San Isidro General Santos City, 9500

Personal Data:

Age: 23

Date of Birth: May 08, 1999

Place of birth: General Santos City

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Married

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

College: Gensantos Foundation College Inc., General Santos City

Senior High School: Sti College 2016-2017)

Junior High School: General Santos Sped Integrated School (2015-2016)

Primary: Lagao Central Elem. School (2011-2012)


Yecla, Gabz Vincent H.

Barangay Rizal, (3) Banga, South, Cotabato

Personal Data:

Age: 21

Date of birth: January 09, 2001

Place of birth: Provincial hospital South Cotabato

Gender: Male

Civil status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational background collage: Gensantos Foundation Collage Inc.

Senior High School: Rizal 3 National High School (2018-2019)

Junior High School: Rizal 3 National High School (2017-2018)

Primary: Rizal 3 Elementary School (2013-2014)


Hiyan, Ian Vincent M.

Prk. Acharon, Labangal General Santos City

Personal Data:

Age: 20

Date of birth: April 07, 2002

Place of birth: Prk, Saludin, General Santos City

Gender: Male

Civil status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational background collage: Gensantos Foundation Collage Inc.

Senior High School: Colon National High School (2019-2020)

Junior High School: Colon National High School (2017-2018)

Primary: Maasim Central Elementary School (2013-2014)


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