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Section One: Reading passage

-part 1 15 mcq

-part 2 15mcq

Total 30 Mcq 30marks 30min

Section 2: Listening

-part 1 10 mcq

-part 2 10 mcq

Total 20 Mcq 20 marks 30 min

Section Three: Vocabulary and Structure

40 Mcq 20 marks 30min

Section Four: Writing

6 question 30 mark 30 min

1-What is the text about?

2-Give a title to the text

3-What is the purpose of the writer?

4-List main ideas in the text .

5- In no more than 200 words, write in your own words what information
have you found interesting in the text?

6-Summarize into English then translate into Arabic.

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