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What was created one hand:

Dr. Radnóti-Márton Beatrix Zita EV. (EuropeFace Model and Hostess Agency)
(Location: 1138 Budapest, Népfürdő utca 22., Duna Tower B torony 15.em, Registration number: 55795517,
Taxnumber: 72203433-2-41, represented: Dr. Radnóti-Márton Beatrix )), as service provider,
on the other hand:

Name: …………………………………………………………………………
Place of birth/date: …………………………………………………………
Name of mother: ……………………………………………………………
TAJ (Social Security Number): ………………………………….………
Address: …………………………………………………………………………
Identity Card number: ……………………………………………………
Tax number: ……………………………………………………………………
Passport number: ……………………….…………………………………
Bank account: …………………………………………………………………
Phone: ……………………………………………………………………………
Email: ……………………………………………………………………………
Nationality: ………………………………………….…………………………
between on date and place below according to the following conditions:

Subject of the contract:

1. Model undertakes to perform performing arts activities for the client for photo and video
Days of the shooting: ………………………………………………….

Location of the shooting: 1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 48.

Usage and details:

The photos and videos useage in the system, is managed by the Principal's Client and lasts
until withdrawn!The material of the shooting will only intended for internal use, so it won’t
be out on the Internet or any platform.

You should do about 15 facial expressions, and with a simulator you should do hand signals, but we will
give you instructions also!

Nobody can take photos and videos besides the crew at the studio, there is strict obligation of

Other Conditions:

If the model has long hair, or hair in her/his face, please bring hair band! Tattoos, scars are not an
exclusion. Please do not wear so much and big jewelry! Please keep your wrist freely, do not wear long
sleeve shirts! If the wrist has some physical damage, can not move appropriately don’t come! If the
model is drunk or fainted, or is not in a good condition, please should not come to the shooting!

Children, teens under 18 should come with a parent, the accompaniment can wait in our office, can
not go to the studio!

We have snacks and drinks at the location, it is free to consume!

The model should come on time, 15 minutes before the appointment! If the model is late more than
10 minutes, than we can deduct from the wage!

The contract written by the Client is a supplement of this agreement, and the model should sign both
of them at the studio. Because of Covid please bring a mask, and also we have the power of attorney to
make test on the model.


28.000 ,- HUF the model deserves against an invoice.

The above prices include labor and royalties.

In case of other conditions, a separate agreement must be concluded.

2. The model ensures that she appears with a well-groomed appearance, in a condition suitable
for photography, at the pre-arranged time and place, and acts there according to the customer's
3. The customer undertakes to ensure the other conditions necessary for the photo shoot, this
does not burden Modell, but she offers her help.

4. The model and the customer maintain a continuous working relationship and regularly discuss matters
not regulated in this contract.

5. Modell declares that she can undertake the photo shoot stipulated in the contract and that
there are no legal obstacles to her participation in the campaign.

6. If the Model does not act according to the customer's request during the photo shoot, or if the
customer does not find her suitable to be a character in his creation, she has the right to choose another
Model. In this case, the Model is not entitled to remuneration.

Financial Conditions:

7. The customer declares that the remuneration will be paid according to the contract no later than 30
days from the issue date of the invoice, by bank transfer to the specified account number.

Cancellation Policy:

8. If the Model is unable to appear on the day of the photoshoot due to illness or force majeure, she is
not entitled to compensation and is obligated to compensate the customer for lost profits and

9. If the Model does not indicate in email 24 hours prior the shooting time that he/she is unable to
appear on the day of the photoshoot, she is not entitled to compensation and is obligated to
compensate the customer for lost profits and damages.

Other Conditions:

10. The contracting parties are primarily obliged to settle any legal disputes arising from this agreement or
its fulfillment by negotiation.
11. The parties declare that they will not deviate from this agreement, or in case of further use, they will
enter into a new agreement, and their content will be treated confidentially and as a trade secret.
12. In matters not regulated in this agreement, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, Media Act, Press
Act and the General Terms and Conditions of the Parties shall govern.
13. After reading and interpreting this contract, the contracting parties have signed it with approval as
being in accordance with their wishes in all respects.
The parties agree that Model will work with clients mediated by the Agency and at an event organized
by the Agency - or at any other event where the Agency

appears with his participation - the participant may not directly enter into an agreement with third
parties or undertake an assignment either at the time of the assignment or in the future at all. Such
requests must be brought to the Agency's attention without delay, so that the Agency can enter into
any assignments with the Model's interests in mind.

Budapest, …………………………………

…………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
Dr.Radnóti-Márton Beatrix Zita EV. Model
EuropeFace Model and Hostess Agency

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