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Table of Contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….
Ownership ……………………………………………………………………………
Target market ………………………………………………………………………
Market research …………………………………………………………………….
5 types of market research ………………………………………………………
Survey ……………………………………………………………………….…...

Societal factors……………………………………………………………………….
Location …………………………………………………………………………........
Layout & Design ……………………………………………………………………
Map of the store …………………………………………………………………
Written part……………………………………………………………………...

Competition ………………………………………………………………………….
Direct competitors ……………………………………………………………..
Indirect competitors ……………………………………………………………

Product line with pricing …………………………………………………………

Promotion ……………………………………………………………………………
Pricing strategy …………………………………………………………………….
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….
Boutiqué Zeeba is a fashion retail company founded by Miena Mohammadi and her partner
Hania Youssef, very unique and welcoming store. It is located in 2776 Granville St, Vancouver,
BC V6H 3J3, entrance floor in Harbour centre. Harbour centre is a skyscraper it is a revolving
restaurant but also has multiple stores inside. It is considered the tallest structure in Vancouver
and is a very prominent landmark in the city. Boutiqué Zeeba has a wide range variety of items
to purchase such as shirts, pants, jeans, dresses, hijabs, shoes, skirts, accessories etc. they allow
females to feel comfortable in their own skin, confident, beautiful, & comfortable. Women from
15-35 who live in urban area with a high population would be my specific target market and
mainly women clothing I do have a no gender base section too. My target market would be
considered, yuppies who are young well paid with fashionable lifestyle who live in urban areas,
skoties spoiled kids of today, dinks they’re between the ages of 25-50, the older the age the less
they meet my target market, but their income is good have a good career. The products have a
luxurious, formal casual, casual, extravagant but also simple. Boutiqué Zeeba has clothing for
non- binary, an ethnic group such as Muslims who admire modest clothing with hijabs and
clothing for non ethnic groups. The name of our company says it all a beautiful boutique where
women will feel comfortable and love shopping, zeeba which means beautiful in Farsi. Our
company will inspire women to love their body feel zeeba, confident & comfortable.

Boutiqué Zeeba was founded by Miena Mohammadi I’ve always had an inspiration for fashion
and for women being happy in their skin so I decided to do something about it, I am also very
inspired by makeup, I will soon be opening another successful business in the makeup world. I
went to Simon Fraser University for 2 years studying business and 2 years studying fashion, I
have a complete understanding and insight on how things should run. I was so inspired, and I
asked gained knowledge on where to start where to go from here and open my own business. In
my marketing class in SFU I learned there are uncontrollable factors which are political,
regulatory, technological situations, cultural and social. In order to find the market potential, I
learned how to use primary and secondary research which takes a lot of time and reading. With
the education and willingness to learn of the two people who includes the co-founder Hania
Youssef, we work well together and bounce amazing ideas from each other. With Hania
Youssef’s help we have made the best clothing line from texture to colours, to comfortableness.

Type of business
Boutiqué Zeeba is a partnership company with two people’s opinions, admirations, and input.
Miena Mohammadi and Hania Youssef have been planning this for years, they were always very
interested in the fashion and makeup community. The responsibilities are on both founders, their
plan is to make their business known and popular in one state and later make it international and
possibly a corporation. We have registered our store name, permit, license, taxes, opened a bank
account and completed a partnership agreement with knowledge of responsibilities and risks.

This partnership was a good idea because we were both always interested in the clothing
community since high school and had always promised each other to start a business together
after getting our degrees and save money to invest. We both are liable equal and responsible; this
may be a risk, but it could work it’s a great way to start in the business community. I will have
an extra set of hands to help me, so I don’t juggle so many things all at once. There are many
advantages such as less financial struggle, less paperwork, fewer tax forms to fill out, a partner to
get opinions on share responsibilities have duties, ask each other for important decisions, easier
to establish, start up costs are low, limited external regulations, easier to change legal structures
if circumstances change and much more. I believe this is the best way to start a business if you
play your cards right, you won’t have to pay a corporation monthly or annually not get yourself
in that situation, you can change your material with your partner after you have made some
profit. For people who don’t have savings it would be a bad idea to use the partnership method,
there are always loans but that wouldn’t be a smart move to make. In partnership we get to keep
all profit and divide by 2 but in corporation we would be receiving less then 50% of income.

There are some concerns and major risks but there’s risks to everything be smart act upon what
is necessary to grow your business. Some disadvantages would be the unlimited liability of my
partner and I, if we go into debt the responsibility would be on us. If one partner is in debt so is
the other since it’s a partnership. There could be disagreements, but I believe me and my partner
work very well together we are team players, and we will not let it effect how our business runs,
we can deal with those situations by communicating. Each partner is liable for any decisions
made meaning they both deal with the consequences if the right call was not made. If a partner
decides to leave or join, we will have to deal with partnership assets, and they will be costly.
There aren’t too many disadvantages, but the most important one is if we go into major debt, but
I believe we can handle it, and the disagreement wouldn’t be a big deal since we can
communicate well.

Role of Partners
Since it is a partnership everything is on us, we could hire someone to do the things we are
unable to but the rest we will learn. My partner and I will divide the work, most of will be done
by the both of us, spoken and pitching ideas for cliental development strategies, personal and
team management philosophies marketing business strategies, improving advertisement, general
day to day management, financing, profit, customer service, employees etc. We will have a
lawyer. Business calls, job offerings, distributions, product development will be dealt with me.
Advertisement and finance are very important my partner and I will deal with finance because
we would like to learn and that’s something private that not too many people should know of, for
advertisement we will hire a very good associate who will take control and tell us ways to make
our brand more known. My partner will be dealing with making sure staff is well, in charge of
expansion of store, making sure staff is treating customers well and making them most
comfortable, training. The rest we will both be doing together side by side, with each other’s
Target Market
The Target market for Boutiqué Zeeba is women or non-binary who live in a apartment with a
significant other, or single, or teenage girls living with their parents. It is not specifically one
ethnic group, but it welcomes all, we do sell hijabs and modest clothing as well so that is an
ethnic background which would be middle eastern Muslims, but we have items for all races, we
welcome all women. The clothing targets women from ages 15-35, anyone can shop from here
but that would be most common and accurate. Skoties and yuppies would meet my target most,
although SSWD would also be our target market they must be middle age, we will expand our
variety of clothing and accessories later but for now this is it. They all must have a source of
income, I used skoties because they are spoiled and have money to spend of fashion. The women
could also have a toddler or newborn child and still meet target market, for a day out. Boutiqué
Zeeba is more on the trendier side of things so mainly teenager to middle aged women and non-
binary. The target market that meets knows their style what they like, have experience, live
comfortable but still look good. The mothers could go for a night out with their significant other
or divorce but wants to go out with her girlfriends, or a family event, a birthday party, the mall,
to bed, so many occasions with so many options. I also chose 15 which is a bit on the younger
side of things, but they are just learning what fashion is and trying new things gaining confidence
as they feel more like themselves.

The Geographical area for Boutiqué Zeeba is more of an urban lifestyle rather then rural. Urban
areas in a customer’s eyes would be they have lots of products sine there are many stores near,
they have food, a higher population, high end products, etc. Regarding weather not much would
change, every store sells T-shirts and warm stuff in summer, and in winter they buy hoodies,
sweaters etc. I will also be going by all the weather. Areas with a higher population are usually
warmer too, urban heat which is a couple degrees warmer then other rural or regular places who
don’t have a high population. There isn’t much inventory for boutique other then the store so the
products will be ordered a month or 2 before the season change.
It really depends on what the customers like, are they more of a dress person who are very
comfortable wearing them out everyday or are they more used to hoodies, jeans, jeggings etc. I
want my customers to have fun while they are at Boutiqué Zeeba so I will have a big tablet on
the wall that you can design your outfits instead of trying them on. A big table attached to the
wall an you can swipe to the next outfit or select the outfit, look at the sizes we have look at
pricing, it will also be a guide. The customers will also have a fun experience while they’re here.
we also have a wider variety online since all of our products won’t fit inside the store and not
enough space in inventory. We have a wide variety of sizes too, we have, XXS, XS, M, L, XL,
XXL. Since I feel like we won’t have too much space, we won’t have too many of the same size,
we will either keep it in the inventory or the garage of our house and if not there the storage; we
have backup. I know the struggle of not finding the size you’d like, I want bigger sizes and
smaller, so women don’t feel like that this store is not for them, everyone is welcome. It makes
the person feel down for example my mom is a size XXL, but the clothing she really loves, they
don’t have her size, which disappoints me because she rarely buys something for herself. Which
is why I always buy anything she even has a slight interest to. We have clothing for non-binary
too, I unfortunately don’t have clothing for men, but I don’t think my partner and I would have
been best at the male department since we don’t know much about male fashion or style, in the
future we definitely will. The males could shop from the non-binary section since it is unisex. As
a Muslim girl it is very hard to find hijabs, or modest dresses, or abayas, we always have to order
them from turkey, Dubai, or from our home country, which is upsetting, I want the Muslim
women to also feel comfortable.
Lifestyle &
Boutiqué Zeeba is not a fast fashion type of store it is more like Aritzia, that would be the best
example to give especially since they are a competitor. They have very good quality, with high
prices and their target market are skoties, and people with high income, my products will not be
as expensive as Aritzia their mark up percentage is 300%. In the urban area it is always busy
especially on weekends since skoties don’t have school, or when the older people are off work or
taking a break from studying. The busiest time would probably be from 2-6 PM, which is why I
want my store to be open for a longer time and open later in the afternoon, but Granville closes
around 6 PM. So, I will be open from 11-6PM, because after that the night life people come and
they are not my target market, they mainly come for partying, drinking, having fun with friends.
My opening and closing times will be consecutive. There are people coming from all over the
city to Granville for example from Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, New west minister, Burnaby
etc. I know a lot of skoties from those cities that always go to Granville and spend tons. I also
know a lot of people who are middle aged with kids but go to Granville around those times and
shop with their 12-year-old or toddler or sometimes go with other family members. The target
market will probably come at 1-3 PM buy food and dine or a drink if they aren’t hungry after
they look around each store see what they like, try on outfits, if they like it they will buy it, they
get tired, and already ate they will grab a drink, but if they only got a drink in the beginning the
will get food after shopping due to being tired from walking, they will also take picture in
between and talk with the person they came with. They always usually come with someone,
rarely alone, doesn’t matter who a significant other, a mom, a dad, friends, sister etc. Some use
transit since there is limited parking mainly the skoties.

Regular day for employee

A hard-working employee comes to work 15-20 min earlier to prepare the store for opening, the
store opens at 11 so they will be there at 10:40, 10:45 AM. The night before they broomed and
mopped and cleaned tables, so during opening they have to turn on the lights, turn the heater or
AC on depending on the season. Check inventory and re stock some clothing that have been
bought the day before, if there are few of a certain item left, they must write it down on paper so
my partner and I can order, change the mannequin’s outfits every week, check if payment
terminal is turned on, charged and working. I want all my employees to be great at customer
service, which is why we will take hiring very strictly. My partner and I will be working too, we
won’t be hiring many employees, most of the things mentioned will be done by us, until we have
started to get really busy and made up more then we spent, then we will lay off and not be
working as much and hiring more employees. My partner and I are very kind so I know the
customers will not be upset by us. When hiring new employees and we don’t know how they are
with customers we will use experiments and study them. Google review will also be activated so
if a customer had a bad experience with staff they will mention, and we can resolve the issue.

Market Research
5 types of market research
Market potential
Market research comes first, collection of information, analyzing them, we can do this before
operating business during and afterwards, to determine whether your ideas will meet our needs
our customers needs, and employees needs. The 5 types of market research are market potential,
motivational research, product research, media analysis, sales analysis, they are all ways to help
us get to our answer. For Market potential, it measures the amount of anticipated sales of a
product or service, identifying things that may be an issue later on, would it even be a good idea
to open or operate the store? Will it benefit you? How many employees we will need, in market
potential we must research on all these and determine if it’s a good idea starting this business,
and if you are, you must know how to market products locally, nationally etc. My partner and I
have been planning this since high school we have earned our degree and we have thought of
everything so this operation can work. We know we won’t hire employees in the beginning until
we’ve settled and are beginning to get noticed. We also have family that could help, I have sister
in laws that may want to be involved and Hania has a sister who is very friendly and kind. The
location we chose fits our target market which we have made sure of.

Motivational research
Why are customers buying our products? what is their thought process? Boutiqué Zeeba has
many competitors such as Aritzia, online stores (lulus) etc. Competitors can actually benefit
stores in many different ways, the economy of business goes up, and consumers also gain due to
businesses lowering their prices and giving sales to beat another store. Competition makes us
think of other ways to expand our business. In market research they would know what’s hot in
the market business, what is something that customers are consuming most, by the competition,
hiring employees to take surveys or what kind of clothing they always looking but could never
find it, because that is the point of our store, you always have to look for hijabs that are for the
neck or buy them online or foreign countries. This could help a lot of businesses to determine
what is the best seller and improvements on a product if consumers mentioned feedback in the
survey. There will be a link to a survey on our Instagram bio and will be mentioned once given
the receipt to their purchases.

Product research
whenever there is a new product out, they research to see if there are any threats or instead
benefits, something the customers said they wanted in surveys, before it’s public and being sold
in the market. There could be a negative impact if sold without checking, because it is clothing
and the colour, sewing, sizes, designs can be wrong, They can research on the product,
consumers love quality, if somethings quality is good they get the reasoning on why the item is

Media analysis,
surveys would help us a lot here because one question is how you found out about our store, in
which we get an idea on what advertisement skill worked best. Do our advertisements even get
received by consumers? Product Research is all about advertisement and the effectiveness of
media, this could be possible by sponsorship of someone popular, radios, magazines, social
media, tik tok etc. Media analysis is a very beneficial aspect in business. We will have multiple
different ways to our target marker. In the advertisement area, tik tok is a very hot market area
right now because my target market all uses that app, and a lot of people use it to grow their
business and sell their products and doesn’t need to pay anyone money for the advertisement, it
is also my favourite app at the moment. The good thing about it is, people in your area can view
it and if they see something, they like they will come the next day, week, month but they
definitely will come to the store to check it out at least once. I want to set, online purchases also,
but I want consumers to come to the store and view everything so that is only available to people
who have already came to the store and have a membership. I don’t believe that magazines,
newspapers and radios are most effective, but I will try out radio.

Sales analysis
This area of the research determine which product is doing best and salespeople are doing. Our
employees will have the responsibility of looking at the inventory each day and telling us what
products we are low on and also what products have not been sold. That could help us with the
producing the specific product. The product we are still full on in the inventory will be the item
we will be advertising more. If the product still hasn’t been sold as much it will be mentioned on
our social media to ask our consumers their feedback and dislikes regarding the product.
1. How often do you buy new clothes?
a) Several times per week
b) Several times per moth
c) Several times per year
d) Less often

2. Please confirm your age:

a) 15 and under
b) 16-25
c) 26-46
d) 60+
e) I prefer not to answer

3. Where do you usually buy your clothing from?

a) Online
b) Local clothing stores
c) Local boutiques
d) Designer stores
e) Other (please specify)

4. What social media sites influence your buying decisions?

a) Instagram
b) Tik Tok
c) Online stores
d) Bloggers
e) Other (please specify)
Does the way you dress effect your confidence?
a) I feel less confident with
b) No, clothes don’t effect my confidence
c) It is just clothing
d) Yes, it I feel more confident
e) I feel less confident with un proper clothes

5. How important is price

a) Extremely
b) Very
c) So so
d) Not so
e) I don’t care
6. What do you think is lacking in most fashion retailers today?
Please specify

7. What kind of clothing do you like most?

a) Dresses, skirts
b) Non-binary, general
c) Simple clothing all plain
d) Sparkly with lots of designs
e) Vintage
f) Modest
g) Other (please specify)

8. Do you love matching clothing?

a) Yes, I love it
b) No, not stylish
9. Do you love matching accessories with you outfits?
a) Yes, I need accessories to top off outfit
b) No, I like my outfit better without

10. What type of clothing stores would you prefer?

a) Fast fashion, cheap low quality
b) Sustainable fashion
c) Average quality, medium pricing
d) Luxury goods, expensive, but great quality
e) I don’t care, just something I like

11. Where are you located?

a) Vancouver
b) Newest minister
c) Burnaby
d) Coquitlam
e) Another province/country

12.Where did you hear from us?

a) A family friend/family
b) Instagram
c) Tik Tok
d) Walked in
e) Radio
f) Other (please specify)

13. How much have you spent on clothing for the past montu?
a) $25 or less
b) $26-99
c) $99-149
d) $150- 500
14. How can we improve your experience with Boutiqué Zeeba?
Please specify
Focus Groups
A group of interviewers which involves a significant amount of people that have similar
demographics. They basically find out the interests of the consumers in business, the people are
selected randomly so answers are not biased. Boutiqué Zeeba will not hire focus groups in the
start of our business, it would be more beneficial for us to gain more advertisement and years
later or months when we have gained and our store is more noticed then we will hire 5-10 focus
groups, so we can be informed on what we need to change to gain more customers or keep them
interested for a while so they don’t become a one-time consumer and become a regular. I want
information from our consumers are our prices too high? if we lowered them do you think we
would gain more customers? Or Do you think their clothing inventory is low and don’t have
enough items? How long did our clothing lasted you? I want to know everything about our
consumers thought process due to me paying the focus group a lot of money, this would
probably be an annually thing My partner and I will do.

Focus group may not be as accurate as observation will. In this area there is someone who acts as
an employee but focuses on the consumers, studies their actions, what they touch first, they
observe what their interests are, and they liked disliked which product did they stay away from,
which product they bought most, why they were indecisive about a purchase etc. In Boutiqué
Zeeba there are sections and the section a lot of people turn to will be the item we will purchase
more of so our consumers have a different variety of the items they like, the items that not too
many consumers go towards will be the one we make fewer.

This can be done by gathering a small group of consumers and observing their reactions,
thoughts, opinions etc. They will be given different scenarios. For example, we can give them a
dress to try to and see if they are comfortable in it, like how it looks, want to purchase it,
something they would like to change, and give them something completely different so from
dress to sweatpants and hoodie, this will be done in different group, so it all matters on what the
consumer likes or dislikes. Compare their reactions, how to improve the product that was not a
favourite after knowing reasons.

Surveys are the most effective and easiest way to get your answers from our consumers. They can be
done online, which is the most popular area right now, it can be done by mail, online websites, Instagram,
snapchat, any social media in general, interviews, radios, etc. Surveys can help businesses get an input on
their consumers and we can become more personal and we know the clients input. For example, every 1-6
months depending on how busy we are, my partner and I will put surveys on Instagram that include polls
which will help us gain knowledge to improve our store.

Lay out and design

Non-binary section
Layout & design
Lay out & design explanations
On the side that says Primary wall will have the large tablet that designs outfits and
mentions what matches, that will only be on the right side of the store. There are two sides
of display, the left side will be the non-binary mannequins and right side will have feminine
clothing. There will be a long red carpet that goes to the cash register, with chandeliers
with bright lights and all the mirrors who have yellowish light bulbs on the edges that
makes them feel like they are doing their makeup in their room. My store will be very big
and narrow. There will be racks at the edges of the store that are golden as showed in a few
of my images, they will also be a little spaced to be able to view all. C display will have
hijabs on a rack organized, on the bottom there wont be racks they will be stacked. T
display on the right will have accessories hung on a golden rack and when being purchased
will be wrapped and placed in a small luxuries bag. T display on the left side will have
more gender neutral accessories. Along the lines of primary wall and wall fixtures will have
racks of clothes

Exterior Considerations
Boutiqué Zeeba will be replacing Baboli retail group because they are moving to a different
location I their location suit me best and my layout is exactly how it looks. There are two stores
next to it and they are both retail stores which may be bad for business but besides those two the
rest are all food near it. The store on the right is called Bacci’s, the store on the left is called
peloton, I love this little area because it has all the unique stores. They are my competitor but
also, they are beneficial to me because they have my target market except mine is a little for the
minority. They will come to go into that store and see there is a new store open and will
definitely check it out, they may become a customer, they may not but I still benefit from that
because they can suggest to their Muslim or non-binary friends also, and if they bought a dress,
clothing or accessory they will know our quality is very good. The theme of my store will be
white, black, gold and a little bit of light blue and light pink. One very important thing is I need
to have chandeliers in my store that has always been a dream and adds design. It will give the
consumers a very luxurious place, with very interesting things to do. They will also have a lot of
space to take pictures, which has also been a goal, from experience the girls will definitely take a
picture from Instagram and post it with the location tag and if not, someone will ask them which
gives us recognition. In the front of the store there is a display window on the right and left and
an entrance door located in the middle with a red carpet going down to the cash register which
gives our store a royal vibe which I absolutely adore. The left side will have a non-binary
mannequin display and on right it would be dressing for woman. The entrance or just a glance
will definitely interest the outsiders, the mannequins will have different clothing every week.
There will be lots of lights, lots of mirrors. I will also have 5 cameras that will capture the main
areas such as most expensive clothing, cash register, and I will have an overview of the whole
store as long as they are placed correctly.

Interior design
I have a large tablet which is touchable, and you can view the inventory clothes we don’t have in
stores but can order if they like, most will be in stores. They will have a great in store experience
by using technology to change outfits. Everything is organized if your looking for accessories
you will find them in that one section, if you are looking for dresses you will find them right

Music & scent

There will be music that you could change on the tablet and chose whatever you would like, the
large tablet automatically bleeps swearwords. I have made a specific playlist for the store which
be played on shuffle. It will show consumers that they can change the music if they’d like. The
music is mainly hip hop and cheerful music. There will be an air refresher that sprays every hour
or so, other then that there is no significant scent, it doesn’t matter if store has scent or not.

Good lighting is essential because it connects all my plans, if light isn’t good then not enough
pictures will be taken at the store and no free advertisement. The outfits they wear won’t appear
beautifully if lighting isn’t great. It must be white light with a mix of yellow lighting. As I
mentioned there will be lots of mirrors around every mirror there will be yellow lights at the
edges of the long full body mirrors.

There are multiple different items put on sale, and with a different variety so it’s hard to but an
average or an accurate price range. It would really depend on the items. All clothing items start
at $50-100, excluding accessories.

We do direct selling; we don’t have a specific supplier. We would require a wholesaler that buys
from a manufacture which in our case would be shein and outside countries. Our main supplier
would be Shien, Romwe & fashion nova.
Marketing strategy
We have a Boutiqué Zeeba membership, we need the consumers email & phone number, we
send the deals we have going on, we can via-email them our surveys, and if and when they
complete the survey, they gain a 10% off their next purchase.

Direct competitors
Boutiqué Zeeba has 3 direct competitors which are.
The two main stores that are a direct competitor would be Maska & Bacci’s because they
are right next to Boutiqué Zeeba, and both sell good quality for high prices, their target
market is very similar to ours, we are just a little different due to selling hijabs etc. I may
have a lot of competitors, but my store is very unique and diverse, I have never seen a store
carry most of the items I am putting for sale.

Indirect Competitors
Boutiqué Zeeba has multiple indirect competitors due to it being located in Granville, it is a very
populated area. There are lots of restaurants, other clothing stores near it.
Some examples of Boutiqué Zeeba’s indirect competitors would be
Fast food
Restaurants with dine in
Grocery stores
Blue floral maxi dress Cute plain black dress luciously
CA $54.99 CA $58.50 CA
Comes in 6 different sizes, XS, Comes in 6 sizes XXS, S, M, L Comes in 2 colours which are
S, M, L, XL, XXL. We have 3 XL,XXL. 4 different colours which & black. The sizes are
XS, S, M,
colours Light pink, light blue, are black, white, red & beige. This L, XL, XXL. This dress
will look
or beige. You Can wear it out to can be worn anywhere with family, beautiful on
prom, family wedding
the beach, out with Family or friends, dates. Fancy occasions, very elegant.

Elegant red rosed dress Indian cultural Lehenga set Afghan cultural
CA 78.99 CA $289.90 CA $250.00
Comes in all 7 sizes, XXS,XS,S,M Comes in all 7 sizes starting from Comes in all sizes starting from
L,XL,XXL. There are also 8 colours XXS-XXL. There are a variety of 4 XXS-XXL.
Varierty of 5 colours,
That come with this modest dress colours which includes, light pink dark green, dark red,
navy blue
Red, black, white, beige, light pink, dark green, dark red & navy blue. black, & white. Great
for weddings,
Navy blue, teel blue, & light purple. Great for cultural weddings, this family parties, out at a
Great for going out for dinner is mainly for big events with family or relatives.
With family, husband, friends etc.
Blue day out-outfit set Dapper style- full set Partner in
CA $73.50 CA $45.80 CA$ 115.90
Sizes XS-L are available for this All sizes are available for this Both outfits in
stock, full set
outfit. We have 4 colour varaieties item XXS-XXL. We have 6 includes pants,
jacket,shirt &
Navy blue, beige, black, & white. Colour varieties such as boots. Sizes S-
L available. The
This can be worn anywhere outside Light blue, navy blue, light pink fur jacket also comes
in white,
Mall, out with family, friends, etc. white, black & red. This can also pants come in
beige. Could be
Be worn out anywhere, also worn anywhere, to dinner,
special Ocasions such as family event etc.

Jewlery / acessories Evil eye / nazaar necklace

CA $12.99-25.80 CA $18.30 CA
You can customize your necklace This necklace keeps away the evil, We
have have a lot of
Add your name, or an arabic or the people who are envious of you hijabs for
Anything that is meaningful to you. Or if they are jealous. It is a very Since
it is hard to
The rings come in a set of 2, the good item to own, not only it’s find them in
Colours rarely ware off. Pretty, it also has a purpose. Stores.
Layout and Design

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