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Cyber Security Project for Safe and Security Network Services

Technical Report · May 2005


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Tetsuya Nakagawa
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Special Feature

Cyber Security Project for Safe and

Secure Network Services
Yoshitaka Kagei, Kazuyuki Nakagawa, Takeshi Tachi†,
Masao Takeda, and Tetsuya Nakagawa
To respond to various security-related topics for our information-technology-driven society, the Cyber
Security Project, which is composed of security producers, is performing a broad range of activities. For
example, it is promoting the development of products that take advantage of the latest security technol-
ogy from NTT Laboratories and Group corporations. It is also supporting the deployment of such prod-
ucts and technical know-how across the Group and studying the types of security technology that will be
needed in the future, including performing analyses that go beyond sociological studies.

1. Role of the Project perform a broad range of activities related to security

for the entire NTT Group. An overview of the pre-
The Cyber Security Project, which was set up in vailing external environment that is relevant to the
2003, consists of a team of security producers who Cyber Security Project is shown in Fig. 1. Activities

Trends of social security

Needs of NTT Group & security business
• Identify trends
(1), (2), (3)
• Grasp business needs (1), (3) Products & technology
• Coordinate product introduction (1) of vendors and system
• Spread technical know-how and • Identify integrators outside NTT Group
• Develop & introduce promote common measures commercial
R&D products in the NTT Group (2) product trends (2), (3)
• Support maintenance Producers
• Coordinate R&D
product introduction (1) • Gather technical know-how (2), (3)
• Gather technical know-how • Identify commercial product trends (2), (3)
R&D directors
(2), (3)
• Ask to test commercial
products (2), (3) Security products & technology
Security technology & know-how in NTT Group corporations
of NTT Laboratories

Numbers in parentheses refer to

patterns discussed in section 2.

Fig. 1. External environment relevant to the Cyber Security Project.

† NTT Department III

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8116 Japan

Vol. 3 No. 5 May 2005 17

Special Feature

include matching the needs of Group corporations to prise network access control system is called
the seeds of NTT Laboratories and promoting mea- SENACS. It lets system administrators perform
sures to cope with security-related issues common to centralized user management spanning multiple
the entire NTT Group. The main needs are for securi- access networks and lets users connect to the inter-
ty technology and know-how about IP networks that nal corporate LAN safely without changing com-
will help system operators manage the system stably. plicated terminal settings (Fig. 2). It has three main
The project’s main activities and results are described features: 1) Regardless of the location from which
in Section 2. By continually observing trends in the an employee connects to the intranet, SENACS
world at large from a sociological perspective, the automatically selects the optimum communication
Project works to ascertain the types of security-relat- protocol; 2) no manual setup is required for net-
ed businesses that will be in demand in the future and work profiles (layer 2/3) for each different terminal
understand the direction of current technological or access line, except for an initial installation of
development. Section 3 explains some achievements terminal software and user profile; and 3) by inter-
up to FY 2004. linking to a commercial quarantine system, infect-
ed or untested terminals are isolated from the
2. Security development coordination activities intranet.
To let corporate customers use such advanced
Common patterns in coordination activities can be technology without confusion, security producers
organized according to their purpose. There are three integrate it with complementary systems that are
patterns: (1) commercializing technology seeds in commercially available, such as a quarantine sys-
NTT Laboratories, (2) organizing and implementing tem and an authentication VLAN (virtual LAN).
security know-how within NTT Group, and (3) pro- Moreover, this integrated solution is provided to
moting security measures for NTT Group businesses. enterprises along with the know-how needed to
Typical activities for each pattern are described introduce the system while keeping any changes to
below. customers’ legacy infrastructures to the absolute
Pattern (1): Cultivating and commercializing Pattern (1-2) Commercializing time authentication
applications of security technologies created in and time delivery technologies
NTT Laboratories The so-called E-Document Law was ratified by
Pattern (1-1) Applying technology for centralized the Diet in autumn 2004 and took effect in April
network profile management to business 2005. This law allows companies to store tax-relat-
In recent years, the computing environment has ed and other official documents in digital format,
changed due to an increase in remote access and instead of only being allowed to use paper docu-
mobile terminals and the severe damage caused by ments as in the past. Keidanren (Japan Business
viruses from terminals connected to the Internet Federation) expects the economic effects of this
(especially via corporate local area networks change to be as high as 300 billion yen. However,
(LANs)). The security management and surveil- in order to store documents electronically under the
lance systems needed to manage terminals and E-Document Law, it is necessary to construct an
LAN connections are also growing more and more infrastructure including document management
complex and sophisticated. Along with these applications and additional functions, such as a
changes, hidden problems have come to light, such time authentication (timestamp) function and a
as the difficulty of managing user registration and traceable time delivery function. A time authentica-
updates for systems individually introduced to the tion function associates a specific time with each
network and the significant complexity of system digital document and can prove that the document
settings that needed to be made by the users them- has not been changed after storage. A traceable
selves. time delivery function announces the correct time
To respond to such issues, NTT Laboratories to the entire network and can be used to confirm the
developed technology for centrally managing pro- precision with which time announcements were
file settings for each of the user terminals and dif- transmitted in the past. To enable each NTT Group
ferent access networks (e.g., wired LAN, wireless company to efficiently develop the document stor-
LAN, RAS (remote access server), and Internet age management and other related businesses,
VPN (virtual private network)). This secure enter- security producers coordinate activities among

18 NTT Technical Review

Special Feature

Headquarters office LAN

Sales section Planning section Development

Quarantine network

Intra-office usage Remote access usage

Desk Home

Local IP network
Conference Hot-spot Hotel, station,
room wireless LAN etc.
wireless LAN
mopera or ISP
wired LAN
Branch office PHS or Internet cafe,
mobile phone etc.

ISP: Internet service provider mopera: mobile operation radio assistant. NTT Docomo’s
PHS: personal handy-phone service Internet connection service for mobile terminals.

Access lines (WAN): fixed phone, mobile phone, hot-spot wireless LAN, ADSL, and HTTP
Networks (LANs): wired LAN (authentication VLAN) and wireless LAN (IEEE802.11b, 802.1x)
Protocols: PPP, PPPoE, IPsec, 802.1x (EAP-TTLS, EAP-TLS)

Note: combinations are available, e.g., 802.1x/PPPoE/IPsec for a hot-spot wireless LAN or PPPoE/IPsec for ADSL

Fig. 2. Overview of the secure enterprise network access control system (SENACS).

Group companies. They promote cooperation al computers, technologies intended to protect

between Group companies and the division of against information leakage have become wide-
responsibilities with regard to the construction of spread such as user authentication, encryption of
the requisite time authentication and time delivery communications, and firewalls. Nevertheless, as
infrastructure by using technologies developed by new technologies appeared, such as wireless LANs
NTT Laboratories. and P2P file sharing software, new risks became
visible. Consequently, products and services that
Pattern (2): Organizing security technology and provide the technical expertise to deal with these
know-how from the community and issues have appeared. Recently, these issues have
implementing them within the Group been viewed from a more human perspective, such
Pattern (2-1) Systematizing knowledge about infor- as the need to monitor terminal operation logs to
mation leakage countermeasures guard against input errors and unauthorized opera-
The Personal Information Protection Law, which tion (Table 1).
came into effect in April 2005, enforces a course of As the complexity and sophistication of measures
actions on companies, municipalities, and in partic- against information leakage increase, it is growing
ular divisions within the NTT Group. These organi- more and more difficult to make decisions such as
zations need to review their management and secu- which technology or product to use for a specific
rity systems, for example those concerning cus- organization and to what extent protective mea-
tomer data, homeowner data, and employee data, sures should be implemented. Based on the insights
and strengthen measures to prevent the leakage of of the NTT Laboratories, security producers have
such information. worked to systematize knowledge about the com-
Along with the spread of the Internet and person- mercialized information security solutions, the lat-

Vol. 3 No. 5 May 2005 19

Special Feature

Table 1. Transition of information security management.

Period 1995–1999 2000–2002 2003–2004 2005–(projected)
Major events, -Personal Information -Incident response
social trend -Information security -Virus infections Protection Law took know-how becomes
risks of IT*2 became drastically increased. partial effect. generalized.
Risk apparent. -Security risks of -Phishing damage -IPR*5 leakage risks
-Web page wireless LAN became increased. become apparent.
interpolations increased. apparent. -P2P software risks -The E-Document
became apparent. Law takes effect.
1 Tapping over network -email encryption
against wireless LAN
-periodical renewal of -biometrics -electronic certificate
2 Spoofing over network
IDs & passwords -one-time passwords -single sign on
-document security -document originality
management assurance
Illegal transfer/address
-email monitoring -training employees -P2P software monitoring -information lifecycle
3 error/wrong address
-URL access monitoring -providing security policy -illegal operation management
over network
monitoring -computer forensics
-network forensics -privacy protection
Software weakness of
against Web application -desktop management
4 network nodes, servers,
weakness system
and PCs -quarantine system
-firewall -IDS*3, IPS*4
Virus infection of network -access log monitoring
nodes, servers, and PCs
Inappropriate copying of -document security
-thin client
information over mobile -training employees management
6 -information lifecycle
PCs or external memory -providing security policy -illegal operation
devices monitoring
-TEMPEST (transient
7 Electromagnetic leakage -cable shielding electromagnetic pulse
surveillance technology)
Careless printing or -training employees -document security -information lifecycle
taking pictures -providing security policy management management
9 Physical intrusion -biometrics
-document originality
Inappropriate incident assurance
10 responses (increase the -network forensics -information lifecycle
damage) management
-computer forensics
Countermeasures against leakage through outside intrusion
Countermeasures against leakage by insiders
*1 “Period” indicates the approximate time of media attention to each countermeasure, not necessarily when they became widely used in
*2 IT: information technology
*3 IDS: intrusion detection system
*4 IPS: intrusion protection system
*5 IPR: intellectual property rights

est technologies, and the rules and organizational educational programs, inspection check sheets and
structures for corporate compliance (Table 2). This other resources to strengthen the information secu-
knowledge base is being used to inspect and rity infrastructure within the NTT Group.
strengthen the information management systems of Pattern (2-2) Creating encryption usage guidelines
the NTT Group and also as a way to recommend Encryption is now used frequently by Internet
tools to customers. Based on the results of these users. For example, SSL (secure socket layer) con-
activities, efforts are also being made to develop nections are used to protect personal information

20 NTT Technical Review

Special Feature

Table 2. Knowledge base of information security management.

Title Content Target readers
Volume 1: Commercial products and 1) Sales staff of enterprise security
Solution map of information technologies are systematized solution business
security management, 2004 comprehensively in this map. 2) Intra-company security managers
Volume 2: Technical know-how of current 1) System designers and operators
Technology guidebook of countermeasures for information 2) Sales staff of enterprise security
information security management security management is systematized. solution business
1) Staff with the mission of providing
Volume 3: Things to be done before the intra-company rules
Guidebook for providing personal Personal Information Protection Law 2) Intra-company inspectors
information protection rules takes effect are systematized. 3) Consultants who propose intra-
company security management

Safety of encryption techniques degrades steadily when their specifications and assessments are open to the public.

Radical degradation of safety is possible when they are not open to the public.

The more assessment results

Safe zone an encryption method has,
the less radically its safety
tends to degrade.
Warning zone are studied

Dangerous zone are provided

Breakable zone Usage stops


Fig. 3. Degradation of safety of encryption and digital signature.

when making online transactions or when encrypt- example, the DES algorithm, which is well known
ing electronic documents. NTT Laboratories start- for its use over many years, is not among those on
ed research into encryption algorithms a long time Japan’s e-government recommended encryption
ago. And algorithms proposed by NTT such as algorithm list.
Camellia and PSEC-KEM have been selected for To deal with this challenge, security producers
Japan’s e-government recommended encryption have developed comprehensive guidelines based
algorithm list. They have also been designated as on the insights of the NTT Laboratories specifying
selected encryption algorithms in Europe’s procedures for the selection of appropriate encryp-
NESSIE project (new European schemes for signa- tion algorithms. By referring to these guidelines, all
tures, integrity and encryption). technologists in the NTT Group using encryption
However, improvements in computing perfor- technology and related products can accurately
mance and the appearance of new decryption tech- understand the safety level of their system and
nologies may sometimes make it possible to break properly select and use encryption technology. At
encryption schemes. In that case, to prolong the the same time, these guidelines help security man-
safety of products and services, system designers agers anticipate how current encryption methods
must replace the encryption algorithm or system could endanger a service on offer and implement
with a more advanced or secure one (Fig. 3). For protective measures before failures occur (Fig. 4).

Vol. 3 No. 5 May 2005 21

Special Feature

Problems Approaches Countermeasures

Monitor and announce

safety assessment

Safety of encryption algorithms Judge the need to replace Provide alternative encryption
has become degraded. the encryption algorithm algorithms

Convert to safer encryption

Validity of cryptogram and Maintain the capability of concealment
digital signatures is suspect. and signature verification
Hedge bets
(countermeasures other than encryption)

Fig. 4. Countermeasures against endangered encryption and digital signature techniques.

Pattern (3): Promoting measures concerning 3. Sociological approach toward security

security topics common to NTT Group businesses
Pattern (3-1) Countering DDoS attacks Security is a problem that arises from the interac-
To counter the damage caused by distributed tion between social structures and people. In this
denial of service (DDoS) attacks, NTT Laborato- sense, focusing on social structures and the human
ries developed a technology for detecting and beings that form them, analyzing their modes of
blocking them called MovingFirewall [1]. When activity, and considering the potential effects on them
the system detects an attack, it traces the attack of newly introduced technologies and services are all
back up the Internet to multiple sources and inter- critical to the development of a healthy networked
cepts the attacking packets at points in the network society of the future. This section reviews the state of
close to the sources. In order to expand the use of responses to various issues related to security pro-
this technology, security producers must negotiate ducer activities from this perspective.
with domestic and overseas vendors of the routers
and switches that make up the Internet so that the 3.1 FY2004 & 2005 activities
key technology will be built into these devices and In FY2004, emphasis was placed on social struc-
in this way operate globally to further improve the tures and their relation to human beings and studies
reliability and safety of the network. were performed to understand phenomena that may
Pattern (3-2) Countering spam and other undesired effect security. Advice was sought from university
email professors and various Internet experts concerning a
These days massive volumes of unsolicited com- number of perspectives: 1) the trustworthiness of
mercial email are being sent to end users and vari- information on the Internet, 2) community and well-
ous illegal scams are being conducted via email. In ordered networks, 3) educational issues related to
response, NTT Laboratories developed the privan- adaptation to network society, 4) legal systems, 5) the
go mail system [2], which allows only the receipt of balance between regulations and voluntary manage-
email that meets certain conditions such as sender ment, and 6) trends in technical measures and related
name and expiry date. To promote its use, security points. Several discussions of these issues were held
producers conducted a live demonstration of its in the course of this research.
safety and convenience. Opinions and feedback For FY2005, two general goals have been planned
from users are currently being examined and will based on the results of the previous year’s work. The
be incorporated into future products to promote the first goal is to analyze the functionality, structure, and
use of safer and securer electronic mail systems. systems necessary to build a stable social infrastruc-
ture given the vulnerability and frailness of IP net-
works through a comparison with the history of the
automobile from its introduction on up to the current

22 NTT Technical Review

Special Feature

automobile-based society. Our automobile-based fication or concealment of information inside

society experiences approximately 10,000 vehicle- and outside a company? What kind of ICT
related fatalities per year and many times that number should exist and how should it be operated in
of injuries; nevertheless, the automobile is regarded order to prevent wrongdoing?
as being necessary and various safety-related tech- 2. Guaranteeing the continuity of social infra-
nologies, organizational structures, and systems hav- structure functions: How should the infrastruc-
ing sprung up around it. Research on IP networks will ture be protected and functionality be main-
be conducted based on this analogy in order to com- tained in the event of natural disasters such as
pile necessary preventive measures. earthquakes and typhoons and man-made disas-
The second goal is to survey the state of security in ters such as terrorist attacks?
the U.S. and Europe and grasp the situation facing 3. Preventing information from spreading over
Japan. If security is a reflection of society, then its time and space: Looking towards the future dig-
implementation ought to differ depending on local ital society, what kinds of preparations are nec-
cultural differences. For example, a great deal of essary so that the usability of information will
damage due to DDoS attacks and spam mail is known be not degraded, even as systems or applica-
to have occurred in the English-speaking world. It is tions change from one region to another or
thought that by studying how the environmental con- evolve from one era to the next?
ditions (such as the state of security, opinions about it, To tackle these issues, we must always react sensi-
and social structures) differ from region to region tively to changes in the world at large and we intend
based on historical and current examples, it should be to continue this work in the future.
possible to hypothesize the risks that Japan will face
in the future. In addition, by clarifying the differences 4. Conclusion
in the security and legal measures found necessary in
different regions, it should be possible to find point- The activities of security producers take into
ers indicating the level of security that NTT Group account the results of research conducted from a
should attain as a global corporation. sociological approach, designate technical goals for
the future, and promote R&D activities to support
3.2 Three important issues these initiatives. Through these activities, security
Based on the sociological research approach initiat- producers will contribute to the business of the NTT
ed in the latter half of FY2004, the following three Group by proposing and promoting all security mea-
issues are thought to be most important ones among sures.
those found to date concerning security of informa-
tion communication technology (ICT). References
1. Guaranteeing the integrity and completeness of
data and the disclosure/display of this informa- [1] N. Wada, “Ushering in a New Networked Society,” NTT Technical
Review, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 6-13, 2004.
tion: What measures should be implemented [2] K. Takahashi, T. Abe, and M. Kawashima, “Stopping Junk Email by
toward use of the latest ICT concerning antiso- Using Conditional ID Technology: privango,” NTT Technical
cial acts and breaches of trust such as the falsi- Review, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 52-56, 2005.

Vol. 3 No. 5 May 2005 23

Special Feature

Yoshitaka Kagei Takeshi Tachi

Senior Manager, Chief Producer, Cyber Secu- Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor, Cyber
rity Project, NTT Department III (R&D Strategy Security Project, NTT Department III (R&D
Department). Strategy Department).
He received the B.E. degree in electrical engi- He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in elec-
neering from Yokohama National University, trical engineering from Osaka University, Suita,
Yokohama, Kanagawa in 1978. In 1978, he Osaka in 1987 and 1989, respectively. In 1989,
joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public he joined NTT Telecommunication Networks
Corporation (now NTT), Tokyo, Japan and Laboratories. In 1997, he received the M.S.
engaged in the development of digital data trans- degree in industrial engineering and operations
mission and switching systems. After that, he research from the University of California,
moved to NTT DATA Corporation and engaged Berkeley. He has been engaged in the develop-
in the development of products and systems ment of IP network systems and banking systems
applying security technologies at R&D Head- and the planning of R&D strategy in the field of
quarters and in the development of new busi- information sharing platforms. In 2004, he
nesses at Corporate Strategy Division. In 2003, moved to his present post in NTT.
he moved to his present post in NTT.

Masao Takeda
Kazuyuki Nakagawa Producer, Cyber Security Project, NTT
Senior Manager, Cyber Security Project, NTT Department III (R&D Strategy Department).
Department III (R&D Strategy Department). He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in elec-
He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in elec- trical engineering from Yamagata University,
tro-communications engineering from the Uni- Yonezawa, Yamagata in 1993 and 1995, respec-
versity of Electro-Communications, Chofu, tively. In 1995, he joined NTT Tohoku Branch
Tokyo in 1980 and 1982, respectively. In 1982, Office. He has been engaged in the planning of
he joined the Yokosuka Electrical Communica- multimedia services, the development of
tion Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Tele- advanced intelligent network systems, and the
phone Public Corporation (now NTT). He has planning of R&D strategy for information shar-
been engaged in the development of integrated ing platforms. In 2003, he moved to his present
business communication systems and intelligent post in NTT.
transport systems and the planning of R&D strat-
egy in the field of information sharing platforms.
In 2003, he moved to his present post in NTT. He
is a member of the Institute of Electronics, Infor-
mation and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
of Japan. Tetsuya Nakagawa
Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor, Plan-
ning Section, NTT Information Sharing Platform
He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in elec-
trical engineering from Waseda University,
Tokyo in 1986 and 1988, respectively. In 1988,
he joined NTT Transmission System Laborato-
ries. He has been engaged in system develop-
ment for Internet service providers and Internet
portal services and the planning of R&D strategy
in NTT Information Sharing Platform Laborato-
ries. In 2003, he moved to his present post in

24 NTT Technical Review

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