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Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 80

(i) This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
(ii) All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions.
A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
(iii) Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
(iv) Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answer to these
questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words.
(v) Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each- Answer to
these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words.
(vi) Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to
these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
(vii) Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each
with sub-parts.

(Select and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the
questions 1-20)

1. Pratyush took sulphur powder on a spatula and heated it. He collected the gas evolved
by inverting a test tube over it, as shown in figure below.


Identify gas A in the given experiment.

(i) SO2 (ii) SO
(iii) HS (iv) N2

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) Only (i)

(c) Only (iii) (d) Only (iv)

2. Carbon can use four hydrogen atoms to form methane (CH4), because
(a) valency of carbon is four
(b) valency of hydrogen is one
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) carbon gets noble gas configuration by making four covalent bonds with hydrogen

3. Identify gas A evolved at anode in the given setup.

(a) Oxygen (b) Ozone (c) Hydrogen (d) Carbon dioxide

4. With the reference to four given oxides, which one of the options in the table is correct?

Oxide Nature of oxide

(a) SO2 Basic

(b) H2O Acidic

(c) AI2O3 Amphoteric

(d) CaO Neutral

5. Gold is used for making jewellery. What are the properties of gold make it a suitable metal
for making jewellery?
(a) Ductility (b) Malleability
(c) Lustrous (d) All of these

6. Sunita observe the following compounds and conclude that the compound having acidic
nature is
(a) Lime juice (b) Human blood
(c) Lime water (d) Antacid

7. Which among the following are unsaturated hydrocarbons? ,

(i) CH3—CH2—CH3 (ii) CH3 — CH = CH— CH3

(iii) (iv)

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 6

(c) 2, 3, 4 and 5 (d) 2, 3, 5 and 6

8. The diagram shows the human gut. Which numbered structures secrete digestive enzymes?
What are the colours of Q and R, when the leaf is tested for starch, using iodine solution?


(a) Blue/black Brown

(b) Brown Brown

(c) Blue/black Blue/black

(d) Brown Blue/black

9. A plant is kept in the dark for two days. A leaf from this plant, is used in an experiment to
investigate the effect of two factors on photosynthesis as shown in the diagram.

(a) (i) and (in) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

10. A cross between a tall plant (TT) and short pea plant (tt) resulted in progeny that were all
tall plant because
(a) tallness is the dominant trait
(b) shortness is the dominant trait
(c) tallness is the recessive trait
(d) height of pea plant is not governed by gene ‘T’ or ‘t’.

11. Identify the organism below and also the mode of reproduction it undergoes.

(a) Planaria-Regeneration (b) Spirogyra-Budding

(c) Plasmodium-Binary fission (d) Amoeba-Multiple fission

12. Consider the following figure with reference to brain.

Identify the unlabelled parts (A, B and C) by choosing correct option below.


(a) Medulla Cerebrum Skull

(b) Skull Medulla Cerebrum

(c) Cranium Cerebrum Medulla

(d) Cerebrum Cranium Medulla oblongata

13. If the length of a wire is doubled, then

(a) the resistance will remain unchanged
(b) the resistance will become four times of its original value .
(c) the resistance will become one-fourth of its original value
(d) None of the above

14. The magnetic field lines of a bar magnet are shown in figure below.

Which of the following is correct representation of magnetic field lines due to bar magnet?
(a) Only A (b) Both A and D (c) Both A and C (d) All of these

15. Two copper wires of different length and diameter are shown in figure below, then

(a) the resistance of wire 1 is 4 times of resistance of wire 2

(b) the resistance of wire 2 is 4 times of resistance of wire T
(c) the resistance of wire 1 is 8 times of resistance of wire 2
(d) the resistance of wire 2 is 8 times of resistance of wire 1

16. The direction of induced electric current in a conductor, when it is placed in a varying magnetic
field can be assessed by

(a) Maxwell’s right hand-thumb rule
(b) Ohm’s law
(c) Fleming’s left hand rule
(d) Fleming's right hand rule

Direction (Q. no. 17-20) are Assertion-Reason based questions.

These consist of two statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions
selecting the appropriate option given below
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

17. Assertion (A) Graphite is slippery to touch.

Reason (R) The various layers of carbon atoms in graphite are held together by weak van der
Waals’ forces.

18. Assertion (A) Forelimbs of vertebrates are homologous organs.

Reason (R) Analogous organ have same origin but different functions.

19. Assertion (A) Blood pressure is much greater in arteries than veins.
Reason (R) The force exerted by blood against the wall of the vessel is called blood pressure.

20. Assertion (A) The magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid is independent
of its length and cross-sectional area.
Reason (R) The magnetic field inside the solenoid has variable value.

(Q. no. 21 to 26 are very short answer type questions)

21. A solid limestone is burnt to form quicklime and a gas. Define the reaction involved and also
write its chemical equation.
Surbi reacts the following given, metals with respective reagents. He observed a gas evolved
in both cases. Give the chemical equations involved in both cases.

Metals Reagent Gas evolved

Magnesium dil. HNO3 Yes

Sodium H2O Yes

22. Write down the hormones secreted by pancreas and mention the function of each.

23. An acid is secreted in our stomach, why?

24. Differentiate between respiration in plants and respiration in animals.


State the defect of vision observed in the above diagram. Explain the reasons which cause
this effect.
What is hypermetropia? Draw the diagram of image formed, when this type of defective eye
see at near point.

26. Vegetarian food habits can sustain a larger number of people. Justify the statement in
terms of food chain.

(Q. no. 27 to 33 are short answer type questions)

27. State which of the following chemical reactions will take place or which will not, giving
suitable reason for each?
(a) Zn(s)+ CuSO4(aq) ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
(b) Fe(s) + ZnSO4(aq) FeSO4(aq) + Zn(s)
(c) Zn(s)+ FeSO4(aq) ZnSO4(aq)+ Fe(s)

28. Complete the following reactions and name the main product formed in each case
(a) CH3COOH + NaOH ….. + ……
(b) C2H5OH + O2 …… + ……


29. Why do veins have thin walls as compared to arteries?

Mention the process by which water enters into root hair cells. Explain plasmolysis. Give one
application of this phenomenon in our dally life.

30. Rohit wants to have an inverted image of an object using a concave mirror. If he kept the
object at a distance 50 cm from the mirror and the image is formed at a distance of 30 cm from
the mirror, then
(a) Specify the range of focal length of the concave mirror.
(b) Draw the ray diagram to show image formation in this case.
(c) State the magnification produced by concave mirror.

31. A convergent lens of power 5D is combined with a divergent lens of power -4D, then find
the focal length and power of combination of both lenses.

32. A student has taken a small aluminium rod and two connecting wires. He kept this rod by
current flowing through it in a magnetic field, then he observe that the rod experiences a force
on it,
(a) Why does the current carrying rod kept in magnetic field experience a force? •
(b) Name the rule by which the direction of force on the rod is determined.
(c) List the factors on which the direction of this force depends.
A current is allowed to flow through a solenoid. State your observations for the following cases
and give reasons for the same in each case.
(a) The solenoid behaves like a magnet. (1 1/2)
(b) The solenoid is a temporary magnet (1 1/2)

33. Explain, how pesticides get accumulated in the environment?

(Q. no. 34 to 36 are long answer type questions)

34. Ritika heated blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide
(black), oxygen gas and a brown gas X is formed.
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction. (1)
(b) Identify the brown gas X evolved. What could be the pH range of its aqueous solution? (2)

(c) Identify the type of reaction. Define it. (2)
(a) The carbonate of metal X is a white solid. It decomposes when heated to form carbon
dioxide and a yellow solid oxide. What is metal X? (2)
(b) What happens when Rakesh passed hydrogen gas over the heated copper oxide? Write
the chemical equation involved in this reaction. (3)

35. (a) Write the function of following parts in human female reproductive system.
(i) Ovary (ii) Oviduct (iii) Uterus (1×3)
(b) Describe in brief the structure and function of placenta. (2)
(a) State two reasons why Mendel choose garden pea for his experiment? (3)
(b) Write down the three differences between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

36. In the given circuits, A, B, C and D are four lamps connected with a battery of 60 V.

Analyse the circuit to answer the following questions.

(a) What kind of combination are the lamps arranged in (series or parallel)? (1)
(b) Explain with reference to your above answer, what are the advantages (any two) of this
combination of lamps? (1)
(c) Explain with proper calculations, which lamp glows the brightest. (2)
(d) Find out the total resistance of the circuit. (1)

(Q. no. 37 to 39 are case-based/data-based questions with 2 to 3 short sub-parts. Internal
choice is provide in one of these sub-parts)

37. A student decided to observe the effect of acid on base. He took some sodium hydroxide
solution in a test tube and add a few (one or two) drops of phenolphthalein. He observed that
the solution turned violet. Then he add hydrochloric acid dropwise which disappear the
obtained colour. The violet colour of the solution reappears if sodium hydroxide is added again.

(a) What conclusion can you draw from this activity? (2)
(b) Name the type of reaction performed. Also write the equation involved. (2)
(b) Name the indicator used in this experiment. Also write the products formed when an acid
reacts with a base. (2)

38. Radha conducted an experiment where she, first crossed pure-breed pea plants having
round-yellow seeds with pure-breed pea plants having wrinkled-green seeds and found that
only A-B type of seeds were produced in the F1-generation. When F1-generation pea plants
having A-B type of seeds were cross-breed by self-pollination, then in addition to the original
round-yellow and wrinkled-green seeds, two new varieties A-D and C-B types of seeds were
also obtained.
(a) What are A-D type of seeds? (1)
(b) State whether A and B are dominant traits or recessive traits. (1)
(c) What are A-B type of seeds? Show their inheritance using a Punnett square ? (2)
Out of A-B and A-D types of seeds, which one will be produced in (a) minimum number and
(b) maximum number in the F2-generation? (2)

39. Read the following and answer the questions from (a) to (c).

Light is a form of energy which induces sensation of vision to our eyes. Objects becomes
visible when light bounces off on surfaces and hits our eyes.

The phenomenon of bouncing back of light rays in the same medium on striking a smooth
surface is called reflection of light.
If parallel beam of incident rays remains parallel even after reflection and goes only in one
direction is known as regular reflection. It takes place mostly in plane mirrors or highly polished
metal surfaces.
The mirror outside the driver side of a vehicle is usually a spherical mirror and a warning is
printed on such a mirror as “vehicles in this mirror are closer than they appear.”
(a) Based on the text and data given in the above paragraph, which type of mirror is used
outside the driver’s side of a vehicle? (1)
(b) If you stand at any distance from the mirror, then your image appears erect. Identify the
mirror. (1)
(c) If an object is placed at 10 cm from a convex mirror of radius of curvature 60 cm, then find
the position of image. (2)
The focal length of mirror is 12 cm, then what is the radius of curvature? (2)


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