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Letter rescheduling a disciplinary hearing due to Covid-19

Private and Confidential

[Insert name]

[Insert address]

[Insert date]

Dear [insert name],

Re: Requirement to attend rescheduled final disciplinary appeal hearing

I wrote to you on [insert date] inviting you to attend a disciplinary/final

disciplinary/disciplinary appeal hearing (letter attached) on [insert date, time and

Unfortunately, it was not possible for us to hold the hearing at the planned time due
to concerns over the safety of everyone present as a result of the coronavirus crisis.
In particular, we felt [insert specific details of why the hearing had to be cancelled].
We apologise for this and hope that it has not caused you any concern.

[Select from the paragraphs below and delete as appropriate]

We have now set a new time and date for the hearing. You are now required to
attend a hearing on [insert date and time] at [insert location]. You have the right to be
accompanied by a colleague or a trade union official.


A decision has been taken to postpone the hearing until the Company feels it can be
conducted safely. We will therefore be in touch as soon as further enquiries have
been made.

If you have any queries in relation to this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

[Insert name]
[Insert job title]

Customisable document taken from

This document is for your guidance only. Professional advice should be sought before use.

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