Some Important Notes On IFMIS

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IFMIS – NBE Electronic Bank Statement Interfaces

This document intended to inform IFMIS Project Office Sites Support Experts and End Users
about IFMIS – NBE Electronic Banks Statements Interfaces.
Originally the IFMIS – NBE Electronic Bank Statements interface started on 2006 along with the
CBE, SIGTAs and ASYCUDA and DMFAS Interfaces. Although the other interface
operationalization succeeded, IFMIS- NBE Electronic Banks Statement Interface could not go
beyond the requirement provision and discussion steps. The main reason was NBE’s system
failure to comply with SWIFT standard massages and MoF requirements.

After 8 years of delay IFIMS Project management office and MoF Top management active
engagement and direction to operationalize IFMIS- NBE Electronic Banks Statements interfaces
as a pre-condition for the implementation of TSA MoF and NBE has started the work to
operationalize IFMIS NBE Electronic Bank Statement Interfacing.

The work started back in March 2022 and go through Requirement Identification, scenario
creation and discussion, issues identification. Once the issues are identified and assigned to NBE.
MoF and NBE had agreed to bring NBE’s vendor to Ethiopia so that they can fix the issues.
Accordingly both MoF, NBE and Techno Brains experts engaged together address the issues.
After Eight 8 Consecutive and tiresome testing we reached to a condition where we can
operationalize the IFMIS NBE Electronic Bank Statement Interface on a selected public body’s
bank account which presented on table below.

Beginning from 11 October 2022 NBE sending electronic bank statements for Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Revenue, Ethiopian Custom Commission, Ministry of
Finance Macro and Micro bank accounts.

Once we have completed the successfully these pilot sites the next phase will be rolling out the
IFMIS NBE Electronic Banks Statement Interface for all public bodies.

So supporting these public bodies during the reconciliation process and helping them in
identifying and escalating issues face on the electronic statements to Help Desk and Site support
team leads will be very important and necessary as they are critical for the success of the
Below presented pilot Public Body Banks Account Information, Precautionary Information’s and
first line site support information and others

Table: Pilot Public Bodies with their Account Number

SL. Name of Public
No. Body Bank A/c Num Bank Account Name
0100061040266 MoE- Investment Project Financing
Ministry of Educations UNICEF Cash Assistance
Ministry of
1 0100061040231 A/C
0100081040154 FUND
0100191040201 ERCA Kaliti Branch
CC-Regions and City Administration Revenue
Ministry of
0102391040002 Sharing
Revenue and
2 MoR – Medium Tax Payers Branch Office Refund
0100191040220 Account
Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority LTO -
0100191040217 Direct Revenue
Ministry of 0100101040552 Central Treasury
3 Finance-
Treasury 0100101040611 Central Treasury Cash and Check Deposit
MoF - Channel 1 Program Coordinating
Ministry of 0100101040699 Directorate IPF
Finance- Micro MOF- Public Expenditure MGT. And Control
0100101040698 Reform - IPF
Ministry of
Health 0100081300124 Ministry of health

Below are some of the precaution Sites Support Experts need to apply

National Bank of Ethiopia is sending electronic Bank Statements for the above selected pilot
public bodies bank accounts beginning from 11 October 2022 (ጥቅምት/1/2015)


1. Manual Bank Statements Creation:

Currently National Banks is sending electronic banks statement for the above listed 6 Public
bodies Manual Banks Statement Creation on the above listed Public Bodies bank accounts is
prohibited. If incase electronic statements are not coming for the above listed public body
accounts the assigned site support expert/ end user needs/should communicate to Help Desk and
Support Team leaders for further support and direction.
2. Changing Statement Sequence Number and Dates on the Statement Header

Since all electronic statements on the above listed public body accounts are legal documents and
contains opening and closing balance changing the Statement sequence number and dates on the
statement header is strictly prohibited.

If incase there is an issues on the statement number and dates please communicate the issues for
Help Desk and Sites Support team leaders for further support and direction.

3. Electronic Statement Lines Editing , Modification and Deletion

IFMIS Site Support Experts should/need advice the End Users of the above listed public
bodies not create New statement Lines, Modify Statements lines and Delete statement lines
on/from the electronic banks statements.

In case of issues related with statements lines on the electronic banks statements please
communicate help desk team and site support team for further advice and direction.

First Level Sites Support

The below steps intended to Site Support Experts to provide first level sites support in case of
Electronic statements related issues in relation with IFMIS- NBE Electronic Bank Statement

1. Auto reconciliation
i. Interface program
ii. By Transaction Number
2. Manual reconciliation
i. End Users
ii. By Amount, Description (Supplementary information)

I. Bank Statement Interface.

A. IFMIS Statements not coming
In case of missing statements/Statements/Statements are not coming from NBE please follow the
below steps and check the following on Cash Management:

Cash Management

Bank Statement

Bank Statement

Query with Bank

Once you opened the interface table check the Bewlo

What we do on Bank statement and Interfaces

1. Check Status of Electronic Bank Statements
o New
o Awaiting import
o No user action required, the interface program will pick on the next
o Transferred
o Statement imported from interface and ready for reconciliation
o Statement is accessible to end users from the “Bank Statement and
Reconciliation” function menu
o Error
o Interface program no able to import (import failed)
o Usual reason is period not open

2. Check Error Massages

o GL, AR and AP period status

o Statement stay in interface with Error status
o Action: open period, and interface program will pick on the next run
o Transaction code definition
o Impact: Statement gets discarded
o Make sure transaction code defined for all bank accounts if not please
communicate to Help Desk Team
o Selecting Open Interface Control option on bank account setup
o Impact: Statement gets discarded
o Make sure “Use Reconciliation Open Interfaces” is checked in bank
account setup under “Open Interface Control” if not please
communicate to IFMIS Help Desk Team.

II. Bank statement and Reconciliation ( Application)

A. Upon Receiving/Importing Electronic Bank Statement from NBE Check

Header Level
o Statement Date
o GL Date
 Closing balance date from the statement
o Statement Number
 Format <Statement number> - <statement date>
 if statement number is 12 and date 2nd of November, 2022 then
statement number will be “12 – 02-NOV-22”
 Differ from CBE
 No slash followed by sequence number
o Opening and Closing Balance
 Line Level
o Statement Lines
What IFMIS Support Experts and End Users expected to check?
1. Header Level
1.1. Statement Number
o Statement Number and its sequence
 Consecutive (not skipping)
o Opening and closing balance
 Previous day closing = next day opening
2. Line Level
2.1. Transaction Codes
o TRF for transfers
o CHK for cheque
o CHG for charges
o MSC for others
2.2. Number (Transaction (Reference) Number)
o Letter ref number
 Include Standing instruction letter ref
o Cheque number
o Related reference
 Transfer in by unsource
2.3. Description
o Supplementary information to help/facilitate reconciliation
 Paid/transferred to
 Deposited/Paid/Transferred by
 Check book issued, advice printed, Interest received etc
3. Payments. (Debit Transactions)
 Cash withdrawal by Cheque
o Name of the Withdrawer
o Reference Number
o Date
o Amount
 Cheque Payment
o Cheque Number
o Amount
o Date
 Transfer out by letter
o Letter Reference Number
o Date
o Amount
o Recipient Information

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