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From Ground Control to… Earth to Me

In a usual setting, I should also be the usual me, introverted, meek, and quiet but this seems like a lively
place, so many people who are just like me have dreams that if I explored it enough I will figure that I am
no less different than them. I feel so overwhelmed, so this is what college looks and feels like, it seems
like I am just a speckle of dust in this macrocosm of people.

How will I fit, or the question is, will I really fit?

I think I just landed on a new world and it therefore requires me to see it with fresh eyes as well.

This feels big as opposed to the place I have been and accustomed to, what am I thinking this is a freaking
university, of course this is huge, will I be able to explore this place, and will I be able to get to know
people and will I able to really find myself here?

The air is chill but at the same time the hot, humid atmosphere mixes with it. Now I am facing the
building in all its glory, of course with its tarpaulin and student activism paraphernalia hanging on the
façade of the ledge of the building. So, this is it. This is really happening.

Now, where am I headed, it says here 307, WHERE IS THAT? WHERE IS NORTH WING? Which
stairs should I go? Which on would be the closer to that? So many stairs.

And so, I walk, and walk and sweats profusely, seems like I am really going to do this throughout my stay
here, I will be perpetually and profusely sweating. I continue walking and eventually saw this circle like
pathway that seems like what hamsters went on to on a roundabout. I actually felt like a hamster in this
place. Interesting. So, this is what they called “The Dome”. It sounded mythical, not gonna lie but this is
really it, the somehow fun and efficient way to go up and to go down.

I realized the places we idealized and even fantasized in our heads only looked good in our heads because
we are totally intrigued about it. Things looked magical in our heads and the way we use our rose-colored
glasses to see it is very apparent.

But as I look around at this place, this just looks like… ordinary. Huge, exploratory but ordinary.

And I am here to experience its ordinariness.

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